Hero Unmasked: 3 (Heroes of Saturn)

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Hero Unmasked: 3 (Heroes of Saturn) Page 7

by Anna Alexander

  “So.” She licked her lips. “When is the sheriff expecting you back? Hopefully you’ll get the chance to rest.”

  “I’ve been instructed to not show my face for a while. Besides, I don’t think there will be a soul outside now that the sun is setting. It will be too foolish. My time is my own, for now.”


  She turned away to prevent him from seeing the delighted grin stretching her lips from ear to ear.

  Crap, he probably sensed the zing of excitement that shot through her. Relax. Relax. Relax. Do not think about Cam and you. Alone. In a blizzard.

  Hysterical laughter tickled her throat, threatening her attempt at appearing blasé.

  “What’s so funny?”

  Damn. This empathy thing was maddening. “Nothing.”

  “Tell me. Your humor feels like bubbles against my skin. What is it?”

  “It was nothing, really. Just a silly cliché.”

  “I don’t not know this word, cliché. What does it mean?”

  “Well, it’s a phrase or idea that has been overused so when it’s spoken, everyone can finish your sentence for you.”

  He leaned forward in his chair and rubbed his hands together. “Now I am curious. What was this cliché?”

  “It was stupid.” As she talked she felt her cheeks burn as if she set them directly on the hot hearth. “Just. You know. Here we are. A girl and a boy.” Boy. She mentally snorted. Ha! “Trapped in a storm. Whatever shall we do?” she finished in a singsong voice.

  “Hmm.” He stroked his chin. “I know I’d like to have sex with you.”

  The poker dropped from her hand and bounced as it hit the carpet with the same boy-oy-oying sound that echoed inside her skull. White dots floated in her vision and from a distance she barely heard his sharp command.

  “Breathe, Fiona. Breathe.”

  Like a goldfish flopping next to its bowl, she sucked in a mouthful of air and warbled out a weak, “What?”

  “I am certain you heard me.”

  “But—uh. Why?”

  He rose to his feet and stalked toward her with slow, lazy steps. “Ah, Fiona. I heard you were a woman who liked a man who was direct. I thought it was because you are a person who likes to get right to the point, but now I realize it’s because you don’t believe what is right before your eyes.”

  “And what is that?”

  The flames in his eyes glowed brighter than the candles surrounding them. The pads of his thumbs ghosted across her lower lip as he cupped her face. “A man who wants you so desperately, I swear I can already taste the salt of your skin on my tongue.”

  Yeaaahhh. That’s so hot.

  His lips settled on hers in a kiss that was as a far cry from the hastiness of the night before. He supped on her mouth as if she were a fine brandy, savoring her flavor. He cradled her in his arms as if he had all the time in the world and intended to enjoy her for every one of those seconds.

  She let out a surprised gasp as her back met the wall, so lost was she in his kiss she didn’t realize they had moved. Before her next breath, her shirt was up and over her head and her cotton-covered breasts were cupped in his hands. Chills raced down her arms as he peppered the exposed tops with biting kisses. Between the fireplace and his heated touch, a fine layer of sweat began to bead on her skin.

  He buried his face in her cleavage and inhaled deep. “Jesu, you are so soft. Like a marshmallow.”

  The sentiment was sweet, but not exactly sexy. She pulled in her stomach and held her breath, fighting to regain the confidence she had only a moment before.

  “The fire of your desire has dimmed.” He pulled away and brushed the loose strands of her hair off her cheeks. “What are you thinking in that pretty head? The truth.”

  “I,” she croaked then cleared her throat. “I want you to find me perfect.”

  “Silly girl.” He kissed her cheek. “You are perfect. No, wait.”

  A sharp tug ripped the front of her bra open, the shredded fabric fell to the floor without a further thought. He pulled the band from her hair and fanned the tresses over her trembling breasts.

  “Now you’re perfect.” He twisted a straining peak with his fingers. “You have no idea how long I’ve dreamt about seeing you this way. Naked and wanting me. Eager for my touch.”

  “Really?” He had? “How long?”

  He laughed. “Since the moment I saw you.”

  Whatever thought she was about to have next was obliterated when his lips sealed over hers and the tug at her nipple strengthened. The sequin-like roughness of his tunic scraped her other sensitive peak and made her thighs clench as an ache formed between her legs. She ground against the hard length of his thigh, uncaring if the gyrations said, I’m a slut, take me now.

  Cam stepped back, his chest heaving. “Now I’m the one who needs to remember to breathe.”

  He uncoiled the belt around his waist and pulled the tunic over his head. To her surprise, the cowl was attached to another half-shirt that stretched across his shoulders and formed the sleeves encasing his arms. The wide expanse of his heavily muscled chest was left gloriously bare. Soft brown hair ran down his belly and disappeared into black pants that molded to his legs, emphasizing the weighty bulge that strained the fabric and made her hands itch to wrap around his hot cock and squeeze.

  “That’s my konkattie. Later, I promise you can do all the things I can feel in your gaze, but first I need a taste of your nectar.”

  Did he say what she thought he said?

  He dropped to his knees and tugged her jeans and panties down her legs in one pull. He nudged her thighs apart and touched the tip of his tongue to the top of her slit.

  “Whoa!” She jerked back as far as the wall behind her allowed and grasped the sides of his face. “No, you don’t have to.”

  “Don’t have to what?”

  “You know. This.” Oh God, could her face flame any hotter with embarrassment? “You know. You don’t have to do something you don’t want because you think it might make me happy.”

  If she could see his eyebrows, she was certain they had jumped to his hairline. “You don’t like having oral sex performed on you?”

  Geez, she always thought she was mature when it came to sex, but Cam made her feel like a doddering virgin. “I do, but men don’t.”

  He snorted. “This man does. Believe me, this is for my pleasure as much as it is yours. I’ll have to do a proper job of convincing you. Part your legs for me. I know you’re wet. Let me see.”

  Ah, no way. She was not the spread my legs, see what I got type of girl. Lights off, covers up to the chin, have sex by braille was more her style.

  Of course, in the dark she wouldn’t be able to see the glaze of unadulterated lust blazing in his eyes as he urged her thighs farther apart and ran the edge of his thumb along her slick folds, or watch with bated breath as he licked his lips before placing an open-mouthed kiss directly onto her clitoris.

  Her knees buckled, but he was there to catch her, hooking her leg over his shoulder to feast on her pussy at his leisure. With nowhere to place her hands, they fell onto his head, her fingers digging into the smooth fabric of his cowl. Under the hood his hair was thick in her grasp.

  The notion that he actually had hair on his head made her want to giggle, but then his teeth nipped at her swollen bud and the chuckle turned into a moan. Her fingers clenched and unclenched against his scalp as she struggled with the decision to pull him away or yank him closer to grind against his mouth. The ache gathering in her core was unbearable. Or at least she thought it was until he sank three fingers into her sheath.

  “Motherfucker!” The expletive burst out in a very unladylike fashion as her body bent double. “Cam. It’s too much.”

  “There can never be too much pleasure. I can do this for hours. Jesu, you taste so good.” He started a suction-lick-suction rhythm that brought tears to her eyes. The vibrations of his moans traveled from clit to nipples and added to the frenzy of electricity t
hat blinded her to everything but Cam and his touch.

  Okay. She believed him. Cam didn’t like oral sex. He loved it. He devoured her as if she were a pie in a contest and the winner received an explosive orgasm.

  Her climax was close, so close she felt the flames of the supernova lapping at her conscience. One. More. Second.

  “Not yet.” Cam lowered her leg and stood.

  “What?” she panted. “No. Don’t stop. Please, oh, please.”

  “I’m not stopping. Just pausing.” His amused chuckle set her teeth on edge.

  “If you leave me like this I will hate you forever.”

  “Well, we can’t have that now, can we?” He reached for the bag on his belt and pulled out a roll of condoms. “Trust me, I have no intention of stopping.”

  “Thank you, Lord,” she mumbled. Praise be to the man who comes prepared.

  The foil wrapper fluttered to the floor and he loosened the drawstring of his pants, unleashing the heavy length of his cock.

  And there went the last of her strength. The two partners that consisted of her list of previous lovers wouldn’t have been considered small in the penis department by any means, but in no way did they measure up to Cam. It was ridiculous to call a man’s cock beautiful, but Cam’s was. Marble statue-Norse god stuff of legends.

  Of course, that could be the hormones talking. At this point she was so horny, she didn’t care what size he was, as long as he plowed it inside her. Now.

  “You undo me, konkattie.” He rolled the condom over the twitching shaft. “With only your gaze on me I could come.”

  “Bedroom is that way,” she said, however she lacked the coordination to point, or even gesture in the right direction.

  “Too far.” He scooped her up and hooked both legs over his strong forearms. “This will do.”

  Her mouth fell open with each inch he pressed inside her. Man, and she thought his fingers were thick. The burn was sweet and delicious. Like dipping her finger into too-hot caramel. The slide as he pulled back out was just as maddening as her sheath tightened, unwilling to let him go. Before she could catch her breath, he punched his hips forward, sending him deep into her core then pulled back to lunge again. She buried her face against his neck and bit back a shout, hanging on for dear life as he set the pace of the wildest ride she’d ever been on.

  The wall at her back shook as he thrust fast and deep, the pictures of Edinburgh Castle and the Piazza di Scala on either side of her head swung on their hooks and rattled with the motion.

  She hung, suspended in his hands, and rode the terrifying edge to sweet oblivion. She felt as if she were on a swing, flying higher and higher into the air and the only way off was to jump. While the ride was exhilarating, she knew eventually she was going to have to come down, and the leap would be just as thrilling. But the landing was what frightened her most. A crash from that high was going to smash her to pieces. What type of women would she be once she became whole again?

  Cam shifted, moving his hands from her backside to the wall and swiveled his hips, grinding the base of his cock against her throbbing clit. This time she screamed and bit into his shoulder.

  “That’s my girl. Come with me.” His hotly panted words washed over her ear. “I’m going to come inside you. When I do, you will be mine. Do you understand?”

  Yeah. Sure. Whatever. Just make the ache go away.

  “Fiona,” he groaned. “Do you understand?”

  She nodded and swallowed another scream as lights burst behind her tightly closed eyelids and a fireball exploded deep in her core. The strength in her arms and legs gave out, and she melted in his hold, completely supported by the press of his hips wedged between her thighs.

  Was it Cam or a product of his species that enabled her to feel the hardening of his cock as he jetted hard in her channel, the flex and twitch stroked hidden nerve endings that drew out her climax until her head swam?

  “You,” he started then stopped to lick at his dry lips. “Amazing.”

  He pressed his cowl-covered forehead against her sweaty brow. “You were holding out on me. Every moan, every scream. I want to hear them. Don’t shy away from me again.”

  Again? He wanted to do this again?

  Holy hell. Her inner muscles clenched around his still-hard shaft at the thought. No way was she going to survive another orgasm like that, no matter how sensational the ride.

  “Which way to the bedroom?”

  She nodded in the appropriate direction, still unable to coordinate her limbs properly to even point.

  “Excellent.” He placed a biting kiss on her shoulder. “I’m still hungry and this time I want to eat my meal in bed.”

  Tremors shook her body as a picture of her obituary flashed in her mind.

  Fiona Corrione passed away at the age of thirty-one due to a case of out-of-this world orgasms. She was found in her home, naked, drenched with sweat and man fluids with a permanent smile stretching her lips.

  Aunt Bridget would be proud.

  * * * * *

  Dhavin cursed the cowl covering his head as he tugged the soft, warm, sleeping woman closer to his side. How could he fully enjoy the lushness of her breasts with a layer of fabric between his cheek and her skin?

  He wanted her fingers pulling at his hair and the sweet cream of her pussy coating his face. He wanted to speak to her with his own voice, and not the throat-scraping fake accent he used as the Chameleon. He wanted her to look him in the eye and scream his name as her sheath milked his cock. There was so much passion inside Fiona that she hid behind uncertainty. The glimpse he saw of her this afternoon only whetted his appetite to see her without any reservations.

  For a human, she had an amazing ability to obscure her emotions. She concealed them in a sheer veil, hinting at but never broadcasting how she felt, leaving him to second-guess his plan of action.

  In truth, he could not blame her. As long as the mask was between them, he could not expect her to be completely honest with her emotions. He hated lying to her, even though it was a necessity at this stage of their relationship.

  If it was only his life in the equation, he’d risk telling Fiona everything, but there was his family to consider. Once he was secure with his place in her life, then all would be revealed. She was a smart girl. She’d understand the need for secrecy.

  Until then, he was going to make the most of their seclusion and learn more about his konkattie. For instance, what type of sound would she make if he sucked hard at her dusky-pink nipple?

  He slid his hand up her curved stomach and cupped a palm full of breast, scraping his nail over the silky peak. When the tip beaded, he switched to the other side and sealed his lips over the bud with a greedy suck.

  A low, throaty groan eased past her lips and vibrated down her chest to buzz against his lips. He smiled and drew the flesh deeper into his mouth.

  She pressed her torso closer, her hands rising to his head and her fingers searching for purchase. Again he cursed the cowl covering his face.

  “Cam,” she moaned. “Is that you?”

  He had to laugh at that. “I hope so. Were you expecting someone else?”

  “No.” She arched with a gasp as he nipped at her second breast and laved the hurt with his tongue. “It’s so dark in here, I can’t see squat. I was afraid I had dreamt the afternoon and it was all in my imagination.”

  “Thankfully, my love, this is real. But you’re right. It is too dark in here.” Before she moved to prop up on one elbow, he had retrieved two candles from the living room and lit the wicks.

  “Oh my God.” She sat up with a start. “I forgot about the candles. I could have burned the house down.”

  “Rest easy. I put them out after you fell asleep.”

  She slapped her hand over her eyes. “Thank you. That would have been horrible.”

  “Do not fret. It was my fault you weren’t thinking about potential fire danger. If I left you with rational thought, then I didn’t make love to you properly.”
He slipped back under the covers and pulled her into the curve of his body. His left hand returned to plucking at her nipple. “Where was I? Ah, yes, enjoying your breasts, but now I can see you.”

  “Oh, right.” She stiffened in his arms and the flare of her passion dimmed. She cleared her throat and burrowed closer against his side. “Your skin is so warm. I must feel like a popsicle in comparison.”

  “Not exactly. You’re warm where it counts. Like here.” He pressed his palm over her heart. “And here.” He bent to her lips and thrust his tongue into the wet cavern of her mouth. “And here.” He ran his finger under the plump curve of her breast before skimming down her belly. “And my personal favorite.”

  “Cam,” she groaned as he pressed two fingers into her slick sheath.

  Her greedy little hole sucked on his digits as he pressed the heel of his hand into her mound. “I am sensing discomfort. Are you all right?”

  “A little sore.” She shifted her hips, allowing his fingers to probe deeper. “I’ve been using muscles that haven’t seen action in a long time.”

  “While part of me is pleased to hear that, my head cannot fathom why you are not mated already.”

  “Mated,” she repeated with a delicate snort. “I’m picky. Haven’t found the right guy yet.”

  “I am pleased that you found me worthy. I thank you.”

  The cutest shade of red stole over her cheeks. “No problem. Ah, that feels so good.”

  Even as her pussy melted in his hand, and her breathing grew labored, a beam of tension ran through her center.

  “Um.” She nibbled on her lip. “What about you? Have you been with many Earth-women?”

  Now? She wanted to discuss his sex life now? No, no, no, no.

  “I do not, how do you say, kiss and tell? Besides, none of them made me feel like you do.”


  This line of questioning had to stop. He kissed her hard, adding a third finger into her cunt and rubbing the soft spot high inside. He swallowed her whimpers and thumbed her tightly beaded clit until she softened into the mattress. When he was confident she could not form a sentence, he leaned down to suckle at her breast.


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