Book Read Free

Virginia Henley

Page 18

by The Raven

“How can I?” he whispered. “You have deliberately used a perfume that robs me of my senses.”

  “Fool!” She laughed nervously and challenged him to double.

  “You have deliberately dressed to arouse me,” he said low.

  “Liar!” she threw back.

  “And you have succeeded,” he finished.

  Toward the end of the game Roger had not borne off a single stone belonging to Roseanna, and she scored a gammon. She could not hide the triumph in her eyes. “Perhaps you will play a better game if we play for something closer to your heart,” she suggested.

  “Name it, love.”

  She ignored the endearment. “Your stallion has covered your only decent mare, and my Zeus has one of my mares in foal. I’ll put my colt up against yours.”

  He watched her lovely lips as she concentrated on the play, doubling, and making point after point. He wanted the taste of her in his mouth; he wanted the feel of her beneath his body. He sipped his wine, knowing it did nothing to cool his hot blood. She was flushed with her victories and looked him directly in the eyes. “This time shall we play for the truth, my lord?”

  “By that I suppose you mean the winner asks the loser a question and is entitled to the truth?”

  “You take my meaning exactly, my lord.” She drained her mead and recklessly asked for some of his wine. Roger once more allowed her to win the gammon. Her eyes sparkled. “Now you will tell me exactly what happened when I came to the hunting lodge,” she said triumphantly.

  He loved to watch her face; it was so expressive. She had a way of raising her delicate brows, and the light of challenge in her clear gray eyes pierced his, and he saw the color change from gray to amethyst. The fire reflected one side of her cheek and caught sable highlights in her magnificent hair. Best of all was her mouth. As her name implied, it was deep velvet rose. Full, as if it were swollen by too many passionate kisses. It was shaped to give a man pleasure, whether he was looking at it or tasting it.

  “I asked you a question,” she said, and he recalled what she had asked as he came out of his reverie. Of course he had no intention of telling her she had been rolled naked from a carpet in front of everyone present, so he passed over that bit and replied, “After Tristan gave you a sleeping draught, he put you in my bed as a delightful surprise for me. You know what a young devil he is,” added Ravenspur.

  “When you found me naked in your bed, what did you do to me? And remember, I want the truth!”

  His eyes glowed with the remembrance. “Well first, naturally, I had a damned good look at you.”

  Her cheeks flamed their shame, and she choked angrily. “How could you be so disgusting?”

  “Roseanna, there was nothing disgusting about it. You were the loveliest maid who had ever graced my bed. I would have had to be deranged not to look my fill.”

  “Then what did you do?” she demanded fiercely.

  “I got into bed and took you in my arms.”

  She glared at him and waited for him to go on.

  “I began to kiss you and caress you,” he continued.

  “How dared you!” she spat. “Tell me, did you take further advantage of me?”

  “No, Roseanna, I did not. I found kissing your unresponsive mouth too frustrating and unsatisfying. I decided to wait until morning when you awoke. At which time I admit I had every intention of making love to you until I discovered you were my betrothed and a virgin.”

  “I’m no virgin! I’ve had at least three lovers—aye, and I wish it were a hundred and three!” she threw at him.

  He reached his hand across the gameboard and put his finger beneath her chin. “Roseanna, when dealing with an adversary, never lose your temper or you lose the advantage,” he advised.

  “Are you my adversary?” she flared.

  “I am not. However, you insist on casting me in that role.” His gaze licked over her like the tongue of a flame; she lowered her eyes quickly lest he see her involuntary response to him.

  He asked lazily, “Why don’t we be reckless and play for something we really want?”

  “What do I really want?” she challenged him.

  “The manor and lands in Drogheda to raise your infernal horses.”

  She laughed because he knew her so well. She felt lucky and knew the desired prize was only a few throws of the dice away. He was a reckless man, indeed, to gamble such a prize.

  “If you lose,” he said, “I claim you spend one night with me.”

  “Only one?” she taunted. “I hope your skill in bed surpasses your skill at backgammon.” He cocked his eyebrow, and she cried recklessly, “Done!”

  She took the dice and rattled them hard, her head filled with visions of Ireland. For the first time he rolled a higher number, allowing himself the first turn. He rolled many doubles, while her dice came up unbelievably low. He made his points and moved his stones to his inner table so rapidly that she blinked in amazement. Ravenspur was unperturbed and played so well that she began to suspect he had purposely allowed her to win up to now. He had deliberately tricked her into lowering her guard so she would fall into his trap! Her cheeks flamed with anger. She was determined that he would not beat her. She concentrated hard, but the doubling cube was already up to thirty-two in his favor, and she realized wildly that there was no way for her to win the game.

  “Oh!” she cried and stood up quickly, upsetting the board and scattering the stones into the hearth. For a moment he looked at her in disbelief. “The dog brushed against my leg and startled me!” she exclaimed. The dog had been lying at Roger’s feet until the upset; then it quickly departed the line of battle. She said breathlessly, “Oh dear, now we shall never know who would have won the game.”

  He towered over her, angry with himself for not realizing she would cheat to get her own way. He gripped her by the shoulders and said, “Roseanna, we both know who won the game.”

  She threw him a challenging look. “Surely as a gentleman you will allow me the benefit of the doubt?”

  “I am not a gentleman, only a man, with a man’s desires!” he asserted. He saw a flicker of fear in her eyes but was determined not to soften toward her. His fingers dug cruelly into her creamy shoulders, and his eyes narrowed. “Do you know what I think? I think you enjoy the stalking, the wooing, and my advances just so you can retreat. We are fencing. You parry every time I thrust.”

  “Wooing has a devious purpose—to get something!” she accused.

  “To give something as well as get something—pleasure in bed. I would like to do that with you,” he said.

  She tried to pull away from him. “You are hurting me!” she cried.

  “Hurting you? By God, I haven’t begun yet. What you need is a good beating, followed by a good fucking, and I’m going to give you both!”

  She wrenched herself free of him and fled the room sobbing. And his relentless voice followed her out the door: “I am a man who always collects his debts.”

  Roseanna tried to hide the fact that she had been crying when she reached her rooms, but Kate was difficult to deceive. “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing!” Roseanna sniffed. “I won every hand. Five hundred pounds, his ruby earring, and the unborn colt that his stallion sired.”

  “Didn’t he win even one game?” asked Kate skeptically.

  “When I saw that he was about to win the last game, I upset the board. Losing to Ravenspur would be too awful to conjure!”

  “In other words, you had another brawl,” stated Kate.

  “How you exaggerate! We parted on the best of terms,” she said, tossing her head and going through to her own chamber. Before she closed her door she added, “However, if he comes calling, I will not receive him under any circumstances!”

  Alice was already apprehensive. “Kate, you got rid of him last night, but what will we do if he comes again tonight?”

  “You can get rid of him tonight—it’s your turn,” said Kate, laughing.

  “Oh, I feel sick. You can’t
mean that Kate,” whispered Alice.

  “Go on with you. I’ll speak to him if he comes. Mind, you’ll have to back up whatever I say. Two are a stronger defense than one.”

  “But Kate, it’s his castle. I don’t see how we can prevent him from visiting his own wife in his own castle.”

  “Listen, my gal Our first duty is to Roseanna. We are her servingwomen, and we take our orders from her. Stop worrying your guts to fiddlestrings! Perhaps he’s had enough of her naughtyworks for one night.”

  Alice crossed her fingers and prepared for bed. Kate donned a warm nightcap and flannel robe and extinguished the lamps. No sooner did they get into their beds than a low knock came upon the outer door.

  Kate mumbled, “No rest for the wicked,” and lit a candle. Alice caught her breath, her worst fears realized. Kate held the candle high and peered out the door, which she had only opened a crack. She knew full well it was Ravenspur but asked, “Who is it?”

  “Kate, for God’s sake, open the door. Don’t keep me standing in this corridor all night,” he said irritably.

  “But my lord, as ye can well see, we’ve all retired for the night.”

  “Goddamn it, woman, let me in!” he demanded with controlled fury.

  She stepped aside, and he entered and said, “Light the lamp.”

  Alice flew from her bed and fumbled endlessly until she finally managed to illuminate the room.

  Kate said as assertively as she dared, “My lady has long ago retired. She bade me not disturb her, and she locked her door.”

  He looked at her evenly and said, “Roseanna knew I would come.”

  Kate shook her head, crossed her arms across her chest, and planted her feet firmly. “No sir, that is a lie, or why would she lock her chamber door?”

  His eyes narrowed dangerously as he looked from one woman to the other. “By Christ, this is a conspiracy!” His words were deadly and quiet. His soft, ominous tone was far more deadly than if he’d raved. “Tomorrow you’ll both return to Castlemaine. I’ll not have two damned dragons barring me from my own wife’s bed! Start packing.” He kicked open the adjoining door to reveal Roseanna hastily donning a scarlet velvet bedgown.

  He was so large he filled the doorway. “Madame, this game is finished. This is the last time I come to this damned chamber, for you will occupy it no more! You will come to me from now on, and you will come tonight!”

  She knew she dared not deny him, but she temporized. “My lord, I will need time to get my things together.”

  “Madame, I will allow you five minutes!” He slammed from the room in such a high temper that Alice slipped to the carpet in a dead faint.

  “Good God!” Kate exclaimed. “The girl hasn’t the guts of a louse, although I must admit that those dark eyes can put the fear of the devil into you.” She lifted Alice onto her bed and rubbed her hands and arms vigorously. “Come on, lambie, wake up. He’s gone now.”

  “How dare he?” demanded Roseanna, venting her own temper now that he was safely gone. “This is beyond the beyond! To think he can actually dismiss my own servingwomen! By God, I’ll tell you one thing—if you leave, we all leave!” She pioked up a silver hairbrush and paced around the room.

  Kate tried to reason with her. “Roseanna, he’d dare do anything. He’s all man. I told you you wouldn’t get far throwing your imperious orders at him.” Roseanna angrily brushed the tangled mass of her curls. Kate continued. “You’ll have to go to him, lovey. Your five minutes were up long ago.”

  “Ha!” flared Roseanna. “I may have to move to his chamber, but I shall certainly take my own sweet time about it. It’ll give that devil of a temper of his time to cool down.” She got a great deal of pleasure imagining him waiting impatiently for her.

  “Roseanna, if you were a clever girl, you could have him eating out of your hand,” pointed out Kate. “Sugar, not vinegar, my girl. That’s what softens a man.”

  Roseanna realized that Kate had a point. If she were to control her temper and use more subtle means to get her own way with him, her life would be more pleasant. After all, she only had to go near the man, and he couldn’t resist touching her. She smiled a secret smile—she would control him through his desires.

  An hour had long passed before Roseanna obeyed her husband’s summons. She took no light to guide her. She needed none, for she walked a direct path unerringly to his chamber door. She opened it with a little flourish and boldly entered.

  Ravenspur stood naked to the waist; his body was sleek, the muscles taut. He was handing a goblet of wine to the young servingwoman who was with him.

  The woman gasped, and her hand flew to her mouth. Roseanna was stunned. The firelight turned her scarlet-clad figure to flame. His faithlessness hit her with such a blow, she was as still as death. After a full minute of frozen horror, Roseanna approached the young woman, snatched the goblet from her hand, and dashed it into the fire. “Get out!” She uttered the command like an empress. A detached part of her brain decided to send the woman to Castlemaine in the morning. A word to Joanna would teach the servingwoman her place. The young woman fled, eager to be gone from this highly charged atmosphere. When they were alone, she demanded, “How dare you forget your vows so quickly?”

  “Your five minutes were up an hour ago! How dare you forget your vow?” he countered.

  She ignored his words. “You faithless bastard! Know this, Ravenspur. There will be only one woman to hold the place of honor here, and that woman will be me. You will not put me in a position where I am laughed at or pitied.”

  His eyes raked over her assessingly. She was magnificent and wildly beautiful in her towering rage. “Then honor your vows and take your rightful place as my wife. I pledge never to be unfaithful! Otherwise, I will sleep with who I damned well please.”

  “I do not love you,” she said with regal dignity.

  He countered, “I am not asking for your love. I am asking for my marital rights.”

  She said slowly, “You mean that if I share your bed on occasion, you swear never to commit adultery?”

  “A lot depends on how you behave in bed,” he said slowly. But not wanting to push her too far, he added, “I suppose I could live with that. Is it a bargain?”

  She didn’t answer him. She went over her alternatives mentally and found they were intolerable.

  “Yes,” she said softly.

  For a blank moment he couldn’t remember the question and stared at her. Then realization of what she had promised hit him. “Roseanna!” he said with fervor and moved to take her in his arms.

  “My God, not now! Not after you’ve touched her!” she cried, aghast. She put up her hand to fend him off; it came into contact with the crisp black mat of curls that covered his chest. Her touch branded him as if he’d been seared with a hot iron. He clenched his fists at his side to stop himself from snatching her into his arms and lifting her into his bed. “Tomorrow night!” he demanded.

  She nodded.

  “Swear it!” he insisted, remembering her deception at backgammon. “If you don’t give yourself to me, I shall take you by force, Roseanna. Never doubt it of me!”

  “Tomorrow,” she promised, and turned to leave. Letting her go was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do. Before she left, she turned and spoke to him. Her delicate brows were marred by a frown. “She isn’t even beautiful,” she said.

  His rich, deep laughter rang out. By God, she was jealous! He was halfway home!

  Kate and Alice were avid for news when Roseanna returned, but she was disappointingly uncommunicative. Kate had already dragged out a large trunk ready for packing. Roseanna said quietly, “Go to bed; we’re staying. Get me up early. I’ve many things to see to.”

  The next morning, Roseanna went down to the dining hall to join her husband for breakfast. His eyes lit up with pleasure at the sight of her. She wasted no time in stating her purpose. “I’ll need one of your men to act as escort. I’m sending one of the servingwomen to my mother at Castlemaine.”
  Roger kept a straight face. He had no intention of interfering with her decision to be rid of the wench. God help any servant who crossed Lady Ravenspur! “Certainly, Roseanna. I’ll send Dirk to you after breakfast. He can wait and take letters for you, if you care to write them.”

  “Thank you, my lord.” She took a breath and asserted, “Naturally I shall be keeping Alice and Kate. I cannot manage without them.”

  “Naturally,” he conceded smoothly. He smiled inwardly. Splendor of God, today she could ask for the earth, and he’d give it to her.

  After writing a graphic letter to Joanna, she let Kate in on some of what had happened. “Ravenspur is sending one of his men to escort the bitch to Castlemaine. Dirk, I think, is his name. See to it for me, Kate. Watch her off the place. See that the man takes this letter to my mother.”

  Kate watched her and knew she was nervous.

  Roseanna exclaimed, “The day is melting away like snow in summer. It can’t possibly be time for the midday meal! Alice, I’ll need water for my bath early tonight. I shall have it before I go down to dinner rather than after. Also, I want you to gather my brushes and toilet articles together for me.”

  Twice Roseanna went through everything that hung in her wardrobe. She had never had difficulty deciding what to wear; what was the matter with her today? She turned to her women. “For God’s sake, stop acting like I’m going to a funeral! Help me choose a gown for dinner and a modest bedgown for later. That scarlet one won’t do. I made rather a spectacle of myself in it last night.”

  Alice brought out a white quilted bedgown. It was appropriately virginal. “Alice, will you be brave enough to attend me in Ravenspur’s chamber tonight?”

  “Oh, I don’t think so, Lady Roseanna,” gasped the girl.

  “Please?” cajoled Roseanna. “I’m afraid he thinks of Kate as rather a dragon. I’ll only need you for a moment or two to unfasten my gown and brush my hair.”

  Kate said briskly, “Think of what she has to face. Don’t be such a coward!”

  Roseanna went white around the mouth, and her knees caved in under her. “Oh, Kate, is it so very bad?”


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