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Demon Seer (Ember's Flames Book 1)

Page 15

by Sadie Waters

  “Not bad now. We got into a hell of a cat fight last night, though. Had to run for cover.”

  “Nice to see you, too, Vince.” The Flyer stood and hugged her. He wasn’t quite as old as Dan at the moment, but he’d also worked with Pippa for years. She was down a Blender at the moment because she’d lost Martin about a year ago and hadn’t replaced him yet. As far as Ember knew, she’d just been going without, which might’ve been part of the reason they got in trouble the night before.

  “Where’s Pippa?” she asked, sitting down next to Carson who took her hand.

  “She’s in the den, chatting with Ryan and Jake--and that new fellow of yours,” Dan explained.

  “He’s not my new fellow,” she clarified, and Carson squeezed her fingers. “Zach.”

  “Right. Is it true? Is he a Seer?”

  “Yeah, somehow, it seems he is,” she replied with a shrug.

  “Amazing.” Vince shook his head. “I wonder where the rest of them are. I’d love to see our old friend, Barnett.”

  “Oh, and Fredrico. There are so many we’re missing.” Dan looked misty eyed as he remembered the Seers he hadn’t heard from in centuries.

  “It would be so nice to have them all back,” Vince agreed. “Has he always been Zach or is that a new name?”

  “He doesn’t know. He can’t remember anything,” Ember admitted. “That’s why we weren’t sure what he was for a while.”

  “Really?” Dan questioned. “Then how do you know?”

  “It’s a long story. But I’m certain he is one not only because of what he’s told me but also because Lil wants him more than anything,” she explained. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she stood to answer it. “Will you excuse me?” It was Dr. Ford.

  The gentlemen said of course, and they went back to their previous discussion as she stepped outside into Abigail’s beautiful back garden to take the call. “Hey, Sylas. What’s going on?”

  “Well, I’ve been to your apartment, and you’re right. There’s definitely been someone tampering with your magic. I was able to remove all the bad energy and restore the situation to the way it was before, but the fact that there was someone here in your absence is alarming. Do you have any idea who it might’ve been?”

  “Yeah, I have a few.” She really didn’t want to tell him who she suspected since he was also an Ink, but she knew he wouldn’t stop pressing until she told him. “My best guess is either Lane or one of his teammates.”

  “Lane? Why would he do that?”

  “I don’t know, but he paid a visit to my prisoner the other night, so I wouldn’t put it past him. If it was a demon, we’d know, wouldn’t we? Their magic feels different. This wasn’t pure evil, just dark.”

  “That is a good point,” he replied. “I’ll set up some cameras to see if we can catch them in the act if they come back. But.... what do you have that Lane might be looking for?”

  “The obvious answer is Zach. But he could’ve taken him already if that’s what he was after. And… he wouldn't be in any of our locked weapons chests.”

  “Do you have a weapon Lane would want?”

  “I probably have several. But again… I don’t have any weapons that he hasn’t already had the opportunity to take right out of my hands if he wanted them.”

  “Unless he thought he couldn’t overpower you, and it would be easier to take them while you’re not home.”

  “True. But since when does Lane think anyone is stronger than him?”

  That got a laugh from Dr. Ford. “While that is true, I would think he’d be cautious when dealing with a Xana of your strength, Ember. Perhaps we’re not asking the right questions. Maybe it’s not that all of a sudden you have something he wants as much as you have something he wants all of a sudden.”

  Puzzled, Ember asked, “What do you mean?”

  “I mean… maybe it’s something you’ve had all along that he felt he had no need for--until now.”

  Her forehead wrinkled as she considered what that might be. “I have no idea.”

  “Me neither. I’ll put a tail on him, see if we can figure it out that way. Talk it over with Ryan and the others. See if Zach can pick up on anything. If you’ve got something Lane wants, he’ll come back and try again. Or if the reason he didn’t find it was because you have it with you, then he’ll likely come after you. And remember, Holy Ground can't stop him.”

  “Good point. Thanks, Doc.”

  “Certainly. And remember, Em, friendship is one thing, but a loyalty to one’s leader trumps all other relationships.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” She hung up, knowing exactly what he was talking about. Ruby--for the first time in centuries, Ember felt as if she couldn’t trust one of her best friends, not because she didn’t want to but because Ruby wouldn’t have enough power to override what Lane told her to do, and she wouldn’t take the chance of losing her team, not unless there was another team that needed her. A Xana like Ruby on her own wouldn’t stand a chance once the demons heard about it, and that was a Scale’s worst fear, being hunted and picked off by the lions like a wounded gazelle.

  As much as she hated it, the circle of people Ember could trust seemed to be shrinking by the minute.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  “Everything all right, dear?”

  Abigail’s voice cut through Ember’s deep thoughts, and she turned to see her adoptive mother sitting on a bench on the other side of a large rose bush. Spinning on her heel, Ember sauntered over and sat down next to her. “That was Sylas. He thinks it was either Lane or one of his teammates in our apartment last night.”

  She didn’t seem surprised; she only nodded. Perhaps she’d spoken to Ryan or Jake about the situation earlier. Or Carson. But probably not. He was less likely to confide in Abigail or anyone because Carson didn’t trust anyone--except for his teammates. “What did Dr. Ford think he was after?”

  “He didn’t know. Something that can suddenly benefit him.”

  “But not the Seer. He could’ve had him easily enough.”

  “Unless he didn’t realize he might need Zach until after the ease of getting him decreased.”

  Abigail shrugged. “I doubt that’s it. He went in when he knew Zach was with you on a hunt, didn’t he? Wouldn’t it have been easier to get to him while you were in the field.”

  “Good point. So he must’ve been after something he knows I keep in the apartment. It looked like he was after one of our weapons. But I don’t know why he’d suddenly want one of them.”

  “Any ideas which ones? What do you have that he doesn’t?”

  Ember hadn’t had much of a chance to think that through. “Most everything we have is a dime a dozen. Stakes dipped in Holy Water, blessed ammunition, a few throwing stars that are enchanted, but he has some of those as well. We have spears from the ancients, a few knives… The only things I have that he couldn’t easily get somewhere else are the Athena’s Amulet and the Sword of Truth.”

  “Doesn’t the amulet give a Seer an ability beyond what one usually has, the ability to see further distances and better discern good and evil?”

  “It does. But it doesn’t belong to me, so I didn’t give it to Zach. I’m only holding it for Gia until she comes back.”

  Abigail nodded. “If Lane is trying to steal it, he won’t care who it belongs to. But why would he want it if he doesn’t want Zach?”

  “He wouldn’t. It only works for Seers. Unless he’s found another one.”

  “Is that a possibility?”

  “I don’t think so. I mean… sure, it’s possible. But I think we would’ve heard something from someone else that Lane was at least guarding someone, a human perhaps. No, I don’t think it could be that.”

  “Maybe he wanted the amulet first and then the Seer when he has a better chance to get him.”

  Ember nodded. “That is possible. Sylas warned me not to trust anyone--including Ruby--until we sort this all out.”

  “So… maybe it is the amulet. O
r it could be the sword.”

  “Why would he suddenly come after that, though? He’s known I’ve had it for centuries.”

  “He might’ve forgotten. Perhaps the fact that you’ve been having run-ins with Lil again made him remember that you have it, and he wants it for himself. He knows you don’t carry it unless you think you’re going to battle her. You would never use the power on anyone of lesser strength.”

  “No, I wouldn’t. I have to save it for her. It’s likely the only way I’ll ever bring her down.” Ember ran her hands through her hair. “I almost had her. When she was chasing Zach, I was so close to getting her with it. But I was almost out of power, and she disappeared before I could pin her.”

  Abigail rubbed her back. “I’m sorry, dear. Her days are numbered. I know you will get her soon.”

  “Maybe. Zach keeps reminding me of my failures, though. All these centuries of chasing the same bitch, and she’s been responsible for my deaths more time than I can count. Not even once have I gotten close to killing her.”

  “He’s young and doesn’t understand the balance of power yet, dear.”

  “I know.” She still wished she knew who Zach had been before. Why had he come back, but not his memory? He was a puzzle wrapped in an enigma.

  “You like him, don’t you?”

  “Zach?” Ember knew that’s who she had to be talking about, so the fact that she was clarifying was a waste of breath. “I mean, he’s a nice guy. I like him.”

  Abigail raised an eyebrow. “Ember… perhaps I know you better than you know yourself. I am your mother after all.”

  They both chuckled. “This time. I’ve been your mother plenty of times, Abs.”

  “True, true. I think there’s more there than just a fondness for the boy. I think he’s growing on you.”

  She shrugged. “I’m definitely more of a fan now than I was when we first met, but if you’re asking if there could ever be anything romantic between us, the answer is a hard no. Zach’s cute in a preppy, barista boy sort of a way. But he’s not of the same caliber as my current teammates. Besides… I don’t need a Seer for any of those purposes.”

  “I know that, dear. But I think you see him a little differently than what you’re willing to mention.” She held up her hands and then dropped them. “No matter. I was just thinking… I hope you can find a way to keep him on your team. I think he’s a good fit with the four of you, except for Carson, perhaps, but he never likes anyone until he’s known them for a few centuries.”

  Ember giggled at the truth. “I would love to have a Seer again, but I’m not sure Zach makes a good fit with us. Besides, he really just wants to go back to his old life before all of this. I would love it if he could learn to protect himself long enough to make it back to that world.”

  “What have you done to train him?”

  “Train him?” Ember scoffed and flipped her hair over her shoulder. “When would I have had time to do that?”

  “Make time, Ember. You’re here now. It’s peaceful and quiet. Train him how to use his powers properly, how to protect himself. Worry less. Strengthen your position. You know how this goes.”

  Abigail was right. If she could turn Zach into a true Seer, a true Ink warrior, then she wouldn’t need to freak out every time he got in harm’s way. “All right. I will.”

  “Good.” Abigail patted her on the back. “And I wouldn’t rule out things moving in a different direction either. Just because you don’t see it now doesn’t mean it can’t be so.”

  Narrowing her eyes, Ember asked, “Did he tell you to say that to me?”

  She laughed. “No, in fact, when I mentioned you in the same light, he was elusive. Isn’t it something when we let our pride blind us to what’s right in front of our face, even when it’s in our best interest?” Abigail got up and walked away before Ember could answer her question, but as she left, Ember realized it wasn’t Zach she was talking about with that last comment--it was her.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Zach didn’t know how long he’d been asleep but the sound of Ember’s boots reverberating off of the floor had him jerking upright. She sounded like she was pissed off about something, if her cadence was any indication--and it usually was.

  He’d fallen asleep in a library he’d found a few hours ago. He hadn’t meant to, but it was so secluded and quiet there, he’d tipped his head back and the next thing he knew, he was making up for all of the hours of sleep he’d missed out on the night before.

  Until Miss Angry Boots woke him up.

  “Hi,” she said, standing a few feet away from him with her hands on her narrow waist. “Here you are.”

  “Here I am. Have you been looking long?” He wiped his eyes and stifled a yawn.

  Ember shrugged. Perhaps she wasn’t angry--maybe only slightly annoyed that he hadn’t been as easy to find as she’d hoped. “A while. I’d like for you to come outside with me for a few minutes, if you don’t mind.”

  Zach raised an eyebrow. “And if I do?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Why would you?”

  With a shrug, he said, “I don’t know. But you haven’t told me what you want, so why would I?”

  Ember folded her arms. “Are you afraid of me? Do you think I’m going to hurt you, Zachary?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe.”

  She scoffed and snorted, which would’ve been a turn off when some women did it, but not when it was Ember. “Come on.”

  “Why don’t you tell me what we’re doing?”

  “Why don’t you trust me?”

  “Why would I trust you?”

  “When have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?” Ember offered her hand, and Zach looked at it for a moment before he answered.

  “Most of the time.”

  She sighed in frustration and tossed her blonde locks in front of her face before pushing them aside. “If I tell you what I want, you’ll say no.”

  “Then, don’t tell me what you want, and I’ll still say no.”

  “But it’s for your own good.”

  Whether she was flirting with him for some reason, or she was just being annoying, Zach was enjoying the banter and wasn’t ready to give in. “Make me why dontcha?”

  “You know I can.” She raised her hand like she was going to zap him. Once again, Zach stared at it for a second, knowing she wouldn’t actually hurt him--would she? When Ember flipped her hand so that she was offering it to him to help him up, against his better judgment, he let her pull him to standing.

  She tugged hard enough on his arm that he came flying forward, lost his balance and had to steady himself with his other hand on her arm. Ember’s perfect pink lips were dangerously close to him at the moment, and when her pearl teeth pinched down on that full bottom lip, Zach felt a stirring below his belt he hadn’t in a while. Thoughts of the sounds she was making the night before, with Jake, came to mind. Last night, he’d laid in bed listening to her make all sorts of noises he secretly wished he could evoke from her. Now, standing so close to her, breathing her in, watching that little twitch in her mouth and the shift in her eyes, he stared at her, wondering what she would do if he leaned in and bit her lip himself.

  Ember must’ve sensed his consternation because she let go of his hand and took a step back. “I want to teach you how to defend yourself so if we aren’t around, you’ll be safe.”

  That wasn’t what he was expecting to hear at all. “Oh. You think I’m even capable of that?”

  “After seeing your sense of balance, I’m going to have to say no.” His mouth dropped open, and she winked and then giggled. “Of course you are. Come on.”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “You can get killed by demons?” She started pedaling backward toward the door.

  He followed slowly. “Something tells me… I’m about to get killed by an angel.”

  That got another laugh out of her. “I’m definitely not an angel. But I promise I won’t kill you.”

  “Am I
going to wish I was dead when this is over?”

  Ember shrugged, turned around so she was facing away from him, and then looked over her shoulder as she said, “Maybe.”

  Blowing out a hot breath, Zach followed her, feeling like he didn’t have a choice. At least it wasn’t that bastard Carson who would be training him. Zach knew he’d die for sure if that was the case.

  The air was crisp out here in the mountains, the grass a vibrant green, and the floral scents from the garden filled his lungs as Ember took her leather jacket off and tossed it across a bench before walking out into an open space away from the house. Unsure of whether or not he should take his hoodie off, Zach stood there for a moment with his hands in his pockets.

  “Okay. Have you ever taken any sort of boxing classes? Martial arts? Wrestling?”

  “Nope, nope, and nope. My mom used to do some of those Tae Bo workouts with Billy Blanks, but I mostly ate popcorn and watched.”

  “Great.” Ember shook her head. “All right--let’s see what we have to work with. I promise I won’t hurt you unless you do something stupid.”

  “And what would that be exactly?”

  “I don’t know. Stepping into a kick instead of away from it. Pressing your face into my fist.”

  “Awesome. Can we get one of the guys out here with some ice? You know I’m going to need it.”

  Ember giggled but then dropped into a stance that let him know she was serious. “All right. We’re going to start with jabs and blocks because that’s the most basic way to defend yourself. I’m going to throw some punches at your face, and you’re going to block and deflect.” She demonstrated for him what she expected as she spoke.

  “Block and deflect? Sure… no problem.”

  It was clear she was being gentle as Ember threw three consecutive, slow punches and allowed him to block her. “Don’t just put your arm up, though, push mine away and down.”


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