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Atlas (Apocalyptic Cries Book 1)

Page 24

by Adalie Jordin

  He doesn’t waste any more time.


  Hooking his thumbs under the edge of my sweater, I help him maneuver it up and over my head, watching as it pools on the floor at our feet. My pants are next, followed quickly by my bra and underwear.

  When I stand naked before him, skin buzzing in anticipation of his touch, he just stares. His eyes rove my entire body, taking in every piece of me. When they land on a jagged scar from when I was a kid, he bends down to kiss it. Another blemish, another kiss. And on and on, until he has me panting, eager for more. He’s loving every inch of me and I don’t know how to handle it.

  My breath hitches, nearly stalling altogether, when he drops down to his knees before me. Even kneeling as he is, his eyes are level with my tits and he takes a moment to ogle them, one hand squeezing and pinching my left nipple into a hard peak as he grins up at me, making me smirk — men and boobs.

  I’m about to roll my eyes at him when he leans in, taking my other nipple into his hot mouth and laving it with his tongue.

  Ah, shit. That’s something else.

  A moan escapes me, spurring him on. To my annoyance though, he doesn’t stay for nearly long enough, and I almost whine as I feel him start to pull back, playfully biting the tip of my nipple before releasing it and moving on.

  Butterflies are making a permanent home in my belly as he kisses down my flesh, licking just below my bellybutton and blowing on the wetness. Goosebumps expand out from the spot, covering my body instantly as shivers wrack through me, and he chuckles as he watches me squirm, mirth and hunger warring for dominance in his glittering gaze.

  “I want to taste you, Sunshine. See if you’re as sweet as you smell.” Fuck.

  “Yes,” I hiss. As if I wasn’t hot enough already.

  Diving down, his tongue lashes the apex of my thighs and I spread my legs wider, feet planted to keep my balance as he sucks my throbbing mound into his mouth. I scream, the pressure almost too much already, but he doesn’t let up. Alternating between sucking, licking and a few gentle bites, he has me trembling and close to tumbling over the edge in no time at all.

  My legs start to go weak and I brace my palms on his shoulders so I don’t fall. I don’t know how much more I can take… I feel empty and I hate it. I need Cade inside me, filling me up and connecting us in a way I’ve only ever been with him.

  “Please, Cade.” I beg succinctly.

  He knows exactly what I’m asking, even when I can’t express it. Jolting to his feet, he grabs my elbow as I sway backwards at his abrupt rise from the ground. Picking me up like I weigh nothing at all, he carries me across the floor to the only soft place in the room, laying me down gently against the pillows. He positions himself directly between my thighs and I wait, drowning in anticipation. Instead of shucking his clothes and pounding home like I assumed he would, he lays down flat on his belly between my spread legs, face once again level with my center.

  “I’m not done with my dinner yet, gorgeous. You’ll just have to hold on a little longer.” So dirty. I love it. No one’s ever talked to me like this before.

  Draping an arm across my hips to hold me down - keeping me from wiggling away - his other hand moves to my heated center, pressing past the wetness there and into my throbbing core. Moans and unintelligible words fly from my lips as he pumps his fingers in and out, driving me crazy. I almost come on the spot when his mouth closes over my mound once more. He hums his approval, the vibrations making me squirm.

  “You taste so good, Sunshine. Like the sweetest honey.” Fuck, since when does he have such a dirty mouth? I’m seeing a whole new side to Cade tonight - one he hasn’t allowed out to play until now.

  Head thrashing from side to side, I absorb his praise without comment. I don’t know if I can speak right now even if I want to. He has me so close to the edge, but he’s playing with me, not letting me tumble over.

  Every time I begin to clench around him, the first stirrings of an orgasm rolling through me, he slows his pace… pulls his fingers so they’re only just edging in at the tips. It’s torture — beautiful fucking torture.

  My tongue is thick, dry from panting and moaning his name. “More!”

  “Mmm, no, not yet.” His voice is gruff, low and husky, as his warm breath fans over my center. “I like seeing you like this. Right on the edge of bliss…. Hold on just a little longer for me.”

  Because he asks me to, somehow, I do. I writhe and pant, moan and curse, but I can’t quite reach the top as he keeps me suspended there, right on the cliffs edge. Finally giving in, his fingers plunge deep, hitting a spot inside that has me crying out in seconds, screaming his name and listening as it echoes back at me from the domed ceiling.

  He kisses me there a few more times, slowing his movements as I ride out the wave of tranquility. At this moment, all I’m able to think about is him — how his touch feels. His rough hand leaves a cooling trail along my skin as he caresses my curves.

  Leaning up on my elbows, I stare down at his smiling face. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he got off just on eating me out alone. “Come here,” I beckon, completely wanton. “I need all of you, Cade. Every inch.”

  “As you wish.” So agreeable, my gentle giant. His shirt and pants are gone so quickly I almost want to laugh, if the heat in his stare wasn’t drilling me to the floor that is. Gorgeous. He’s gorgeous. Chest and ab muscles for days, tapering down into a sexy happy trail. If I wasn’t so inexperienced, insecure really, I’d try my hand at returning the favor he just bestowed upon me.

  Maybe next time.

  Crawling up my body, he shocks me by grabbing my hips and pulling me atop him, my legs straddling his hips. “This is your show, Sunshine. Take what you need.”

  Gods, this man is everything.

  With his words spurring me on, I don’t hesitate. He’s mine. I’ll take and give in equal measure until I’m all he thinks about — his every thought, every breath, used to call out my name and mine alone.


  Knowing something is about to happen, and waiting for it to, is boring as fuck. I always thought myself to be a patient person — well, mostly anyway. In the last several hours I’ve discovered that’s not the case at all.

  Still a bit out of sorts after last night, I’d gotten up early to hit the showers and do laundry. Anything to distract me from the next twenty-one days.

  Three freaking weeks… Ugh!!

  I know we need the time; we can’t go in without Cade’s crew, but all I can think about is Old Man Wilson, down there — being treated like scum for no reason other than a fanatic’s unachievable dreams. Because that’s what they are - unachievable. There’s no way Nyler is going to create the ‘perfect hybrid’ before he kills off the only people left alive on the planet, leaving himself alone with the Zerks.

  Maybe he needs to be left to rot with them. Sans everyone else dying of course.

  Cade is off scouting weak points in The Compound's outer defense wall to sneak in his team since they can’t come through the front gate like he tells me he did. They’d be too obvious. There’s no way Atlas wouldn’t be suspicious of why a group of able-bodied men suddenly arrived on their doorstep, decked out in combat gear and sporting a full armory of weapons.

  At least I hope they are anyway.

  Our first break in of the underground, while nerve-wracking, was a lot simpler than I would have thought. Yes, we’d almost been caught by Nyler — but we hadn’t. And as far as security on the place, they’re pretty lax. I’d asked Luca yesterday, and he was positive no one knew we’d copied someone’s code to gain entry.

  For an organization that seems to pride itself on operating in secrecy, they don’t keep very good track of their member’s comings and goings.

  After dropping my load of laundry, which had somehow gotten bigger since last time - I think Kenji is trying to say something about my post end-of-the-word wardrobe by slipping me things that actually fit - back at the observatory, I walk my cranky ass
over to the cafeteria for some lunch.

  Nyler’s men raided a storehouse downtown a few days ago and hit gold. The kitchens are fully stocked for once, and since they’ve been able to get the caf.’s industrial fridge-slash-freezer working, they’d even brought back fresh meat for The Compound. Said they got it while hunting.

  Yes, actual hunting. I’d been skeptical too, at first, but I’d seen their spoils myself. Where they’d found deer and rabbit within the city limits, I don’t want to know. I have a feeling nature is once again claiming the land humans have lost. Filling in the gaps in the earth where humanity no longer thrives.

  A sad thought crosses my mind, about household pets and other domesticated creatures left out there alone, but I brush it away. The Compound doesn’t allow pets, claiming they’ll only use up our resources quicker, so I haven’t seen a dog, cat or other friendly furry creature in a long damn time.

  I’d really love to cuddle something furry right now.

  Shoving through the double doors to the chilly room, I almost turn around and walk right back out. Morgan, Luca’s fiancé is seated with a group of younger girls, mid-late teens for the oldest, at the front of the room. They remind me of a high school clique, the way they’re all so similar to each other… Slender, pretty, dressed nicely even though the world has gone to shit and none of that artificial crap matters. They look like the Mean Girls of The Compound.

  Debating on coming back later, I ultimately decide to say ‘fuck it’, if she wants to cause problems, let her. I’m not after her man, I have my own.

  Cade is mine and I’m not letting go. I’m starting to forget what I ever saw in Luca, and I’m surprisingly okay with that.

  I don’t want to say we’re using him now, because we aren’t. But he’ll come to realize after all of this is over that I’m not his prize, or treasure or whatever, at the end of the rainbow. My feelings for him have dwindled to the number of Pure humans left on the planet - nearly zip. No, make that less than zip. I’ll always be grateful to Luca for keeping me from doing something stupid, like ending my own life after I caused my Dad’s untimely death, but nothing romantic between us is ever going to happen.

  He’s not the type of person I want to spend my life with in this hell-hole we call existence. Cade’s got that covered, and I won’t stab him in the back by having thoughts or feelings about someone like Luca any longer. I just won’t.

  With that mental declaration at the forefront of my mind, I make my way over to the line for my food, head high and shoulders held back in a posture of confidence. I don’t need to worry about Morgan because I’m not anything for her to worry about.

  How dim-witted of me.

  Halfway to the end of the line, something wet and slippery splashes onto the floor directly in front of me. Not having time to do anything but follow the momentum of my last step, my booted foot lands in a sticky pile of congealed gunk, nearly toppling me to the ground, loose hair flying around and smacking me in the face as I wobble on my feet. I keep my balance though, thanking the Gods all my training hasn’t been for nothing, and turn to glare at the immature fucks sitting a few feet away.

  Taking a fortifying breath, I don’t allow my exasperation to show — too much anyway. “That’s just petty — wasting food that someone needs to live. And look, you got my favourite pair of boots dirty, too.” Rolling my eyes, I step past the mess. “We’re not in high school anymore, ladies. Grow up.”

  Tossing my hair over my shoulder, I grin at the woman taking food orders, sweetly telling her what I’d like from the amazingly wide selection. The fact they’ve been able to scrounge up french fries and veggie patties is a gods damn miracle.

  Taking a seat at one of the singles tables in the far corner of the room, I make sure to have a view of both the entrance and the exit of the cafeteria. It never hurts to be too prepared.

  My mouth in heaven, my mind on inane things, I tune out everyone else in the vicinity. There isn’t anyone here I want to spend my time with, so I don’t. Simple as that. I do keep part of my attention on the doors though, and that’s how I know the second The Incubator enters the room, Ainsley and — oh my gods — Jeremy in tow.

  Holy hell!

  I leap to my feet, reaching back to catch the metal chair I’d been sitting on before it crashes to the floor. No one notices, not even the one person I desperately want to.

  My muscles are coiled tight and all I want to do is go to him. Hug him and never let go. My heart sinks when I see what’s become of my lively little brother. He’s smartly dressed, hair pressed, and is quiet as a mouse as he trails behind the bitch that made us. His already slim frame is even more gaunt than I remember, and I worry he’s not getting the proper health care, now I’m not around to monitor him. Jer’s being timid - a boy that never understood the meaning of the word before - and even flinches when The Incubator moves her arm in a quick motion, indicating he step in behind her in the line.

  My chest clenches as I watch them, a tearing pain searing through it, and I briefly wonder if I’m having an anxiety attack right here in the middle of the cafeteria. I don’t know how to stop it if I am.

  Even Ainsley doesn’t make a peep, and she’s less than a year old. How does one teach an infant to remain stoic like that? It pisses me off. Royally.

  In contrast to my subdued siblings, Prudence is all smiles and pomp. She looks like the fucking First Lady in a pastel pink skirt and blazer set. It fits her toned body well, almost as if it’s been tailored to her size. Where she got such an outfit, I don’t want to know. If they’re endangering Nyler’s men, sending them out to find high-end clothes for the bitch, that’s their own choice. I’ll pick my battles.

  Eyes falling once again to the baby in her arms, a sense of longing fills me. Not for a baby of my own - I have implanted birth control that won’t wear off for another six months or so - but for the fact she’s more like a doll than a person, making me want to do anything to fix her. I have to psychically grab on to something to keep myself from rushing across the room and causing a scene. Ainsley should be smiling a gummy grin, cooing and laughing and being innocent…. It breaks my heart.

  I’m in such a state, I honestly don’t care if people see me pissed at The Incubator right now, but just as the thought flies through me, I catch sight of Morgan again. She’s staring, trying to figure out what’s got me so riled up when not even her antics could. I instantly stop, taking several deep breaths and using her acute glare on my face as a reminder… I can’t draw attention to myself. I can’t. I repeat the mantra over and over, using it as a grounding point. More lives than Jer’s and Ainsley’s are in jeopardy right now, and I’m one of the only people out there trying to stop an evil bastard from eventually killing everyone here.

  I want to yell, though, to make some noise to let my little brother know I’m here. Instead, I force myself to quietly sit back down, food forgotten, and observe. Giving Morgan a ‘fuck off’ stare so she knows I see her gawking, I’m grateful when she gets up and leaves with her friends. My chest is still tight, but there’s nothing for it. If this is what I must endure for not stepping in right now, then let me feel it.

  I watch Prudence turn to Jeremy with a snide look on her face, spouting off something at him that has him nodding robotically in response. If I didn’t know kids were fucking resilient, look at me for goodness sake, I wouldn’t have my ass glued to this chair right now. It’s a sentiment I make myself hold on to. They’re kids — they can and will bounce back from this once they’re shown what childhood should really look like.

  Three weeks. In three weeks Jeremy will be free of her cloying grip, and safely away from The Compound with Cade and myself.

  Ainsley, too. I hadn’t been clear on what to do with her before, leave her or take her with us, but after witnessing what I have today my mind is made up — no doubt about it. She’s not going to spend a second longer than it takes us to bring down Atlas with that sorry excuse for a mother. I won’t allow it.

R 25

  “As much as I don’t like to admit it, the person who created this tech has way more skills than I do.” Kenji’s hunched over at her makeshift workstation, typing away on her old laptop. After the fiasco in the cafeteria, I’d needed a diversion from my murderous thoughts, so I sought out Kenji to check in on her progress with the cell phones.

  “So you can’t duplicate the signal, network, whatever…?” I get a disgruntled glare for my words.

  “Did I say that, Sae-bae?” The attitude is strong in this one. I like it. “Nope, I don’t think I did!” She winks at me over her shoulder. She does that a lot — maybe it’s her thing, other than technology. “They’re more skilled, but I have a few underhanded tricks up my sleeve. Plus, Cade gave me the access information.” Shrugging, she goes back to her work. “Easy peasy.”

  That’s not how you made it sound two seconds ago.

  Instead of saying the thought aloud, we do have a budding friendship after all, I sit on a creaky barstool and turn it back and forth while I watch her work. You can tell she loves this stuff just by how intent she is on her task. She’s snapped at me a couple of times to give her space already, when I haven’t even realized I’m hovering. Shrugging at myself, I grin. I like to watch, sue me.

  Oh wait, there’s no legal system. No one can.

  I pick at my nails; aware they need a good filing and maybe even straight up mauling to get them looking decent again. Nails aren’t really a priority when you’re fighting for your very existence though. “How long do you think it will take to get the phones up and running from this point?”

  She thinks on it for a few minutes, tapping away at the keyboard. “Maybe another two or three days. I thought it would be quicker, but I think the walls are blocking the signal, dragging everything out.”

  It is a cinder-block pit down here. I try not to think about how being in the basement reminds me of Nyler’s lab. There’s at least a tiny window here, on the outer wall of the room, that lets in a bit of the grey light from outside. It’s barely big enough for a small child to fit through, but it exists.


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