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Then Comes Marriage

Page 9

by Lillianna Blake

  Then of course there was Blu and AJ, who were locked in each other’s arms. I wasn’t even sure if they were dancing, they were so busy kissing. It was magical to see the transformation in Blu, from being so nervous to being so passionate.

  While I watched, I heard someone sit down beside me. I looked over, expecting it to be Jake, but instead it was Callie.

  “Are you having fun?” I gave her a light nudge with my elbow.

  “Absolutely!” She nodded as she watched the others dance. “I really love the friendship that you all share.”

  “Me too.” I smiled at her. “I’m really glad to have the chance to get to know you better, Callie.”

  “It’s been quite an adventure today.” She laughed. “But at least the reception is going smoothly.”

  “Yes, it is. I’m so happy for Blu.” I sighed as I rubbed my stomach. “It’s so nice to see so many of my friends finding love.”

  “Yes, it is.” Callie offered a warm smile. “I’m a big romance junkie. Well, I love watching it. You can really see the love between everyone here.”

  “It’s beautiful.” I glanced over at her. “You seemed to be having a lot of fun out there. Any special guy catch your interest?”

  “Oh, they’re all interesting. I love getting to know people—but no—not anyone that is holding my attention, anyway.”

  “Really?” I passed my gaze over a few of the men I’d seen her dancing with. They were good-looking. “Not even the guy with the great hair?”

  “No.” She laughed. “He was a bit boring, to be honest.”

  “I’m sure someone will come along that will spark your interest.”

  “Honestly, I’m not in any rush. I have my career to focus on and plenty of events and activities to attend. I’ve had a few offers from decent guys. But I don’t want just any man.” She tipped her head toward Dawn and Garrett as they clung to each other. “I want that kind of man. The kind of man that doesn’t care if I take off my make-up or get bigger or smaller than what I am. I want the kind of man who loves me for who I am. If I can’t have that, then I’m not interested.” She laughed and waved her hand. “Listen to me blather on, I’m getting back on that dance floor.”

  As she sashayed off to the dance floor, I noted the pure confidence in her step. I would have said more to her, but I was finding it hard to focus on anything other than the discomfort in my body.

  I turned my attention back to the dance floor, hoping it would distract me.

  Chapter 26

  As I watched, Garrett led Dawn off the dance floor. They settled in some chairs near the back of the bar. I tried to work up the strength to go join them, as I knew it would be a little while before Jake returned with my drink. However, before I could, I noticed their heads leaned close together. Maybe they needed a moment to themselves.

  I couldn’t tear my eyes away as I saw Garrett’s hand disappear into his pocket. Whatever he pulled out caused Dawn to burst into tears.

  “Oh no.” My eyes widened as I wondered what could be so bad. I forced myself up out of the chair just as Dawn threw her arms around Garrett’s neck and kissed him.

  Zoe beat me to them, with Blu on her heels.

  “Dawn? What’s wrong?” Zoe placed her hand on Dawn’s shoulder as she sat back in her chair, still crying.

  “Is everything okay?” I managed to breathe out the words as I struggled to ignore the pain in my back.

  “Everything is wonderful.” She wiped at her eyes, then smiled at Garrett.

  “Honey? You can tell us.” Noella joined the group, her expression full of concern.

  As Samantha, Callie, and Alex made their way over, Blu rubbed her shoulder.

  “Either you’re super happy or super upset, so which is it?” She searched Dawn’s eyes. “It’s not about the wedding, is it?”

  “Not exactly.” Dawn blushed as she looked over at Garrett.

  He raised his eyebrows. She nodded. Then he smiled.

  “We just got engaged.” She revealed a delicate ring on her finger.

  “Yes!” Zoe shrieked as she jumped up and down.

  “Shh—I don’t want to take anything away from Blu’s night.”

  “I know, it’s not the best timing.” Garrett frowned. “I was planning to do it tomorrow, but I just couldn’t wait any longer.”

  “Are you kidding? This is the best wedding present I’ve gotten.” Blu laughed. “Well, I haven’t opened the rest, but I’m sure this is the winner. I’m so happy for you both.”

  “Look, Hanna, isn’t it beautiful?” Dawn stretched her hand out for me to see.

  As the rest of our loved ones gathered close, the sparkle in Dawn’s ring made me feel a little dizzy. I heard a soft whisper not far from me and caught Wes as he pulled Noella close. She blushed and laughed at whatever he’d said to her. It wasn’t hard for me to read my sister’s expression. I got the feeling that Noella and Wes would be the next to get engaged.

  As I turned my attention back to Dawn, I didn’t think I could get any happier.

  “It’s absolutely beautiful, Dawn. Congratulations.” I gave her hand a soft squeeze and took a deep breath.

  This was a moment I wanted to remember; the pure joy in my friend’s eyes only made her more gorgeous.

  No matter how hard I tried to concentrate on her, however, I couldn’t ignore the pressure and pain that had spread from my lower back around to my stomach and was now getting even lower.

  I eased myself into a chair and closed my eyes as I tried to get control of my body. I didn’t want to have to head back to the room after such amazing news. I wanted to be there to share every minute with my friends.

  “Hanna?” Jake held a bottle of water out to me, the lid already cracked. “Are you alright?”

  “I’ll be fine, I’m just a little thirsty.” I forced a smile, then filled him on what he’d missed.

  “Congratulations.” He offered his hand to Garrett. “You’re one lucky guy.”

  “I know.” Garrett smiled.

  “Really, let’s get back to Blu’s wedding.” Dawn blushed. “I don’t want to be a distraction.”

  “It’s not a distraction at all.” Blu hugged her. “Now we just have even more to celebrate. Let’s turn the music up!” She waved to the DJ, who complied with her request.

  As the music pounded, I sipped my water and did my best to focus on all the happiness around me.

  While several people returned to the dance floor, Samantha sat down beside me.

  “What an incredible night, huh?”

  Chapter 27

  “Incredible doesn’t even come close to describing today.” I sighed as I smiled at Samantha. “I don’t think it could get any better.”

  “I’m just glad we can all be together to celebrate.” She slung her arm around my shoulders. “All us warrior princesses!”

  “Me too.” When I felt my stomach tighten and a ripple of pain carry through me, I winced. Then I took a breath. “That reminds me. Samantha, there is something I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “Oh?” She leaned closer to me. “Are you sure you’re okay, hon? You look a little off.”

  “Just tired.” I took another deep breath and shifted in my chair. “Jake and I have been trying to choose a name for the baby and we’ve been having a hard time agreeing on anything.”

  “Oh, I remember those days.” She laughed as she glanced in Max’s direction. “Don’t worry, you two will figure it out.” She looked back at me.

  “Actually, I think I know the name I want, but I’m not sure how Jake will feel about it. I wanted to ask you first.” I winced as I felt more tightening in my stomach again. “Wow, what did I eat that got you so riled up?” I looked down at my stomach.

  “Indigestion, that’s the worse.” She cringed. “Why do you want to ask me about a name for the baby?”

  “Well, I’d like to use a name that is very special to me—that has a lot of meaning. I want to choose a name that will tell her everything I want her
to know—about life, about being a woman, about freedom.”

  “That’s a lot of weight to put on a name, but it does sound wonderful. Now I’m dying to know what this name might be. Are you going to tell me? Hanna?” She leaned forward as I gulped for air and grabbed the base of my stomach.

  “Oh no, oh no.” I tried to breathe through the intense pressure but it only continued to build.

  “Hanna, what is it?” Samantha’s eyes widened. “Jake! Something’s wrong!”

  Those words cut through the music and the party like a knife. Everyone on the dance floor turned toward me, but I didn’t notice. I closed my eyes tight and gritted my teeth. I had no idea what was happening to me, but I knew that it hurt.

  “Hanna?” Jake reached my side and grabbed my hand. “What is it, sweetie?”

  “I think I have to use the restroom.” I groaned. I knew it was much more than that, but I didn’t know how to explain it.

  Jake helped me to my feet and the moment that I was out of the chair, I felt a subtle pop and then a rush of fluid escaped me. For an instant, I thought I’d released the contents of my bladder, but as everyone gasped around me, I knew it was more than that.

  “Hanna! Your water broke!” Samantha grabbed my arm and held me steady while Jake wrapped his arm around my waist.

  “No, no, it didn’t.” I laughed, then groaned, leaning my head into Jake’s shoulder.

  “Hanna’s water broke?” Noella came running over.

  All I could think about was the mess on the floor.

  “Oh my, talk about a distraction.” I gasped as I looked down at the puddle on the floor. “Oh, Blu, I’m so sorry!”

  “Sorry?” She laughed and clapped her hands. “Hanna, you’re having a baby! There’s nothing to be sorry about!”

  “I’m having a baby.” I stared at her. “What? No, but it’s not time yet. There are still a few more weeks and—”

  “And it’s happening now, sweetheart.” Jake fumbled with his phone. “I don’t even know where the nearest hospital is and we have to get the bag—it’s in the room and we don’t have a car seat—what are we going to do without a car seat?” He gasped for air.

  “Take a breath there, champ.” Garrett patted his shoulder. “Everything is going to be fine. We’ll get you to the hospital and we’ll make sure that you have everything you need.”

  “No, no, none of that.” I took a deep breath despite the fact that my entire body had begun to quake. “You all need to stay focused on the wedding. Dance, have fun! Jake and I can handle this. Right, Jake?”

  “I found it, I found the hospital, we just have to get the car.” He began searching through his pockets. “My keys, where are my keys?”

  “Take mine.” AJ thrust his keys into Jake’s hands.

  “But the traffic.” Blu grimaced. “It’s going to be awful this time of night.”

  “Don’t worry about that.” Philip whipped out his phone. “I’ll get you an escort.”

  “An escort?” Zoe looked at him. “How can you arrange that?”

  “It’s better not to ask questions.” Alex raised an eyebrow. “He has connections—everywhere.”

  “I’ll have someone here in minutes.” He turned away as he spoke into the phone.

  I tried to keep up with the conversation but all I could think about was the pressure and pain in my body. Even though everyone around me seemed pretty happy about what was happening, I was terrified.

  “It’s too early!” I gasped out the words.

  “It’s okay, Hanna.” Noella wrapped her arms around me. “You’re full term. Your little girl will be just fine. Right now you just focus on breathing, okay? Can you take a breath for me?”

  I felt a little relieved by her words, but the next contraction that bolted through me took that deep breath away.

  I groaned as I leaned forward somewhat. I felt hands on my lower back rubbing, hands pulling my hair back away from my face, hands on my shoulders and soft voices all around me. I didn’t know who each touch or voice belonged to, but I recognized them all.

  I had my tribe around me—as always.

  Chapter 28

  As everyone rushed around, I felt like a spectacle. But I was grateful for the help. Despite all the books I’d read and all the classes I’d taken, I felt as if I had no idea what to do.

  “Should we call an ambulance?” Callie raised an eyebrow.

  “No, no ambulance.” I groaned. “I’m sure I have plenty of time. I want all of you to stay here and enjoy the party. Jake and I will update you as soon as we know anything.”

  “I’ll pull the car up.” Jake ran for the door.

  “We’ll help her get out to you.” Noella slung my arm over her shoulders. Zoe tucked her body under the opposite side.

  “Oh, it hurts.” I took another breath. “I didn’t think it would hurt this much.”

  “Just remember it’s temporary, Hanna. When you get to the hospital you can decide what you want, but this pain—it doesn’t last forever. Each contraction gets you closer to meeting your little girl. Just keep that in mind and you’re going to do just fine.”

  “Thank you, Noella.” I caught Blu’s eye. “Promise me you’ll finish the party.”

  “Hanna, you just take care of you and the baby, don’t worry about me.” She kissed my cheek, then looked at me with misty eyes. “Oh, Hanna, you’re going to be a mother. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks.” My head spun as I still couldn’t believe it myself.

  As Zoe and Noella got me to the front walkway, Jake pulled up in AJ’s jeep. He turned the engine off, then jumped out to open the passenger side door.

  “Oh, why did I turn that off?” He frowned. “I’m sorry, Hanna, I’m trying to get this right.”

  “Jake, it’s okay, you’re doing good.” I tried to smile, but couldn’t.

  He helped me up into the seat, then looked into my eyes. For a second I thought he might pass out, but he snapped out of it and ran around to the other side of the jeep. As he climbed in he looked over at me with concern.

  “Are you comfortable? Can you put your seatbelt on? Do you want to try to put your feet up?” Jake fretted over me in the sweetest way, but it did nothing to lessen the pain I was in.

  “Please stop! Just get me to the hospital! Let’s go, let’s go!” I cupped my hand around my stomach and fought back tears in reaction to the next contraction. “Fast!”

  “Okay, honey, I’m going to get us there, I promise. Just remember what Noella said, you have to breathe.” He started to put the keys in the ignition but missed the mark and the keys clattered to the floorboard.

  I took a deep breath, then looked over at him. “Jake, please get me there. I don’t want to have this baby in a jeep!”

  “I’m on it!” He grabbed the keys, started the engine, and sped out of the parking lot.

  As promised, within seconds there were several police cars around us. Unfortunately all of the flashing lights and sirens made me even more anxious.

  I closed my eyes and focused on my breath. If I could just stay focused on that, I was sure that I’d be able to make it. But with each subtle bump and curve of the car, my concentration was thrown off.

  “Jake.” I breathed his name and felt his hand clasp around mine.

  He began to breathe with me. “It’s okay, sweetie, we’re going to get there. We’ve got this. I’m right here. We’re almost there.”

  The sound of his voice soothed me to some degree but the intensity of the contractions had me concerned.

  “It’s not supposed to happen like this—so close together so soon.” I forced my eyes open. “Jake, you have to hurry.”

  “I’m going as fast as I can darling. Try not to worry, just focus on your breath. Breathe in—slow breaths out, right?” He glanced at me, then looked back at the road.

  I closed my eyes again. As I did, my phone rang. I reached for it as more pain coursed through me. I could have ignored it, but I needed the distraction.

Chapter 29

  I almost dropped the phone but managed to answer it. A familiar voice greeted me.


  I pressed the phone to my ear and felt tears flood my eyes at the sound of my sister’s voice.


  “I’m sorry, I had to call to make sure you’re doing okay. You can hang up on me if you need to.”

  “No, I don’t want to hang up. Please tell me all of this is normal. It feels like the contractions are so close together. They shouldn’t be yet, right?”

  “Every labor is a little different, but the important thing is that it’s going to end with your healthy happy baby in your arms. About how far apart do you think they are?”

  “Maybe a minute.” I groaned through another contraction. “Maybe less. Maybe more. I can’t really tell.”

  “It’s okay, if they’re that close together it doesn’t really matter. You’re going to have a baby, hon, and it’s going to be sooner than later. I left the boys with Wes and I’m on my way to meet you at the hospital, but I’m not going to get there as fast as you are. Can you put me on speaker?”

  “Sure.” My heart raced as I tried to comprehend what she’d said. Sooner than later? What did that mean? “Okay you’re on speaker.”

  “Jake? Can you hear me?”

  “I can.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  I raised an eyebrow. I was in labor and she was asking how he was feeling?

  “I’m okay, we’re almost there.”

  “Almost as in a few minutes or almost as in ten minutes?”


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