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Changing Fate (Endgame #5)

Page 19

by Leigh Ann Lunsford

  “Time to get you dressed.” She ushers me into the bathroom and this is our moment. I hear Bethy scattering everyone from the room and once the door shuts I exhale.

  “Momma.” I sob. “I love you.”

  “Baby, we love you. Calm down. Today is the day you walk the first steps of the rest of your life. Enjoy it. Savor it. Call upon it in times of struggle.” She nods and begins to help me dress.

  “Ready.” I beam.

  “You most certainly are. Beautiful, Avery. You’re stunning.” She cups my cheek and we walk into the room so she can let my dad back in. He stops just inside the doorway and puts his hands up.

  “I can’t talk.” He pushes from his throat. “Love you and you’re gorgeous. My baby.” He loses the battle with his tears and it forces my own to erupt.

  “Stop.” My mom fusses and cleans my face, fixing the damage I’ve done. “I’m going to take my seat.”

  The music begins and my dad turns to me. “I can’t believe this day is here.” I know my childhood is playing through his mind. “And I couldn’t be prouder of your choices.”

  I offer him my hand and he tucks it into his arm and begins the descent to give me to Caden.

  I have no idea how I’m going to speak after his vows. It wasn’t just the words— it was the conviction, the love, and the truth in them.

  I suck in air and release it through pursed lips. “Caden, I don’t know where to begin because you’ve been a part of my life, a chunk of my heart for as long as I can remember. I knew I loved you but until we found each other, I didn’t know how much I loved you. Experiencing love and understanding love are two different things— and you’re both to me. You were the experience, the change, that made me understand how deep and true love can be. You’ve loved me at my worst, which makes me give you my best. You hold my hand, which allows me to walk without stumbling. Your faith in me allows me to flourish. Create. You give me a piece of myself— art. Without your love, your faith, your encouragement, I’d be crippled. Blocked. You bring the vibrant colors and love to life. With your love I know anything is possible.”

  He has a death grip on my fingers and I see the pull of emotion coursing through his body. “Love you.” His voice is husky.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.” His lips meet mine and the trance is broken.

  “That’s some horseshit. They tried to cut that outta my wedding. Breck, we’re asking for a refund.” Mason’s outrage is real— as real as the laughter coming from me and the frustration radiating off Caden.

  “Are you serious?” Caden seethes.

  “He is. That’s our friend.” I admit.

  “I’m thinking you’re on to something with the saint shit.” I roll my eyes.

  “Not when you refer to sainthood as shit. That’s why I get all the days.” He laughs and captures my mouth again— this time he seals the deal. Amid cheers. Grumbling. And throat clearing.

  Reminiscent of Saylor and Deacon’s wedding, our parents have taken to the dance floor. And the bar, if I’m not mistaken. Sara’s receptionist is caring for the kids and nobody is pregnant.

  “Two more years and this is gonna be our life again.” Caden wraps me in his arms.

  “You sure?” I don’t wanna get hopeful. He could have a good practice in Nashville.

  “Positive. You haven’t asked where we’re going for our honeymoon.” He teases.

  “I don’t have to. I know you.” I taunt.

  “You think?” He doesn’t believe me.

  “Colorado.” I throw the gauntlet and his face is priceless.

  “H-h-how?” He sputters.

  “Like the back of my hand.” I grin like a cat that ate the canary.

  “I’m wearing your ass out tonight. Forget pink, baby. It’s gonna be flaming red.” He nips my ears.

  “Promises. Promises.” I play into his hands.

  “How much longer?” He groans, pushing his hard cock into my back.

  “Cake. Bouquet toss. Done.” I list off our last deeds.

  “Thank fuck. Let’s go cut some cake.” He tugs me to the cake and grabs everyone’s attention.

  “I’ll take it from here.” I push him to the side. “On your tables there are cards. Inside the cake there will be charms. You may get one. You may not. The meaning of the charms is on the cards.” I motion him back over and we grip the knife and cut.

  “Promise.” He mouths. Meaning, no smashing cake in my face. I okay this agreement. There’s only one sticky thing I want staining my skin and it isn’t icing. And it won’t be happening in front of anyone.

  He plates our cake and grabs the ribbon, pulling it to see which charm we got. It’s a heart. I hold it up and Breck yells, “true love.” I couldn’t agree more.

  Michelle comes over to finish cutting cake for everyone. “I have ulterior motives.” She conspires.

  Everyone sits to eat and catch their breath. “Hell yes.” Mason boasts.

  “Hell no.” Breck shouts. “How the fuck do I get a highchair? It means kids. Seems like I’m the only one who doesn’t remember how big Nolan’s head was.” I choke on the cake as Mason struts like a peacock. I look at Michelle and she winks. Sneaky little thing.

  “Anchor.” Emberlee yells. “Adventure. Hmmm— maybe moving my ass back home in five months.” Brody smiles with her announcement and I think Gerald is tripping trying to get to her.

  “I get my grandbabies back.” He whoops.

  “Hey. My kids aren’t bad replacements.” Saylor sulks.

  “No.” Gerald tries to backtrack.

  “Save it, General. My in-laws are glad to spend time with them.” She’s so full of shit. Trying to act mad to see if she can fluster the man. She’s the sole one who’s been brave enough.

  “Saylor,” he begins but she can’t hold back her laughter and he plops to his ass with an evil look.

  “Rocking chair.” Josh announces. “Long life. And I will say with a full head of hair that isn’t gray.”

  “Wishing well.” My mom hollers and looks at me. “Wishes coming true.”

  “I’ve decided to do my residency here. Two years of med school to finish, and we’ll be home.” Caden informs her.

  “Yes.” Our parents high five and it seems all the charms have been found.

  I didn’t throw my flowers— no need and I wanted to keep them how they were. I handed them to my mom so she could preserve them and she assured me she’d keep my dad’s cufflinks pinned there. He won’t care, but it’s nice she thinks she’s thwarting him.

  “My wife.” Caden growls.

  “My husband.” I moan.

  “That stunt with the blindfold wasn’t funny.” I laugh anyway. He spins me so my back is pressed against his chest and my breathing hitches. His fingers trail up my arms and dip to the zipper at the top of my spine. He takes a step back and pulls the zipper. “Blue.” He whimpers.

  “Your favorite.” I husk.

  My dress pools at my feet and he grips my waist, lifting me over and sits me on the bed. Dropping to his knees he removes one shoe, then the other. “Blue.” His voice is hypnotic. I didn’t waste any effort with sexing it up with garters or anything fancy— he doesn’t need it.

  As my final shoe hits the floor, he stands and toes off his shoes, unfastening his belt while stepping out of his socks. I watch, trance-like, as he bares his body to me. His pants sit low on his waist, his fingers unhooking buttons and opening the brilliant white dress shirt to reveal his perfect, tanned torso. My tongue snakes from my mouth, wetting my dry lips, my mouth craving the taste of him. “Impatient?” His cheeky retort does nothing to dull the ache in my core.

  “Yes.” I’m unashamed of my want for him.

  “Lie back.” I hesitate, wanting to see him remove the last bit of clothing. Once I drink my fill, I let my back fall to the mattress and wait for his next move. This cat and mouse game proceeds to incite my passion.

  His long fingers grip my knees; twisting his hands he
spreads my legs as they skim up the inside of my thighs. Towering over me, looking at me like he’s trying to memorize every dip and curve, makes my breath come in pants. “Wife.” His voice demonstrates his awe.

  I don’t form a response before his knees hit the carpet and his greedy mouth covers me through the lace blue lingerie. His nose nudges my clit, his eyes close with his deep inhale and his tongue licks. Tearing echoes in the silence and his mouth is feasting against my bare pussy, my panties shredded and tossed over his shoulder. This isn’t an act he hasn’t performed but tonight he’s ravenous, acting as though if he doesn’t get his fill, he’ll starve. My legs are pushed wider, his tongue sinks deeper, and his fingers find my clit.

  It doesn’t take long until he has me at the pinnacle of release and he slows, drawing my torture and pleasure from me. Sweat beads on my back, hands grip the bed cover, feet digging into his shoulders for leverage and finally . . . he takes mercy.

  “Caden,” I come with a shout, full body tingles, and a heart so full I’m suffocating.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Her taste floods my tongue and I groan in delight. She tries to pull away from my mouth but I won’t relent on getting my fill. “Fuck.” She urges me. I slow the pace and soften the pressure but continue the ministrations.

  She relaxes and rides the down crest, sated and happy. I drag my mouth up her body, licking her flesh, reveling in the salty taste I crave. From her. For her. I capture her red lips between my own and dip my tongue into her mouth, transferring her taste. Her fingers curl into my sides, nails digging into the skin and her pussy rubs against my cock. It has a mind of its own and wants to sink in— deep and hard but I have a promise to keep. Pressing up to my knees I roll to her side, take hold of her hips and flip her over. My hand skims the curve of her ass, tapping the underside of her cheek. “You sorry for the blindfold?”

  “Nope. Not even kinda.” Smart-ass. I bring my hand down firm, watching her creamy flesh turn pink.

  “You sure?” I run my hands over her smooth skin, soothing the sting I’m going to invoke.

  “Yep.” Her ass lifts begging for more. Craving whatever I give her.

  Swat. She moans. Thwap. She grinds her soaked core against my legs. I delve two fingers inside her as I bring my hand down for the last time and she convulses, sucking my fingers into her tight heat. “I’m not sorry, either. Fuck with me every damn day.” I half plead. If it ends this way— I’ll take whatever shit she pulls.

  “I need to taste you.” She scurries off my lap and wraps those full lips around the head of my cock and sinks her head down. Her tongue flattens and traces the underside vein while her teeth nibble the ridged edge of the tip. “Mmmm.” She moans and I feel the vibrations in my cock.

  Clenching my jaw and ass, I let her take her fill. She pulls me deep, swallows and repeats. I won’t come in her mouth, so I pull her off and spread her wide underneath me as I sink into her waiting pussy. “So good.” I still and let the feeling consume me.

  My wife.

  My Avery.

  She pushes her hips up as I push mine down and a primal rhythm begins. Deep and hard is the only way I can give it to her but when I hear her scream in my ear, draw blood from my back, and milk me dry— I know it’s what she needed as well.

  Our honeymoon flew by. The summer came to an end. Med school picks up. Our time becomes sparse and treasured.

  “I can’t believe it’s Thanksgiving.” She sighs and rubs her forehead.

  “Headache?” She nods and closes her eyes. “We helping Lee Lee and Brody settle in their house while we’re home?”

  “Yeah.” She’s holding her stomach. “Lucky us.” Her words are halted as she bolts for the bathroom and empties her stomach. I chase after her, wet a cloth, soothe her until she’s done and carry her back to bed.

  She stays in this condition for a few hours and her fever spikes. “I’m not pregnant,” she swears and I can’t chuckle because she’s so sick. Around three in the morning she’s shivering, I can’t break the fever regardless of what method I use, so I bundle her up and head to the hospital. I listen as they order tests, running any diagnosis in my mind and when her blood work returns— I know. Appendicitis and I know the surgery is low risk but I still freak as my wife is wheeled to the operating room. I make the phone call to her parents and get them to handle notifying the others. We won’t be catching our flight tomorrow, so Thanksgiving for us back at home isn’t on the agenda.

  I sigh in relief when I’m led to the recovery room and she’s semi-alert. “What the fuck happened?” Her voice cracks with the dryness. I pick up the cup of ice chips and slip one in her mouth.

  “Your appendix staged a revolt. They had to remove it.” I kiss her forehead and linger for a minute.

  “Nice. Hey, I’m fine.” She grips my hand and closes her eyes. I sit at her bed for an hour watching her chest rise and fall, monitoring the machines and decompress.

  She wakes when they’re moving her to a room and looks worried. “Did we miss our flight?” I laugh.

  “Not yet, but your parents are flying in.” I don’t know how long her recuperation is gonna take and I have classes next week.

  “Okay.” She falls back asleep. The next two days are much the same besides her parents here to keep me company. As she wakes up her color is better, she’s coherent longer periods and when day four appears, she’s released. And I head to classes the next morning.

  Like a trooper, within a week she’s almost back to normal and we make plans to go home for Christmas— both of us bummed because it’s become our special holiday together with no interruptions.

  Everyone is flying here for my graduation. I did it. Graduating med school and heading home. I got a prime residency at Via Christi – St Joseph Hospital. Less than a fifteen minute commute and we closed on our house last week. Outside the gates of Eastborough but plenty of room to grow. Brecklynn is pregnant— due anytime with her second son, so she can’t fly but somehow Mason wrangled a day off to join us.

  His contract was extended for three years and he has a year until negotiations start. I can tell he’s hiding something and I hold my breath when I confront him. “What’s up?”

  “Come here.” He nods to the bedroom and I close the door. “My shoulder.”

  I drop my head and when I lift it and meet his eyes, the fear flows from my body. He’s ready for whatever. “Take your shirt off.” I’m not an orthopedic, yet, but I know enough to guide him.

  “I don’t swing that way.” He winks as he does a strip tease for me. I rotate his shoulder, dig my fingers into the muscles, and have him do some strength tests.

  “What did the team doc say?”

  “Said it was fine. Just to do more exercises to loosen it up.” That fucker lied.

  “Mace— it’s time. You got five years. Five years longer than you thought. You can relief your last year of contract but you’ve gotta be careful. Get some tests when you get home to confirm.” He nods.

  “Yeah. I figured. Looks like we’re all coming home.” He grins and I can see the relief in his eyes. “Nolan starts school next year and Breck can’t travel anymore. I’m missing a lot. Sure, I’ve made some money. Hell, I could put everyone’s kids through college but it was never about that.” He sighs. “I love the game and I wanna quit while I still love it. Maybe I’ll take Coach Gill’s job.”

  “Brody will love that.”

  Mason grabs his dick. “Yeah, he’ll be my bitch.” I shake my head. “But thanks. I’m ready.” And I can tell he is.

  Avery cheers the loudest and I walk across the stage with pride. Humility. And determination. I want to be the best damn orthopedic I can and if I can save one person from dealing with a diagnosis like Mason did— I will have succeeded.

  “You’re already bored?” I question her. “We’re barely an hour into an eleven hour trip, Picasso.”

  “I’m hungry.” I stare at her. I don’t point out she spent thirty-two dollars at the convenience st
ore on junk. And it’s gone.

  “What are you in the mood for?”

  “I don’t care. Whatever.” She shrugs. Abort. This is a false statement.

  “You want breakfast?”









  “We had tacos last night.”


  She sighs. “Just pick something.” Yeah, because I have a death wish.

  “I’m not hungry so if you tell me what you want, I’ll find it.” I try for a soothing tone.

  “Never mind. I’m going to sleep.” She huffs and grabs her pillow. Punching it a few times for full effect and twenty minutes later she’s asleep. That was close.

  “What? We’re still four hours away.” Avery shrieks. “Okay. Tell her I love her.” She turns to glare at me. It seems it’s my fault Breck went into labor and we aren’t home to be there. “It’s the first one I’ve missed. The first kid. And he’ll be the one vote to throw me into some shitty old folks’ home where they serve mystery meat and mix up my laundry.” Nope. Not touching that tirade.

  “I’m sorry.” I grab her hand and she doesn’t deny me. No matter how mad she gets she doesn’t stop me from touching her. And she isn’t angry. She just isn’t a road trip warrior.

  “Whoever is next, I won’t miss it.” I tell everyone at the hospital. We’re all home, Breck didn’t want to have the baby in New York since she has no help and has been in Kansas the last month. Mason is gonna let them list him as injured and he’s having someone pack their shit. All that’s left for them to do is find a house.

  “Meet Nash Lawson Adler.” Breck hands me the baby and I swear it’s Mason reincarnated. “And I’m not next. This is it.” She’s adamant the baby factory is closed.


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