A Soul in Torment

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A Soul in Torment Page 14

by D. J Marteeny

“No—I get the picture.”

  “Good—so from now on everyone is armed. And regular bullets won’t work. All of you get back to the Inn. We’re handing out silver ammo as well as knives and other weapons that will be useful against the things we’ll be fighting.”

  “How do we explain what’s goin’ on to the humans in the area who aren’t part of our community? We can’t just forget about them and hope for the best. These things could attack anyone— anywhere.”

  Roy thought about it for awhile before he responded. “I’d like to say that it’s better they’re kept in the dark—that the pack alone will be able to keep them safe now that we’re aware of the threat we’re facing, but that would just be plain arrogant. Take some men—make sure every household has the ammunition. If anyone asks questions just tell them that since this is the second attack Jaclyn wanted the community well armed. She ordered special bullets and leave it at that. They can wonder all they want—at least they’ll be prepared.” Roy took one last look at the carnage in the barn then moved towards the door. Before leaving he stopped to say. “Make sure all the pack members make it to the Inn tonight. There’s a meeting in one hour. Oh, and one more thing— Jim Thompson’s gone missing.”

  “What—what’re you saying.” the men mumbled.

  “I’m saying we’re under attack—stay alert—and stay alive,”and then he was gone.

  * * * * *

  Rick awoke with a start, his vampire senses making him tense—alert. He sniffed the air, his sharp ears trying to pick up anything strange—anything out of the ordinary. Everything seemed to be in order. Then why can’t I shake this feeling that something’s wrong? he wondered. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he stood up, heading for the kitchen. Pulling a fresh bag of blood from the refrigerator he poured himself a tall glass, downing it in seconds. Feeling the surge of power course through his body, he pulled out a second bag and refilled his glass. For some reason he felt he needed an edge tonight. Something big was about to happen—he could feel it in his bones. He needed strength and power and the blood, as much as he hated to admit it, would give him both. After drinking the second glass, he headed to bathroom hoping a hot shower would clear his head.

  Thirty minutes later he was ready. He dressed in a black turtleneck and jeans, two silver tipped daggers hung from a sheath on each of his hips. A shoulder holster for his 45 automatic completed the outfit. Grabbing an extra box of silver bullets Julian had specially made, he threw on a short black leather jacket before walking out the door. After making sure the lock was secured, he walked off the porch and up the long cement sidewalk. As he peered into the night sky he couldn’t help but notice the moon. It was full and bright—and blood red. “That can’t be a good sign,” he said out loud. Shaking his head he turned and broke into a run. In a matter of minutes he was standing before the Lake View Inn, the cars out front and the noise inside telling him the meeting had already started.

  Rick walked up the steps, pausing briefly before the front door. Well, here’s goes nothing, he thought as he turned the knob and stepped inside. The talking stopped, all eyes turning in his direction as he stood just outside the bar area. There were about fifty people in the place. Most of them were men but he spotted a few women seated at the tables or standing around the bar. He could have sworn he heard a few growls as some of them sniffed the air catching his scent. To them he was the enemy. He knew only too well the only thing standing between him and total annihilation was Jaclyn. His black eyes were scanning the room for her when he heard the screech of a chair being pushed back.

  “Over here, Rick.” Jaclyn said and she indicated that he join her. She was seated at a table with three other men. One was Roy, of course.

  “Glad you could make it, vampire.” Roy said in a quiet voice making it hard for Rick to tell if it was anger, dislike or boredom in his voice. Rick finally decided it was probably all three but he really didn’t care. He pulled out the chair next to Jaclyn and apologized to her.

  “Sorry if I’m late. I got here as soon as I could.”

  “No matter, we’re just getting started but there have been a few new developments so let me fill you in.”

  “I can tell by your tone they’re not good ones.”

  “No…” she said and there was great sadness in her voice, “…they’re not. A little while ago I received a phone call that Mark, the man you saw being attacked, had disappeared from the hospital.”

  “Disappeared,” Rick said, unable to hide his surprise. “Then he didn’t die? I thought for sure—from the wounds he’d sustained…”

  “No, he didn’t die—that would have been a blessing. If you remember, he was barely alive when my men found him. We took him to a private wing in the hospital where our doctors made him as comfortable as possible while we waited for him to pass. When that didn’t happen we knew what the outcome would be. We had him locked up securely—or so we thought. When Jack here…” Jaclyn indicated a large man with bulging forearms sitting next to her, “…went to check on him the room had been ransacked and he was gone.”

  “Damn it,” Rick said rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “Do we know where he’s gone? Has anyone picked up his trail?”

  “He’s been found,” Roy answered for Jaclyn. “He was discovered a short time later—in wolf form, if that’s what you want to call those things that demon hound created. He went on a killing spree— at his own home. He killed two of his best friends as well as his prized stallion before we took him down.”

  “No.” Rick whispered, his mind flashing back to a similar attack at the parish house where he’d lived as a priest. His old caretaker, as well as a few of Julian’s men, had been killed, slaughtered by Dragone and his sons and the abominations they’d created. Anger raged inside of him and then he saw the look on Jaclyn’s face. Forgetting his own pain, he said “I’m sorry, Jaclyn. I know he was a friend of yours.”

  “Yes—but that’s not the worst of it. He’s not the only victim. Some of the other locals have gone missing.”

  “Missing? Do you think they’re dead?” Rick asked.

  “That—or worse. All we found when we searched their homes was a trail of blood—no bodies.”

  “Then you think…” but before Rick could finish Roy stepped in.

  “We think that damn thing is recruiting—creating an army. Mark was the first and there are at least ten others at last count.”

  “But why?”Rick asked. “If what you said earlier is true and it’s me they’re after…”

  “Oh it’s definitely you they want. We’ve been living in peace in this area for years and then you show up and suddenly we have a hellhound right on our doorstep. I’d say that’s more than just a coincidence—wouldn’t you, nightwalker?” Roy asked angrily, jumping up from his chair as he charged towards Rick.

  “You want me to leave town, wolf boy, just say the word and I’m out of here!” Rick said, his beast’s anger rising to the surface as he stared the other man down.

  “Alright, calm down…”Jaclyn rose, wedging herself between the two men. “…both of you! No-one’s going anywhere alone, least of all you,” she said to Rick. “You wouldn’t stand a chance against the creatures we’re dealing with—not with your—inexperience.” When Rick started to protest she stopped him. “Listen to me Ferrante, you may think, because of all that’s happened to you, that you’re equipped to deal with these things but I’m telling you you’re not. Besides, you’re not the only one involved in this now. They’ve made it personal by attacking our own. This is now our fight as well so, Roy, back off. ” Roy did as his alpha ordered but it was obvious he wasn’t happy about it.

  Rick watched Roy for a minute then, following his lead, sat back down at the table. Looking at Jaclyn he said, “It doesn’t make any sense, Jaclyn—why create an army if I’m the one they want. If you figured out that I’m inexperienced, as yo
u put it, then I’m sure they have, too. That beast could have taken me out himself the day I came across him in the woods. Why attack locals? Whoever’s in charge had to know it would draw unwanted attention to them?”

  “That’s what I wondered as well then I remembered your description of the beast.” Jaclyn told him. “Do you recall the story I told you when we talked?”

  “The one about the Wolf Mother?”

  “Yes—this creature sounds like the one she fought all those years ago and, if that’s true, then it knows who we are. You may have been the main reason it was sent here initially but, it would’ve realized as soon as it entered my territory that the descendants of the Wolf Mother were here as well. All the beast’s instincts would lead it towards one goal—to pick up the battle where it left off—and finally destroy all of her descendants—and for that it would need an army.”

  Jaclyn stood up and looked around the room. “You all know what we’re up against. The battle must be contained in this area. We cannot let it spread to the outside communities. Some of our scouts have picked up the scent of newborns deep in the woods near Ricketts Glen. Tonight we hunt until they’re found and destroyed.” Then, turning to Rick, she whispered, “Stand please.” Rick stood and felt everyone’s eyes upon him. “This is Rick Ferrante. He is vampire,” she paused for a moment as growls were once again heard throughout the room. Raising a hand for silence, she continued, “Am I not your alpha?”

  “Yes!” the room roared in agreement.

  “Have I ever steered you wrong—or put you in harm’s way intentionally?”


  “Then believe me when I say this vampire is not our enemy and he will fight beside us to destroy those that threaten our way of life. If any member of this pack lifts a finger to harm him I will rip your heart out myself. Have I made myself clear?” The entire room, Roy included, went down on one knee and bared their throats to their alpha as a sign of submission.

  Rick watched in awe at the loyalty and respect this woman commanded and he finally realized why. In the short time that he’d known her it was clear that Jaclyn ruled her pack with compassion, fairness and a gentleness he would never have thought possible of any werewolf. But, make no mistake, she could be fierce, ruthless even, if it meant keeping her pack members alive. The vampire continued to scrutinize her carefully as she continued to issue orders.

  “Good—I want you all in groups of three and four. Stay together and stay alert. We still don’t know exactly how many of them are out there. Rick, you’ll be with Roy and me.”

  “Fine, but how will I be able to tell the difference between your pack and the enemy?” Rick asked.

  Roy snorted in disgust but caught himself at the warning look he received from Jaclyn. “It should be obvious—even to you. You saw one of them. They’re huge—their physique was grotesque and distorted. Anyone turned by such a creature will be as much of an abomination as the original.” Then, turning to face the others in the room, Roy gave the command, “Shift.”

  Rick watched, feeling a little uncomfortable—and wary— as, amid growls and howls, the humans in the room took on the shape of the wolf. They were all different—some grey, some black. There were even a few who, like Roy, were red, brown and tan. But these were not the monsters Rick had come to know in the past year. These creatures were, well—magnificent. They resembled a normal wolf in all but size. These wolves were much larger although not as large as the monsters the hound had created. But it was their eyes that held Rick spellbound because, even in animal form their eyes looked—human.

  “Come with me.” Jaclyn said as she took Rick’s arm and led him to the center of the room. “You are a hunter. You make decisions based largely upon scent. Place your hand on each of my wolves as they’re leaving. This way you will know who they are and there will be no mistaking them for something they are not. We don’t want any— accidents.” She motioned for the animals to approach and, one by one, they came forward.

  As Rick ran his hand through the soft fur of each, he received a mental image of the human within the animal as well as each one’s own unique scent. When the last wolf had gone there was only Roy and Jaclyn left in the Inn with him.

  “I’ve sent the pack as far as Wilkes Barre with the majority of them doubling back to search around Moon Lake itself. I want the three of us to cover a place called the Falls Trail in the park area of Ricketts Glen. It’s was in this vicinity that we had the last report of three tourists going missing. This time of year there are a lot of hikers, making them the perfect targets for our unwanted guests. Tomorrow we’ll let it be known that there’ve been some bear attacks and we can start restricting the areas accessible to tourists. But, for now, we’ll stay hidden among the trees. The hound’s newborns won’t be the only strange creatures roaming the woods tonight. I’ve been able to keep my pack’s existence hidden from the locals for quite some time now. I’m not ready, yet, for that to change.”

  “Yeah we have to be very careful who we reveal ourselves to.”Roy said looking directly at Rick. “Most are cool with it—but we’re not always that lucky. To the humans a werewolf is a werewolf. There’s no difference—no good and bad. To them we’re all monsters.”

  Rick knew only too well what Roy was talking about as he remembered the first time Adrianna had tried to tell him vampires were real. He hadn’t believed her and when he did, there was no way she could convince him that Julian and his coven were the good guys. Well, we’ve come a long way since then, he thought.

  “Come on, we’d better get started. The longer we wait the more time the enemy has to build its army.”Jaclyn said as she headed out into the darkness. The three of them stood in the parking lot in front of the Inn then, with a burst of speed, Jaclyn took off running. She leaped into the air, her body transforming from human to wolf just as she entered the surrounding woods. Roy quickly followed but not before taking a final jab at Rick, “Keep up if you can, vampire,” he yelled as man became wolf and he disappeared from view.

  “No problem, dog.”Rick mumbled under his breath and he was gone in a flash picking up Jaclyn’s scent immediately. The three hunters traveled for some distance until Rick noticed the two wolves had come to a stop under a large wooden sign a few feet ahead of him. The words The Falls Trail, along with a small map, were carved upon the face of it.

  Roy, who’d been sniffing the area directly behind the sign, let out a deep growl before charging down the trail. Jaclyn and Rick quickly followed. They ran for about two miles when Roy stopped suddenly, his long red snout lifted upwards, sniffing the air but Rick didn’t need the wolves to tell him something was near—something dangerous—deadly. Jaclyn’s howling disrupted the quiet of the night as she joined her fellow wolf. An answering howl was heard off in the distance and even Rick could tell it was too far away to be of any help to them. If Jaclyn was calling for aid, it would take the pack some time to get to her.

  Rick stepped up, turning his back to the two wolves to protect them from behind. That was when he caught the scent—foul—rancid—like something long dead. A low growl escaped his lips as he shook his head in an attempt to rid himself of the awful stench. The enemy was close and they were approaching from all sides.

  Suddenly a huge black form flew at them from the trees followed by another—and another—until the three of them were surrounded by no less than eight monstrous creatures, each at least twice the size of Jaclyn and Roy. Without realizing it, Rick crossed himself quickly as his hands flew under his coat to the gun hidden there.

  The beasts circled the trio, pacing back and forth, the image of their prey etched into their brains as they stared at the group with crazed yellow eyes. One large beast, grey in color and covered in blood, took a step backwards before launching itself at Rick. The vampire sidestepped just in time, firing at the beast as it flew past him. The silver bullets struck the beast, shattering its massive sku
ll as it slammed into the ground a few feet away from where Rick stood watching. Two more creatures charged Roy and Jaclyn in an attempt to separate them.

  Rick ran towards his friends as another werewolf charged out of the woods. The beast landed on the vampire’s back but Rick was too quick for the crazed animal. Head bent down, the vampire rolled forward dislodging the beast as its head hit the rocky terrain. Running up to the creature before it could right itself; Rick emptied the revolver into the head of the monster. Seconds later it lay motionless.

  Spinning around, he ejected the empty clip and slammed in another. From the corner of his eye he saw Roy. Although the red wolf was smaller than the monstrous beast he was fighting, Roy was fast. He maneuvered quickly, jumping from side to side, his sharp teeth snapping and tearing as he ripped into the body of the beast. With one final lunge, Roy latched onto the werewolf, clamping down hard on the artery in its neck until his strong jaws severed it completely. The creature roared in pain, a gurgling sound coming from its throat as it fell to the ground. The red wolf continued to rip and tear at the carcass until its pointed ears picked up another sound—Rick screaming a warning. “Roy— behind you!”

  The red wolf turned to see another monstrous creature charging him from behind. As the beast flew at the smaller wolf, Roy attacked from beneath it, his jaws clamping onto the animal’s chest. Rick raised his weapon but before he could fire two more of the hideous beasts leaped out from behind a large boulder to surround him.

  He’d noticed right off that these wolves were different. These two seemed hesitant—unsure of themselves. They’re newborns—changed very recently. But newborns or not they could still do some damage and their inexperience made them more dangerous than most. Holstering the revolver, he shoved his hands on either side of his waist withdrawing the silver daggers. Crouching in a fighting stance he stared the demon wolves down as they began to circle around him.

  One thought kept playing over and over in his mind as he prepared for battle. Where was Jaclyn? He’d seen one of the creatures attack, knocking her to the ground earlier but she’d fought fiercely, making her escape as her golden snout tore into the animal’s throat. She’d finished the beast off before darting into the woods where she was followed by two more of the hellish demons. The sooner he ended this blood bath the sooner he could go to her aid. “Come and get me, you bastards!” he yelled. His taunting seemed to enrage the beasts and they charged at him.


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