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A Soul in Torment

Page 52

by D. J Marteeny

  “I’ll go with you. I need to feed as well,” she replied.

  “No, Eva, I’d rather go alone—for now, anyway.” He wasn’t quite ready for her to see his true nature just yet. He realized that he’d had to feed on her during the battle but the circumstances then were beyond his control. If there’d been another way for him to gain the power he needed to heal then he would never have taken her blood. Their relationship was still in the early stages and he wanted to play the human—at least for a little while longer— when he was with her.

  Besides, he still refused to kill the animals he hunted which was the difference between the Loupe Garou and the vampire. Eva needed to consume fresh meat to regain strength and power and, although she refused to take a life needlessly, animal or otherwise, killing for food was the wolf’s way.

  “Your mother always kept a freezer stocked with meat. Go—take a hot shower and make yourself something to eat and I should be back by the time you’ve finished.”

  “Alright—but don’t be gone too long. I’m not sure I really believe this nightmare is over even though Michael took care of Lilith and the hounds. You know—when you told me about the events of last year and the things that this angel was capable of well—I was a little skeptical. But after seeing him, and your friends, in action I’ve become a true believer.” Rick just smiled at her comment.

  You know, Rick, you have some loyal friends who care a lot about you. You’re going to have to go back to Winwood.

  “I’ve already said…”

  Eva held up her hand to stop his protesting, “I know what you told the angel, Rick, but I could sense your hesitation—feel the doubt rising up inside of you. You’re afraid to go back for a number of reasons but this is something you can’t put off any longer. Thomas and Christoff were hurt pretty badly. You have to make sure they’re alright,” she said as she stepped closer. She stood on tip toe and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. “Also—and I hope I don’t regret ever saying this—you do need to talk to Adrianna. She needs to hear it from you—see it in your eyes—that you’re well and happy. It’s the only way we’ll be able to move forward with our relationship. So—if you feel you have to stay in Winwood for a while…”

  “Evangeline—stop right there. Yes, I do need to see Addie and, I’m happy to say, I finally want to see her. For a while there I didn’t think that would ever happen —what with Julian human now and me being a vampire. And I have to tell you something, Eva—I still love Addie. I always will.”

  “Rick, I understand. You don’t…”

  “Shh, Eva—let me finish. Addie will always be a good friend and an important part of my life. But I know now that I was never really in love with her and I didn’t realize that…” he said as he pulled Eva close against him, “…until I met you.”

  His mouth came down hard on hers, the passion within him all consuming. His tongue entwined with hers as they clung together, their emotions spiraling out of control. He couldn’t get enough—the taste of her—the scent—was driving him beyond control. As the passion within him burned—higher—hotter— so did the hunger. He could feel his fangs extending as he rained kisses along her jaw-line, down the soft column of her neck until his lips lay against the artery throbbing wildly on the side of her throat.

  It took all of his will power not to bite down, not to taste— drink her blood that already flowed in his veins. With a cry, he pushed her away from him. “Ahhh, Eva—you’re driving me crazy! I’m too weak—I need to feed.”

  She laughed —a shaky, breathless sound filled with the passion of the moment. “Go—hunt—but hurry back. We have things to finish—and plans to make. When you return to Winwood I need to go back to New York.”

  “New York—I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

  “I have to, Rick. I have loose ends to tie up and the danger there is gone—for now.”


  “Shhh…” she whispered, placing a finger against his lips, “… you don’t have to worry about me. I still have people there I can count on if need be and I promise I’ll return quickly. I want to return—this is my home now and you and the pack are my family.”

  “Alright, Eva, if you insist and you can take all the time you need because I’m coming with you. We’ll go to New York and then Winwood—together. Now—you need to go inside and after I’ve hunted I’ll join you—and we’ll pick this up where we left off,” he told her, his eyes filled with passion as he stepped away from her.

  As he ran towards the woods she called after him, “I’ll be waiting—don’t take too long.”

  * * * * *

  It took another two days for Evangeline to fill Roy in on all that had happened. She found out that Roy had sent some of his best fighters to Winwood, after she’d left, to help secure Julian’s home. She said she would bring them back with her when she returned with Rick. She told him, and the rest of the pack, that she would stay in Red Rock. She promised to do her best to follow in Jaclyn’s footsteps as Wolf Mother to the Loupe Garou. And their first point of business—training. The kind of evil they were dealing with made it imperative that they be diligent, alert and always at the top of their game. Evil never rests—and Lucifer would have his revenge—of this she was certain.

  That night she and Rick made the short drive back to New York where Eva informed Inspector Wells that she was resigning. He was angry and upset but nothing he could say would change her mind. He wanted to know if Shaniqua was quitting as well.

  “That’s for her to decide. I’m sure you’ll be hearing from her soon.” Eva had told him.

  By the next evening, after making arrangements with a friend to oversee the loading of the moving van, she and Rick had all of her belongings packed and ready to ship back to the cabin in Red Rock. Supernatural strength and speed sure did come in handy when you had to move in a hurry.

  “All that’s left for us to do is go to Winwood,” she said as she watched Rick tape up the last box of her things. “Are you ready?” she asked as she came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  Turning around in her arms, he pulled her close against him, placing a light kiss on the top of her head. “If you’re with me I’m ready for anything but…” he said with a sigh. She tilted her head back to look into his eyes. He kissed her gently on the mouth before continuing, “…I have to tell you, Eva—I’m a little nervous. It’s been over a year since I’ve actually spoken to Addie. We’ve both been through so much during that time I—Lord, I don’t even know where to begin our conversation. There was a time when Addie was the one person I could talk to about anything but—so much has changed since then.”

  Eva hugged him tightly, “She’s still your friend, Rick. You know as well as I do that nothing that’s happened in the past year will have changed that. Trust me when I tell you that, as a woman who loves you, she needs to know that you’re okay. She’ll never truly be at peace until you assure her of this. So—if you’re ready, let’s get going. Barring any unforeseen circumstances we should get there around ten o’clock. I’ve already called Shaniqua so they know we’re coming.”

  “What would I do without you?” he said with a smile.

  “Hopefully you’ll never have to find out. Come on,” she said as she grabbed his hand and led him out the door.

  * * * * *

  Eva hadn’t been far off. Around ten thirty that night her black Camaro pulled to a stop in front of Julian’s mansion. As they climbed out of the car they were met by Julian and Shaniqua who swept Eva up in a giant bear hug.

  “Lordy, girl you’re a sight for sore eyes. I thought I’d never see you again. Let me see—let me look at you.” Shaniqua said as she stepped back, her big brown eyes taking in every inch of her friend. “You’re sure you’re not hurt? You’re not hiding some god awful injury that you don’t want me to know about?”

“No Shani—I’m fine.” Eva said with a laugh, “My kind heal quickly,” she said as she stepped away from her friend and reached for Rick’s hand, “Shani, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” She pulled Rick close, wrapping her arm around his waist. “This—is Rick Ferrante. Rick, this is my best friend, Shaniqua Taylor.”

  Shaniqua stared at the tall man standing before her. “The vampire?” she asked a little hesitantly.

  “Yes…” he replied cautiously, “…I hope that’s not a problem for you.”

  “Oh, honey I’ve just spent a very interesting week smack in the middle of a vampire coven so—no, it’s not a problem. Well, you sure are a handsome one,” she said with a smile as she took in the dark hair, long but neatly combed. He was dressed again in his signature black shirt and jeans both of which suited him well. “But then I’d expect nothing less for my girl here. It’s great to finally meet you,” she told him.

  “The pleasure’s all mine, Shaniqua.”Rick said.

  “Ooooh, this one’s a real charmer, Eva girl.”

  Evangeline laughed as she threw her arm around Shaniqua’s shoulder, steering her friend back towards the house. “I’m well aware of all of Rick’s charms but right now he has something important to do so we’ll catch up with him later,” she told Shaniqua as she leaned in to kiss the vampire on the cheek. “Good luck,” she whispered. As she did she heard a surprised squeal coming from the front porch.

  “Auntie Eva—Auntie Eva.” Shaniqua’s youngest daughter, Mercy Lynn, came running down the steps to throw herself into Eva’s arms.

  “Mercy—what a nice surprise. How did you get here?” Eva said casting Shaniqua a questioning look.

  “Ah, well—Samuel thought it would be best if I brought the kids here and Adrianna was kind enough to agree.”

  “Samuel thought, huh? Well, I can see we have a lot to talk about.” Eva laughed as she led the small group through the portico and up the porch steps. She knew Rick wanted to talk to Julian so she was maneuvering to give them some privacy.

  As the women disappeared from view, Julian turned to Rick, “I know what you said, Rick but—well, we weren’t sure you’d be coming back.”

  “I told you I would and I meant it. It’s time, Julian—and I needed to see—everyone. Christoff and Thomas?”

  “Christoff is, well, Christoff. Michael was right. All he needed was some ancient blood to heal the wound in his side. Sonya and I took care of that. I may not be vampire but my blood is strong. The only thing he seems to be having a hard time with is the fact that the wound caused by the crucifix is going to be a weak spot for him—permanently. Christoff doesn’t deal well with weakness.”

  Rick had to laugh at that but he sobered quickly, “And Thomas?”

  “Thomas is another matter entirely. His back was broken. He’s paralyzed from the waist down. He’s very depressed—and very bitter. Even Kate has her hands full.”

  “It’s all my fault.” Rick said as guilt flooded through him. “Lilith used everyone she could to get to me and now Thomas will have to pay for it his entire life.”

  “You’re wrong, Rick and you can’t shoulder the blame for the destruction and misery those soulless bastards caused. If they hadn’t gone after you they would’ve found some other reason to wreak havoc on this world of ours. Their evil will always plague us in some way. Your years as a priest should tell you that and, since we’re on the subject, there’s something I’ve wanted to say to you for a long time now. No—please…”Julian said when Rick tried to interrupt him, “…let me finish. I’ve never had the chance to tell you how sorry I am about my part in your—transformation.”


  Julian raised his hand to stop Rick again, “I have to get this out, Rick, so please—let me talk. I’ve watched you sacrifice yourself—face your fear of the unknown and ultimately die for the people you love and I just wanted the chance to tell that I’ve never admired anyone so much in my long life. Please forgive me for dragging you into my nightmare and please know that if I could undo it all and give you your life back, I would do it without a moment’s hesitation.”

  “I know that, Julian, and believe me when I tell you that— it’s alright. It took me a while but, after all that’s happened—and a few very intense conversations with a very special woman—I can honestly say that I’ve come to terms with what I am. I’m content, Julian. This may not be the life I had planned for myself but it’s a life I can live. I’ve found new purpose and besides—you and I both know that to fight the kind of evil we know is out there you have to be superhuman. And I’m happy—thanks to Eva.” Rick said with a smile.

  “I gathered as much when I saw you two together and I’m glad. But— there’s someone waiting for you that needs to hear that, too. She’s inside so— I’m going to take a little stroll—make sure everything is secure. I know the worst seems to be over but I think it’s wise that none of us let down our guard if we can help it.”

  “I think you’re right. See you later?”

  “Later.” Julian replied and he disappeared into the night.

  Rick sensed her before he actually saw her. Turning towards the house, he could just make out Adrianna’s petite figure standing beneath the portico. As he moved closer, his eyes caught a slight movement behind her—just inside the front door. When he looked up he saw Eva standing there. She gave him a quick smile and a nod then she too disappeared from view.

  Adrianna watched her friend closely as he walked towards her. She studied the features she knew so well—or used to. She noticed every movement—like the way he clenched and unclenched his fists when he was nervous as he was now. He was still the Rick she remembered but with a slight difference. He was a bit heavier, more muscular actually, with an air of strength and confidence she’d never noticed before.

  His hair was longer than he usually wore it but the tousled look suited him well. Yes, this was still the Rick she knew and loved and had missed terribly for the past year and before she knew what was happening she was running into his arms.

  He caught her, clasping her tightly against him as she crashed into him, kissing her hair gently as she sobbed quietly against his shoulder.

  “It’s alright, Addie,” he told her as he stroked her hair, “…everything is finally alright.” He let her cry for a few minutes, releasing the fear and worry she’d held inside for so long. When her body stopped trembling, he eased her away from him so he could look into her eyes.

  “You’ve made a mess of your face, Addie,” he said with a smile as he brushed away a tear with his thumb.

  “Oh god, I must look awful,” she said as she tried to dry her eyes.

  “That you could never do.”

  She looked into the deep brown eyes she remembered so well. Reaching up, she stroked his cheek. “I was so worried, Rick. You can’t even begin to imagine the horrible things running through my head when we didn’t hear from you. Not a word—not a phone call—not even a message sent to us through a friend—nothing.”

  “It was better that way, Addie. Believe me—the state I was in at that time—there was no way I’d ever want you to see me like that.”

  “Did you think it would matter to me what you did—what you looked like? It was because of me—of our friendship—that you were dragged into this nightmare. It was my responsibility to help you get through it all. But, instead, you were out there, alone, with only Simon for company. We’re your family, Rick—Kate and I. We should have been there for you.”

  “Adrianna Avani, don’t you think I know that you and Kate—and a few others I’ve come to find out—would do anything for me. But think about it—I was a priest—loved and respected by most of the people in the town I grew up in. If I’d come back here with all of you after Elephanta—well, let’s just say it would never have worked out. Besides—everyone thought I was dead and
it was better that way. Take my word for it, Addie; I was an animal back then—full of bitterness and anger. I had to be trained—eased into my new world—and Simon…” he said. He felt an overwhelming sadness when he thought of the loss of the friend who’d helped through his transition. “…did his job well. He brought some semblance of my humanity back to me and for that I’ll always be grateful. And —I had to accept what I’d become before I could face you. You have to understand, Addie. Julian and I had switched places. He was human and I was the monster—and he had you. You have no idea how hard that was for me to accept.”

  “I’m sorry, Rick. I…”

  “Shh—there’s no need for apologies, Addie. Everything happened for a reason. I know that now. Everything that’s happened to us has convinced me of one thing. I’ve always known there was evil in the world—but in an abstract way. The horrors we’ve had to face in the past year have made those evils a reality and what I’ve become—being a vampire—enables me to fight that evil in a way I never would’ve been able to do otherwise. I still have faith, honey, despite—or maybe because of—what I’ve been through. Evil is never ending. It lives on forever. But as long as there’s good in the world to counter-act it we stand a chance of surviving intact. We may have won the battle but, trust me; the war isn’t over—not with Lucifer in charge. It should be obvious to all of us that we have to get down and dirty to fight the kind of horrors that bastard sent up against us. At least now, I’m not limited by human weakness. Fear and guilt won’t stop me from doing what I have to do to protect the ones I love. And I’m happy, Addie, well as happy as I can be and a large part of that is because of someone very special.”



  “Hmm…”she mumbled as she hugged him again. Pulling away from him she turned, wrapping her arm around his waist as she led him up the stairs and onto the porch. “I’ve only met her briefly…”she told him, “…but I like her—I do!” she said, more insistent when she saw the twinkle in his eye as he smiled down at her. “And now that you’re back we can spend some time together and I can really get to know her.”


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