The Greater Journey

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The Greater Journey Page 66

by David McCullough

Bigot, Charles, 336

  Bion, Paul, 372

  Birds of America, The (Audubon), 143

  Bismarck, Otto von, 247, 258, 279, 298

  Healy’s portrait of, 336, 351

  Blackwell, Elizabeth, 191–94, 195, 240

  Blanqui, Auguste, 318

  Bloody Week (La Semaine Sanglante), 320–25, 338

  Blue Danube, The (Strauss), 247

  Bobergh (dressmaker), 252

  Boboli Gardens, 347

  Bohème, La (Puccini), 221

  Bois de Boulogne, 208, 210, 267, 268, 290, 295, 306, 351, 376, 441, 451

  Boit, Edward Darley, 396, 403

  Boit, Florence, 396–97

  Boit, Jane, 396–97

  Boit, Julia, 396–97

  Boit, Mary Louisa, 396–99

  Boit, Mary Louisa Cushing, 396, 403

  Bonaparte, Louis, 202

  Bonheur, Rosa, 411, 416

  Boone, Daniel, 71, 72

  Boston Athenaeum, 198

  Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society, 212

  Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 192

  Boston Public Garden, 360

  Boston Public Library, 431, 437, 443, 456

  boulevard Malesherbes, 236

  Bourse, 27

  Boutet, Anne Françoise (Mademoiselle Mars), 51–52

  Bowditch, Henry, 108–9, 118–21, 123, 125, 126, 128, 130, 424

  advice to son, 135–36

  later career of, 133–34

  Bowditch, Nathaniel, 118

  Bowditch, Olivia Yardley, 121, 130, 134, 136

  Bowditch, Vincent, 135

  Bread and Cheese (club), 63

  bridges, of Paris, 40–41

  Brooklyn Bridge, 252, 350, 406

  Brooks, Phillips, 372

  Brooks, Preston S., 224–25, 229, 230, 231

  Brown, John, 225

  Brown, Wells, 195

  Brown, William Wells, 195–96

  Browning, Robert, 423

  Brown-Séquard, Charles, 230–31, 233

  Brush, George de Forest, 335

  Brutality (Patrick), 416

  Bryant, William Cullen, 83

  Buchanan, James, 181, 232

  Buffalo Bull’s Back Fat, 174

  Buffon, George Leclerc, comte de, 147

  Bulfinch, Charles, 39

  Bull Run, Second Battle of, 243

  Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 209

  Bunce, William, 369–70

  Bunker, Dennis, 411

  Bunker Hill, Battle of, 71

  Burgoyne, John, 263

  Burgoyne, Lady, 263

  Burkhardt, Louise, 392

  Butler, Andrew P., 224

  Café Anglais, 227

  Café Corazza, 52

  Café de Foy, 52

  Café de la Paix, 53

  Café des Aveugles, 53

  Café des Mille Colonnes, 53

  Café Procope, 57, 425

  Calhoun, John C., 197

  camera obscura, 157, 158

  Cameron, Elizabeth, 445, 446

  Canada, 212

  can-can, 249, 257

  Capitol (Washington, D.C.), 22, 39, 149

  Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose (Sargent), 410

  Carnegie Institute, 455

  Carolus-Duran, Charles-Émile-Auguste, 332, 342–43, 348, 350, 389–90, 401, 448

  Sargent’s portrait of, 387–88

  Carolus-Duran (Sargent), 387–88

  Carvill & Company, 100

  Cass, Lewis, 143–44, 156, 160, 179, 180, 197

  Cass, Mrs. Lewis, 143

  Cassatt, Alexander, 211, 340, 353, 393, 394–95, 418–19

  Cassatt, Katherine Kelso Johnston, 211, 339, 353–54

  Cassatt, Lois, 393, 394–95

  Cassatt, Lydia, 211, 340, 353–54, 387, 393, 394–95

  Cassatt, Mary, 211, 264, 331, 335, 411, 417, 448

  acclaim of, 387–88

  as art student, 337–39, 340

  background of, 339–40

  broken leg of, 417–18

  Chicago fire of 1871 and, 337

  critical praise of, 338–39, 394

  death of, 456

  Degas’s relationship with, 351–53, 354, 355

  description of, 340–41

  early art interest of, 211, 337

  in European tour, 338–39

  family subjects of, 387, 393–94

  finances of, 418

  in Fourth Impressionist Exhibition, 387

  Franco-Prussian War and, 338

  Impressionists and, 342, 351–52, 389, 394

  and John Singer Sargent, 387–88, 389

  London trip of, 418–19

  Lydia Cassatt’s death and, 393, 394–95, 418

  mother-and-child theme of, 419

  in Paris Salon, 337, 339, 341

  as portrait artist, 351, 353–54

  professionalism as goal of, 338, 340

  studio of, 340, 353

  Cassatt, Robert (M. Cassatt’s brother), 340

  Cassatt, Robert (M. Cassatt’s nephew), 419

  Cassatt, Robert Simpson (M. Cassatt’s father), 211, 339–40, 353

  Catholic Church, 97–98

  Catlin, Clara, 167, 175

  Catlin, George, 139, 160, 166–77, 356, 416

  in arrival in Paris, 166–68

  death of son, 177

  death of wife, 175

  description and background of, 166–67

  Indian art collection of, 166

  Indian Exhibition of, 168–70, 174–77

  London sojourn of, 167

  Louis-Philippe and, 170–72

  Mississippi tour of, 166–67

  paintings of, 173–74

  Catlin, George (son), 177

  Cavaignac, Louis-Eugène, 186, 188

  Cellini, Benvenuto, 445

  Centennial Exposition of 1876 (Philadelphia), 349

  Cernay-la-Ville, 250

  Cézanne, Paul, 418

  Chadwick, Francis, 390

  Chambre des Députés, 120, 177, 181, 182, 189

  Champ de Mars, 228, 247

  as site for Eiffel Tower, 405

  Champs-Élysées, 43, 204, 235, 271, 288, 313, 435, 448, 451

  1855 Universal Exposition and, 219

  fashion parade on, 162, 204, 235

  in siege of Paris, 267, 296, 301, 305–6, 313

  Chaplin, Charles, 337

  Chapman, Beatrix, 391

  Chapman, Eleanor Jay, 391

  Chapman, Maria, 212, 214

  Charlemagne, 18

  Charrier, Madeleine-Edmée-Clémentine, 193–94

  Chartres Cathedral, 445

  Chase, William Merritt, 416, 431

  Château Rouge, 181

  Chaucer, Geoffrey, 79

  Chicago Academy of Design, 343

  Chicago Fire of 1871, 335, 337

  Chicago Journal, 283

  Chigni, Monseigneur, 313

  Choate, Joseph H., 383

  cholera epidemic of 1832, 85–89, 91, 98, 191, 325

  Cooper and, 69, 88

  Morse and, 88, 90

  in New York City, 93

  Willis and, 85–86, 88

  Chomel, Auguste-François, 105

  Chopin, Frédéric, 10, 164, 166, 175, 189

  Sand’s affair with, 165

  Church, Frederic, 249

  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 411

  Church of Saint-Gilles, 368

  Church of the Madeleine, 166

  Cincinnati Commercial, 259

  Cincinnati Gazette, 270

  City of Boston, 240

  Civil War, U.S., 262, 278, 313, 361

  American prosperity after, 251–52

  draft riots in, 243

  France’s view of, 244–45, 251

  onset of, 235, 236–37

  Saint-Gaudens’s memories of, 243–44, 372–73

  Shaw Memorial, 430, 448–49

  Sherman’s march in, 436

  Clark, Davida, 433–34, 442, 455

  Clark, George Hyde,

  Clark, Louis, 434, 442, 455

  Clay, Henry, 147

  Clayton, John M., 195

  Clément-Thomas, Jacques, 307

  Clinton, DeWitt, 84

  Clotel; or, the President’s Daughter (Brown), 196

  Cluseret, Gustave-Paul, 313–14

  Cody, Buffalo Bill, 416

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 79, 217

  College of Physicians and Surgeons, 117

  Collins Line, 210

  Columbia College, 84

  Columbia Exposition of 1893, 431, 446

  Columbus, Christopher, 22

  Comédie Française, 287

  Comité de Transport, 316

  Common Sense (Paine), 211

  communism, 307

  Comptes Rendus, 155

  Concerto in E Minor (Chopin), 165

  Confederate Woman’s Aid Society, 244

  Constitution, U.S., 197

  Constitution, USS, 6

  Constitutionnel, 174, 245

  Cooks Tours, 326

  Coolidge, T. Jefferson, 398

  Cooper, James Fenimore, 3–4, 10, 11, 12, 41, 42, 43, 46, 58, 89, 98, 149, 151, 152, 154, 166, 167, 173, 182, 211, 329

  American medical education described by, 106–7

  art interest of, 61

  cholera epidemic and, 69, 88

  criticism of, 92

  death of, 199

  fame of, 71, 76

  as figure in Gallery of the Louvre, 96–97

  financial success of, 72–73

  first book of, 70

  in first departure for Europe, 4–5

  on French cooking, 35

  health of, 69, 71

  July 4, 1832, celebration and, 94

  Lafayette and, 71–72

  literary work of, 57–58

  Louvre visited by, 63, 65–66

  marriage of, 70

  Morse contrasted with, 75–76, 78

  Morse on Americanism of, 92–93

  Morse’s friendship with, 61–62, 63, 74–75, 82, 91

  Paris circumnavigated by, 37–38

  Paris residence of, 73

  portraits of, 67–68

  religion and, 75

  at Rouen Cathedral, 24

  on view from Montmartre, 38–39

  Willis’s observation of, 84–85

  writing career of, 69–71

  Cooper, Paul, 73

  Cooper, Susan (J. F. Cooper’s daughter), 5, 69, 74, 96–97

  Cooper, Susan (J. F. Cooper’s wife), 58, 68–69, 70, 71, 73–74, 88, 98

  Cooper, William (J. F. Cooper’s father), 75

  Cooper, William (J. F. Cooper’s nephew), 68

  Cooper Institute, 242, 245

  Copley, John Singleton, 64, 146

  Corneille, Pierre, 51

  Correggio, Antonio da, 141, 338, 339, 341, 351

  Courbet, Gustave, 418

  Courval, Alphise de, 59

  Couture, Thomas, 141, 145, 191, 197, 337, 340, 342

  Cox, Kenyon, 416, 431

  Crane, Edward, 261, 262–63

  “Crime Against Kansas, The” (Sumner), 223

  Crimean War, 219

  Crisis, 12

  Crystal Palace, 211

  Curtis, Ralph, 390, 402–3

  Custer, George Armstrong, 350

  Daguerre, Louis, 139, 157–59

  daguerreotypes, 158

  Daily News (London), 282, 288

  Daimler, Gottlieb, 415

  Dante Alighieri, 79

  Darboy, Georges, Archbishop of Paris, 311–14, 318–21, 325

  Dargaud, Victor, 405

  Daughters of Edward Darley Boit, The (Sargent), 395–98, 410, 416, 419

  composition of, 396–97

  reception of, 397–98

  Daumier, Honoré, 127, 297

  retrospective exhibition of, 451–52

  David, Jacques-Louis, 142, 216

  David, Pierre-Jean, 67

  Davis, John Scarlett, 64

  Declaration of Independence, 64, 180

  Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon), 145

  Deerslayer, The (Cooper), 101

  Degas, Edgar, 342, 387, 418

  Cassatt’s relationship with, 351–53, 354, 355

  description of, 352

  Delacroix, Eugène, 10, 65, 142, 158, 173, 220

  de Lesseps, Ferdinand, 253, 256–57, 336, 407, 414

  Delmonico’s, 378

  De Mare, Georges, 429

  De Mare, Marie, 429

  Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 32, 172

  Democratic National Convention of 1844, 159–60

  Denmark, 269

  department stores, 250–51

  de Pontalba, Celestin, 164

  Dewing, Thomas, 335

  Dial, 189

  Diana (Saint-Gaudens), 430, 433

  Diana Chasseresse (Diana of the Hunt), 96

  Dickens, Charles, 336

  Dictionnaire Philosophique (Voltaire), 456

  Dieu et la Bayadère, Le (ballet), 50

  diligence (vehicle), 21

  Diorama, 157–58, 159

  Dix, John, 378

  Domestic Manners of the Americans (Trollope), 92

  Donatello, 373

  Don Giovanni (Mozart), 49, 256

  Donizetti, Gaetano, 229

  Doraway, Jeffrey, 167, 170

  Draft Riots, 243

  Draper, John William, 159

  Dubois, Paul, 250

  Dubourjal, Savinien Edme, 142, 144–45

  du Caurroy, Adolphe-Marie, 131

  Dumas, Alexander, fils, 331

  Dumas, Alexander, père, 229, 407

  Duncan, Isadora, 452

  Dunlap, William, 62, 100

  Dupuytren, Guillaume, 105, 111–15, 118, 132, 424

  Duran, Charles, see Carolus-Duran, Charles-Émile-Auguste

  Durand-Ruel, Paul, 419

  Dying Hercules, The (Morse), 79

  Eads, James Buchanan, 406

  Eakins, Thomas, 243–44, 248, 254, 264, 350, 415, 427, 448

  Ecce Homo (Reni), 8 École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, 408

  École de Médecine, 29, 57, 103, 105–6, 424

  American students in, 107, 108–10, 112, 114

  enrollment in, 107

  faculty of, 107

  first American woman graduated from, 288–89, 327


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