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A Soul in Torment

Page 34

by D. J Marteeny

  “Thomas—could you at least try to look interested in what’s happening here?” Kate asked in frustration.

  “Oh, sorry—hon— but whoever designed these chairs obviously had more meat on their ass then I do. And, ya know, it’s not like working for Julian all these years ever trained me for anything like this dog and pony show.” Thomas said, fighting hard to control his own frustration.

  With a deep sigh Kate turned to face the man who, most of the time, was the love of her life. Placing the notebook upon her lap she took Thomas’ hand in hers.

  “Listen Thomas, I know this isn’t really your thing—and I really do appreciate the fact that you wanted to be here with me but…”

  “Kate…”Thomas interrupted, his big green eyes capturing hers “…look, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to spoil all of this…” he said sweeping his hand towards the stage below, “… for you but you’re right—this isn’t my thing.” he said as he struggled to straighten his tie. “Even so— when I heard Addie say she couldn’t make it, well, I couldn’t just let you come alone,” he told her as he reached up and gently stroked her cheek.

  Thomas had almost lost Kate to a vampire attack the year before and the memory of that awful night haunted him to this very day. If it hadn’t been for his boss, Julian Reynolds, the Archangel Michael and the town’s priest, Rick Ferrante, she wouldn’t be alive today. Just the thought of life without Kate sent a chill up and down his spine. So, ever since that fateful day he vowed to spend every spare moment of his time with her—watching—protecting—no matter how uncomfortable of a situation he found himself in.

  He was only too aware of the horrors that roamed this earth. Evil, vile creatures ready to strike at a moment’s notice. If they decided to threaten Kate again he was going to be with her—and heaven help the thing that tried to take her away from him this time even though Kate was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. After the vampire attack—and her cure—they’d discovered that she’d retained some of their supernatural powers—like speed and strength. So Kate really didn’t need anyone’s help but it made Thomas feel better to know he was by her side no matter what.

  Now, as he watched her closely, he could tell something was bothering her—playing on her mind. “Hey—what’s up? Come on, babe, tell me what’s wrong? It’s me—your hero—killer of monsters and all things creepy. Tell Thomas all about it and I’ll make everything better,” he said as he leaned forward to place a quick kiss on her full red lips.

  Kate couldn’t help but smile. Even during those times when she wanted nothing more than to ring his handsome little neck, and they were more often than she cared to admit, he could always make her laugh. “I don’t know, Thomas…” she began, “…I guess I’m just feeling a little—insecure.”

  “Insecure—you? You’re kidding, right?”

  “Ah—no, I’m not kidding. You don’t understand how our, mine and Addie’s, business works. Addie’s the one with the real flare for fashion. She was the one who would know at a glance what would sell in the boutique and what wouldn’t. My job was selling and balancing the books. Oh, I’ve come to New York on my own before but it was usually for a quick trip to pick up something we’d sold out of. I’ve never come to view a whole new line by myself although I did pick out a few items at last year’s show.”

  “See—I knew you could do it. I have all the faith in the world in you, Katie my girl.”

  “If only that were enough. I don’t want to screw this up, Thomas. With Addie—incapacitated—right now, my responsibilities at the shop have doubled and—I just don’t want to let her down.”

  “Kate, Kate, Kate—my beautiful darling, you know as well as I do that you could never let Addie down. She trusted you to come here without her so she obviously has more faith in you then you have in yourself. You’ll see I’m right when you show her what you’ve already picked out.”

  A smile flashed across Kate’s beautiful face. “What would I ever do without you, Thomas Thibideau?”

  Thomas returned her smile, exposing two large dimples as his eyes sparkled. “Hopefully you’ll never have to find out.”From behind them a stern voice interrupted their little exchange.

  “Listen you two, there’s a lobby if you want to carry on a personal discussion. I’m trying to do business here and you’re constant babbling is making that quite impossible.”

  Thomas turned to see a middle aged woman, brown eyes caked with mascara, glaring at them. Her straw-like hair was dyed dark black, falling to her shoulders, a string of pearls strained against the pressure of her swollen neck as she confronted the young couple. She was a large woman; her multicolored outfit billowing out around the chair making it hard to detect where her ample figure stopped and the chair began. In her right ear a Bluetooth suddenly lit up drawing her attention away from the young couple to the invisible caller. “Felicia—darling—where have you been? I…”

  Thomas just shook his head at the rudeness of some people. “Nice talkin’ to you, too, sweetheart.” Then, turning back to Kate, he said, “I think we’ve seen—and heard…” he stressed the word as he glared back at the obese woman, “…enough. It’s time to go.” He nudged Kate softly, motioning with his head to leave. He struggled to rise in the constricted seating space. Even though the encounter with the woman was unpleasant it was just the excuse he needed to put an end to his suffering and leave the show.

  “You’re probably right.” Kate said, “I’ve seen a few designs that I like. I just have to decide which ones will best suit our clients.”

  “And if you need more there will always be another show to suffer through.”

  “Oh Thomas,” Kate said with a laugh as they inched their way out of their seats.

  “Thank god. Maybe now I can get some business done.” The woman remarked as she watched Thomas and Kate maneuver their way down the aisle. “Oh no, not you, Felicia, the heathen sitting in front of me. Such a distraction but—he’s leaving now.”

  “Bitch,” Kate whispered under her breath as they moved forward. With her sensitive hearing she could pick up every word of the woman’s conversation. Thomas wasn’t quite so lucky. He gave Kate a questioning look. “She called you a heathen, the witch.”

  “Really?” As they started up the steps Thomas hesitated, turning back in the direction they’d just come. He smiled at Kate, holding up his index finger to indicate he needed a minute.

  “Thomas…” Kate warned praying that her impetuous boyfriend wasn’t going to cause a scene.

  Thomas smiled as he navigated his way back down the aisle, quickly reaching the woman who was still babbling on the Bluetooth. “I know Felicia and…what…what do you want now?” she asked, clearly irritated when Thomas appeared again beside her.

  He smiled warmly giving her a flirtatious wink. Disarmed by his dimples and his boyish good looks the woman softened towards him a little, leaning forward when Thomas crooked his finger. Placing his lips close to her ear, he whispered, “Sweetie, I hope you’re not shopping for yourself today because even us heathens are pretty sure Mr. Jacobs doesn’t supersize his outfits so—you’re shit out of luck, babe.”

  “Huh?” the woman gasped at his offensive remark, clutching at her ample bosom as she ranted, “Well—well, I never saw such rudeness!”

  “No? Maybe you should look in the mirror sometime.” Thomas replied as he turned to walk back down the aisle with a bounce in his step. Reaching a chuckling Kate, he placed his arm around her waist and led her out the exit door and onto the street.

  “You had me a little worried there, Thibideau.”

  “Who me? I’m the poster boy of tact and decorum,” he said as Kate stared at him with one eyebrow lifted. “Anyway our overly large friend needed a lesson in manners, not that her type will ever learn. Come on, Katie my love, I’m starving—let’s go find something to eat.”

“I don’t have time to eat, Thomas. I need to get back to the hotel and review my notes. Marc Jacobs is Addie’s favorite—so I need to decide what I’m going to purchase from the show before the ones I want are all gone. These people are cutthroat. If you give them an inch…”

  “I know, I know—they’ll take a mile. Kate, honey—you really need to relax a little. I’m sure Addie will love whatever you come home with—if she notices at all.” At Kate’s questioning look he explained, “You know she’s been kinda’ pre-occupied lately so I’m sure she’s not going to complain about anything you decide to buy. It’s me time now so come on and feed me. Look—right down there is Famous Ray’s Pizza. Why don’t we go in and see what’s so famous about Ray’s dough and sauce combos?”

  “I don’t think I want pizza right now, Thomas, but you’re right—I do need to take a break. There’s this great little bistro in midtown. They say that’s where Gaga goes all the time,” she said with a twinkle in her eye. “Maybe she’ll be there and I can get some of her great fashion advice.”

  “Umm, hon, I’m not sure Winwood is ready for raw meat dresses but whatever you think is fine with me.” Thomas said, not wanting to dampen her spirits.

  “Ah, I was teasing, Thomas—but the bistro is where Addie and I usually go when we’re here.”

  “Then the bistro it is. I’ll get us a cab.” Thomas stepped up to the curb, fingers in his mouth as he whistled for a cab. When he got no results he began waving his arms frantically, jumping up and down in an attempt to flag down one of the dozen yellow vehicles speeding right past him.

  Kate couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of Thomas’ actions.

  “What?” he asked her. “The bastards won’t stop. What’s with the people in this town anyway?”

  Kate placed her hands on Thomas shoulders and gently moved him aside. “Here, my love—let me show you how it’s done.” She reached inside her purse and extracted a fifty dollar bill. She then raised her hand, open palmed, with the fifty stuck between her index and middle finger. “Taxi!” she yelled.

  Immediately a yellow cab screeched to a halt in front of her. Kate leaned inside the open window and gave the driver an address then, smiling sweetly at Thomas, she motioned for him to get inside the car. “And that—is how it’s done in the big city,” she said as he held the door open for her.

  Shaking his head he mumbled under his breath, “Yeah and it has nothing to do with you being a hot looking chick.”

  As the cab crawled through the city streets Kate and Thomas were assaulted from all directions by a mixture of exhaust fumes, body order and curry. The traffic was horrendous, making travel very slow. Thomas’ empty stomach rumbled loudly as they inched their way down the street. Deciding their little trip could take a while he studied his surroundings.

  As he stared out the window he saw the face of Daniel Radcliff smiling down at him from a huge billboard. Thomas’ brain registered the fact that something was wrong with Daniel’s look—his signature round glasses and school robes were missing from the advertisement. Reading further down the marquis he realized that the young actor was starring in something other than the story of the tormented boy wizard. “Hey Kate, Daniel Radcliff is in town. He’s doing the musical How to Succeed in Business .That’s right up your alley. Wanna’ catch a show?”

  The Sikh cabbie looked at Thomas through the rear view mirror, “That’s been sold out for weeks. You’ll find no tickets.”

  “Well then—I guess that answers my question.” Thomas said, his eyes wandering next to the inside of the cab. The vehicle was filthy, with stains of unknown origin on the seats and a copy of the New York Times scattered across the floor. The headline on the front page screamed about the “Heart Attack” murders and the latest victim, a decorated police officer named Al Slokavich. The violence is everywhere, Thomas found himself thinking and wished they were back in Winwood. At least there I know what I’m up against.

  Finally the cabbie pulled up in front of the Bistro Lamazou on Third Avenue. The yellow and aqua lettering invited patrons to come in off the bustling sidewalk and sample a rare combination of African and Mediterranean cuisine. Paying the driver, Thomas and Kate exited the cab. They passed through the large glass door, entering the restaurant.

  A pert young girl greeted the couple with a toothy smile. “Good afternoon, what name is your reservation under, please?”

  “Oh Thomas, I forgot we needed a reservation for this place. Addie usually took care of those things.” Kate told him.

  Thomas stepped cockily forward and pulled a twenty dollar bill from his pocket, slapping the money down upon the hostess’ desk. He winked at Kate, “Let’s see if your technique works in here.” Smiling at the hostess he leaned forward stating, “Listen, my girlfriend’s had a very stressful morning. It’s fashion week—if you know what I mean. Perhaps this…” he said glancing down at the twenty, “…will help you find us a table.”

  The young woman furrowed her brow, scowling as she pushed the twenty back in Thomas’ direction. “I’m sorry, sir. I told you we simply don’t have any tables available.”

  “I’m sorry, Thomas—I forgot about the reservation thing. Let’s just go…” Kate began but Thomas’ temper was on the rise.

  “No way—this is where you want to eat so here is where we stay.” Turning back to the hostess Thomas said, “Look, you can’t tell me a place of this size…” but before he could finish his tirade the front door swished open and an extraordinarily beautiful woman entered the building.

  Ignoring Thomas, the hostess practically tripped over herself to accommodate the newcomer. “Oh Ms. Lilith, it’s wonderful to see you again. How can I help you today?”

  The woman’s full red lips spread into a wide smile. “Good afternoon Jazelle, is Lou’s corner table available?”

  “I’ll check Ms. Lilith but I’m sure we can accommodate you even if it isn’t. I’ll just be a moment.” As the hostess turned to leave, Thomas approached the podium, his eyes never leaving the newcomer. Almost against his will he found himself staring at the tight red dress that outlined every curve, leaving nothing to a man’s imagination. Then, coming to his senses, Thomas glared at the woman for a split second before turning his angry gaze upon the hostess once again. Straining to maintain some semblance of civility he said, “Hold on a minute—I thought you said there were no tables available?”

  “Is there a problem here, Jazelle?” Lilith asked, her voice a mask of concern. “Can I be of some assistance?”

  “Nothing we can’t handle, mam—it seems that this couple didn’t make a reservation and I was trying to explain to the gentleman that we have no open tables.”

  Lilith turned to the obviously distressed man standing beside her. Sizing him up immediately, the demon picked up on two things. The young man was totally in love with his pretty fiancé but, and this was the thing that interested Lilith the most, that didn’t prevent him from being extremely affected by the she-devil’s raw sexuality so she played it for all it was worth. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” Lilith purred as her long manicured nails stroked Thomas’ arm, “I didn’t mean to cut in front of you but I thought you were waiting for the rest of your party.”

  “Yeah, well we—ah, we…” Thomas stuttered, unable to pull his gaze away from the striking woman until Kate interrupted him.

  “You know what, Thomas—we don’t have to eat here—really. Come on, let’s just go.” Kate said as she grabbed his arm and gently tried to lead him away from the desk—and the other woman. She didn’t know if it was the trace of vampire still inside of her or what the reason but Kate was sure there was something not quite right about the beautiful blond standing there ogling her boyfriend. “We’ll just eat somewhere else. One place is as good as another,” she said, tugging harder on Thomas’ arm. She managed to lead him towards the door just as Lilith stepped forward to block her path.
br />   “Oh we both know that’s not true.” Lilith purred. “Look—maybe I can help you two.”

  Oh I bet you’d just love that, Kate thought. “That’s okay, really—we’re just going to leave now.” Kate said as she dragged Thomas’ away.

  “Oh come on now, don’t be so anti social. Are you both from out of town?” Lilith asked.

  “Yeah.”Thomas responded ignoring Kate’s warning look.

  “Oh Jazelle…”Lilith simpered, “…we can’t let this lovely couple leave the city without trying your famous grilled calamari and arugula. I’d consider it a personal favor if you would try and accommodate them.”

  “Really—that’s not necessary…” Kate protested, almost desperate to escape now, “…I’ve eaten here before on other trips so my boyfriend and I aren’t missing a thing.” She made certain to emphasize the word boyfriend as she glowered at the Lilith.

  The demon smiled demurely at Kate, realizing she’d hit a nerve in flirting with Thomas. Lilith always did pride herself on her powers of seduction and the fact that no mortal man could resist her ample charms but there were more important things at stake right now. She needed these two to carry out her plan—both of them—so she didn’t want to antagonize the young woman. She needed to find some common ground where she and the redhead could connect.

  “So—are you in the fashion industry?”

  “Ah—yes.” Kate replied hesitantly.


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