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Captivated By The Cougar (Seneca Falls Shifters Book 2)

Page 6

by Rayna Tyler

  The woman was wicked when it came to retaliation, a master when it came to payback. So far, her brothers were the only ones she’d traded pranks with, but I had a feeling I’d earned a place on her radar and things were about to change. Berkley rarely used a frontal attack, preferring to work from behind the scenes. And whatever she planned usually had a direct relationship to what she considered to be the crime. The thought of her going after my balls, and not in a good way, had crossed my mind a few times already.

  Since I’d left her sitting on the kitchen counter, Berkley had done her best to keep her distance. Not only was she avoiding me, but she’d purposely stayed away from the kitchen and hadn’t made anyone breakfast for the past two days. Listening to her brothers grumble and attempt to cook for themselves wasn’t a pretty sight, nor was seeing the accusatory glare Nick shot me every time he left empty-handed to return to Mandy.

  The other issue circling through my thoughts concerned Maris. I’d never given Berkley any reason to be jealous, never even looked at another female since I’d met her. Why would I? Berkley was my mate, the woman I’d waited my whole life for. In order to get past all her defenses, to claim her, I needed to figure out why she’d built a protective wall around her heart and kept me at a distance.

  Mentioning Maris had clearly upset Berkley, and I was determined to find out why. So far, after doing a little research, I’d discovered that Maris was an old roommate from Berkley’s college days. Though, after meeting the woman, I wouldn’t say they’d been close friends. They were very different, and after spending two minutes with the pretentious and self-centered female, my cat was clawing at me to put some distance between us.

  Maris’s cousin, Sherri, seemed nice enough and might have the answers I needed. She was also quiet and timid, and I was afraid I’d scare her into leaving if I started asking her personal questions.

  Having a naturally suspicious nature made me good at my job. My instinctive alarms were ringing. I didn’t think Maris’s visit was a coincidence. I think she knew Berkley was one of the resort’s owners and had her own agenda for being here. Until I figured out what was motivating her to drive Berkley crazy with her complaints and insults, I planned to stay close to my mate. Or at least as close as she’d allow me considering the fact that she was currently avoiding me.

  I glanced at the time on my computer, noticed it was nearing lunchtime, and decided now might be a good time to check on the females and grab a quick bite to eat.

  When I approached the doorway, I saw Mandy and Nina sitting at the table looking through albums. The bindings on the nearby stack were covered with silk fabric and lace.

  “Ladies,” I said as I entered the kitchen.

  Mandy cast a quick glance in my direction. “Hey, Pres,” she said, then turned the page she and Nina were perusing.

  Berkley was standing next to the counter preparing sandwiches. Seeing her smile reminded me of the kiss we’d shared, the warmth of her smooth skin, and how responsive she’d been to my touch. I was instantly hard and needed a distraction. “What are you all doing?”

  “We’re trying to find a wedding dress for Mandy,” Nina added, then pointed at something on the page. “Oooh, I like this one.”

  Berkley walked across the room and slid the door open when Bear whimpered and scratched on the glass. Once the dog scampered outside to do his business, she shut the door and gazed in my direction. “I was making us lunch. Did you want a sandwich?”

  My earlier concern about retribution was confirmed when her smile turned wickedly mischievous. “Sure,” I answered warily, then headed for the refrigerator to get a soda.

  As soon as my hand touched the handle, Berkley asked, “While you’re in there, would you mind getting the white container out of the crisper drawer for me?” Her voice was more pleasant than usual, almost to the point of being sweeter than maple syrup. Every defensive nerve in my body was on alert. Her tone even had my cat nervously prancing, his fur standing rigid along his back.

  Something in Berkley’s behavior had drawn Mandy’s attention, because she stopped searching for a gown and was watching her friend with great interest. Fuck, this is not good. I shot Mandy a questioning look only to have it reciprocated with an I-have-no-clue kind of shrug.

  Was Berkley trying to screw with my mind, keeping me on the defensive until I finally let down my guard before she attacked? I could feel a thin layer of sweat form on the hand gripping the bar of white plastic. What could she possibly do with a refrigerator to get even with me? Numerous thoughts raced through my mind, none of them helpful.

  Pretending I hadn’t heard Berkley’s request wasn’t an option. I couldn’t tell her no without appearing rude to the other females, nor did I want her to challenge me by making a production of me refusing the help her.

  “Anything for you, sweetness,” I said and did the only thing a male in my position could do in this situation. I tugged the refrigerator door open.

  To my relief, nothing happened. No exploding items, no hidden bodies, nothing out of place. I released the breath I was holding, then glanced over my shoulder at Berkley. She was smirking, no longer paying any attention to me, and setting slices of homemade bread on the four plates she’d lined up on the counter.

  Too bad we weren’t alone; otherwise, I’d bend her over my knee and spank her ass for toying with me. After grabbing a can of soda and placing it on the counter, I opened the drawer and reached for the only white container sitting between a small bag of onions and some other vegetables. I heard a loud snap seconds before I felt a sting on the side of my finger and saw a small, flat, rectangular piece of wood flip into the air. It banged against an upper shelf, then dropped back into the plastic drawer.

  “Son of a…” My growl echoed through the room, startling everyone except Berkley who’d covered her mouth, no doubt hiding an amused grin.

  My body was blocking the inside of the refrigerator, preventing Mandy and Nina from getting a clear view of what happened. “Preston, what’s wrong?” Nina worriedly asked. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Nothing to worry about.” I pulled the household mouse trap out of the drawer for closer inspection. Berkley, the sneaky minx, had taped a toy mouse stuffed with catnip to the trap. I hadn’t been able to smell the catnip because she’d used the onions to cover up the scent. At least my balls were still intact, and I couldn’t help but admire her ingenuity.

  I found it hard to be angry at Berkley. “Nice.” I shook my head and tore the mouse off the trap, then tossed it across the room. It missed the counter and bounced on the floor several times before landing close to Mandy’s chair. Her high-pitched shrill hurt my ears. I didn’t think it was possible for her eyes to get so wide or for her to move so quickly from sitting to standing on her seat.

  “How did a mouse get in the refrigerator?” Mandy screeched, frantically glancing around the room as if expecting us to be overrun by a horde of furry creatures.

  Berkley giggled, snatched the toy off the floor, and dangled it in front of her. “It’s not real. It’s a toy.”

  Mandy remained standing on the seat and slapped her hands on her hips. “Seriously, Berkley.” The glare she leveled at her friend emphasized her non-amused state.

  Nina didn’t appear fazed by what had happened when she glanced from Mandy to Berkley, then to me. “Preston, when did you get a cat?” She didn’t know I was a cougar shifter, and the innocent, naive way she’d asked the question had me on the verge of laughing.

  “I don’t,” I groaned, ready to strangle Berkley. It didn’t help that her laughter filled the room and she was gripping the counter to keep from doubling over.

  “Oh, I get it.” Nina smiled, understanding flickering in her gaze. “That was a prank, wasn’t it?” She furrowed her brows and wagged her index finger at me. “Oooh, what did you do?”

  Mandy glared at Berkley and me, made an indignant snort, then slowly climbed off her chair. “You two are not funny.”


>   I’d forgotten about Mandy’s fear of mice until she was standing on the chair glaring at me. I knew I should feel bad, but it was hard to wrestle with guilt when I couldn’t stop laughing. The kind of laugh I hadn’t experienced in a long time. The kind of laugh that left my side aching so badly, I had to hold on to the counter or end up on the floor.

  As a teen, Reese had been the original trickster. All my talents, everything I’d learned, had come from years of getting even with my older brother. Though he didn’t purposely irritate me like he used to, we still played the occasional prank on each other. Pranks that now included Nick.

  When Nick first arrived at the resort, I’d been concerned about his antisocial attitude. I’d spent a lot of time trying to convince him of the importance of family and how to have fun. He turned out to be an excellent learner, and though I’d never tell him to his face, I was proud of his inventive skills and sometimes childlike behavior.

  After Mandy climbed down off the chair, I glanced at Preston and smiled. Cat shifters were every bit as, if not more, dominant and predatory as any wolf. Comparing him to a domestic cat was a clear shot at his ego, one he’d taken in stride and gaining him some bonus points. He’d also accepted my little gift a lot better than I’d expected. Other than his surprised outburst, he hadn’t gotten angry, had surprisingly been good humored about it.

  When I’d first decided to rig the trap and mouse, I’d planned to leave it in his bed, my way of letting him know I’d been pissed about the way he’d left me painfully aroused. I was afraid my plan might backfire, that he’d end up getting the darned trap caught on his cock.

  I wanted a little payback but would never intentionally do anything to hurt him. And, since I wasn’t prepared to kiss it and make it feel better, I decided to spare his manhood and come up with a better plan.

  “Mind if I keep this?” Preston tugged the furry toy out of my hand.

  I’d been so caught up in my thoughts, I hadn’t noticed him walk up behind me. I was confused by the gesture and asked, “Are you sure you want to?”

  He leaned in close so Mandy and Nina wouldn’t be able to hear him. “The first gift from my…” He let the unspoken word “mate” hang between us. “Of course, I want to keep it.”


  My mixed emotions over Preston’s behavior hadn’t diminished any during lunch. The meal passed quickly, with me being preoccupied and only hearing parts of the conversations going on around me. I was seeing a different side to Preston, a side I wanted to know better, and it was scaring the hell out of me.

  Just because we were mates and our animal sides shared an inseparable bond didn’t mean our human sides automatically accepted the connection without question. What happened if I took a chance and ended up being betrayed again? I was strong, tough, and could deal with a lot of things. But I wasn’t totally convinced that trusting another male, even if he was my fated match, would prevent me from having my heart shattered again.

  Preston surprised me even more by offering to help clean up so Mandy and Nina could get back to searching for the perfect gown. During the entire time, he didn’t miss an opportunity to brush against me with his body—warm caresses on my arm, my hip, my waist. By the time we’d finished putting the food away and doing the dishes, I was an aroused, frustrated mess.


  The whole retribution-for-leaving-me-hanging thing hadn’t gone as I’d planned. To make matters worse, he grabbed another soda and settled comfortably into his chair at the table rather than returning to his office.

  Preston’s intoxicating scent was everywhere. My senses were on overload, and I didn’t know how much more I could take. My wolf wasn’t helping the situation either. She was drooling, panting, whimpering. She couldn’t care less about finding a gown for Mandy and was annoyingly insistent that we drag Preston from the room and claim him already.

  It infuriated me even more to know Preston was aware of my aroused state. The desire in the glances he gave me when Mandy and Nina weren’t looking confirmed it. “Don’t you need to get back to work, as in be somewhere else?” I asked, not bothering to be subtle.

  “Sweetness, I am working.” Preston leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head, then stretched his long legs and crossed them at the ankles. “Guarding your gorgeous body is a full-time job.”

  I’d wondered how long it would take for his cockiness to make an appearance again. Apparently, a little over an hour was his limit. “I am quite capable of taking care of my body all by myself…thank you.”

  He quirked a challenging brow, gave me a slow, seductive perusal, then grinned. “Are you sure?”

  I didn’t miss his hidden sexual innuendo and groaned. It was too bad there wasn’t anything sitting on the counter I could use for throwing; otherwise, I’d use his arrogant feline head for target practice.

  Nina covered her mouth, but not before I heard her giggle. Mandy was laughing, not bothering to hide her amused grin or the way she was watching us intently. The great thing about my friend was her charitable nature. She’d already forgiven me for the mouse episode and was currently succumbing to Preston’s charms.

  I was going to have to be more careful about what I said and did around Mandy. She knew too much about shifters, was extremely perceptive, and I was afraid it wouldn’t take her long to piece together my connection to Preston. She already thought Preston was a great guy, something she’d mentioned more than once. The last thing I needed was for her to discover my secret, then decide she wanted to help with the matchmaking.

  After Mandy and Nick mated, she’d constantly bugged me to start dating and launch myself into a decent relationship. If she thought I was interested in Preston, she’d use everything in her arsenal to bring us together. An arsenal that included both of my brothers. My siblings were protective of me, Reese being the more overbearing of the two. I wasn’t sure how he’d take finding out his best friend was my mate or that I’d kept it a secret and refused to acknowledge or claim him.

  “You’ll have to blame Nick.” Mandy had finally gained her composure. “You know how overprotective he’s been since… Anyway, he asked Preston to hang around until he got back from Hanford.”

  I didn’t voice my opinion, but I was sure Preston could hang around in his office where it would be harder for him to taunt me. I also didn’t want to say anything to upset Mandy. She rarely talked about the kidnapping, and even though we all knew Desmond Bishop might still be a threat, none of us liked to bring up the subject around her. Nick had come close to losing his mate, and I couldn’t fault him for wanting to make sure she remained safe. If someone tried to hurt Preston or any member of my family, I’d have my wolf shred them to pieces.

  When had Preston made it onto the list of people I was willing to protect with my life? I pushed away the thought before it had a chance to take me down the path of evaluating how much I’d grown to care about him.

  Nina opened one of the albums and slid it across the table toward Mandy. “You’re still planning to get married in the spring, right?” She could always be counted on to diplomatically change a topic when warranted.

  Mandy’s gaze immediately went to the page filled with beautiful gowns. “Yeah, but we haven’t been able to decide on where to have the ceremony yet.”

  Preston leaned forward and placed his elbows on the table. “I’m assuming you don’t want anything big or fancy, correct?”

  I’d had several discussions with Mandy about keeping the size of the wedding small. Nick wouldn’t be able to handle being around a lot of people and Mandy wasn’t interested in anything extravagant.

  “Correct.” Mandy gave Preston her full attention.

  “When my sister got married, she purchased a wedding package and stayed at a resort similar to this one,” Preston said.

  “You have a sister?” The words were out before I realized this was the first time Preston had shared any information about his family.

  “Parents too.” He grinned. “How do y
ou think I got here?”

  Smart-ass. “Oh, I don’t know.” I took a seat in the corner chair next to him. “I assumed your smugness crawled out from under a rock.”

  He chuckled. “I prefer calling it a den, and you’re welcome to see mine anytime.” His intense gaze riveted on mine.

  Nina and Mandy might not have picked up on the underlying reference to being his mate, but I did. Damn him and that sexy Southern drawl. He hadn’t even touched me and I had to clamp my knees together to stop the slow-burning ache that was building between my legs.

  Mandy clearing her throat reminded me it was time to change our discussion to a safer subject. I pulled myself out of the staring match I was having with Preston and tapped my fingernails on the table. “This package thing you mentioned sounds interesting. Can you tell me more about it, like what was included?” I was always searching for new ways to market the resort and had to admit the idea had merit.

  If Mandy was impressed with utilizing the lodge for her wedding, then maybe offering wedding packages to other couples might be worth researching.

  “I don’t know all the details, but I do remember the place had a small chapel and its own photographer.” Preston shrugged. “I could contact my sister and get the information if you want the particulars.”

  “Of course, she does,” Mandy enthusiastically answered for me, then smiled. “And stop frowning. I can hear those little marketing gears of yours grinding from over here.”

  I hated that she was right. I didn’t know why I hadn’t thought about using weddings as a marketing tool before now. Maybe it had something to do with my resistance to having a personal relationship. Now that the idea was rooting in my mind, I planned to pursue it. Seneca Falls, with its beautiful waterfalls and natural hot spring pools, was a tourist attraction. The resort property bordered the falls, making it a great place to vacation.


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