Hero Unmasked: 3 (Heroes of Saturn)

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Hero Unmasked: 3 (Heroes of Saturn) Page 8

by Anna Alexander

  From half-lowered lids, he watched her expression as he felt the rise of her impending orgasm. Sweat dotted her forehead and her lips bowed as she panted. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut. He recalled she had done the same thing the previous times they made love. Even when he was balls-deep inside her and his breath fanned her cheek, her eyes were closed.

  “Open your eyes, Fiona.”

  “That’s okay. I’m good.”

  Curious. “I want to see how dark they get when I make you come.”

  Little spasms rolled in her sheath. “Um, I can concentrate better if they’re closed.”

  “Fiona.” He nipped at her breast when she refused to respond. “Fiona. Look at me.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “Please explain.”

  A stuttering breath filled her lungs. “If my eyes are closed, then I can pretend you’re not watching me.”

  “But I am watching you.”

  “I don’t need to know that,” she groused, and tried to curl her body into a defensive shell.

  “Explain your words and open your eyes, please.”

  In response she reached for his cock, sliding her fingers down the length and cupping his balls. “I want to touch you.”

  Wicked girl didn’t play fair. “Later. Why won’t you look at me?”

  “I am looking at you.”

  “Staring at my cock doesn’t count.” He pinned her roving hands to the pillow. “If you don’t look at me, I won’t touch you for a week.”

  That worked. “That’s just cruel.” The dark irises flickered between heat and frustration.

  “Tell me what is going on in that complicated head of yours.”

  “It’s stupid. Just forget everything about the last five minutes.”

  With the heat of desire ebbing, his senses picked up what she refused to speak. In his belly her insecurity made his insides pitch as if he were riding in a small boat in a choppy sea where mentally you knew you were safe, but the fear of being tossed overboard refused to leave.

  In this she reminded him of Amaryllis when he first became her guard. After years of being told she wasn’t good enough, she began to believe the lies brought on by other’s jealousy and own self issues. Only when he showed her the beauty of her body and spirit did she embrace the powers that came with being an intelligent, confident woman. It appeared Fiona needed the same lessons, however this time, it was not with the intent, as with Amaryllis, that she find another to share her life with, but to accept a life with him.

  “Why would I want to forget any of my time with you?” He brushed a soft kiss across her lips. “Do you know what I see?”

  “Me,” she said in a small voice.

  “No. I see the part of you you don’t believe exists. One look from you and my hearts squeeze. The curve of your smile brings tears to my eyes. And your curves. Jesu, I want to fill my hands with your flesh.” And he did, cupping her hips and burying his face between her breasts. “I want to gorge on you, feast until I burst on the sweetness that is you.”

  Under his hands she trembled with her vulnerability, her breath stuttered in hot puffs.

  “Watch me, Fiona. See what touching you does to me.”

  With his lips and hands, he stroked over the fleshiest parts of her body, attempting to show her how much he enjoyed the softness that was Fiona. When her eyes threatened to close, he bit or pinched her back to attention.

  He slid his fingers back into her sheath and cursed at the slickness he found. Ah, to fell such wonder around his bare cock would be heaven beyond imagine. A lesser man might have given in to the temptation and seek his own gratification, but this moment was for Fiona.

  “That’s right, alskata, look at me.” He thumbed her clit and massaged the tightening walls. “Give your cries to me.”

  “Cam.” She reached down and grasped his wrist, pressing his hand harder against her flesh. “Don’t stop. If you stop, I’ll kill you.”

  He laughed. “Then don’t look away. Let me see you. Give me what I want, and I’ll give you what want.”

  Those dark eyes speared him through the hearts. Need and desperation in the brown depths reminded him of the inside of a molten chocolate cake. Her nails dug into his wrist as her pussy clamped tight and she cried out his name. Her orgasm washed over him, tugging at his balls to join her in oblivion, but he clenched his teeth against the urge. She got what she wanted, now it was his turn.

  When the spasms subsided and she fell back against the pillows in a panting heap, he withdrew his hands and coated his aching cock with her sticky honey. The tip throbbed a deep purple and wept with his pent-up seed.

  “Cup your breasts for me.” The huskiness of his command sounded foreign in his ears.

  Her hands shook as she took the plump mounds in her hands. Swinging a leg over her torso, he nestled his slick cock against her sternum and pressed her breasts together to hug the shaft.

  As he watched the dark-pink length glide in and out of her cleavage, the fire of his impending orgasm twisted low in his spine.

  “Do you know,” he stopped to catch his breath, “how many…times I’ve imagined…spraying your breasts with my cum?”

  The pleasure she felt at hearing his words caressed him as firmly as if she ran her hand down his back.

  Her smile widened and she lifted her head to swipe her tongue at his crown bumping against her chin.

  “Yes, yes, yes, yes,” he chanted. “Open your mouth.”

  With a siren’s smile she complied, allowing him to feed her his length and bathe him with her tongue. When he was good and wet he pulled out and resumed fucking her cleavage. He slipped back to her mouth when the rubbing became uncomfortable.

  Her hands roamed over his skin, stroking everywhere she could reach. Her nails scored down his sides and across his buttocks, encouraging him to use her at his will.

  “I’m going to come,” he warned when the pressure reached a boil. “Where do want it?”

  “Everywhere.” She flicked out her tongue as an enticing target.

  “Mother take me,” he groaned and emptied his shaft into her waiting mouth. The satisfaction of watching his cum jet over her lips and splash onto her breast lengthened the release.

  Helpless to resist, he melted, collapsing next to her on the bed. His breaths wheezed in and out as if he’d just scaled Mt. Rosenorn in record time.

  Fiona skimmed her hands over her rosy breasts. She collected a dollop of his semen on her finger and looked at it with curiosity curving her brow.

  Was she? No. How can she be?

  Hurt filled his chest, but he had to ask. “Did I disappoint you?”

  “What?” Her genuine surprise eased some of the wound. “No. That was the most erotic moment of my life. It was mind-blowing.”

  “Please tell me what you are thinking.”

  The pink of her cheeks deepened. “Your cum, it’s salty and white. Like an earthling.”

  “Is that bad?”

  “No. I just thought it might glow in the dark, or something like that. But no. You’re normal.”

  The exuberance of his laugher caught him off guard and made him cough as it burst from his lungs. Normal? What did he have to do to impress his woman?

  “Ah, Fiona. You are like no other I have ever met. In this world or another.”

  “What does that mean?”

  He cuddled her close. “It means you are perfect, in every way.”

  Chapter Six

  Fiona cradled the hot ceramic mug closer to her chest and stared out the window at the destruction that was her backyard. After three days of snow, the wind had picked up and sheared off all the branches of almost every tree in the neighborhood. During the night she and Cam had sat in silence and watched the fireworks show of transformers exploding in blue-green flashes across the mountain. With every snap, crackle and crash that sounded like gunfire, she had burrowed deeper into his arms, but not even his strength made her feel safe from the threat of a falling tree. In the lig
ht of day she counted five tree limbs as thick as her thigh embedded into the ground like javelins thrown by the gods during a track and field event.

  Her cell phone had long ago lost power, and the loss of contact to anyone outside her home put her on edge. As much as she hated to be alone for any length of time, she didn’t balk when Cam said he needed to go out and see if his services were needed. Far be it for her to be selfish and keep him all to herself. In a show of support she had packed him with enough food for two days and a plea to check on her aunt. His goodbye kiss promised she would be rewarded for her understanding.

  A smile stretched her lips as her aching body began to tingle. Dear Lord was she sore, but the burn was oh so worth it. Sex with Cam had to be the best exercise in the universe. She’d make it a point to work out every day, if she had a routine like that.

  Every day.

  There was that word again. Every. It made her think of the future and what would happen once the roads cleared. What was going on with her and Cam? Were they dating? Was this just a fling brought on by extreme circumstances?

  A dull throb took residence in her frontal lobe. She didn’t want to think about it. Obviously this fairytale time had to come to an end, but she’d enjoy the moments as they came, no matter if the insecurity of tomorrow killed her.

  The sky was growing dark and she wondered if Cam planned on coming back to her that night. If he was needed to help others, of course he should continue his work, but a note would be nice if he had a means to relay the message. As it was, she didn’t think sleep was in the cards for her that evening, especially without his protective embrace.

  Her heart leapt as she saw him emerge from the tree line and run in her direction. She opened the sliding glass door before he reached out a hand. “You came back?”

  “Of course I did.” He stomped on the mat to clear his boots of snow. “Silly girl, I’m not leaving you alone in this weather. And without a proper goodbye. I have good news. The forecast calls for rain later this evening and overnight temperatures in the forties. All of this white stuff will be a distant memory by tomorrow morning.”

  Morning. There it was. The death toll on the fantasy. She forced a smile as she said, “That’s great. Did you find out anything about my aunt?”

  He tapped her on the end of her nose. “I’m disappointed too.”

  Damn. She had to get better at hiding her emotions. “My aunt.”

  “I found her at Mr. Hendrix’s. He has a generator and the entire block is camping out at his house. They were playing gin rummy, but without the cards.”

  “Good. At least she’s safe.”

  He grunted an agreement. “There are at least ten houses in town with tree damage. We’re lucky.”

  “We are. I hope you were able to help.”

  “As best as I could.” He held up the pack he had strapped to his chest. “I’ve brought a few supplies.”

  He drew out a bottle of wine, ten caramel chocolate bars and a giant box of condoms.

  “Do I want to know how you acquired these?”

  “Downtown has power and some of the shops have reopened.”

  “You walked in and bought these? Dressed like that?”

  He laughed at her shocked expression. “Of course not dressed like this. Word of The Chameleon loading up on liquor and condoms would spread faster than a wildfire.”

  She waited for him to elaborate, but he remained silent as he kicked off his boots and made himself at home. He must have a disguise then of some kind. What could it be? Had she seen him in it and not even known?

  “What are you wearing?” The sharp, disapproving tone in his question startled her out of her train of thought.

  The velour pants and sweater that had been so comfortable not a moment before felt constricting around her thighs and waist. “It’s a track suit.”

  He shook his head and folded his big arms across his chest. “What are the rules about clothes?”

  Heat raced up her neck and scalded her cheeks. Her thighs clenched and her nipples hardened at his reminder. After their first night together, Cam had declared a no-clothing rule for the rest of the storm. He claimed it was so she would feel more comfortable in her skin. She thought it was because he wanted easy access to her body whenever he wanted. Not that she had that big of an issue with his request. At least not after she caught him staring at her as if she were a juicy steak and he had been forced to live on a diet of twigs and grass for too long.

  Despite his encouragement, she still wasn’t comfortable walking around totally bare. Thank God the power was still out and she had the blessing of soft candlelight to hide the worst of her flaws.

  “I was cold, and you weren’t here.” She fiddled with the edge of her sweatshirt.

  “I’m here now.” He reached for his belt. The rustle of cloth hitting carpet made her thighs tense. The tunic was next to go, leaving him gloriously bare-chested “Strip.”

  The force in the word stroked along her back like the tail end of a whip. Her hands shook as she pulled the tab of the zipper down and exposed her breasts. By the way his smile curled, she knew he liked that she was braless beneath the soft fabric. As she shimmied the pants down her legs, she gave an extra wiggle of her shoulders to make her breasts sway.

  Cam moaned and stroked the bulge trapped in his black pants. “There’s my konkattie. Come here.”

  She loved that he had a pet name for her. She only wished she knew what it meant. The jerk wouldn’t tell her, but by the heat in his eyes she figured it must be something good.

  Without a moment’s hesitation, she floated into his arms where he took her lips in a kiss that made her forget she was standing naked in the dining room. The rough pads of his fingers ran down her spine, sending chills in their wake as he cupped her buttocks and lifted her into the cradle of his hips. His fingertips curled and tickled the seam of her butt cheeks, slipping in the wetness already seeping from her pussy.

  He wrenched away and heaved hot, panting breaths into the curve of her neck. “You’re so wet for me already. I love that.”

  Her backside met the icy surface of the tabletop and she jumped. “Ooo, that’s cold.”

  “I like that too. You nipples poke out so enticingly.” He bent her over his arm and took a beaded nipple into the warm depths of his mouth.

  Holy cow, he was going to take her on the table.

  In any other house, she would have thought that to be a sexy idea, but not this table. This was her grandmother’s table. This was the table where family dinners took place, where she decorated her first batch of gingerbread and played pinochle with her grandfather. No way could she allow sex to be had on this piece of family history.

  “Cam. Cam, stop.” She pulled at the cowl. “Take me to the bedroom.”

  “But I want you now.” He rubbed the ridge of his erection into her wet cleft.

  Stars flashed in her eyes. “No. Not here. Anywhere but here.”

  Beneath the cowl she imagined his brows were drawn tightly together as he stared down at her. For long seconds he watched, and she suspected he was trying to read her emotions. Who knew what satisfied his curiosity, but that wicked glint made the gold in the irises flash. “Anywhere, hmm?”

  What did she open herself up for?

  A gentle tug on her hand brought her to her feet and across the living room to the big picture window.

  “My first choice would be to take you under the trees and make naughty snow angels, but considering the frigid climate, this will have to do instead.”

  He lifted the blinds and opened the window to the arctic blast outside.

  “Motherfuckers,” she blurted and wrapped her arms around her body. Mammoth-sized goose bumps erupted over her skin. “I’ll freeze to death.”

  “Hands down. I’ll warm you up.” He pushed her hands down. The heat from his body took the edge off the chill, barely. “Look how lovely your nipples are. Like ripe, frozen berries.”

  Between the heat of his mouth and the needle
like pinpricks of cold air, Fiona swayed on her feet. Torn between agony and ecstasy, she closed her eyes to enjoy the hot lap of his tongue.

  A palm full of snow hit her left breast and she jumped with a squeal.

  “Keep your eyes open.” Cam massaged the icy burn away. “Put your hands on the sill. Do not move.”

  As she braced her hands, she realized she was completely exposed to the neighborhood. Smoke rose from the chimneys in billowy clouds, scenting the air with soot and cut pine. The homes she could see looked dark and empty, but for all she knew, the occupants were glued to their windows with binoculars.

  “Cam, this is crazy. What if we’re seen?”

  He stepped behind her and trapped her in his arms. Both of his hands firmly held hers to the window frame in a silent command to hang on. “What if we are?”

  “You’ll be spotted.”

  Cam slid his fingers through her damp folds and her sharp cry echoed over the white snow as if she were wired to a microphone. He held the damp lips apart to stroke his condom-covered cock in her wetness. She felt the rubbery blunt head lodge into her opening then pull away in a teasing stroke.

  “If anyone is watching, it is not me they are looking at. They will be hypnotized by the sway of your breasts and the sight of your full lips as you cry out in pleasure. You are most stunning to watch when you’re being fucked.”

  Her fingers curled into the wood as he pressed inside her. Despite her arousal, the cool breeze tickling her skin made her clamp down on his invasion.

  “Jesu, you feel so good around me,” Cam gritted out between tightly clenched teeth. He tilted her hips to his liking and plunged hard and deep.

  She bit her lip to hold back the banshee-like wail that burned her vocal cords. The smooth glide of the heavily veined stalk was a pleasure beyond anything she ever read or heard about. Her body was a mass of contradiction, she was hot and cold, melting yet tense, unable to do anything but hang on to the windowsill like a lifeline and ride the tsunami-size wave Cam tossed her on.


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