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The Men of World War II

Page 38

by Stephen E. Ambrose

  at Noville, 177, 205, 214–17

  officers of, 17–18, 22–24, 38, 49–50, 112

  101st joined by, 18, 39

  paratrooper training of, 18, 20, 30–33, 39–40, 46–47

  physical training of, 18–22, 25–29, 30, 33, 37, 39

  preinvasion training of, 45–47, 54–56, 61–62, 79

  in preparation for combat, 15–16, 18–20, 39, 46–47

  regimental prayer of, 118–19

  scrapbook of, 42, 55, 167, 177–78

  at Veghel, 131–34

  wings and insignia of, 19–20, 31–34, 40–41, 64, 219, 245

  flares, 227, 230

  Foley, Jack, 168–69, 199, 207–8, 243, 288

  in Austria, 280

  in Germany, 255, 258

  at Haguenau, 225, 229, 234, 235

  at Mourmelon, 168, 239, 242, 244

  nonfraternization policy and, 250

  at Saverne, 237

  Fort Benning, 28, 34–35, 229

  jump school at, 30–33

  physical training at, 30

  Fort Bragg, 40

  “40-and-8s,” 238, 258, 259

  Foy, 176–78, 192, 196, 204, 218, 267

  attack on, 211–12, 221

  bombing of, 182

  supplies at, 182, 214, 219

  weather at, 186

  Freeman, Bradford, 167, 176, 278, 306

  French people, U.S. soldiers and, 246, 248

  Frost, John, 135

  Frying Pan, 30

  furlough regulations, 33–34

  Fussell, Paul, 24–25, 84, 155

  Gabel, Kurt, 21–22

  Gangplank Fever, 41–42

  Garcia, Tony, 215

  Gavin, James, 119

  German Army, see Wehrmacht

  German people, U.S. soldiers and, 247–51

  German rail system, 259

  German rations, 143

  G.I. Bill of Rights, 292–93

  Gibson, Tom, 206

  G.I. life insurance, 67

  gliders, 40, 92, 156

  Goebbels, Paul Joseph, 265

  Goering, Hermann, 265, 270

  Gordon, Walter, 18–21, 24, 65, 109, 169, 293–95, 304

  on D-Day, 69, 74–75

  jump school and, 31–32

  promotion of, 112

  in “Rescue,” 158–60

  wounding of, 101, 108–9, 188, 193–94

  Grant, Chuck, 59, 241, 296

  wounding of, 129, 284–85

  Gray, J. Glen, 22, 155–56, 221, 227–28, 235, 250

  grenades, 80–81

  fragmentation, 207

  phosphorus incendiary, 83

  potato-masher, 81, 83, 144

  Grodzki, Stephen, 188

  Gross, Jerre, 77

  Guards Armored Division, British, 119–20, 124, 125, 135, 140

  Guarnere, Bill, 22, 56, 63–64, 84, 85, 169, 296

  on D-Day, 76, 78–84

  intelligence patrol of, 103

  promotions of, 38, 112

  wounding of, 170, 201

  Guth, Forrest, 74–75, 169, 237, 286, 305

  Guy, Lloyd, 284

  Haguenau, 223–35, 267

  population of, 225

  replacement soldiers at, 229

  supplies at, 236

  Hale, Earl, 47, 243

  in Berchtesgaden, 269

  promotion of, 241–42

  wounding of, 218

  Hall, John, 82

  Hansen, Herman, 18, 285

  Harris, “Salty,” 22, 37–38, 48, 53

  Harvard University, 15, 20, 112, 221, 272

  Hashey, Lester “Leo,” 158–60, 305

  Hawg Innards Problem, 27

  Hayes, Harold, 220

  hedgerows, 91, 92

  Heffron, Ed “Babe,” 180–81, 183, 261

  in Berchtesgaden, 267–68

  Heidelberg, 260

  “Hell’s Highway,” 123–40, 164

  casualties on, 140

  MARKET-GARDEN and, 124–29

  Helmond, 127, 130, 139

  Hemmen, 147

  Hendrix, Walter, 78–84, 304

  Herron, A. P., 220

  Hester, Clarence, 17, 18, 23, 169, 304

  at Aldbourne, 62–63

  on D-Day, 78, 83

  promotion of, 38

  Sobel and, 25–26

  Heyliger, Fred “Moose,” 157–58, 162–63, 296–97

  Hickman, Pvt., 240, 249

  Higgins, Gerald, 168, 175

  Hill, Andrew, 82

  Himmler, Heinrich, 265

  Hitler, Adolf, 15, 22, 67, 210

  Ardennes offensive and, 172–74

  in Berchtesgaden, 264–65

  Hitlerjugend, 198

  Hodges, Courtney, 193

  Hogan, Joe, 67

  Holland (Netherlands), 15, 120, 123–57, 267, 291, 295

  casualties in, 164

  dikes of, 141

  end of campaign in, 138

  equipment in, 133

  troops surrounded in, 135

  see also specific sites

  Hoobler, Don, 125, 183, 189

  character of, 113

  death of, 198, 220, 236

  at Foy, 183

  Horton, Oliver, 154

  Houch, “Rusty,” 83

  Houffalize, 218

  Howell, Bill, 269

  Howell, Shep, 201, 236

  Hudson, Pvt., 237

  I Company, 210, 211, 284

  India, 116

  Ingersoll, Ralph, 182

  Innsbruck, 258

  intelligence, Allied

  Ardennes offensive and, 172–73

  MARKET-GARDEN and, 138

  Normandy campaign and, 62–63

  Iron Cross, 268

  Isigny, 91

  Island, 141–64, 226

  casualties on, 149–50, 151

  evacuation of, 143

  front-line positions on, 143–44

  terrain of, 141–42

  Italian people, U.S. soldiers and, 248

  Jackson, Eugene, 231–32

  Janovek, John, 249, 255, 283–84

  Japanese Army, 28

  Joigny, 288

  Jones, Hank, 229, 230, 234

  Juenger, Ernst, 228

  Julian, John, 185, 220

  Julius Caesar, 165, 238

  jumpmasters, 31–33, 67

  jump school, 229, 244

  badges and symbols of, 19–20, 31, 33, 34, 40

  graduates of, 19–20, 33–34

  preparation for, 18, 20

  stages of, 30–32

  Kaprun, 275, 278, 280

  Keegan, John, 210

  Kinnard, Harry W. O., 189

  Korean War, 286

  Koskimaki, George, 173

  K rations, 27, 182

  Lager, Harry, 251–52, 273

  La Madeleine, 58, 63

  Landsberg, 262–63

  Lavenson, George, 38, 77, 94

  Lawson Field, 31

  Leach, William, 254

  Leclerc, Jacques Philippe, 265

  Lee, William C., 39, 40

  leg bags, 66, 71, 76

  Le Grand-Chemin, 78, 87

  Lesniewski, Joseph, 103

  Liebgott, Joseph, 64, 150, 186–87, 220, 240, 247

  in attack on Noville, 218

  in Austria, 276–77

  at Carentan, 91, 96–97

  on D-Day, 78–84

  wounding of, 144, 170–71

  Lipton, Carwood, 17, 18, 22, 36, 53, 63, 65, 69, 76, 111–12, 169, 188, 192, 290, 304

  in Alsace, 224

  in Austria, 276

  battlefield commission of, 234

  on D-Day, 67, 78–84

  at Foy, 188, 192, 204

  at Noville, 215–16

  promotions of, 38, 112, 224

  wounding of, 97, 108–9, 234

  liquor, 21, 90, 270–73, 279–80, 281

  London, 49, 108, 115

  Lorraine, Gerald, 78–84

  Luftwaffe, 123, 130, 182, 266, 2

  Lugers, 82, 90, 155, 198, 244, 261

  Luz, George, 35, 47, 70, 169

  in Berchtesgaden, 272–73

  in Germany, 256

  at Haguenau, 226

  reassignment of, 241

  Lyall, Clarence, 228, 299–300

  Lynch, Sgt., 276–77

  McAuliffe, Anthony, 168, 182, 189

  McClung, Earl, 75, 282

  at Foy, 188

  at Haguenau, 230

  McCreary, Thomas, 169–71, 220, 251

  in Austria, 278

  at Haguenau, 226, 229, 230, 233

  McGonigal, William, 105

  McGrath, John, 100

  machine-guns, 78–84, 93, 136, 146, 185, 230

  Mackall, John T., 35

  mail, 103, 138, 165

  Main Line of Resistance (MLR), German, at Bastogne, 184

  Main Line of Resistance (MLR), U.S.:

  at Bastogne, 179–94

  at Carentan, 92–105

  Making of a Paratrooper, The (Gabel), 21–22

  Malarkey, Don, 22, 59, 84, 85, 103–4, 113, 169

  at Aldbourne, 45

  in Berchtesgaden, 268

  at Camp Toccoa, 28–29

  on D-Day, 76, 78–84

  Eisenhower and, 55–56

  in Germany, 254, 260

  at Haguenau, 230, 234

  at Mourmelon, 166–67, 175–76

  promotion of, 112

  souvenir hunting and, 82, 155

  Maloney, John, 97, 106, 184, 199, 246

  Mann, Bob, 205

  MARKET-GARDEN, 120, 168

  Allied intelligence and, 138

  drop zone in, 123–24

  Eisenhower and, 121, 138–39

  failure of, 138–40, 172–73

  “Hell’s Highway” and, 124–37

  strategic objective of, 134–35

  Marne River, 165

  Marsh, Bob, 237, 283–84

  at Haguenau, 227, 233, 235

  Marshall, S. L. A., 85

  martial law, 263

  Martin, John, 22, 38, 63–64, 65, 113, 169, 220, 302

  at Foy, 184–86

  at Haguenau, 232, 235

  at Mourmelon, 242

  at Neunen, 127, 129

  promotion of, 38

  Matheson, S. L., 15, 169, 299

  at Haguenau, 229

  promotion of, 38

  reassignment of, 240

  respect for 20–21

  Mathews, Robert, 65, 105

  medics, 180–81, 182

  Meehan, Thomas, 54, 58, 67, 92, 105

  Mein Kampf (Hitler), 261

  Mellett, Francis, 158–60, 220

  Melo, Joachim, 50–52

  Mercier, Ken, 229–33, 234, 271

  Meuse River, 193

  Miller, Glenn, 115

  Miller, James, 129

  Miller, John, 105

  M-1, 95, 96, 150, 236

  ammunition for, 177, 186

  money exchange rate, 119, 166–67

  Montgomery, Bernard Law, 54–55, 193

  Ardennes strategy of, 191, 213–14

  First Allied Airborne Army and, 120

  MARKET-GARDEN and, 120, 139

  Moone, Don, 276–77, 302–3, 304

  Moore, Walter, 17, 29

  morale, 112, 138, 186, 219–20

  of E Company, 84, 177–78

  More, Alton, 90, 106–7

  Morgan, Frederick, 242

  morphine, 151, 162, 188, 232

  mortars, 16, 27, 28, 35, 56, 86, 96–97, 104, 137

  Morton, James, 118, 195

  Mourmelon-le-Grand, 165–78, 236, 238–47, 252, 254

  ammunition supplies at, 175

  civilian population of, 225

  recreation in, 166–67, 175, 176

  replacement soldiers at, 168, 244–45

  Mourmelon-le-Petit, 165

  Moya, Sergio, 105

  Muchik, 256

  Muck, Warren “Skip”, 56, 59, 113

  at Camp Toccoa, 28–29

  death of, 204–5, 220

  at Foy, 184–86

  at Mourmelon, 166–67

  promotion of, 112

  Munich, 258, 262, 265, 282

  Murray, Elmer, 38, 65, 105

  Mussolini, Benito, 265

  National Guard, 15, 17

  Nazis, 247, 250, 255, 256–57

  in Berchtesgaden, 264–65

  execution of, 276–77

  homes of, 265–67

  Neavles, Doc, 151

  Neitzke, Norman, 261

  Night Drop (Marshall), 85

  night exercises, 26, 36, 46, 92, 114, 239

  Nijmegen, 120, 124, 141, 143, 164

  Niland, Bob, 59, 102–3

  Niland, Fritz, 59, 102, 174, 295

  9th SS Division, German, 198, 212

  Nixon, Lewis, 17, 169, 303

  at Aldbourne, 49–50, 62–63

  in Austria, 275, 279

  at Bastogne, 180

  in Berchtesgaden, 270–71, 272

  at Carentan, 103

  on D-Day, 78, 87

  at Haguenau, 229

  in Operation Varsity, 245

  personality of, 163

  promotion of, 38

  reassignment of, 240

  respect for, 22–23

  wounding of, 136–37

  nonfraternization policy, 247, 250, 279, 281

  Nordwind, Operation, 223

  Normandy invasion and campaign

  Allied intelligence and, 62

  Allied strategy in, 57–58, 62–63, 89, 91–92

  Carentan attack and, 97–105

  Carentan defense and, 91–97

  casualties in, 77, 84, 100, 101, 106, 110, 164

  code names for, 58

  decorations for, 85

  German soldiers in, 72, 76, 77, 78–84

  German strategy in, 58, 63, 77

  morale of troops in, 112

  parachute jumpers in, 65–71

  postponement of, 65

  rehearsals for, 55–61

  size of Allied forces in, 55, 57–58, 68, 77

  see also D-Day

  Noville, 177, 192, 205, 213–14, 267

  Nuenen, 127, 129, 135, 139

  Oak Leaf Cluster, 287

  Oats, Ernest, 105

  Officer Candidate’s School (OCS), 15, 38, 158

  O’Keefe, Patrick S. in Austria, 284

  in Berchtesgaden, 271–73

  in Germany, 251–53

  at Mourmelon, 239–40, 242, 246

  Omaha Beach, 57–58, 89, 91–92

  101st Airborne Division (Screaming Eagles), 15, 16, 17, 27, 39, 119–21, 172, 290–91

  Allied invasion strategy and, 57–58, 62–63, 89, 91–92

  in Alsace, 223–25

  Ardennes offensive and, 176–91

  in Austria, 274–91

  at Bastogne, 179–94

  at Carentan, 91–92, 105

  combat attitudes of, 110–12

  D-Day airdrop and, 65–71

  decorations of, 85

  European departure of, 40–44

  506th attached to, 18, 39

  flag of, 289

  in Germany, 251, 258, 265

  “Hell’s Highway” control and, 135

  inactivation of, 289

  inspection of, 116

  legendary status of, 190–91, 219

  London and, 49, 108

  MARKET-GARDEN and, 138

  morale of, 84, 112

  at Mourmelon, 165–66, 242–43

  naming of “Hell’s Highway” and, 129

  at Noville, 205, 214–17

  official history of, 123, 131, 190, 259

  in Operation Eagle, 60–61

  in Operation Eclipse, 244–45

  paratrooper training of, 39–40, 46–47

  policy of returning wounded of, 109

  preinvasion training of, 45–47, 54–56, 61–62, 79

  Presidential Citation received by, 243

  redeploying of, 287–88
/>   in ring defense at Bastogne, 179, 190–91

  at Uden, 134

  wings and insignia of, 19–20, 31–34, 40–41, 64, 166, 219, 245

  106th Infantry Division, 173

  107th Panzerbrigade, German, 127

  “1,000 yard attack,” 196–98

  Opheusden, 141, 144, 153

  Orne River, 57

  Owe Richard, 105

  Pace, Cecil, 121

  parachutes, 20, 31, 60, 62, 70, 86


  badges and symbols of, 19–20, 31, 33, 34, 40, 41, 64, 219, 245

  on D-Day, 65–71, 75

  equipment of, 35

  morale of, 84, 112

  training of, 18, 20, 27, 30–33, 39, 46–47, 54

  values of, 16–17

  see also jump school

  Paris, 91, 121, 168

  passwords, 64, 74, 253

  Pathfinders, 68, 73, 245

  Patton, George S., 218

  MARKET-GARDEN and, 121, 139

  Normandy campaign and, 116

  Peacock, Thomas, 184, 199

  in Austria, 288

  character of, 114, 134

  at Foy, 184–86

  Pearl Harbor, 172

  Penkala, Alex, 204–5, 220

  Perconte, Frank, 18, 169, 209

  Petty, Cleveland, 85

  Plesha, John, 304

  on D-Day, 78–84

  promotion of, 112

  point system, defined, 281–83

  Porsche, Ferdinand, 276

  Powers, Shifty, 90, 211–12

  at Foy, 188, 192

  at Haguenau, 236

  wounding of, 282

  Preparation for Overseas Movement, 41

  Presidential Distinguished Unit Citation, 121, 243, 287, 288

  press, 190–91, 247

  prisoners of war (POWs), 150, 164, 206, 277

  at Haguenau, 229–33

  at Mourmelon, 241

  propaganda, 115, 160–61, 247, 250

  Purple Heart, 109, 241

  point system and, 281–82

  Quartermaster Company, 224–25

  Rachamps, 217–20

  Rader, Robert, 14, 22, 38, 113, 169, 183, 189–90, 220, 305

  at Camp Toccoa, 22–23, 26

  at Foy, 183

  at Haguenau, 235–36

  promotion of, 38

  radio communications, 93, 173

  railway gun, 225, 226

  Ramirez, Joe, 32, 93–94

  Randleman, Denver “Bull,” 39, 113, 169, 185, 304

  at Foy, 184–86

  wounding of, 129

  Ranney, Myron “Mike,” 20, 48, 53, 54, 303–4, 307

  on D-Day, 70, 78–84

  promotions of, 37–38, 112

  Ravenoville, 73, 75

  Recogne, 215

  Red Ball express, 174

  Red Cross, 38, 40, 41, 166, 238

  Reese, Lavon, 112

  in Austria, 278

  in Germany, 249, 251

  rehabilitation ward, 170

  Reims, 165, 166, 243

  German surrender at, 271

  Remagen, Ludendorff Bridge at, 245

  replacement soldiers, 154–57, 202–3

  at Aldbourne, 116

  at Haguenau, 229

  at Mourmelon, 168, 244–45

  “Rescue,” 158–60

  Reserves, 15

  Rhine, 15, 120, 139, 141, 165, 225, 245, 246, 249, 251, 253, 255, 257, 258, 259


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