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I Like That About Her 2

Page 7

by Aleks Mitchell

  Faith couldn’t stop her cheeks from turning a bright red shade. The mere mention of hooking up with Peyton brought back memories of the night she spent with the model.

  Chandler’s smile slowly faded as she realized why Faith was holding back so much. She was shocked. Faith was by no means a prude, but sex was something she cherished. It was special to her. That was something she always admired about the blonde. It made what they had had together even more special.

  “You two hooked up?” Chandler asked.

  “Chandler,” Faith blushed.

  “Faith, it’s okay,” Chandler smiled. She reached out and placed a reassuring hand on the blonde’s shoulder. “I think it’s great that you’re expanding your horizons.”

  “That’s one way to put it,” Faith said awkwardly.

  “I mean it’s a little shocking because of how you are with sex, but I guess that just means you really like Peyton. You wouldn’t have had sex with her if you didn’t.”

  “Yeah,” Faith admitted. “I do really like her.”

  “You know you and I are still friends, which means you can talk to me about anything. Even you’re new…is she your girlfriend?”

  “No, we haven’t put terms on what we are to each other. But we are dating exclusively.”

  “See this doesn’t have to be awkward. We can still talk to each other about anything.”

  Faith sighed and looked at Chandler seriously. “I wish that were true, Chan, but it’s not. We’ll always be friends, but there are still things that I can’t talk about with you.”

  “We talk about everything with each other,” Chandler said confused.

  “We used to. But things are different now. I can’t talk to you about hooking up with another woman that isn’t you. I don’t want to hurt you. I know I wouldn’t want to hear about you hooking up with Megan.”

  “You’re right,” Chandler sighed. “I guess there are some things we can’t talk about anymore.”

  “Just relationship stuff,” Faith assured Chandler. “Everything else is still the same.”

  Chandler smiled sadly at the blonde. It was amazing how much things had changed between them.

  “Mama!” Ky exclaimed. The toddler finally realized that her mother had arrived. When Ky was playing blocks nothing could tear her attention from them.

  Faith bent down and scooped the girl into her arms. “Hey, baby girl!”

  Faith held onto the toddler tightly and kissed her head. It always felt like ages had passed between the time Ky was with Chandler and the time that she got her back. She wished Ky didn’t have to be shuffled between the two of them so often. Faith looked over and found Chandler grinning at the two of them.

  “What?” Faith questioned.

  “Nothing,” Chandler said. “I just love seeing you two together. It’s obvious who Ky’s favorite mom is.”

  “I don’t think Ky has a favorite mom.”

  “No, she definitely favors you. You’re like her best friend.”

  “It’s only because I play hide and seek so much better than you,” Faith shrugged.

  “You wish!”

  Ky started giggling uncontrollably. Both moms had no idea what she was laughing at, but the laughter was contagious. They both started laughing with Ky, smiling at each other.

  It was moments like these that made Faith regret that they weren’t together anymore. She missed these priceless moments with her family. She was glad that they’re split didn’t seem to be affecting Ky. She just hoped that that would continue.

  Chapter 12

  Faith and Chandler had decided that Faith would carry their baby since she had a less demanding schedule than Chandler. They also decided that they wanted to know the father of their baby personally. They didn’t necessarily want help with actually raising the baby, but they didn’t want some random person that the baby couldn’t have some kind of a relationship with.

  Faith had thought of Andy, but that was only if Chandler was going to have the baby. Since it was Faith, Andy was clearly not an option.

  “What about Craig?” Faith asked, turning around so that Chandler could wash her back. The two were taking a shower together.

  The idea of having a child together had sent their hormones into overdrive. The couple hadn’t been able to keep their hands off of each other.

  “Do you think he would do it?” Chandler asked.

  “I don’t know,” Faith answered. “But if you would be okay with him being the father, I could ask.”

  Chandler thought about it as Faith turned around and smiled at her.

  “Let’s see, he’s smart, athletic, talented, and very good-looking,” Chandler said.

  “It sounds like you like him more than you like me,” Faith joked.

  “Never,” Chandler smiled. “Besides, I hope our baby inherits all of your qualities.”

  Faith wrapped her arms around Chandler’s neck and kissed her softly.

  “I like Craig,” Chandler said. “Obviously he’s a great choice genetically, but he’s also a great person. He’d be the perfect father for our baby.”

  “I’ll ask him.”

  Chandler smiled seductively at Faith before wrapping her arms around the blonde’s waist and pulled her closer to her.

  Faith bit her lower lip, gazing into hazel eyes.

  Chandler leaned in to kiss the blonde passionately, moving her so that her back was against the wall of the shower.

  “I can’t wait to see you pregnant,” Chandler said in between kisses.

  “I’ll be fat, Chan,” Faith giggled.

  “No,” Chandler declared, stopping to look into green eyes. “You are going to be so beautiful pregnant.”

  The brunette brushed the blonde’s wet hair back and caressed her cheek gently. She kissed Faith’s soft lips, gliding her other hand over the woman’s breast.

  “I can’t wait to make love to you when you’re pregnant,” Chandler whispered, her voice full of desire.

  Faith could feel the heat building between her legs. Chandler always managed to make the woman fall apart. No matter how much time had passed, being with Chandler always felt like the way it felt the first time she was with her. Exciting and new.

  Chandler kissed her way down Faith’s body, careful to hit every spot on the woman’s body until she got to her sex.

  Chandler moved Faith’s legs apart and smiled up at the blonde before dragging her tongue through her dripping wet core.

  Faith threw her head back as her body gave way to the amazing things Chandler would do to her.


  Chandler’s parents had moved to Connecticut for her father’s job. Jen visited as frequently as she could to see Chandler, Faith, and Ky.

  Jen was in town for the weekend and was staying with Chandler at her apartment. Ky would be with her tomorrow, but she wanted to visit with Faith as well. Like Chandler and Faith’s mom, Faith and Jen had become close with each other.

  Jen and Faith were having coffee together at Faith’s house. Ky was busy playing with a new set of blocks that Jen had brought her.

  “How’s Michael?” Faith asked.

  “He’s good. He’s happy with his new position. It’s a little more travel, but he’s able to work from home more which he loves.”

  “Is he traveling now?”

  “Yes, he’s in California,” Jen answered. “He wishes he could have come. He’s a bit jealous that I’m here.”

  “What about you? How’s it going at the hospital? You’re the head of the nurses now right?”

  “Yes, it sounds more glamorous than it is. It’s mainly a lot of scheduling and paperwork. I would much rather be a nurse at this point. But the pay is better so I can’t really complain.”

  “That’s always good,” Faith said.

  Faith looked over at Ky to make sure that she was still just playing with her blocks.

  “I’m glad that you could meet with me,” Jen said.

  “Of course. I love seeing you.”

bsp; “I do too! But I actually wanted to speak with you about something.”

  “What’s that?” Faith asked.

  “What the hell is going on in that thick skull of yours?” Jen asked seriously. Her attitude had flipped in an instant.

  Faith looked shocked at the sudden change in Jen’s demeanor.

  “Sorry?” Faith asked.

  “Chandler is dating someone else and you aren’t doing anything about it.”

  Faith groaned after learning what the conversation would be about. It never failed. Either her mother or Chandler’s mother would bring up their relationship status.

  “We’re not together anymore, Jen.”

  “Which is a mistake,” Jen scoffed.

  “She’s supposed to be dating other people,” Faith continued, ignoring Jen’s comment. “It’s good that she’s moving on.”

  “When are the two of you going to realize that you’re perfect together? You, Chandler, and Ky are a family. You guys belong together.”

  Faith really wished their moms would stop butting into their relationship. It was hard enough without dealing with the pressures of others opinions. She knew that they meant well, but they should understand that this was between the two of them.

  “Jen, no offense, but this is between me and Chandler,” Faith said.

  “Yes, but I love you both and I don’t want to see you ruin your lives. You shouldn’t give up on what you two have. Not when there’s still so much love between the two of you.”

  “Jen, we’re both dating other people now,” Faith revealed. “I think its best we just leave the past in the past. Chandler and I will always be friends. We’ll always be a family for Ky. But we weren’t doing well together.”

  Faith had put a lot of thought into it before deciding to confront Chandler about splitting up. They both weren’t happy and that wasn’t good for any of them. In the long run it would only hurt them if they stayed together unhappy. She wouldn’t allow Ky to grow up like she did, knowing that her parents weren’t truly happy together.

  “But you two still love each other,” Jen reasoned. “I know you do. Love like that doesn’t just go away.”

  “Of course I still love her, but we went in different directions. Instead of growing together we grew apart. It’s hard to fix that.”

  “Okay, but just answer one question for me.”

  “What’s that?” Faith asked.

  “Can you honestly see yourself spending the rest of your life with someone other than Chandler?”

  Faith didn’t respond. She knew if she responded honestly, she’d be proving Jen right. She couldn’t see herself spending the rest of her life without Chandler. But, she couldn’t say that out loud. Not without ruining all of the progress she and Chandler had made.

  Chapter 13

  “I could have done this alone you know,” Craig said.

  “We wanted to do this together,” Faith said.

  “Yeah, you’re doing this huge thing for us,” Chandler said. “The least that we can do is be here for you.”

  “I’m jacking off into a cup! I don’t know how much help you two are going to be.”

  “We’re here for moral support,” Faith said.

  “I doubt jacking off into a cup is going to require moral support, Faith,” Craig said, rolling his eyes. “I do this all of the time. No big deal.”

  “You haven’t done it in the last twenty four hours though right?” Chandler asked. “We told you not to!”

  “Of course not!”

  “Good, because if you did you might not provide enough…”

  “Do not finish that sentence,” Craig warned.

  Chandler exhaled as she looked over at Faith and smiled.

  “Are you guys sure you want me for this?” Craig asked.

  “Yes,” Faith answered. “But, only if you’re really okay with it.”

  “I am. I just want to make sure. I mean you guys aren’t at all concerned that you’re dooming this child to be gay?”

  “What?” Chandler questioned in confusion.

  “Faith is gay. I’m gay. Chances are this baby will be gay.”

  “Craig, I don’t think that’s how it works,” Faith said.

  “How do you know? I feel like gayness is genetic.”

  “Faith is right, Craig,” Chandler said. “Two gay people having a baby together does not make it a certainty that the baby will be gay.”

  “Well, wait a minute he might have a point,” Faith said suddenly. “I mean I have a couple of family members that haven’t come out of the closet, but you could tell from a mile away.”

  “Faith, that’s ridiculous,” Chandler said. “There isn’t a gay gene.”

  “Good point,” Craig said, ignoring Chandler’s comment. “I have an uncle that’s gay. I think it runs in families.”

  “But it could be a recessive trait in this case,” Faith added. “So the baby might not be gay.”

  “Not that it would be bad if he or she was,” Craig said. “The kid would be lucky as hell. He or she definitely wouldn’t have to worry about being accepted.”

  Chandler shook her head at the conversation happening between the two friends. It was pointless to even say anything. Sometimes she hated when Faith and Craig were together. They were each other’s best friends and they usually agreed on everything. She was just glad that Craig was gay. That way she knew she didn’t have anything to be jealous about.

  “Craig DeLuca?” a nurse called out.

  “Wish me luck!” Craig smirked. “Though I know I won’t need it. I’ll be in and out.”

  “Just make sure you get it all into the cup,” Chandler said seriously.

  “Relax, I have good aim.”

  Craig walked back with the nurse, leaving the couple by themselves in the waiting room.

  “So what do you think?” Faith asked Chandler.

  “About what?”

  “About the gay gene,” Faith said incredulously. “Weren’t you paying attention?”

  Chandler sighed in annoyance as she glared at her girlfriend. “You’re lucky you’re so cute and I’m completely in love with you,” Chandler said.



  Faith and Chandler both received phone calls from the preschool that Ky was running a fever.

  Faith immediately picked her up and took her home. Chandler was in the middle of her shift so she couldn’t come right away but she knew Faith was with her so their daughter was in good hands.

  As soon as Chandler got off of work she came straight to Faith’s house.

  “How is she?” Chandler asked as soon as she came through the front door. She was still dressed in her hospital scrubs. As soon as her shift finished she headed right to Faith’s. She didn’t even take the time to change.

  “She still has a fever, but it’s come down significantly,” Faith answered. “She was so upset when I got there.”

  Faith was on the verge of crying. She hated seeing their daughter in any kind of discomfort. Chandler picked up on the subtle signs that Faith was about to break down in tears.

  “Hey it’s okay,” Chandler said, pulling Faith into her arms. “She’s with us now. She’s going to be fine.”

  “She really doesn’t feel good,” Faith cried.

  “It’s okay,” Chandler said soothingly.

  Chandler knew that Faith got really emotional when it came to their daughter’s health. They had experienced a scary night when the girl was a few months old that resulted in a trip to the emergency room. Her fever had been so high that Ky wouldn’t stop screaming. After that experience, they both took every precaution to avoid Ky getting that sick.

  “It’s just a cold,” Chandler assured Faith. “You said her fever is already starting to come down.”

  “What if it’s more than a cold?” Faith cried, pulling away from Chandler just enough so that she could look into her eyes.

  “It’s not,” Chandler said. “That’s just the worry talking. Ky has both of us
now. I’ll even spend the night so that we can both keep an eye on her. We’ll make sure she gets better.”

  Faith nodded tearfully.

  Chandler looked at Faith compassionately. She used her thumb to wipe away the tears from Faith’s cheeks. She hated seeing the blonde cry. It always made her want to cry too.

  “No more tears okay,” Chandler smiled sadly.

  Faith took a deep breath as she nodded her head. “No more tears.”

  Three hours later, Ky’s fever had officially broke. The toddler’s temperature was down to 98.9. She was fast asleep in her crib. Both moms felt like they could finally breathe.

  “I’ll check on her the rest of the night so that you can get some sleep,” Chandler said as she sat down next to Faith on the couch.

  “I can check on her,” Faith assured Chandler. “You need your sleep too. You must be exhausted from your shift.”

  “I’m fine,” Chandler said. “I’ve survived way longer shifts before.”

  “I probably won’t be able to sleep anyway,” Faith rolled her eyes.

  “Faith, her fever broke. She’s going to be fine.”

  “I know, I’m just still wired up.”

  “Okay, then we can just stay up together,” Chandler smiled. “It’ll be like a slumber party.”

  Faith laughed at the thought.

  Chandler smiled at Faith. She loved the sound of the blonde’s laughter. It was like music to her ears. She really missed spending time with Faith. Faith wasn’t just her girlfriend. She was her best friend. It was hard not being able to spend as much time with her anymore.

  “I missed this,” Chandler sighed. “I miss you.”

  Faith stopped laughing and looked at Chandler thoughtfully. She missed Chandler too. A lot more than usual. It didn’t help that Jen had gotten into her head either.

  “I miss you too,” Faith admitted.

  “The truth is, seeing you with Peyton was hard for me,” Chandler said. “I didn’t think it would be, but it was. I hate to admit it, but I was jealous.”


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