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I Like That About Her 2

Page 3

by Aleks Mitchell

  “Never going to happen. I’ll probably just teach her how to say it too.”

  “Please don’t,” Chandler begged. “I can’t have both of you saying ‘shut up’ all of the time.”

  “I’ll do my best, but I’m not making any promises.”

  “Besides, do you really want to get phone calls all of the time that she’s telling the other kids in pre-school to shut up? By the way, orientation is tomorrow, in case you forgot.”

  “How could I forget that? You’re taking my baby away from me before she’s ready.”

  “She’s ready,” Chandler said. “You’re the one that’s not ready.”

  “You’re damn right I’m not ready,” Faith whined. “My baby is going to be away from her moms for way too long!”

  “Faith, it’s a half day twice a week. She’ll be fine. It’ll be good for Ky to interact with kids her own age. It would be good for you to be around people your own age too.”

  “Adults are annoying. Ky is so perfect. She’s never annoying.”

  “That’s just your bitchiness talking,” Chandler whispered. “We agreed that Ky should start preschool. You don’t want her to be behind the other kids in school do you?”

  “Why can’t I teach her?” Faith asked seriously.

  “Faith,” Chandler sighed.

  “Fine, fine. You’re right. Ky needs to go to preschool.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be there to hold your hand through it.”

  That’ll be nice. Stop it Faith! We’re both moving on, remember?

  “I’m pretty sure this is going to be harder on you than it will be on Ky,” Chandler added.

  “You’re probably right,” Faith agreed.

  “When am I not?”

  “Mommy play!” Ky exclaimed.

  “Alright, I better play before she starts throwing the blocks at my head,” Chandler said. “Want to join us?”

  Faith looked over at Ky and couldn’t stop herself from laughing. Ky was glaring at the two of them with a serious expression. She wasn’t going to stop until they were on the floor playing with her.

  “Sure,” Faith said. “I’d love to.”

  Faith couldn’t resist the opportunity to play with her whole family. Her, Chandler, and Ky would always be a family, regardless if they were together or not. It was rare that all three of them got to spend time together.

  This doesn’t have to be so bad. Chandler is with someone else and I’m going to at least try to be with someone else. Ky is happy. Chandler is happy. I’m happy. Or at least I will be.

  Chapter 5

  Faith held up what seemed to be the thousandth flashcard. When she offered to help Chandler study for her MCAT’s she had no idea what she’d be getting herself into. She didn’t realize how thorough Chandler was in her studying. There was no way she wouldn’t pass her MCAT’s.

  “Ugh, I don’t know that one!” Chandler whined. “I’m going to have to review so many concepts!”

  Chandler started flipping through her notes to find the section that the flashcard covered.

  Faith looked dumbfounded at the brunette. She’d never seen her girlfriend so stressed.

  “Okay, Chan, honey I think it’s time for a break.”

  “A break?” Chandler asked. “Are you crazy? I can’t afford to take a break.”

  “Yes, you can,” Faith said, closing Chandler’s binder and putting it to the side.

  Chandler looked shocked at Faith’s actions.

  “No, I can’t.”

  “Chandler, it’s better to study in increments. Your brain is probably on overdrive right now.”

  “Good! It needs to be on overdrive! Maybe then I can remember everything!”

  “You got majority of the questions right,” Faith reminded Chandler.

  “Majority is not good enough.”

  Faith sighed as she moved forward and sat down next to Chandler on the floor.

  “Chandler, you’re going to pass your MCAT’s and get into the medical school of your dreams. But, you still have to take care of yourself. Have you eaten today?”

  “I had some toast.”

  “Toast?” Faith questioned. “Okay, I’m ordering pizza.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “Yes, I do,” Faith declared. “I’ll order pizza. We’ll eat and watch something on Netflix.”

  “I don’t have time to watch TV, Faith,” Chandler whined.

  “I promise I will continue testing you after we take a break,” Faith said. “But, right now I really think you need to relax.”

  “I don’t think I remember how to relax anymore.”

  “That’s okay,” Faith smiled. “I’ll help jog your memory.”

  Faith moved forward and kissed Chandler gently.

  Chandler smiled into the kiss. As they pulled apart she nodded her head. “It’s starting to come back to me.”

  “I figured it would,” Faith smiled, leaning in to kiss Chandler again.

  “Okay,” Chandler breathed out as she grabbed hold of Faith’s shirt. “I guess I can keep studying tomorrow.” She pulled the shirt over Faith’s head.

  “That sounds more like the Chandler I know and love,” Faith smiled as she allowed Chandler to move her onto her back.


  The next day Faith and Chandler drove together to Ky’s new preschool. Faith was a nervous wreck. She wasn’t looking forward to leaving her daughter with a complete stranger for half of the day.

  “Okay, ready?” Chandler asked as she parked the car outside of the preschool.

  “No but you’re going to make me do this anyway,” Faith responded moodily.

  “Faith, you’re acting like a child.”

  “No I’m not! I’m acting like any sane mother would. You’re the one that’s being so stubborn about this.”

  “I’m being stubborn?” Chandler asked with a surprised smile.

  “Yes! You’re not compromising at all. I know she has to eventually go to school, but preschool is not a requirement.”

  “It’s not but a lot of kids go to preschool now. Ky will be behind the other kids in her class when she gets to kindergarten.”

  “No, she won’t. She has two smart moms that can teach her everything she needs to know. She’ll probably even be ahead of her classmates by having us as her mothers.”

  “Faith, I know this is hard for you because you two spend so much time together, but if you think about it this is what’s best for Ky.”

  Faith sighed as she looked out of her window and watched the other kids and their parents entering the building.

  “What if the other kids aren’t nice to her?”

  “They’re two, Faith,” Chandler said obviously. “I highly doubt there’s going to be any mean two year olds in her class.”

  “You never know,” Faith said under her breath.

  Chandler laughed at how immature Faith was being. Though she understood why this was such a big deal for the woman. Faith had been joined at the hip with Ky since she was born. Not to mention she carried her for nine months before that. Ky hadn’t been under the care of anyone but herself or Faith since she was conceived. This was going to be a huge adjustment for Faith.

  “Faith, do you really want to make Ky not like preschool? She’s going to pick up on your attitude.”

  “Fine, you’re right. Ky does seem excited. If she can be brave about this, I guess I can at least try to be. But if I don’t like the teacher or anything else then I reserve the right to pull her out of there.”

  “Deal,” Chandler agreed, looking back at their daughter.

  “Ready to go make some friends Ky?” Chandler asked the girl.

  “Mama friend!” Ky exclaimed.

  “See!” Faith beamed. “That’s my girl! I’m the only friend she needs!”

  “Faith,” Chandler warned.

  “Mommy means friends other than me Ky,” Faith sighed.

  Chandler couldn’t help but smile at the miserable look on Faith’s face. She cou
ld only imagine how the woman was going to act when they sent Ky off to college.

  “Alright, let’s get this over with,” Faith said as she got out of the car and unbuckled Ky from her car seat in the back.

  “You’ll be fine,” Chandler answered as she followed the two into the building.

  Once they got to the two year olds classroom, Faith slowed down her pace and entered the room hesitantly. She looked around at the room with distaste, trying to figure out something bad to point out. Unfortunately, she couldn’t find a thing wrong with the place.

  “See, this place looks like a kids dream come true,” Chandler said, pointing out all of the toys around the room.

  “Hello!” a woman with brown hair greeted the family of three.

  Faith just looked at the woman. She looked her up and down, again trying to find an excuse to take their daughter home with her.

  “Hi,” Chandler responded when it became clear that Faith didn’t intend to. “I’m Chandler Reynolds. This is Faith Cahill and this is Kylie Cahill Reynolds. You must be Miss Brody.”

  “That would be correct. I believe we spoke on the phone.”

  “She looks like a child herself,” Faith whispered to Chandler.

  “Don’t be rude!” Chandler whispered back.

  “You must be Kylie!” Miss Brody said excitedly. She extended her hand to the toddler. Ky gladly took hold of the woman’s hand and smiled. “I’m Miss Brody.”

  “It’s actually Ky,” Faith said with a bit of an edge to her voice.

  “Ky is a lovely name,” Miss Brody smiled. “You are such a beautiful little girl!”

  “Tanks!” Ky exclaimed, her version of the word thanks.

  “You’re very welcome,” Miss Brody said. “It’s very nice to meet the two of you. I’m sure you’re both a little nervous.”

  “I’m not,” Chandler smiled. “But she’s nervous enough for the both of us.”

  “Chandler!” Faith glared at the brunette.

  “That’s okay. We get a lot of anxious parents here. It’s completely understandable. This is your baby that you’re entrusting us with. I’d be worried if you weren’t a little anxious.”

  “Blocks!” Ky exclaimed after seeing the huge collection of blocks in the corner of the room.

  “Do you like blocks Ky?” Miss Brody asked.

  “She loves blocks!” Chandler smiled.

  “Play! Now!”

  “Are you sure?” Faith asked Ky quietly.

  “Faith,” Chandler warned, again. She was beginning to feel like she had two toddlers.

  “Oh, alright,” Faith said as she lowered Ky onto the floor. The toddler quickly ran over to the blocks and started playing with another little boy next to her.

  “So how does this work?” Faith asked dreadfully.

  “She’ll be here until twelve. We’ll spend the whole day playing just to get the kids acclimated with each other. Then next time they come in we’ll start introducing learning activities.”

  “She does those things at home, Chan,” Faith whispered.

  “Faith,” Chandler whispered.

  “I promise she’ll have fun,” Miss Brody assured the two. “Plus, if she at any time seems upset we’ll call you right away.”

  “See,” Chandler said to Faith. “Ky will be in good hands.”

  “Just what are your credentials anyway?” Faith asked, completely ignoring the brunette.

  “I went to school for education and obtained a Master’s degree in Child Psychology,” Miss Brody smiled. She was used to being interrogated by suspicious parents.

  “Wow, a Masters in Child Psychology,” Chandler said to Faith.

  Faith glared at Chandler and then turned back to Miss Brody. “If there is even the slightest chance that she seems upset, please call me right away,” Faith said.

  “If there’s even the slightest chance I will give you a call right away,” Miss Brody assured Faith.

  “We’ll just say goodbye to Ky,” Chandler smiled.

  Faith and Chandler made their way across the room and smiled down at Ky who was busy building a tower of blocks.

  “Ky, are you okay playing here for a little while?” Chandler asked.

  “Yes! Play! Blocks!”

  “Okay, sweetheart,” Chandler laughed. “Mama and I are going to be back in a little while to pick you up.”


  “She doesn’t even care that we’re leaving!” Faith said quietly to Chandler.

  “Faith,” Chandler warned for what she hoped would be the final time.

  Faith rolled her eyes as she looked away from Chandler.

  “Have fun, Ky,” Chandler said as she bent down to kiss the toddler on her forehead.

  “We love you,” Faith said as she bent down and pulled the girl into a tight embrace. “Always remember that.”

  “Wove you,” Ky said sweetly.

  Faith looked up at Chandler with a tearful expression.

  “Come on Faith,” Chandler said.

  Faith pulled away from Ky and stood back next to Chandler. The two started towards the exit. Faith turned around to stare at Ky as she followed Chandler.

  “Bye,” Faith said.

  “Bye!” Ky exclaimed excitedly, turning back to her blocks.

  “She’ll be fine, I promise,” Miss Brody said to the pair as they left the classroom.

  “Are you okay?” Chandler asked the blonde as they walked down the hall.

  “Yeah,” Faith sighed. “I’ll be fine once it’s twelve o’clock.”

  “Faith, you can be so overdramatic,” Chandler laughed.

  “I am an actress,” Faith reminded the woman, “even if I haven’t worked in a year.”

  “How’s that going?” Chandler asked. “You’re still teaching that class at that studio right?”

  “Yeah, two classes now actually.”

  “Really?” Chandler asked. “That doesn’t leave much time for auditions though.”

  “It’s only twice a week,” Faith shrugged.

  “Well, I think it’s great that you enjoy teaching, but you were made to be on stage Faith.”

  “I know,” Faith replied. “I’ll get back into auditioning. Especially now that I have so much free time with Ky in preschool.”

  “See, Ky being in preschool will be a good thing.”

  “How’s work going for you?” Faith asked.

  “It’s the same as usual. Residency is just about over so I’m looking for an attending position. Once it’s over I’ll be able to breathe again.”

  “Wow, you’ll be a full-fledged doctor,” Faith smiled. “That’s great Chandler.”

  “Thanks,” Chandler smiled.

  “Seriously, I know how hard you worked for this,” Faith smiled, putting her arm around the brunette. “I’m really happy for you.”

  “I gave up a lot for it so,” Chandler replied sadly.

  Faith didn’t have an answer to that. She was right. Her job took a toll on their relationship. She wished it wasn’t the truth, but it was. Now that the hard part of Chandler’s career was almost over, it made Faith question something. Was she an unsupportive girlfriend for not being able to wait until Chandler’s career was settled? She knew her own happiness was important, but was she being selfish? Had she really considered how hard it was on Chandler to be away from her and Ky? Maybe she was the problem in their relationship all along.

  Chapter 6

  Faith and Chandler had been back together for six months. Chandler was still waiting to hear back from the medical schools she had applied to. She’d done really well on her MCAT’s so the chances of her getting in were pretty high. The waiting was starting to get to her though.

  Faith came into Chandler’s apartment after having spent the day out on auditions.

  “Hey,” Chandler smiled. “How did it go?”

  “Good, I think,” Faith answered. “I couldn’t really tell. I guess I’ll know if I get a callback. The commute was terrible though.”

��Sorry,” Chandler frowned.

  “It’s okay,” Faith shrugged. “It gave me time to catch up on my Candy Crush.”

  Chandler laughed as Faith sat down on the couch next to her and kissed her softly.

  “How was your day?” Faith asked sweetly.

  “Good,” Chandler said. “Still no word from Columbia though.”

  “You’re going to get in, Chan,” Faith assured her. “Your test scores and GPA are well above the average of the students they usually accept.”

  “Hopefully,” Chandler smiled.

  “Factually,” Faith smiled.

  “Well, this is weird. You’ve turned into the optimist and I’m being the pessimist.”

  “Are you trying to say that I’m a pessimist?”

  “Typically, yes,” Chandler shrugged.

  “Yeah, you’re right,” Faith said nonchalantly.

  “Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “Okay, what?” Faith asked.

  “My lease is coming up on the apartment soon. I was thinking about not renewing it.”

  “Oh?” Faith questioned. She’d been spending more and more nights at Chandler’s place. The two hadn’t talked about it yet, but it seemed like they were moving towards moving in together.

  “Hopefully, I will get into Columbia and if I do, I was thinking of getting an apartment in New York. Maybe a little bit bigger than this one.”

  Chandler tried to gauge Faith’s reaction to see if she was picking up on what she was suggesting.

  “Bigger?” Faith asked. “Why?”

  “So that you’d have room for your stuff too,” Chandler responded in an obvious tone.

  Faith tilted her head and grinned as she realized what Chandler was getting at. “Wait, are you asking me to move in with you?”

  “We practically already live together, honey.”

  “Yeah, but not all of the time,” Faith said. “Are you sure you’d want to live with me twenty four seven?”

  “Are you kidding? I’d love to wake up to your beautiful face every morning.”

  “Okay!” Faith said after some hesitation.

  “So is that a yes?”

  “Yes!” Faith exclaimed excitedly.

  Chandler smiled as she leaned in and kissed the blonde softly.


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