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Changing Fate (Endgame #5)

Page 12

by Leigh Ann Lunsford

  Seeing the blues, clay oranges, and baseballs floating makes me pause. The game is forever a part of my life and I’ve looked into some leagues here to play recreational, but I wonder if she’s missing it? It’s been just as much a part of her life as mine— does she wish I’d followed Mason? The offers were there but my heart lies somewhere else.

  “Hey Picasso.” I step closer to her.

  She puts the brush down and turns with a sleepy smile. “Hey.”

  “Whatcha painting?” I study it and there’s an element that isn’t completed so I don’t know what the outcome will be.

  “A gift for Breck and Mason.” She points to certain features and I sigh in relief. “This,” she shows me the unfinished part, “is going to be her camera capturing the field and pitcher’s mound.”

  “Why all the baseballs floating?” I quirk my brow.

  “Their future baseball players.” She grins. “I think it’s gonna be sooner than Breck thinks.” I don’t doubt Aves— she’s been front and center with dealing with the other girl’s pregnancies.

  “I love you.” I kiss her head. “Do you miss this?” I nod to the painting.

  “I miss watching you. But I saw the forms you had by the desk. It looks like I’ll get to see my man in those tight pants soon enough.” She winks and leans back into me.

  “Or no pants works.” I suggest.

  “We leave tomorrow. I need to get this done.” I deflate but catch her silent laugh. “Kidding. I can’t resist you naked. Or in clothes.” I scoop her up, round the puppy and lock us inside for a few hours.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Holy shit, Lee Lee. It’s beautiful.” I sigh. She’s created a dream. The Wichita State baseball field is covered with an extra large white cloth and it’s surrounded with red stitching carrying the theme I chose. Our parents have seats on the field but the rest of our friends are in the bleachers. The only piece of the field that is visible is the pitcher’s mound— where Mason is standing, flanked by Deacon and Caden. Brody will join him after he walks me down the aisle.

  “You look amazing, Breck. I can’t believe this day is here. Mason fucking Adler getting married.” All the girls share a laugh at Emberlee’s amazement.

  “But Mason fucking Adler loves you.” Saylor winks.

  “I know. And believe me— I love that boy.” I close my eyes and daydream. Freshman orientation— he was being punished and wore his douche hat. Until spotting me. I became a challenge, to end up being his salvation. The lake. The misunderstandings. The sex. The drugs. The end. And the reconciliation. It happened here on this field and I couldn’t think of a more perfect place to start our future.

  “Are you gonna share?” Avery asks. “You looked deep in thought.”

  “Just remembering.” I wink.

  “Tell me this isn’t your fairytale?” Saylor looks at the perfection Emberlee created.

  “Nope. It’s better. In my daydreams the groom wasn’t as good as Mason fucking Adler.” I tease.

  “Are we gonna have to call you Brecklynn fucking Adler, now?” Emberlee is serious.

  “Hopefully in eight months you’ll be calling me mommy. Well, not you because that would be odd. But fingers crossed— that’s what I’ll be.” I glance to them to see their reaction. I know Mason is telling the guys while they wait and I’ll hear hollering in a bit. We’ll announce to the others at the reception.

  “Holy shit. He got it up?” Saylor asks.

  “Damn it. We’re all separated. I’m so happy for you, Breck. I’ll be the best damn aunt.” Avery grabs my hand.

  “Breck,” Emberlee gasps. Her hand covering her mouth and her eyes fill with tears. “Perfect.” She whispers and embraces me.

  “Now, all I need is you to put Brody outta his misery and marry that man. I need it to be official that you’re my sister-in-law.” I pinch her. “And Aves and Caden’s wedding and babies.”

  “Stop. Stay in your lane. Caden and I will wait a year. Med school is gonna kick his ass. Babies— they’re five years or so out. I learned how to fuck without procreating.” She informs us.

  “Birth control isn’t one hundred percent.” Saylor is haughty.

  “Anal and swallowing is.” I bite back my laughter because I know she’s fucking with us. I think. Oh hell no, Avery is a closet freak.

  “Every time?” Emberlee asks.

  Avery sighs. “Y’all are too easy. NO! He fucks me the normal way.”

  “No condom?” Saylor is curious.

  “Uh, can we get back to Breck’s wedding day? Caden and I have normal sex. No condoms. I get the shot. And we aren’t planning kids in the near future— if it happens it happens. Yes, I do swallow. And yes, he puts more than the tip in. End of discussion.” Her cheeks flame and I wink at her.

  “Has Caden decided what field he’s gonna specialize in?” Lee Lee asks Aves.

  “Yeah. But it isn’t for me to announce. You’ll find out at the reception.” She’s so damn evasive— that’s how she kept her secret for so long.

  “You’re a pain in the ass.” I slap her arm.

  “And I have something for you.” Saylor hands me a sapphire blue box. “From Mason.” I blink to stop the tears.

  I look at my girls— all so different, yet we’ve forged a bond. Saylor and I weren’t the original crew but you’d never know it. That’s what’s so special— I wasn’t there for most of the years but you wouldn’t know it. Hell, sometimes I forget because it’s like I’m a part of something beyond me. “I love y’all.” I sigh. The tears are streaming and I can’t stop them. “I never thought I’d end up here.”

  “Yeah. It’s great.” Saylor bumps my hip and I nod.

  “Although, I feel like a fucking groupie.” Lee Lee grimaces and I giggle. Granted, I may have told her I wanted a baseball themed wedding but she took it a step further. I took a peek at the reception hall— and it stole my breath; even if it was over the top. Little red stitching adorns every edible piece of food. She drew the line when I said I was gonna wear cleats under my dress.

  Each one with different looks all wear the strapless red dresses I chose flawlessly. Saylor with her deep tan and blond hair is stunning. Runway model worthy, I swear. Deacon’s gonna lose his fucking mind when he sees her. Emberlee’s eyes with her dark hair pop with the coloring and she owns it. Brody will be distracted with trying to find a corner to hump her in that I’ll have free reign with my husband tonight. Avery— fuck me. The glow of love is evident in her cheeks, her sparkling eyes and dark curls that enhance the seams of the dress. She’s wearing the dress, not the other way around.

  And me . . . I giggle as I take in what I’m sure will drive Mason crazy. I know he loves the game but he worships me. In his arms I experience a love I didn’t know existed.

  “Open it.” Aves is restless. I lift the box and gasp. Nestled in the white satin is a platinum necklace with three charms dangling. A baseball, a camera, and a pair of baby shoes.

  “Put it on.” I ask anyone to help. I don’t care who clasps it but I need it against my skin, hanging close to my heart.

  “He did good.” Saylor is in awe. “With the bride and gift.” She winks.

  “Time’s up.” Brody kisses his woman and turns to stare at me. “Wow.” His eyes get misty and the girls give us a minute.

  “Good wow?” I need his approval. He loves me. He loves Mason. He doesn’t love me with anyone, but that’s the big brother way.

  “Good. You look beautiful. You sure you wanna marry this chump?” He semi jokes.

  I roll my eyes. “Every single day. He’d be my choice each time.”

  “I know. That’s why I’m walking you down the aisle. Dad would be so proud and he’d see what I do— Mason Adler loves you and there’s no better man for you.” I lose the battle of controlling my sobs and my big brother holds me while I compose myself.

  “Hate you.” I whisper.

  “Hate you the most.” He kisses my temple and bends his arm for me to assume the walking p

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Didn’t think I’d see the day.” Deacon says in amusement.

  “What day is that? The day your wife is gawking at my ass?” I go back at him with the subject that will set him aflame.

  His head whips to see his wife coming down the aisle with Julie in front of her throwing blown up miniature baseballs. Saylor has her eyes watching her daughter and nobody else. “Asshole.” Deacon murmurs.

  “Sucker.” I lob.

  “Children.” Caden intones. We’re fucking up his concentration as Avery follows Saylor and I know he’s still in the honeymoon phase— fuck, we all are with the women we snagged.

  Take this wedding— what other girl would do this? A baseball field where my dreams were crushed and made. The same field she took me back. Baseball is a huge part of my life— our life— and it can take its toll. But, Breck, she turned our wedding into my dream— baseball and her. Not in that order. Add in the little peanut she’s carrying and I don’t think there’s a luckier man.

  Standing atop this mound where I pitched the game that could’ve ended my career, but in the end, it was the same place my dreams came true. She took me back. All the other perks of this life are white noise. They don’t compare to being with Breck. Mason fucking Adler fell in love— hard and fast. But most importantly, forever.

  “Speaking of children,” I tease. “Brecklynn’s pregnant.” The music interrupts their stunned comments and we all turn to watch the girls make their entrance.

  “Holy fuck.” I wheeze. My eyes locked where Brody is escorting her down the aisle. Her eyes light up when she catches me rubbernecking. Her flowers look like a baseball, her dress is white and she stops walking, turns to show me the back and resumes her trek to me without missing a beat. That fluffy stuff billows at the bottom, hugs her waist and is laced up with red ribbon. She’s my fucking wet dream— in reality.

  But it’s her.

  It isn’t the dress.

  The body.

  The shoes.

  The flowers.

  The stunning smile.

  The beautiful eyes.

  It’s her love.

  And the way it makes me ten feet tall and bullet proof. I came back from rock bottom— in part because I knew I had to, but most of all, it was because if I didn’t claw myself from the trenches of addiction I’d lose her. And this day.

  As she stands in front of me, Brody refuses to let her hand go. “Brody, it’s time.” She murmurs from the side of her mouth. Deacon and Caden chuckle but this shit doesn’t faze me. I’ve been playing this game since I fell in love with his sister. Soon enough, after hemming and hawing, he’ll put her hand in mine so we can begin this stage of our life.

  “I can’t.” His eyes squint at me.

  “Brody,” Emberlee utters.

  “Embe, she’s my sister.” I mean, it wouldn’t be a wedding without a shenanigan.

  “Brody,” that Texas drawl makes me chuckle. “Let your sister go so I don’t tan your hide in front of all these people. Grown or not, I’ll take you over my knee.” Wanda Collier hollers from the seats for the parents and his grip loosens. “Now.”

  “Busted.” Brecklynn taunts.

  “Brecklynn,” that drawl warns and she straightens up, tugs her hand from her brother and places it in mine herself. “Brody, take your place.” Wanda directs her son.

  Half stomping, full of grumbling, he moves to my side and joins the guys. I know he trusts me with his sister, but he has to do the big brother act. It’s part of him, and I respect it.

  “You look beautiful, Doll.” I make a move to take her other hand and let my hand brush against her stomach on purpose. She sucks in a breath and I see the first tear escape.

  “Happy tears.” She assures me when she notices my look of concern.

  “C’mon. We have a honeymoon to get to.” I tell the officiate and get whacked in the back of my head.

  “Mason— my sister.” Brody growls.

  “Brody— my wife.” I don’t turn to face him but I’ll win this battle. I watch her face the entire time we recite our vows— she opted for traditional because she was afraid what would come outta my mouth. Good choice. She doesn’t have just beauty and that decision proves it.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. Ladies and gentleman, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Adler.” The dude in a suit announces but I feel cheated.

  “Where the hell is the part where I kiss her?” I gripe. Brecklynn laughs. Saylor snorts. Brody hits me on the back of the head— again. Emberlee rolls her eyes. Caden is silent— surprise. Deacon is shaking his head.

  My Aves pulls through. “Just do it. Be like Nike.” I throw her a thumbs up while bending my wife back and kissing the shit outta her. Hands grip my shoulder separating us too soon for my liking. One day, I won’t let his big brother shit go and will knock the big lug down a few pegs. Better yet— I have a plan.

  “Fucker, pull me off my wife again and I’ll make sure your job is a nightmare.” He drops the smug grin and pouts. He knows I have some clout and him being hired as the new trainer puts him as low man on the totem pole in the organization.

  “You wouldn’t.” He begs.

  “You know I would. Without a second thought if you do that shit again.” To make my point, I reenact the moment and this time my lips stay against Breck’s until she’s ready for me to stop. His fists may be clenched, his mouth in a tight line— but he let it happen. Like a good little boy.

  “Unc Mace. My turn.” Julie worms her way between us and wraps her hands around my legs. Breck winks and steps back.

  Catching my eye she mouths, “I hope we have a boy.” I’m shocked and wouldn’t admit it aloud but I want a little girl. I miss the shit outta Julie and her innocent love for me motivates me. I tilt my head and she nods down to Julie and it dawns. If I had a little girl of my own how would Julie react . . . would she feel scorned?

  I smile and lift Julie, moving her to my other side as I grip Brecklynn’s hand and move us down the aisle. “Hey asshole, you think I can have my daughter?” Deacon asks.

  “Starbucks, Daddy.” Julie waves and I keep walking. I have a chore for Julie during the reception and I need to get started with prepping her.

  “I don’t wanna know what that grin is for.” Brecklynn acknowledges next to me.

  “Probably a good idea.” I admit.

  “Have fun.” She chortles and shit do I love her. She knows I’m gonna put my foot in my mouth, act like an ass, possibly embarrass her but she doesn’t care. She just loves me.

  “C’mon Princess, I have some pops for you if you can help me.” I bribe this little blonde haired beauty and she negotiates.

  “Seven.” She informs me.

  “Five,” I barter.

  “Nine.” She smacks my shoulder.

  “You shouldn’t hit.” I remind her.

  “Eleven. I can’t count highzer.” I laugh and approve.

  “Eleven it is.” My wife shakes her head and pushes us along while she waits for her mom and the rest of the gang. The reception is in the announcer’s booth since we kept it pretty small and I’ll join them after I coach Julie on what needs to be done.

  Chapter Seventeen

  My mouth salivates as Caden saunters to me. He gives me a knowing smirk. “What’s that look for, Picasso?”

  I look into his eyes, blocking the rest of the wedding hoopla from my sight. “You. Four years and you still make my knees weak. Make my heart race, yet calm. You still make me fall in love with you over and over.”

  His smile is slow. Carefree. Genuine. “Wow.” It isn’t often Caden is floored, but I get this thrill when I manage it.

  “Wow is apt. I love you, Caden Monroe.” I place my arms over his shoulders and he doesn’t disappoint as he grips my waist and lifts me with ease so our mouths are touching.

  “I love you, Avery Michaels.” A shrill whistle pierces the air and he drops a quick kiss to my lips and puts me down. “We’re being summoned.�
� He takes my hand and we make our way to the reception. “Did I tell you how beautiful you are?” I nod. He did— several times. “Did you know Breck was pregnant before today?”

  “No. I figured it would happen soon, but she’s so happy.” I am, too.

  “Yeah. Mason is over the moon. I kinda want him to have a little girl who looks like his wife,” he pauses. “Holy shit, that’s just weird to say. But seriously, can you imagine a little girl who looks like Breck and acts like Mace? He’ll lose his fucking mind.”

  “You act like he has one to lose. And no— he needs boys. All boys.” I’m certain of this.

  “What? You have to admit it’d be fun to watch.” He isn’t thinking.

  “Julie.” Ah, it hits him. “Just like if we have kids, Darby will be fit to be tied if she’s replaced.” Speak of the devil— and I mean that in the literal sense. I love this little girl but she’s a mini Emberlee— times ten. She has her father, her Unc Caden, Kinsley, and her grandfather wrapped. It’s ridiculous— but she’s so fucking cute it’s dangerous. “Imagine when she dates,” I tease him as I leave him to scoop her up and give her the attention she demands.

  “Unc Caden, whyz you wif her alls time?” Darby refers to me as ‘her’ when she speaks to Caden, any other time I’m Aunt Aves and she’s sweet as pie. Throw my hunk of a man in the mix and she’s fucking Lucifer.

  “Darbes, I love your Aunt Aves. You know that. I’m gonna marry her one day.” I swear if looks could kill, this two year old would have me six feet under.

  “No,” her little eyes fill with tears and her determination sways my stance. I feel bad for her— heartbreak isn’t ever easy but at two it’s gotta be a bitch. “Youz love me. Not her.”

  I giggle and leave them alone so he can appease her without poor Darby Collier having to look at the woman who stole her man. “What are you laughing at?” Emberlee catches me.


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