The Greater Journey

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The Greater Journey Page 67

by David McCullough

  library of, 117

  lines of study at, 109 “petites écoles” of, 246

  Sumner’s visit to, 228

  typical day at, 108

  École des Beaux-Arts, 190, 191, 240, 246, 366, 405, 427, 428

  Daumier’s retrospective at, 451–52

  Richard Morris Hunt at, 190–91

  Saint-Gaudens at, 254–56, 258

  Sargent enrolled at, 348

  Edinburgh Review, 92

  Edison, Thomas, 406, 415, 417

  Education of Henry Adams, The (Adams), 445

  Eiffel, Gustave, 404–9

  Eiffel Tower, 446

  construction of, 406, 408–9

  Edison’s opinion of, 417

  and 1889

  Exposition Universelle, 414–17

  projected cost of, 405

  protests against, 405–7

  site for, 405, 406

  wind issue in design of, 408

  Elder, Louisine, see Havemeyer, Louisine Elder

  Électeur Libre, 291

  Elements of Geography (Morse), 76

  Eliot, Charles, 431

  Ellsworth, Henry L., 152, 155–56

  Élysée Palace, 203

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 35–36, 48, 54, 55, 135, 185–86, 189, 190, 199, 218, 329, 424

  Emma Willard’s Troy Female Seminary, 4, 59

  Encyclopédistes, 147

  End of the Trial (Fraser), 437

  Erie Canal, 84

  Escape, The; or, A Leap for Freedom (Brown), 196

  Escudier, Madame Paul, 392, 395

  Eugénie-Marie de Montijo, Empress of France, 206, 236, 256, 259

  in flight to England, 260–63

  Evans, Agnes, 261

  Evans, Thomas W., 202, 204, 209–10, 227, 252, 269, 290, 351

  escape of Empress Eugénie and, 261–63

  Expositions Universelle, see Universal Expositions

  Fairchild, Mary, 411

  Falconer, The (Couture), 191

  Faneuil Hall, 198–99

  Fantin-Latour, Henri, 222

  Farlow, Dr., 376

  Farragut, David Glasgow, 360–61, 374

  Farragut, Mrs. David, 383

  Farragut Commission, 377

  Farragut Project, 360–84, 430

  bronze cast of, 382

  clay molds of, 374, 379

  clay relief of, 366

  commission offered for, 360–61

  difficulty with leg of, 375–76, 380, 381

  figures of Courage and Loyalty of, 377, 383–84

  final location of, 377–78

  financial compensation for, 361

  height of, 377, 378

  inspiration for, 373

  in Paris Salon, 381

  Paris venue for work on, 361–62

  pedestal of, 367, 369–71, 376–77, 378, 382–83

  plaster mold of, 374, 380–81

  progress of work on, 362, 365–66, 378–80

  reviews of, 381–82, 384

  shipped to New York City, 382

  size and scale of, 373, 380

  studio for, 363, 365

  success of, 384

  unveiling of, 383–84

  White’s collaboration on, 367, 369–71, 376–77, 378, 382–83

  fashion in Paris, 33–34, 49, 162, 204, 235

  Faust (Gounod), 451

  Favre, Jules, 283, 300, 309

  Felix (dressmaker), 252

  Female Bear that Walks on the Back of Another, 168, 175

  Femmes Savantes, Les (Molière), 52

  Ferris, George, 446

  Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Regiment, 430

  Figaro, Le, 353, 409

  Finance Ministry, French, 321

  Fish, Hamilton, 293–94, 299, 305, 309, 321, 324

  Fitzpatrick, John Bernard, 234

  Flaubert, Gustave, 332, 410

  Follies Bergère, 257

  Forbach, Battle of, 259

  Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States (Morse), 150

  Fort Sumter, 235–36

  Fort Wagner, 430

  Foucault, León, 424

  Four Bears, 169

  Fourcaud, Louis de, 403

  Fourth Impressionist Exhibition (1879), 387, 389

  Foyot’s, 367

  France, 10, 145, 219, 227, 334, 447

  American Civil War as viewed by, 244–45, 251

  Amor Caritas purchased by, 449

  cholera epidemic of 1832 in, 85–89

  James on, 331–32

  Morse honored by, 231–32

  “Panama Bubble” and, 414

  Prussia’s conflict with, see Franco-Prussian War

  Revolution of 1848 in, see Revolution of 1848

  Saint-Gaudens honored by, 443

  Sargent honored by, 419

  Suez Canal opening and, 256–57

  see also Second Empire; Third Republic

  Francis I, King of France, 91

  Franco-American Union, 334, 356

  Franco-Prussian War:

  cost of, 303

  escape of Empress Eugénie in, 260–63

  German occupation of Paris in, 305–6

  Napoleon III and, 258–60

  onset of, 257–58

  siege of Paris in, see Paris, siege of

  Franklin, Benjamin, 3, 12, 57, 71, 74, 104, 220, 329

  Fraser, James Earle, 427, 437–38, 449–50, 453

  Frazee, Louis, 122

  Free Soil Party, U.S., 223

  French Academy, 65

  French and Indian War, 71

  French language, 32–33

  French Revolution, 41, 106, 147, 258, 407

  Reign of Terror in, 11, 94, 325

  Friends of Order, 308

  Fuller, Margaret, 188–90, 192

  Fulton, 225, 227

  Fulton, Robert, 64

  Gaget, Gauthier & Compagnie, 356, 404

  Gale, Leonard, 151–52

  Galerie des Beaux-Arts, 176

  Galignani’s bookstore, 27–28, 236

  Galignani’s Messenger, 160, 168–69, 172–73, 233, 236, 320, 326, 327, 334, 338

  Galignani’s New Paris Guide, 25, 28, 32, 44, 45, 52, 53, 186

  Gallery of Fine Arts, 220

  Gallery of the Louvre (Morse), 166, 197

  absence of French artists in, 97–98

  composition of, 63–66

  Cooper as figure in, 96–97

  Cooper’s visits to, 63, 65–66, 68, 74

  figures in, 95–97

  genre of, 63–64

  masterworks included in, 90–91, 95–96

  Morse at work on, 61, 65–66, 68, 89–91, 93

  purchases of, 100–101

  reviews of, 100

  time pressure and, 90–91, 95

  Gambetta, Léon, 259–60, 336

  in escape from siege of Paris, 281–82

  Grant’s meeting with, 356

  gambling in Paris, 53

  Garabit Viaduct, 408

  Garde Mobile, 268

  Garde Nationale, 268

  Gardner, Augustus, 115, 116–17

  Gare de Lyon, 314

  Gare du Nord, 271

  Gare Saint-Lazare, 406

  Garnier, Alfred, 239, 255, 257–58, 264, 365, 372

  Garnier, Charles, 236, 261, 286, 331, 407

  Gautreau, Pierre, 398

  Gautreau, Virginie Amélie Avegno, 398–99, 400, 401–4

  see also Madame X

  Gay, Walter, 349, 352, 415

  Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 403

  Gazzetta di Parma, 338–39

  General Mills, 275

  Geneva Medical School, 192

  Geography Made Easy (Morse), 76

  George III, King of England, 78

  Géricault, Théodore, 65, 216, 261

  Germany, 98, 149, 186, 303

  emigration from, 211

  see also Franco-Prussian War

  Gérôme, Jean-Léon, 254, 343

  Gettysburg, Battle of, 243

n, Edward, 145

  Gibson, William, 133

  Gilder, Richard Watson, 375, 379–80, 384

  Girl Arranging Her Hair (Cassatt), 419

  Gleanings in Europe (Cooper), 101

  Gleyre, Charles, 222

  Goncourt, Edmond de, 299, 317, 323, 332

  Gooch, Philip Claiborne, 122

  Gottschalk, Aimee Brusle, 164, 165

  Gottschalk, Clara, 166

  Gottschalk, Edward, 164

  Gottschalk, Louis Moreau, 160, 163–66, 335, 392

  concert tours and fame of, 176

  death of, 176

  debut of, 163–64, 165–66

  New Orleans-Paris connection and, 164

  Gounod, Charles, 257, 407, 451

  Government of National Defense, 283, 284, 286

  Grand Hôtel, 286, 333–34

  Grand Prix Day (Hassam), 412

  Grant, Jesse, 356

  Grant, Julia, 356

  Grant, Ulysses S., 243, 258, 273–74, 278–79, 373

  Gambetta’s meeting with, 356

  Healy’s portrait of, 336, 355–56

  Great Britain, 79, 219

  anti-American sentiment in, 92

  Great Exposition of 1851, 211

  Great Western, 140, 159

  Greenough, Gordon, 390

  Greenough, Horatio, 62, 67–68, 74, 96

  Grimes, Frances, 434

  “Grisette, La” (Holmes), 121–22

  Gros, Antoine-Jean, 58, 141–42

  Grousset, Pascal, 310–11

  Gruet Foundry, 382

  Guillaume Tell (Rossini), 226

  Guizot, François, 145–46, 181, 183, 227, 424

  Gun Foundry, The (Weir), 249

  Habersham, Richard, 75, 95, 99–100, 152

  Hafen, John, 411

  Haldeman, Eliza, 337

  Hale, Ellen Day, 411

  Hale, Mary, 346, 350

  Harper’s Weekly, 243, 397

  Hartzwell (minister), 427

  Harvard Law School, 276, 333

  Harvard Medical School, 109, 133–34

  Harvard University, 6, 7, 77, 109

  Hassam, Childe, 411–12

  Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, 206–9, 219, 246

  Havemeyer, Henry O., 342, 417–18

  Havemeyer, Louisine Elder, 341–42, 352, 353, 417–18

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 215, 218, 236, 329

  Hay, John, 441

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 355

  Hayne, Joseph Y., 197

  Hayne, Robert Y., 177

  Healy, Agnes, 146

  Healy, Arthur, 146, 198

  Healy, Edith, 336–37

  Healy, George, Jr., 197–98, 337

  Healy, George P. A., 8–9, 15, 62, 154, 191, 196, 240, 335, 371, 429

  Andrew Jackson’s portrait by, 146–47

  as art student, 58, 141–42

  Bismarck’s portrait by, 336, 351

  Chicago Fire of 1871

  and, 335

  death of, 448

  Grant’s portrait by, 336, 355–56

  John Quincy Adams’s portrait by, 146–47

  Lincoln’s portraits by, 234–35, 336

  Louis-Philippe’s portrait by, 143–44, 145

  Louvre visited by, 140–41, 145

  marriage of, 143

  in move to Chicago, 220–21

  in Paris Salon, 143

  Paris studio and residences of, 196–97, 335

  physical appearance of, 142

  as portraitist, 336–37, 142–47, 177

  Washburne’s portraits by, 269, 355

  Webster painted by, see Webster’s Reply to

  Hayne Healy, Kathleen, 335

  Healy, Louisa Phipps, 143–46, 177, 197–98, 221, 335, 336, 371, 429

  Healy, Mary, 177, 336

  Helleu, Paul, 389, 390

  Héloïse (Whistler’s companion), 222

  Henri, Robert, 387, 411–14, 416, 427, 448

  Henry II, King of France, 24

  Henry IV (Henry of Navarre), King of France, 40–41, 43, 104

  Heraclites, 131

  Hermitage, 146–47

  Herodotus, 175

  Hiawatha (Longfellow), 235

  Hiffernan, Joanna, 249

  History of the United States (Adams), 444

  History of the United States, or Republic of America (Willard), 5

  Hoffman, Wickham, 269, 271, 272, 283–84, 291, 294–95, 300, 301, 308, 321

  Holmes, Amelia Jackson, 134, 423–24

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 134

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr., 4, 32, 35, 51, 53, 62, 75, 103, 112, 118, 125, 213, 218, 240

  background of, 6–7

  description of, 4

  as essayist, 134

  in farewell Paris visit, 423–25

  in first trans-Atlantic voyage, 15–18

  Louvre visited by, 42, 424

  medical career of, 133–34

  as medical student, 108, 109, 111–13, 115–17, 119–20, 123, 126–27, 128

  on Dr. Louis, 134

  Paris as “paradise” to, 56–57

  Pasteur’s meeting with, 424–25

  Holy Family (Murillo), 91, 96–97

  “Home, Sweet Home,” 31

  Homer, Eugenie “Genie,” 364, 369, 376–77, 438

  Homer, Thomas, 358, 360

  Homer, Winslow, 243, 249–50, 350, 358, 448

  Hooper, Robert, 109

  Hôpital de Bicêtre, 105

  Hôpital de la Charité, 104, 105, 112, 130

  Hôpital de la Pitié, 104, 105, 116, 124

  Hôpital de la Salpêtière, 105

  Hôpital des Enfants Malades, 104–5, 119

  Hôpital des Vénériens, 119

  Hôpital Saint-Louis, 105, 119

  Horse Fair, The (Bonheur), 411

  Hospital of Foundlings (Hospice des EnfantsTrouvés), 55–56

  hospitals, 104–5

  Hôtel Bristol, 356

  Hôtel Continental, 211

  Hôtel de la Paix, 227

  Hôtel de Salm, 44

  Hôtel des Étrangers, 27

  Hôtel des Invalides, 45, 193

  Hôtel de Ville, 168, 185, 259, 260, 284, 287, 300, 338, 347

  in Paris Commune, 308–9, 319, 320, 322, 326

  Hôtel Dieu, 85–86, 87, 115

  demolition and reconstruction of, 207–8


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