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A Soul in Torment

Page 20

by D. J Marteeny

  She blinked, rubbing her eyes to clear them of the jumbled images. “Lord,” she whispered as she ran a hand through her long hair. “What was that—a vision—a dream—what?” I’ve never—I need to get some sleep—now, she thought as she jumped from the car and, grabbing her suitcase from the backseat, locked the vehicle and headed for the Inn.

  What a pretty place, she thought as she stepped onto the varnished deck that led to the front entrance of the building. Walking through the front door she found herself standing at the beginning of a long hallway.

  As she entered the bar area off to the left, she looked around for anyone who could check her in at such a god-forsaken hour. She noticed one man standing behind the long, polished bar, drying glasses with a towel as he cleaned up the night’s debris. He was very good looking, with shoulder length brown hair pulled back into a pony tail. She didn’t think he’d noticed her until he looked directly at her with the most amazing rust colored eyes.

  A spark of recognition flashed through her mind. But that’s impossible, she thought. I’ve never seen this man before in my life. “Weird,” she mumbled under her breath as she walked towards the stranger with only one thought on her mind, I just need to get some sleep.

  “Hello, I’m…”

  “Evangeline Meredeloupe—we’ve been expecting you. My name’s Roy—Roy Samuelle.”

  “How—how do you know who I am?” she asked, her face a mask of confusion—and she couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy.

  “You’re the only one who booked a room for tonight,” he said with a slow smile. “I actually thought you’d be here a little earlier.”

  “Yes, well, I—had a little—car trouble— on the way here,” she said deliberately not making eye contact. No-one would believe her anyway if she told them what really happened.

  “Nothing serious I hope?” he asked, those strange eyes boring into hers.

  He knows something, Eva thought. Maybe-not, just get your room key and go to bed, Eva.

  “Nothing I couldn’t handle,” she told him and she saw his smile widen at her remark.

  “Can I get you some food or something to drink? The kitchen is closed but we have prepared food in the refrigerator. I’d be happy to…”

  “No—thanks. I’d really just like to go to my room and get some rest. It’s been a long day—night—whatever,” she said with a sigh as she ran a hand through her hair.

  “Sure thing, I’ll just get the key for you,” and he walked into a room behind the bar reappearing a few seconds later. As he handed it over to her he said, “Down the hall and through the closed door—yours is the first room to your right. It’s one of two suites. We thought you might like your own bath.”

  “Oh yes—thank you,” she said as she took the key. She headed down the corridor and through the door at the end of the hallway. Stopping before the door to her room for a brief moment, she cast a glance back the way she’d just come. She could see Roy leaning over the end of the bar—and he was still watching her—yet, for some reason, she wasn’t freaked out by it. As a matter of fact she found she didn’t mind at all and, with a shrug of her shoulders, she unlocked the door to room and went thankfully inside.

  Flicking on the light switch, she actually caught her breath at the unexpected sight that met her eyes. She was pleasantly surprised to see a much more luxurious room than she’d ever expected to find in this type of establishment. The Inn was very rustic but this room had a quiet elegance about it with its cream lace curtains flowing gently in the early morning breeze. They contrasted sharply with the chocolate brown walls but blended well with the cream satin bedspread spilling onto the floor from the queen-sized bed. A beautiful lace canopy flowed down on all four sides from the four poster mahogany bed posts. An elegant antique dresser and vanity along with a marble topped writing desk finished off the room. “What a beautiful room,” she said aloud. Must be kept for special guests, she thought and wondered why she’d been placed here.

  She walked around the room and, as she did so, an overwhelming sense of déjà-vu made her almost dizzy. Closing her eyes for a moment she took a deep breath to clear her head when a familiar scent assailed her nostrils. Her eyes sprang open and, as she looked around the room, she noticed some articles sitting on top of the vanity. Moving closer, she examined the pieces of an ivory manicure set along with a similar comb and brush. A few bottles of very expensive perfume were among the other things placed neatly upon the vanity.

  This room has to belong to someone. As the realization hit her she turned to go back out to the bar. She couldn’t stay in a room that so obviously belonged to someone else. But, as she swung the door open, Roy stood there, hand poised, ready to knock. “I—was just coming up to see if there was anything else you might need before I call it a night.”

  “Mr— Samuelle, is it?”

  “Roy, please.”

  “Yes—umm, Roy—I—I can’t stay in this room. It obviously belongs to someone and they might not like…” but before Eva could finish her sentence, Roy cut in.

  The owner isn’t coming back. You’re right, this room was always held for one special person but—she passed away recently. We—decided to keep things the way she’d left them out of respect for her but, if you’re not comfortable, we can remove her personal items.”

  Eva stared at this stranger with wide eyes as she listened to his little story. When he was through she glanced around the room and, for some reason she really couldn’t explain she said, “No, please—leave the room just as it is. I actually feel very comfortable here—almost like I’ve come home after a long journey,” she said then, laughing a little nervously she turned back to him. “I’m sorry, you must think I’m a little weird but honestly I’m just exhausted and I really need to get some sleep. I hope it won’t be a problem if I sleep most of the day since it’s almost dawn now?”

  “It’s not a problem at all. Actually—you’re not the only one who prefers sleeping days around here. Get some rest. I’ll see that no-one bothers you and, for what it’s worth, the former owner would love the fact that you’re in this room. Goodnight Evangeline,” he said as he pulled the door closed behind him.

  What an odd man—good looking but definitely not what I’m used to which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, she decided. She checked to make sure the door as well as the open window was locked. All she wanted to do was sleep and the big, beautiful bed was calling out to her. She didn’t even take the time to shower; she just stripped off her clothes and sank down onto the soft mattress. Within minutes she was sound asleep—until the dream began.

  Chapter 10

  Rick ran onto the porch, bursting through the door of the cabin just as the morning sun broke across the horizon. Slamming it shut behind him he turned, leaning back against the cold hard wood—his breath coming in long, slow gasps. When he regained some semblance of composure he headed for the kitchen and the much needed blood that awaited him. He’d wanted to hunt tonight. With all of the fighting he’d been doing lately he needed fresh blood, but he never got the chance. The entire night was spent fending off those blasted newborns that demon hound had created.

  There must be dozens of them, he thought. He’d taken down at least five on his own tonight. Pulling the door to the refrigerator open wide he grabbed the bagged liquid and drank it down. He drained a second and then a third before he finally started to feel normal again. At this rate he’d have to make another trip to the blood bank—and soon.

  He’d been badly injured this time. The last three wolves had stumbled upon him after an earlier fight. He’d already lost a lot of blood. In his weakened condition they’d almost taken him down—almost. But the memory of Jaclyn’s death—of what those bastards had done to her, had given him renewed strength. He’d destroyed them all and hadn’t encountered anything else on his way back to the cabin—nothing except her.

Who was she—and what was she doing in the woods at that hour of the night? He couldn’t shake the memory of her beauty; her long blond hair falling down past her shoulders, her green eyes blazing their anger at what she thought was the senseless slaughter of innocent animals. She’d found out differently when those demons from Hell morphed back into human form. The look on her face was priceless, he thought with a disgusted laugh. The momentary shock of what she’d just witnessed had given him the opening he’d needed to make his escape but not before he’d noticed something very important—her scent.

  It was everywhere, the onslaught hitting him like a ton of bricks. It was musky—its power assailing his senses—calling his beast forward along with feelings he’d thought long since dead—desire, lust and longing. He’d only felt like this once before—with Adrianna—and then he’d had to keep his feeling tightly under control. It was all his priestly vows would allow.

  But this time he had no such restrictions and the vampire within him relished in the desires flowing through his body. He’d almost gone back for her. And do what, you fool? She just saw you slaughter three werewolves that turned back into humans. She probably would’ve shot you on sight. The memory of what he’d done, of what she’d witnessed, worked as well as a cold shower to distinguish the flames of desire rising within him.

  But that wasn’t all—something else had stopped him. She—had stopped him because there was something about her that was familiar to him. She reminded him of someone he’d known in the past. But that was crazy. I’ve never seen her before tonight and this woman I would’ve remembered. Then, with a sudden shock, a memory entered his mind. No—it can’t be—I need to talk to Roy, he thought but now he’d have to wait until dusk.

  His thoughts traveled back to the encounter in the woods. He’d had to leave quickly but he did stay around long enough to scour the area for more werewolves. He couldn’t very well leave the woman alone and unprotected if more of those things had been in the vicinity but they were all gone—for now—so she was safe enough. Besides she obviously knew how to use a weapon the way she wielded that gun around so he had no qualms about leaving her.

  Coming back to the present Rick headed for the bathroom. Turning on the shower, he stripped off what remained of his tattered clothing. His wounds had already begun to heal. He’d just needed to feed—to allow the blood to course through his body—strengthening—healing. But his clothes, now that was another matter. Guess another shopping trip in is order, too, he thought as he stared at the rag that had once been a shirt. Great, that means another trip back to the trading post. He didn’t know if he could stand the scrutiny of the suspicious owners again.

  With a deep sigh he stepped under the steaming hot water of the shower, the pulsating stream soothed and punished at the same time as it came into contact with his wounds. But he didn’t flinch—he just let the water flow. He bowed his head wiping the water from his eyes as he watched the stream of water flow red with blood down through the drain. He remained motionless for untold minutes staring at nothing until he finally snapped out of it. He washed quickly, rinsed then, shutting the water off, he stepped from the shower.

  He dried quickly, dropping the towel where he stood. Not bothering to dress, he walked into the living room naked, making his rounds in the small cabin to satisfy himself that all of the windows and doors were covered and locked. He smiled ironically. There was a time when he would never have paraded around in the nude, alone or not—but that had all changed. As he stood there, staring off into space, another image appeared in his mind’s eye—the figure of a woman, tall and sleek, long blond hair blowing wildly around her face, brilliant green eyes looking at him with a desire that matched his own. He felt his beast rise, his fangs growing long, extending—stop it! He angrily shook his head to clear the haunting image from his mind. Focus man—there are more important things going on all around you.

  Peeking out through one of the window shades, Rick saw two of Roy’s men take up positions around the cabin. Samuelle made good on his promise to Jaclyn. He’d assigned a couple of men to watch Rick’s place during the daytime hours knowing this was when the vampire was at his weakest. Feeling everything was as secure as it was going to get, Rick headed for the bedroom but not before he made a quick call to the Inn.

  “Is he in?” he asked when Lisa answered the phone.

  “He just left. It’s been a long night,” she told him.

  “That’s an understatement. Okay, just leave him a message for me. I need to talk to him. it’s—important. I’ll be there as soon as I rise—before the others start their nightly rounds.”

  “I’ll let him know.”

  “Thanks, Lisa—goodnight.”


  Closing the phone he went to his room making sure to lock the door behind him. Not that anything would keep those rejects from Hell out if they really wanted in, he thought as he fell onto the bed and was soon in a dead sleep, his last thoughts of a woman with long blond hair and the memory of something familiar. I really need to talk to Roy. I need to…

  * * * * *

  Meanwhile, a short time later, someone else was trying desperately to get some much needed rest but her overtired body couldn’t seem to relax and, when it did, its peaceful slumber would be disrupted by disturbing images. The dream was usually the same, a pack of wolves led by a beautiful animal with sleek golden fur. They patrolled vigilantly, protecting pack and humans alike from some unknown menace. But this time the dream was different. Evangeline tossed and turned, her mind confused by the images it projected. The pack was there along with their leader but this time the golden wolf seemed strange. The animal shimmered and glowed, a bright light spewing forth from its fur covered body until a woman stood where the animal had been.

  She was lovely, in her late forties or possibly early fifties; it really was hard to tell for she hid her age well. She had a petite frame with golden hair and strange golden eyes, eyes that stared ahead in fear at something that approached the pack out of a black swirling mist. She seemed to come to some decision then, turning to whisper a command to her pack, the woman stepped forward to meet the darkness.

  Beads of sweat rolled off Evangeline’s body as she fought to awaken from the nightmare but the images refused to leave her mind—as if they had a story to tell that only she would understand. Off in the distance Eva heard cries of pain and terror. She watched the wolf pack scatter in fear as the black mist began to move, disappearing off in the distance. When it had gone the pack reassembled itself, moving slowly from the cover of the thick woods as they approached a small mound lying on the ground where the mist had been.

  As the pack got closer to the object the wolf in the lead, a beautiful animal with thick red fur began to howl mournfully, a sound soon echoed by the rest of the pack. Evangeline seemed to float out of her own body until she hovered above the pack, as well as the strange mound lying on the ground below her. Suddenly she realized exactly what she was staring at as her horror filled eyes gazed upon a hand, then an arm, then a beautiful face, the golden hair matted and thick with blood and gore.

  It was the woman—the golden wolf—or what was left of her. Her body had been torn to pieces, her gallant heart ripped from her chest by something so savage it had to come from the very bowels of Hell. Eva bit into her fist to stop herself from screaming in rage and despair. She was consumed by a sadness that was overwhelming—a sadness she couldn’t explain. She didn’t know this woman—she wasn’t responsible for this pack. But, as she tried to force her body to awaken, she felt a sharp pain that started in the palm of her hand and travelled upwards. As her mind’s eye looked upon the throbbing appendage Eva was struck speechless with shock for, where once a hand with beautifully manicured nails had been, there was now a paw, long, sharp claws extending forward, covered completely in golden fur. “No—noooo!” she screamed as she tore her mind from the dream, coming fully awake
as she threw herself off of the bed in a panic!

  Roy, once again in his normal position behind the bar after catching a few hours sleep during the daylight hours, turned sharply towards the corridor. His keen hearing had picked up sounds from the room down the hall—whimpering—and shouts of terror. He knew what was happening. He was the only one who could explain the nightmare his guest was having—and why she was having it—but now was not the time. The locals were starting to straggle in. It was Friday night and, as a small band warmed up on the tiny stage, the customers were expecting a night of fun and entertainment and it was his job to see that they got it.

  No matter what had transpired in his personal life, Roy had a business to run. He missed Jaclyn terribly but most of the tourists as well as a few locals’ knew nothing of the nightmare that Roy and his pack were involved in. He was the leader now, at least temporarily. That was something the pack had always understood should anything happen to Jaclyn—or until another came along to claim her birthright. Roy’s eyes flashed quickly to the hallway, his thoughts drawn to Evangeline Meredeloupe. He knew he would have to explain things to her soon and it was a task he wasn’t particularly looking forward to. When the time is right, he thought and with a slight shrug of his shoulders, he began to wipe down the bar.

  That’s when he noticed the note left by Lisa telling him the vampire needed to talk. Hmm, wonder how his night went? He didn’t have long to wait to find out as the object of his thoughts came rushing through the door.

  Rick, dressed again in black jeans and shirt covered by his black leather jacket, stopped to scour the room before striding over to the bar. He walked with purpose which told Roy something was up—something more than what they were already dealing with.

  What now? Roy wondered. They already had a full plate to deal with what with Jaclyn’s death and those bastard wolves tearing up the countryside. “Vampire…” he said as Rick nodded in acknowledgement, “…rough night? You look worse than usual.”


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