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In the Arms of the Beast

Page 22

by K. A. Merikan

  Back then, he’d also been unsure, and confused. Everything had seemed strange, and during their visit at this playground Laurent had even asked if the wooden structures were meant for tiny people. Whatever the future had in store for them, Laurent would learn to deal with it.

  It was a shame that there might not be any more children at the clubhouse any time soon. Nao and Elliot were very much against procreating, and even Fox had gone through some dreadful surgical procedure called vasectomy to avoid having any more children. A part of Laurent wanted to condemn Fox and suggest chastity instead of altering God’s creation, but who was he kidding? He couldn’t have stayed away from Beast, so how was he to expect Fox would no longer bed his wife? It was only human to crave such things.

  Maybe Lana and Xavier would end up staying after all? Marcel would surely benefit from having a friend his own age.

  The seclusion of the play-castle offered Laurent an excellent view of the surrounding area. He dangled his feet high above the ground, feeling like a medieval knight scouring the area for the approach of his king. He could only hope that the lack of phone calls didn’t mean Beast had been arrested.

  The kiss they’d shared had been a physical reminder of the closeness Laurent had never felt with anyone before Beast. When he’d watched handsome men, when he had become enamoured with William Fane, it had been lust and need for safety that had guided his actions, not love. But Beast was neither a provider nor protector for Laurent, even if he fulfilled both those functions nevertheless. It was his heart, decent at the core and willing to help Laurent regardless of whether he’d get something in return or not, that made Laurent trust him. Desire him in a way he’d never desired anyone else. And now that he sat on his own in the dark, desperately listening and watching the small park, he was faced with the outcome of his own pettiness.

  The world could be ending within days for all they knew. And what was he doing? Antagonizing the man who loved him and losing the only time they might have left. Laurent had his own ideas of how they should proceed, and the apologies he required, but maybe he shouldn’t try to impose his own values on Beast and be more open minded. After all, regardless of his doubts regarding Marcel, Beast had promised to fulfill his duty to their son. If that was all he could give, would the future be so bad?

  Laurent rubbed his eyes, agonizing over the selfishness he now recognized in his own behavior. Beast didn’t hesitate for a moment when he realized Marcel’s safety was at stake. He stopped whatever he’d been doing all day and risked his freedom to retrieve their son. He did care, and Laurent, in his self-centered view of the world, ignored his husband’s positive actions, instead choosing to wait until Beast changed to appease him.

  He’d not been fair, and now he itched to apologize while Beast’s steady arms cradled him close.

  The soft thud of footsteps was like a wind chime in the quiet of the night, and Laurent’s head turned in its direction. His heart skipped a beat, but his eyes weren’t any better at seeing in low light, despite the surgery and the beautiful glasses his husband had gifted to him. Still, he looked on until the shadows on the other side of the street revealed a tall, wide-shouldered form. Laurent knew it was Beast even before the figure stopped by their parked car and peeked inside. Laurent was yet to see a man more imposing in size.

  “Over here!” he called out, smiling in relief. He placed Marcel in the corner of the little tower.

  Beast looked like a different man in the overalls. He usually sported a leather jacket that proclaimed to the world who he was. Just thinking about it made Laurent miss his own vest. How could he have ever parted from Beast’s name on his back? This situation once again proved how many things there were still left to improve in his character. He needed to be more understanding, more forgiving if he was to be a good father to Marcel. And a good husband to Beast.

  Beast looked up, and while Laurent couldn’t see his face in the dark, there was spring to his gait when he headed toward the playground. Heat erupted inside Laurent before they even touched, and when he realized that he was sitting too high up to hug Beast, his first reaction was to push his hips forward in order to jump off the wooden platform. Before he could have slid off, Beast circled Laurent’s waist with his arms and rested his forehead against his stomach.

  Laurent gasped and hugged Beast’s head. “I’m so sorry,” was the first thing he was able to choke out. He took a deep inhale of Beast’s scent, his heart already aching with so much love he couldn’t handle it.

  Beast tightened his hold on Laurent and rubbed his tailbone through the clothes. “You made it in one piece. I was worried,” he admitted after a moment’s silence.

  “I wasn’t the one evading police. Beast, it was so brave of you. I don’t know where I would be without you.” He kissed the top of Beast’s head. He rarely had an opportunity to be above his tall man, but now he wanted to move his lips all over the scarred scalp.

  Despite the low light, Laurent could still see the glint in Beast’s eyes. “Lost. You would be lost. But I was lost too before you came here, so I guess we’re even.”

  Laurent stroked the back of Beast’s neck, so relieved that he could touch him, that he didn’t have to visit him in jail, or worse yet, because in Laurent’s times burglary might have led a man to the scaffold. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I cannot live without you.”

  Beast tipped his head farther back, and while the tattoos and scars made it difficult to recognize his expression in the dark, Laurent could sense the warmth of his man’s smile. “I really missed you lecturing me, but this is even better.”

  “You’re lying. You must have enjoyed a break from my demands,” Laurent said, though he hoped that wasn’t the case. He ran his fingers over the cheek made uneven by scars, which he’d have judged in the past. Back in his time, he’d been blinded by William Fane’s outer charm, but he would never again focus on the exterior qualities of a man. And Beast, with the physical deformities caused by his father’s cruelty and mistakes of youth, had the kindest, most understanding heart. He was beautiful, and Laurent didn’t need to ever know the touch of anyone else.

  Beast hummed, and moved his hands until the tips of his fingers brushed the tops of Laurent’s buttocks. “I am ready to deal with any demands you might have.”

  Laurent snorted and leaned down for a kiss. “Good, because there will be many. Now I demand you hold me close, because I missed you more than you could ever imagine.”

  Beast pushed his face at Laurent’s stomach again, only this time he slid his nose lower, rubbing it against the zipper of Laurent’s jeans. Laurent gasped at the touch, heat instantly hitting his cheeks. There was no denying he’d missed this just as much as his husband’s company. Beast had a way of igniting a fire inside him at the snap of his fingers.

  But they weren’t in a closed garage this time.

  Laurent swallowed, unable to push Beast away despite the worry of what would happen, were they seen. “What if someone comes?”

  Beast snorted and slid his nose up and down Laurent’s cock. “I’ll make them move along.”

  Laurent bit his lip, fighting an inner battle, but this time propriety stood no chance against lust. It was the middle of the night after all. No one had a reason to walk past the park at this hour, and in the dark, the wooden walls of the castle obscured them from view well enough.

  The need to connect with Beast was so intense thinking clearly wasn’t possible anymore. He knew they had to talk through a hundred issues, but what was the point of pushing away closeness when Laurent knew they would work something out eventually? Their differences weren’t irreconcilable, not when they both wanted to make things work.

  Beast grinned and grabbed Laurent as if he intended to pull him off the platform, but it turned out he needed him closer to the edge. Meeting Laurent’s gaze with an intensity that burned holes in Laurent’s chest, Beast rubbed his entire palm over Laurent’s groin before proceeding to unbuckle his belt. The slow movement of the slide
r made Laurent curl his toes in pleasure, and when the zipper opened, letting in more air, he stretched to invite Beast’s touch

  “No one is allowed to find out about this. Beast, you bring out my wild side,” he whispered, stirring in anticipation of his man’s skilled tongue. The world around blurred when Beast was this close.

  Beast snorted, but the way he tugged on Laurent’s skinny jeans and underwear spoke of an urgency he wasn’t otherwise showing. “Fine. But feel free to tell everyone how much you like what I’m doing to you.”

  Laurent bit back a smile, looking up at the shadows of the roofing above. “I like to be vague about it. Give my audience just enough to keep them guessing.”

  His cock wasn’t vague in what it wanted at all. When Beast pulled his jeans and underwear lower, Laurent was already hot and ready. So much so that even the cold wood scraping his naked buttocks wasn’t a deterrent. The illicit excitement of doing this in a public place rippled through him faster with each second. Anyone who called him a prude behind his back had no idea of the powerful desires reigning over Laurent’s body and soul.

  Beast’s shaky exhale was the kind of compliment Laurent needed. He wasn’t ignorant of being a handsome man, but to be so worshipped, so wanted still, sent a thrill down his spine. But when Beast’s warm breath touched his rapidly stiffening flesh, the rush in his head became so intense that for a moment he longed to lie back. But no. He wanted to look at Beast too much.

  Beast met his gaze when he pushed Laurent’s legs apart. There was confidence in the gesture, but also a gentleness that only heightened Laurent’s pleasure when Beast licked Laurent’s balls without ever looking away.

  Laurent stifled a moan, gripping the longer hair on top of Beast’s head as the damp touch radiated all the way to his face and left him flushing. Few things were comparable to the sensation of Beast pleasuring Laurent with his mouth. Skin to skin. Kisses and suckles Laurent was powerless against. When he’d set out on his quest for male flesh, that was all he’d had in mind except perhaps companionship, but he found so much more in Beast’s embrace.

  The heat of Beast’s tongue made Laurent gasp as the strange contrast between the temperature of the air and the warmth on his cock took his brain into a spin. How could two sensations so different, so separate, coexist in one body yet create no conflict? He was sure there had been a reason for those thoughts once, but it dispersed when the saliva cooled on his balls and Beast sucked in his cockhead.

  Laurent groaned and bent forward, clutching Beast’s hair. Nothing could compare to the sense of belonging he felt each time they connected intimately. Not just because his cock was rock-hard from the excitement, but also because Beast put so much effort and care into pleasuring him. He was such an imposing man, the president of the Kings of Hell MC, yet he was still eager to push his head between Laurent’s legs, suck his dick, and swallow the spunk.

  The massive hands squeezed Laurent’s ass, speaking of Beast’s urgency, even before he hollowed his cheeks around Laurent, creating suction so wonderful it had Laurent digging his heels into Beast’s shoulders. Had there ever been a man more skilled at giving another this kind of bliss than Beast? Surely not. Nobody could be as caring, sweet, and filthy all at once.

  Beast clenched one hand on Laurent’s ass while tightening the other around Laurent’s balls. It didn’t hurt but was intense enough to make Laurent’s head fog up, and his cock tremble from the inside. It was as if he were intending to milk Laurent of all his juices.

  Laurent wrapped his arms around Beast’s head and moaned against its shaved side. “Beast, I’m almost there,” he whispered in a shaky voice. He couldn’t help it anymore, and rocked his hips against the lips sucking him with urgency.

  Beast didn’t relent. If anything, he caressed Laurent more intensely. Downing all of him at once, he swallowed around the cock, causing hot tremors to erupt all over Laurent. With his legs shaking, he came into Beast’s mouth and did a real bad job of staying silent.

  He panted against Beast’s skin, and once his breathing became less erratic, he licked the salty flesh. He and Beast were meant to be. It was so obvious now, he couldn’t comprehend that he’d ever had any doubts.

  “You are so good at this. Let me see if I can match your skill.”

  Beast licked his lips as if he’d just dined on gourmet food, and grabbed the wooden pillars on either side of Laurent. The platform was high above the ground, but he hopped on with such skill Laurent wasn’t sure if it was his supreme strength or urgency that made it possible.

  Beast pushed him flat to the floor of the children’s play castle, sliding his hands up Laurent’s arms and entwining their fingers during a kiss so passionate the fire that had dimmed inside Laurent after he came once again burned a bit brighter.

  “I want you more than I ever wanted anyone,” Beast whispered, moving on to press wet, demanding kisses over the side of Laurent’s face.

  “I love you,” Laurent said, and slipped his hand between Beast’s thighs, eager to taste him and give as much pleasure as he’d been offered.

  Beast’s eyes rolled back, and he grabbed the hand, pressing it tighter against him. His cock felt massive and was already so stiff Laurent moaned in sympathy. Surely, he could provide his man the relief he needed. “Me too. Love everything about you, even when you act all self-righteous. You’re so cute when you think you’re never wrong,” Beast said, half-snorting, half-whimpering.

  Laurent squeezed Beast’s dick through the soft fabric of the overalls. “Watch what you say to a man who is about to have your cock between his teeth.”

  Beast trembled and rocked above Laurent. “I’m shuddering with fear.”

  Laurent couldn’t help but bite back a smile. He rubbed his fingers over the cock while reaching up with his other hand to the zipper at Beast’s chest. He couldn’t wait to feast his eyes on the sight it kept hidden. He had no doubt that even in the dim light it would be an indulgence to the senses.

  “Shall I take back my offer?” he teased.

  Beast let out a growl of impatience and pushed Laurent’s arms back, pressing them to the floor. He moved forward until his crotch was aligned with Laurent’s face. Only then, once Laurent was immobilized and waiting, did he open the overalls, revealing his underwear and tattooed chest.

  “What offer? It’s time to pay up for my services.”

  Laurent took a deep breath, wishing he could see Beast with a bit more clarity than the sparse light allowed, but Beast made it even harder by taking off Laurent’s glasses. Laurent could hardly resent him for it though, since the gesture meant they were that much closer to Beast’s cock being enclosed between Lauren’t lips.

  “I guess it’s only fair…” His gaze trailed all the way from the sturdy chest to the muscular stomach, and lower, in time to see Beast pushing down his underwear and releasing his beautiful manhood.

  Laurent’s breath quickened, and he raised his head off the floor, salivating in anticipation. He’d be ashamed to admit just how much he’d missed sex with Beast, but his lusty nature was a fact nevertheless.

  Beast had a tight grip around his girth and gave it a slow pump, hypnotizing Laurent with the motion. “Don’t be shy.”

  Laurent arched off the wooden floor and licked all the way from Beast’s balls, along the shaft, over Beast’s knuckles, and to the cockhead already oozing pre-cum. His brain overflowed with so much yearning it couldn’t contain any thoughts other than ones about here and now. The world around them might as well have not existed.

  The scent of Beast’s arousal was so strong, so intoxicating Laurent found himself humming in pleasure before he could even taste the damp tip of the cock. His neck was starting to cramp from the strain of this position but he didn’t care, too caught up in the need to reconnect with his man. When Beast’s big, warm hand pushed into his hair, providing the support he so desperately needed, Laurent was even more eager to give him what he wanted.

  He murmured when his lips closed around Beast’s
cock and sensed the firm thighs going tense on either side of his head. He looked up, locked in this erotic dream where the matters of the world could be dealt with later, because being together was more urgent. Because it was true. Nothing mattered much without Beast. Whatever happened in the future, they would work things out. They were married, they loved one another, and there was no reason to make rash decisions.

  Beast groaned in appreciation, rocking his cock in and out of Laurent’s mouth. His gaze was fixed on Laurent’s face though, eyes wide as if he wanted to remember every single detail about this encounter.

  Quickened breath echoed off the wooden walls of the structure, and while Laurent felt the tiniest flicker of guilt over doing this in a space meant for children, it remained distant as he and Beast were consumed by need.

  Beast’s cock was of a substantial size, but Laurent was proficient at handling it and opened his throat to the intrusion time and time again, despite his eyes watering. He wouldn’t have minded the sensation if it wasn’t for his vision blurring and obscuring the glorious sight above him. He could’ve spent hours adoring Beast’s body and learning each tattoo by heart, and it still wouldn’t be enough to satisfy him.

  The familiar rhythm brought so much peace into Laurent’s heart that he could relax and focus on both giving and receiving pleasure. Beast’s body was so strong, sturdy like a statue yet warm and so sweet Laurent couldn’t wait to curl up next to it. He let go and, and by the time Beast backed out of Laurent’s throat to come down Laurent’s tongue, his withdrawal was almost a surprise.

  He swallowed greedily, sucking around the cock and enjoying how the shaft throbbed with heat against his lips. He closed his eyes, not even caring that they were in a public spot and his underwear was still halfway down his thighs. This was bliss.

  Seconds passed until the world stopped spinning, but by the time the air started feeling cold on bare skin. Beast zipped up his overalls before rolling a still-very-much-undressed Laurent into his arms for a sweet kiss that lasted forever.


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