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Rogue Faction Part 2: A Cyrus Cooper Thriller: Book Three

Page 30

by Xander Weaver

  Cyrus pulled the mask over his head and snugged the seal around the perimeter of his face. Moments later, he’d dumped the contents of the first liter bottle into the cold water vat, fully aware that Monica’s eyes followed his every movement.

  The real drama wouldn’t take place until he added the second chemical. Once more, Cyrus considered how he was about to apply the solution while the woman was still alive. It was a grotesque and inhumane process; the chemical solution was designed to break down organic and inorganic matter alike, reducing it to a horrible primordial stew. That he was doing this to Monica while she still drew breath would’ve previously been beyond his comprehension.

  Now…she had it coming. The files she’d kept hidden on the server were shocking and detailed. Monica had ordered the execution of Eleanor Voss, and Boone had carried it out in the form of a car bomb. Two decades earlier, the mad little bomber, Eartzie, had been contracted to turn that execution into a spectacle. A car bomb wasn’t sufficient in Monica’s mind. Therefore, Eartzie had rigged the inside of the passenger compartment with a number of preliminary charges. They were attached to acid packs, and they weren’t design to kill Eleanor. They were engineered to disperse the corrosive chemical across the inside of the car. Eleanor was made to suffer while the acid melted the flesh from her body. The ten seconds she’d survived must have seemed like a lifetime of torment until, finally, the primary charge detonated, destroying the car and concluding Eleanor’s suffering.

  Paralyzed, Monica wouldn’t feel a thing. No. She deserved much, much worse. She was ultimately responsible for Natasha’s death, every bit as much as Boone had been. Just as she’d been responsible for the death of Natasha’s mother, Boone’s entire field team, and God knew how many others.

  With a sad shake of his head, Cyrus added the second chemical to the bath. This was the catalyzing portion of the binary compound that would consume flesh and bone—even most metals and synthetic substances, rendering the entire contents of the disposable tub into an inert, water soluble solution that would ultimately wash down the drain of the kitchen sink using the small handheld pump that Cyrus kept in the bag.

  As the contents of the box began to bubble and froth, Cyrus took a deep breath. His own respiration sounded alien through the mask.

  He set aside the second empty bottle and stood slowly. Walking back to the sliding glass door where he’d made entry into the penthouse, he pushed the door aside and stepped out into the night. Once he reached the far end of the patio, he removed the re-breather. Then, sitting on the railing at the edge of the seventy-fifth floor, he looked out into the moonlit night.

  Pulling the phone from his pocket, he loaded the email app. The message he’d prepared was already on screen. This was his second task of the night. He tapped ‘send’ on the message and completed his resignation. The Coalition was now a part of his past.

  For the first time in a very long time, he felt free. A reasonable person would feel something after what he’d done in the next room—but Cyrus felt numb. Numb to the ruthlessness of his actions…not even a trace of satisfaction for bringing justice to the guilty. Too much had been lost along the way. There was only cold, dark numbness where his soul had once been.

  Cyrus had absolutely no doubt that everything he’d done was entirely justified. It was necessary that Monica Fichtner’s body never be found. She would be the ghost story that served to keep future Coalition directors in check. Her disappearance would do the agency more good than her incarceration ever could.

  People fill the silence with their own worst fears and doubts, he reasoned. Well, he’d just given the powers-that-be a lot to think about…and even more to fear.

  A Note from Xander Weaver:

  Thank you for reading “Rogue Faction: Part 2.” I hope you’ve had as much fun reading it as I’ve had writing it. If you did, you’re encouraged to show your support by posting a review with your online retailer of choice. Those reviews make a big difference to new readers, and are a definite aid when it comes to spreading the word about my work. Just a brief statement explaining what it was that you enjoyed is all it takes.

  Your time and effort are sincerely appreciated.

  Thank you!

  —Xander Weaver


  What goes into the creation of a novel? Well, every book starts with long hours spent at a desk. In fact, that’s what most people imagine when they think about a writer…sitting in a dark room, hunched over a laptop, with the clatter of keystrokes filling the air. But that’s only the start. Before one of my books actually finds its way to readers, other talented and generous folks have contributed to its creation. Each of these people helps bring a level of refinement and polish to the final draft that makes it something much better than it was. This is my chance to thank them for their efforts.

  First, my thanks go to Amy Lignor for her work as Editor. This is our third novel together and her contributions, as always, are nothing short of outstanding. In addition to being an editor, Amy is also a renowned author. Her “Tallent & Lowery” series has been a smash hit that’s filled with action, suspense, and well researched historical mystery.

  Long before my book is sent to the editor, however, a group of daring beta readers offer comments, criticism, and feedback that is vital to my revision process. Their contributions cannot be overstated. Every book is a learning process, and these people helped me hone and sharpen this book while assisting me to grow as an author. That’s a big deal—not only did they have an impact on this book, but their contributions and feedback helped in ways that will contribute to my future work. I’m fortunate to have their friendship and support. For example, Jamie Dresser put in a profound amount of time reading and rereading the drafts of both Part 1 and Part 2 for this release. Wayne Manke and Tom Nielsen read while keeping a keen eye on critical technical details. Terri Manke read several drafts and contributed greatly to each. She also read a final proof searching for last minute typos. These people and their tireless efforts helped me refine what was, at times, an unwieldy project.

  The cover design is once more thanks to Lee Roesner from Paradigm Graphic Design. Lee has the kind of talent and imagination that makes complicated design look easy. And his work speaks for itself. I love the final cover art.

  Last, but never least, I want to thank my wife, Carrie. Her contributions to each book are beyond compare. She listens to all of my crazy ideas and tolerates my need to duck out in the middle of a conversation or meal to jot down notes for a new scene, chapter, or character. She’s the first person to read everything that I write, contributing comments and notes that influence my books in ways no one will ever fully understand. She is my wife, she is my friend, and she is my greatest supporter.


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  About the Author:

  Thank you for reading, “Rogue Faction: Part 2.” The conclusion of this installment takes some definite twists and turns that change the course of Cyrus’s life. An interesting fact is that the next book, Halon-Seven (to be released as Book #4 in the series), was actually the first Cyrus Cooper book I ever wrote. In it, I created Cyrus and many of the supporting characters. And when they appeared on paper, I gave Cyrus a backstory that I was compelled to further explore. Dangerous Minds and Rogue Faction were the result of this need to better understand my cast, and invite readers into their world. In Halon-Seven, Cyrus is running from the Coalition and dealing with the loss of Natasha. So, for as dark as the end of this book might seem, its conclusions were preordained. While much of what I write takes on a life of its own and ends differently from what I originally intended, the conclusion of this tale was decided far before its first word was written.

  As a lifetime fan of thrillers, as well as science fiction, I love the opportunity to blend both genres in order to create excitement and adventure that i
ncludes a sci-fi ‘kick’. I write the type of stories I enjoy reading, and I hope my ‘recipe’ resonates with you as well.

  If you would like to be notified of future book releases in advance, you can join my newsletter at Rest assured that your personal information will never be sold or traded.

  While I’m working on the newest thrill ride, I frequently post updates to my Facebook (Weaver.Books) and Twitter (@XanderWeaver) pages. Please follow the progress and join in the fun!

  Other books by Xander Weaver:

  Book One: Dangerous Minds

  Book Two: Rogue Faction Part 1

  For more information, please visit:




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