A Soul in Torment

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A Soul in Torment Page 13

by D. J Marteeny

  “Whatever—now Roman—what of the mission?” Lucifer asked, anxious to hear the man’s reply.

  “Wait just a minute.” Samael said as he came to stand beside Lucifer. “Are you telling me that all your ranting and raving about my use of your missing servants was a ruse—that you knew where the hounds were all along and that they were working for you when they should have been gathering souls for me? This cannot be, brother. I need…”

  “Your needs are no concern of mine, Samael and, yes, I’ve known all along where the beasts were. I—know—all! How many times must I remind you of that little fact? My needs supersede those of everyone else and what I need right now is to find that vampire priest so my lovely consort will get—off—my—back. Is that clear to everyone? Yes? Alright then, let’s get down to business.”

  “You might be able to threaten these pathetic souls…”Samael said indicating the women in the room, “… into doing your bidding, Lucifer, but not me. You have no hold over me and I have a job to do—a job that I take very seriously. The hounds are an intricate part of my work so you can’t have them right now. Find some other demons to do your bitch’s dirty work,” he said as he turned to leave the room.

  Just then a scream pierced the air. Samael turned on his heels just in time to see Ana disappear in a puff of smoke. Eyes burning with fury, the angel turned to face Lucifer. “What have you done with her, you—you…”

  “She’s back in Hell where she belongs. It just takes a snap of the fingers.” Lucifer explained as he snapped his forefinger and thumb together dramatically. “I told you—these are my creations to do with as I please.”

  “I guess you could say Ana’s been demoted.” Lilith smirked as Samael fumed with anger.

  “Damn you, Lucifer!”

  “Been there, done that,” the Dark Lord replied as he pointed a finger at Jezebel. “Now, shall I send away more of your hired help or are you ready to co-operate a little for the common good of us all?” Lucifer asked.

  Samael knew when he was beaten so he backed down but revenge would be his when the time was right. “That’s much better.” Lucifer said. “You know, brother, we could accomplish so much more if we could just work together. Here, let me show you,” and with another snap of his fingers, Lucifer returned Ana to the group once more. “See—here’s your precious Ana…” he said as he wrapped his arm around the woman’s shoulders and gave her a slight squeeze. “…as good as new. Now—shall we continue? Roman, please tell my lovely lady that you found her little toy?”

  Roman bowed to Lilith. “Indeed I have, my lady. He’s in a place called Red Rock but it seems your wayward priest has stumbled into the den of the seed of my old friend, the Wolf Mother.” Von Sternberg’s eyes became feral at the mention of his old nemesis.

  “Wolf Mother—who the hell is the Wolf Mother?” Lilith asked in confusion.

  Lucifer sighed deeply, “Really, my dear, you need to stay abreast of past as well as current affairs. The Wolf Mother was a Mongolian warrior so fierce that her adversaries built the Great Wall as protection against her. My kind of woman,” he mumbled under his breath. “Unfortunately, she worked for the other side. Too bad really, we could have used her kind of ferocity.” Turning back to Roman, he asked, “Is the pack a large one?”

  “Yes my lord but, even though it’s been far too long since I’ve tasted the blood of her bastard children, they are nothing I cannot handle.”

  “I admire your dedication, Roman, but I know this pack. You may be as brutal as they come but you will need help to take them down.”

  “I have already begun recruiting.” Roman told his master. “As a matter of fact, your vampire priest stumbled upon me as I was working.”

  “You saw him? How did he look?” Lilith asked excitedly. “He was a fine specimen if I remember correctly. They’ve not changed him in any way have they?”

  “Really, my love, do you think this dog cares about the lust you feel for this vampire? Do try to keep your desires under control, will you—it’s embarrassing.”Lucifer warned.

  “To answer my lady’s question, he seemed a fine specimen,” the hound replied.

  “Master, if the priest is surrounded by the Wolf Mother’s pack then why not send all three of us to fetch him? Together we need no others to destroy those lowly pups,” said Rasputin.

  “I appreciate the offer, my pet…” Lucifer said as he patted Rasputin on the top of his head. “…but this situation is not the only pot I have simmering on the proverbial burner—and I have need of your services elsewhere. Now—the priest is but one of the souls I need to reclaim from my brother. Michael’s merry little band of do-gooders may have managed to elude me once—but that will not happen again. Although—he did trick me into promising not to harm them so…” Lucifer turned to look directly at Samael. “…this is where you come in, brother—you know, working together for the common good. Oh, come, come now…” Lucifer chided when he saw the look of disgust on Samael’s face. “…the sooner this job is done the sooner you can have the hounds back and continue on with your normal routine. Since Michael tricked that promise out of me, someone else will have to fetch our wayward little group. I’m putting Lilith in charge of the reclamation. All I need from you is to make sure she doesn’t screw things up. We don’t want to arouse our high and mighty Archangel’s suspicions just yet.”

  “What—you want him to spy on me? Why you…”Lilith began to sputter in anger but Lucifer raised his hand and she backed down.

  “I don’t like this arrangement any better than you do, woman.” Samael pointed out, “And I don’t feel comfortable coming between you and Michael,” he told Lucifer. “I have no quarrel with him and if your whore angers him she’s on her own.”

  Lilith shot across the room, her manicured nails transforming into talons as she reached for Samael. Grabbing him by the throat she lifted the angel off the ground pulling him close to her face as she hissed. “I will destroy you for your impertinence, angel. My powers are easily as strong as yours!”

  From Samael’s back wings, black and razor sharp, began to sprout. With no effort at all they began to beat furiously back and forth. Huge gusts of wind snuffed out candles and sent items of all shapes and sizes tumbling around the room. As a large table smashed into the wall, Ana and the others looked desperately for a place to hide from the chaos.

  The force of the wings lifted Samael, as well as his attacker, up off the floor, the sharp, feathery tips slashing into Lilith’s perfect face. Screaming in pain, she released the angel, falling to the floor with a thud as blood oozed from the open wounds.

  “You stupid whore, you cannot best me. I am the Angel of Death and now I will claim your black soul!” Samael swooped down onto the form of the demon woman, his wings ripping and shredding until her human façade, once so perfect—so beautiful, was stripped away to reveal her true nature. Scales replaced porcelain skin, fangs covered in poison, protruded from her lipless mouth. The demon serpent, hissing and spitting, fought back in a desperate attempt to save herself.

  Lucifer watched for awhile, the battle for power—for survival —mesmerizing him. Then, in one fluid movement, he shoved his clenched fist between the embattled figures and a blast of power propelled the crazed combatants apart. Samael was tossed into the air as Lilith slammed into the wall with such force the plaster crumbled to the floor. Then—silence.

  Clap—clap—clap. “That was wonderful. I can see you two will get on just fine together but— as much as I’ve enjoyed the evening’s entertainment —WE—HAVE—WORK—TO DO!” he roared in anger. “You two will learn to work together so we can get that damn priest and his friends. Then we can get out of your life—Samael—and go about our merry way. Am I clear?” Lucifer asked as Samael lowered himself to the ground.


  “Lilith?” Lucifer asked as the she-demon pulled herself up off the
ground. With a wave of her hand her serpentine form became, once again, that of a beautiful woman.

  “Yes, the sooner this is finished, the sooner I can get away from this bastard.”

  “Alright then, now that we’re all on the same page here is the plan. Grigori—you will come with me.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “What—wait a minute, lover; I need all of the hounds.” Lilith protested.

  Lucifer turned his black eyes on the woman standing before him, “What you want and what you will get are two different things. Do I make myself clear, my lovely Lilly?”

  Lilith fought to keep her fear hidden from her lord and master, “Yes,” she replied quietly.

  “Good—now then, where were we. Oh yes, Robert—you will go with Lilith. She has traps to set and people to fetch.”

  “Yes, my lord.” Robert replied, the pleasure of the hunt already glowing in his feral eyes.

  “And Robert, none of those people are to fall victim to your depraved desires. Do I make myself clear—because if I don’t…” Lucifer said as he leaned in to whisper something into Robert’s ear, “… and some unfortunate accident should befall them I will rip your black heart out and eat it for breakfast. Got it?”

  “Yes—yes, my lord.”

  “Good. Samael—see that all of this is accomplished and we’ll be out of your angelic hair in no time.

  “And it won’t be too soon for me.” Samael responded.

  “Oh you know you’ll miss us, brother, but Lilith, I suggest you take up residence somewhere other than here to give Samael some much needed space.”


  “Roman, take your new recruits and get back to where was it—Red Rock. Get me that priest. If you can’t get him on your own then make it known we have his friends. If I know that bleeding heart, he’ll sacrifice himself for them once again.”

  Roman bowed and left the room. Lucifer held his arm out to Lilith. “Come along my dear. I have much I need to do. Samael—we’ll be in touch.” With a wave of his hand, their bodies morphed into a flock of roaches scurrying under the door and into the hallway, the screams of the building’s other patrons echoing down the hallway.

  Chapter 6

  Red eyes glowing, the creature, crouching low to the ground as it inched its way forward, sniffed the air, catching the scent of fresh meat. Senses alert the beast entered the clearing, its large head snapping to the left as a horse neighed in fear inside the large old barn off in the distance. A low growl rumbled in the beast’s throat as it moved towards the barn door that had been left wide open. Saliva dripped from razor sharp teeth as the wolf, or at least what appeared to be a wolf, anticipates the meal to come.

  Stopping before the opening, the beast’s eyes darted from side to side. Realizing it was still alone it moved deep within the darkness of the large structure. Once again a shrill neighing pierced the silence of the night as the stallion boarded inside one of the many stalls sensed the danger coming closer with every step. The magnificent animal stood very still, its beautiful brown eyes large with fright, its nostril flaring in and out.

  Then, from out of the darkness a large form came crashing through the half door of the stall landing near the backside of the great stallion. The horse reared up on its hind legs pawing the air with giant hooves. But, before it could turn to face its attacker the monstrous wolf grabbed the animal by the throat as sharp teeth tore into the soft flesh.

  Screaming in terror, the stallion slammed itself into the side of the stall trying hard to crush the life out of the beast that clung tightly to its back. The crazed wolf ravaged the horse’s flesh as the animal bucked and reared in an attempt to shake off its attacker but it was hopeless. Finally, the screams of the terrified animal came to a halt as the horse fell to its knees, a stream of blood flowing down across its sleek black coat. As it lay lifeless on the ground, shouts could now be heard coming from the farmhouse only a few yards away.

  The head of the wolf jerked away from its feast as is caught the sound of voices directly outside the barn door. “Who’s in there? Come on, you son of a bitch—show yourself!” Suddenly the darkness was ablaze with light as four or five figures entered the barn armed with high powered rifles.

  “There—in the stall! What the fuck is that!” someone shouted and all eyes turned to the scene of carnage spread out before them.

  The large wolf, its brown hair clumped and matted, its body grotesque—distorted—threw back its head and howled, baring long, jagged teeth. Its red eyes showed no sign of fear. Launching itself into the air, it came down onto the ground just a few feet from where the men were staring in horror. Before any of them could even think how to react the beast charged, its massive jaw clamping down around the neck of the man closest to it, its sharp teeth ripping the poor soul’s head from its body with one thrust.

  “Shit! Fire—kill that mother fucker!”

  A dozen shots rang out in unison as everyone fired. The barn was soon filled with smoke and the air reeked of gun powder until finally all fell quiet. The men stared around the room, the same question in all of their eyes. “Did we get it? Is the son of a bitch dead?”

  “Ahhh!” another scream rang out as the wolf, still very much alive but covered in blood from a multitude of wounds, pounced out of the darkness to take down another man. Before anyone could come to his rescue, a lone shot was fired and the monstrous creature was thrown at least three feet into the air as a bullet ripped through its body shattering its chest. Everyone turned towards the man standing in the doorway. Roy Samuelle’s rust colored eyes took in the carnage before him. With a deep sigh he dropped the rifle and moved towards the bloody carcass of the wolf. Placing his foot on the chest of the beast he withdrew a long, machete from inside his coat. Muscles bulging he swung the weapon downward, severing the head of the beast with one thrust.

  The severed head rolled to a stop a few feet away. “Huh?” suddenly a gasp was heard as someone shouted, “Oh my god.” A tall man, his weathered face a mask of anger and shock, stood pointing towards the mutilated carcass. The head of the beast, as well as the body, began to shimmer and pulsate until the wolf disappeared completely. In its place lay the body of the human it had been in life. “Is that—is that Mark?” the man asked. His friend ran to his side. “No—not him, not Mark.” Chaos erupted inside of the barn as everyone shouted question after question in an attempt to figure out what had just happened.

  “Quiet—quiet everyone—can you all please just shut up for one minute!” Roy shouted, his hands held high in the air as he struggled for some semblance of control. When everyone finally calmed down he continued, “Now—to answer your question, Jack, yes it is—or was—Mark—and that bit of knowledge doesn’t leave this room. None of you should be surprised. We all knew there was a good chance he’d end up this way when he disappeared from the emergency room. No-one in his condition should’ve been able to get up and walk outta there. Johnny…” he said to a large man near the back of the crowd. “…take the body out to Red Rock and burn every last piece of it. Be careful you’re not seen. We don’t want anyone else, especially his wife to know what’s happened here tonight. She doesn’t need to remember him like this.”

  “I’ll take care of it, Roy.” Johnny said as he stooped to retrieve the body.

  “I’ll help,” said a man named Luke. Roy nodded in agreement.

  “The rest of you clean up the mess in the stall. Steve, go back to the house and explain to Rebecca that a bear got into the barn and killed the stallion. Jaclyn will see that the horse is replaced. It’s the least we can do for all that she’s lost. Say nothing about Ma—the body. Let her think her husband is still missing. It’s better than the truth.”

  Steve nodded and left the barn.

  Roy turned to the others. “Joe—you wanna tell me just what the hell you were all doing out here tonight?”
  Joe, a man of medium height with shaggy blond hair, looked at Roy and the sadness in his large blue eyes was evident. “We were all close to the family, Roy. Rebecca—well, she’s been having a real rough time since the attack—especially since Jaclyn told her not to stay at the hospital with her husband.”

  “There’s a good reason for that and you know it.” Roy pointed out. “Jaclyn was only trying to protect her from what she felt sure was about to happen. Rebecca is human as well as an outsider to our little community. She doesn’t know anything about werewolves and the last thing she needed to see was her husband turning into one. Hell, we weren’t even sure until now that it would happen but we couldn’t risk her knowing our secret—and not understanding. We thought Mark would have plenty of time to ease her into the way of things around here since he worked for Jaclyn. We couldn’t have been more wrong.”

  “I know, man, but this whole thing’s been hard on her so we all decided to meet here tonight. We were just gonna stay with her for awhile, you know, until—we found him—one way or another. Now that there’s no chance of her husband turning up alive I think you’re right. Let her just keep on believing he’s missing. She’ll stop hoping he’ll come home sooner or later.”

  “Considering the circumstances it’s a good thing you were here or she may have been the next victim.”Roy told them.

  “What—you can’t mean—you don’t think Mark would’ve attacked his own wife?”

  “I’m not sure what he would’ve done but he wasn’t one of us. He was a monster—created by a demon. God only knows what he was capable of. It was obvious the beast that Mark became still held remnants of Mark’s human past. He was on the hunt so he came to the place he knew best—the place he was most comfortable with—his home. It’s my guess that, if he hadn’t been sidetracked by the stallion, he—it—would’ve found a way into the house and—well, need I say more?”


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