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Page 2

by Sean Michael

  Jason swallowed hard, drinking Rook down, even as Bishop grabbed his cock.

  “So good.” Rook moaned, the sound low and wanton. “Make him come, Bish. Make him come on your cock.”

  Rook was trying to kill him. Especially given his lover’s cock hadn’t gone down yet and Rook was still sliding on his tongue. Bishop slammed into his gland, over and over, tightening his hand on Jason’s prick, the friction almost rough.

  He cried out, sucking Rook fiercely as he fought to come.

  “Jase!” Rook cried out, bucking into his mouth—he was going to get another load at this rate.

  “Come on. Come on.” Bishop drove into him, making him moan.

  “Oh, God!” shouted Rookie and another spurt of cum flowed down Jason’s throat, just as Bishop scraped a finger across his slit.

  Jason swallowed convulsively as he came, over and over, his balls emptying. Bishop’s shout was lost in the rush of his blood and heartbeat as he was filled.

  They all slumped there on the mat, panting like they’d had a huge workout. He guessed that in a way, they had.

  He was sandwiched between Rook and Bishop, their bodies keeping him warm. Managing a few lazy pecks, Rookie kissed his cheek.

  “Mmm.” He couldn’t help his smile.

  Rook slid a hand down to play over his belly. “God, you’re pure sex.”

  “We need a couch in here,” Bish growled.

  Rookie laughed, the sound happy. “Something fluffy and soft and big.”

  “There’s not enough room for a big couch.” He couldn’t help but point that out. Hell, he wasn’t sure there should be any type of couch in here—it was a work-out room.

  “We could take out a few of these machine things…” suggested Rook.

  “Uh-uh. My space.” It was, too. This place was his, now. He’d taken it over, ordered new equipment, kept it stocked with towels and water and lube.

  Rook raised his head to look down at Jason. Rook pouted at him then grinned suddenly, shifted to lie on top of him. “Long as I have you to lie on, I can live without a couch.”

  Bishop reached over and smacked Rook’s ass. “That doesn’t help the rest of us.”

  “We have to check on Knight, anyway.” Jason didn’t want Knight to wake up alone.

  Bishop kissed him. “We do. You’re a good man, baby boy. And don’t let Knight tell you different.” After winking at him, Bishop got up and held out his hands to help him and Rook up.

  He shrugged. Knight would. Knight was hurting and pissed off at the world and he was an easier, safer target than Bishop and Rookie. It was inevitable.

  Rookie kissed him and they let Bishop help them up. “I’ll wake him up,” Rook gave him another kiss, then headed off, ass naked as the day he was born.

  “Should I start breakfast?” After a shower.

  “That’d be great, baby boy. Let’s get a shower first though.” Bishop’s arm went around his shoulders.

  “Yes.” He leaned in a bit. “Something hot and steamy.” The flirtatious words made him blush. Eight months ago he never would have even dreamed he might one day say something like that to another man, especially one with as much sex appeal as Bishop had. Hell, six months ago even.

  “Oh, now that sounds fun.”

  “And soapy,” he added.

  “And slippy and slide-y and how did you put it? Oh yes, hot and steamy.” Bishop’s eyes were twinkling.

  They both laughed together, heading upstairs.

  * * * *

  Rook moved quietly, going into Bishop’s room to find Knight, see how he was doing on his first morning waking up at home. If Knight was awake yet. Rook didn’t turn on the light, just silently made his way to the side of the bed—he knew the layout of this room by heart, even if there was a hospital bed sharing the space now.

  Knight’s eyes were open, staring into the darkness. “Hey. I’m really home, huh?”

  “You are.” He sat carefully on the edge of the bed and touched Knight’s cheek. “I’m so happy you are.”

  “Yeah. You’ve been in the shower?” Knight was so skinny, so fucking pale.

  “No, I uh…got distracted.”

  “By what?”

  He didn’t want to make Knight jealous, but he wasn’t going to lie. “Bishop and Jason were working out.”

  Knight chuckled softly. “Lucky man.”

  “I know! Them and then there’s you in here. It’s almost embarrassing.” He truly was a rich man and that had nothing to do with money.

  “I don’t think I’m going to get up, yet. I’m so tired.” Knight sounded tired.

  He tried not to fuss with Knight’s pillows. “Did you sleep better last night than you have been in the hospital?”

  “Yes. God, yes. No one bothered me.”

  “If you’re feeling nostalgic I’m sure we can take turns coming in and poking and prodding you.” He couldn’t help but tease. Thank God he could—Knight awake and home.

  “Fuck you, Rookie.” Knight smiled, though—and this was a real, honest smile.

  Bending, he pressed their lips together. It wasn’t a big, sexy kiss or anything, but it was soft and gentle and it felt amazing to be able to touch Knight this way.

  “You want to come in for a minute?” Knight lifted the covers.

  “Yes!” More than just about anything. He slipped under the covers and cuddled up to Knight. Knight shivered and pressed close, cheek on his shoulder. Rook sighed happily, emotion riding him. “Oh, God. I didn’t think we’d ever get to do this again.”

  “Mmmhmm.” Knight sighed, relaxing into him.

  God, Rook wanted to cry. It was almost overwhelming, holding Knight like this. At home. He hummed softly instead, stroking Knight’s skin.

  Soon Knight was snoring softly, resting with him. Rook wanted Knight to be napping because they’d just had great sex, not because the man was recovering from being run over by a fucking snow plow. He wanted Knight to be exhausted from making art for hours on end and forgetting to eat or sleep.

  “Love you, Knight,” he whispered, his words fierce.

  “Is he okay, Rookie?” Bish peered in.

  “Yeah, he’s sleeping.” His voice was thick. “He’s snuggled in with me and sleeping.”

  “Good. I’ll go help the kid with breakfast. You okay there?”

  He was, despite the fact he was near tears. “I am. I could hold him forever.”

  Bish nodded. “I know what you mean.”

  “I know.” He smiled as Knight snuffled, sighed.

  “I’ll go help Jase. We’ll serve in here, picnic style.”

  Rook nodded. “That sounds amazing.” All four of them together, having breakfast in bed. God, it would almost be like normal. He watched as Bishop left, then he settled with Knight.

  Knight slept hard next to him, and he even managed to doze off himself and it was the scent of pancakes and syrup and bacon wafting in that woke him.

  “Mmm. Oh, God, something smells like Heaven,” he murmured, suddenly starving.

  Knight hummed softly, pushing in closer.

  “Can you smell the yummy food, K? No more hospital food. And I was nowhere near it—so it’s safe.”

  Knight might have smiled. Maybe.

  “You still smell kind of like the hospital,” Rook continued, sort of randomly chattering. “We need to do something about that. Even if it takes a hundred sponge baths. That could be fun, actually.”

  “Am I cleared to use the hot tub yet?” Knight asked.

  Jason chuckled from the doorway. “Not yet, Knight. You have to get a little stronger.”

  “And here’s our picnic. You are a treasure, honey.” He smiled over at Jason, so pleased to have them all home, together again.

  Jason grinned at him. “At least I don’t burn the bacon. There’s eggs and oatmeal and toast, too.”

  “And I’ve got coffee for everyone.” Bish came in and put his tray on the side-table.

  “You made fancy coffee.” Rook sniffed hard. “I c
an smell hazelnut.”

  “It’s like a celebration, right? All of us at home together?” Jason tried so hard.

  “It is. You rock. Hey, K, you up to sitting for a bit? We’ll pile the pillows behind you.”

  Knight muttered, but it was Bish who came up, eased one huge hand under Knight and carefully leveraged him to a sitting position. Rook and Jason helped get the pillows just right and he snuggled in next to the skinny body. Jason slid the tray of food onto his lap.

  They piled in together, blankets all about them, and Knight actually looked awake.

  Rook grabbed a piece of bacon and fed it to Knight, so happy. Knight drank a couple of sips of coffee, ate the piece of bacon and had a bite of oatmeal. It was funny actually, because this wasn’t the first time they’d had to hand feed Knight to get him to eat, but it was the first time they’d had to do it because of an injury. Usually the man was simply lost in his art.

  Everything smelled so good and Rook’s stomach growled—Jason was becoming one hell of a cook, really.

  “Feed me some more bacon, honey.” Rook opened his mouth for Jason, doing his best baby bird imitation, making Knight laugh softly.

  “Hungry boy.” Bishop’s words were fond, husky.

  “Starving.” He was the foursome slut and very happy with his position there.

  Knight leaned back into the pillows, eyes closing again.

  Rubbing his hand along Knight’s thigh, Rook leaned in to ask “You good, K?”

  “Yeah, just tired.”

  “Okay.” He gave Knight a gentle kiss and turned his attention back to Jason. “Now where were we?”

  “I was feeding you and you were eating.”

  He opened his mouth again for Jason. Jason chuckled and fed him a bite of egg and toast, fingers on his thigh. He hummed, eating happily, slipping his hand over Jason’s.

  Bish was eating, but those worried eyes were on Knight. Rook could feel his concern.

  “He looks better already, Bish, now that he’s out of the hospital.” Rook was convinced now that they were home that Knight was going to be just fine.

  “The transition is hard,” Jason said. “Good, but difficult.”

  “We’ll get him through it.” Rook was determined to be positive. Knight was home, damn it, they should celebrate.

  “Of course we will.” Jason nodded. “He’s just tired.”

  He leaned in and kissed Jason hard. “Thank you, honey.”

  “For what?”

  Rook loved how his kisses made Jason look dazed, made him forget where he was and what they were talking about. “Being so strong for us.”

  “I love you.” Jason’s cheeks were pink.

  “And I love you.” He cupped Jason’s cheek, feeling the heat there, stroking gently.

  “Mooshy kids.” Knight cracked an eye, then snorted and turned over.

  Rook didn’t even bat an eyelid. “You’re just jealous we’re not mooshing on you.”

  “Nope. I just want you to be quiet so I can sleep.”

  “Oh, we can be quiet. Until the end.” He winked at Jason.

  Knight grunted, covered his head.

  “You want us to go?” he asked Bishop quietly. He didn’t want to. He wanted Knight to be a part of them as much as possible.

  “No. I want you to stay.” The words were what he’d hoped to hear, but they came from Knight, not Bish, which made them all that much better.

  Beaming, he kissed Knight’s cheek. “We will, K.”

  Knight didn’t open his eyes, he just grunted.

  “You just want to perv on the sounds of me and Jason making love,” he teased gently, absolutely thrilled that he could.

  He noticed that Knight didn’t deny it.

  Laughing, happy, he turned back to Jason and drew his lover in for a noisy kiss. Bishop chuckled and moved, pushing up against Knight, drawing the man into the curve of his body, so very carefully.

  Confident now that Knight was safely out of the way, and tended to, Rook focused on Jason, on loving his sweet honeyman.

  “Are you still hungry?” Jason drew him close, tracing his tongue along Rook’s lips, gratifyingly eager.

  “Always hungry for you, honey.”

  Knight snorted.

  “Shut up,” he ordered K, then started chasing Jason’s tongue.

  Jason laughed, the sound gentle, easy, and fuck, it was wonderful having his lover here and happy in his skin. Grinning, he grabbed hold of Jason’s tongue and sucked on it, as he trailed his fingers over all Jason’s fine muscles.

  Jason was clean, freshly shaved, still smelling of shampoo. God, his sweet lover turned him on so much. He moved his mouth across Jason’s jaw toward Jason’s long neck.


  Mmm… Jason was so sensitive there. “Yeah, honey?” He licked from Jason’s ear, down to his shoulder.

  Jason swallowed hard, Adam’s apple bobbing. “I.”

  Yes. He knew.

  He licked over to that tempting bump, wrapped his lips around Jason’s Adam’s apple and sucked.

  “Oh!” Every time he discovered a new hot spot, Rook filed that away.

  He slapped it gently with his tongue and kept sucking, pulling and making Jason wriggle.

  “Mmm. He likes that, Rookie. Our sweet baby is all flushed and needing.” Bishop sounded satisfied as hell.

  Rook kept working the spot, shifting his fingers to find one sweet nipple, tugging on Jason’s flesh. When they had Luke over to put Knight’s jewelry back in, maybe his dear lover would let him get those nips pierced, decorated.

  He tugged a little harder, moving his free hand around to grab Jason’s amazing ass. Jason moaned and actually covered him, body beginning to rock against him. Wrapping one leg around Jason’s thigh, Rook brought their cocks together, moaning as they touched. Heat slid on heat, hardness against hardness, and it was perfect.

  “Love you.” Jason’s lips barely moved against his.

  “Me too, honey.” He pushed up, grinding them together.

  Jason groaned, cock leaving sweet, wet kisses on his belly.

  “More. Harder,” he demanded.

  “Harder.” Jason nodded, pushing down against him, using all those muscles.

  Moaning, he met the movements, rubbing against Jason.

  “Always horny, those two.” Like Knight was a monk.

  Rook thwacked Knight on the arm, thought it might have been Bishop as he wasn’t really paying attention.

  “Meanie.” Knight snuggled into Bishop’s side.


  “Pay attention, love.” Jason took his lips in a hard kiss.

  Moaning, he gave himself over to the kiss, to Jason. To the growing confidence. Jason had always been sexy, but now it was more, and Rook reveled in it. Now it was…real. Magical. Which he knew was a contradiction, but which made sense in his head.

  He let Jason have the lead, but responded eagerly to every motion. He loved that this beautiful, needy man was the same man whose lips he’d fucked only a few hours ago.

  “I want you,” he told Jason. “So badly.”

  “I’m yours.”

  Knight snorted. “Would you two get on with it?”

  Rook was going to kill Knight, interrupting every couple of minutes. Then he was going to kiss Knight because damn, he’d missed the snark.

  “Fuck me,” he told Jason, meeting the pretty eyes.

  “I’d love to.” Jason stroked his hip. “Slick?”

  “We’ve got it,” Bishop answered. “Spread your legs for us, Rookie.”

  He did and two fingers pushed into him—one Bish’s, the other could only be Knight’s. Rook called out, bucking into the touch. Knight was home. Oh, God. Things could start to be right again.

  Panting, he rode their fingers, doing most of the work himself, but oh, God, Knight’s finger was inside him. He smiled up at Jason, brought the beloved face down to take a long, deep kiss.

  They were all together, finally.

  Undulating and
writhing, he reveled in Jason’s kisses and the feeling of Bishop and Knight’s fingers inside him. He could come, just from this. He wasn’t going to, he was going to make Jason push that fat cock into him, fuck him, but he could.

  He rode the sensations for a little longer, loving how it connected all four of them together. Finally, though, he needed more. “Please,” he begged.

  “Now, baby boy. Fill him up.” Bishop sounded satisfied as hell.

  The fingers inside Rook disappeared, replaced right away by Jason’s amazing cock and he cried out, arching, trying to get Jason even deeper.

  “Hungry. You two haven’t been taking care of him.” Knight always teased.

  Rook reached out with one hand, grabbing Knight’s and holding on as Jason fucked him. Knight brought Rook’s fingers up to his poor, cracked lips and kissed his knuckles. Rook cried out, jerking hard as he came.

  Jason groaned, thrusts slowing, cock dragging inside him, prolonging his orgasm.

  “Jason. Oh, God. Yeah. Yeah.”

  “Oh, he is learning.” Knight sounded so proud.

  He squeezed Knight’s fingers, just flying. “So good. Love…” Jason took a long, lazy kiss.

  Rook moaned softly, utterly blissed out. “Love you, honey.” He patted Jason’s back before his hand dropped onto the bed and he sighed happily. Jason came to rest against him, hard cock solid inside him. “God, this is perfect.”

  “Almost.” Bish held Knight close. “But we’re getting there.”

  “Yeah, we are.” He smiled up at Jason, letting his love show. Maybe it wasn’t absolutely perfect, but it was as close as they’d gotten since Knight had been hurt, and Rook would take it.

  “Nap time,” Bish murmured, “then we’ll figure lunch, later.”

  “Uh-huh.” He was already half asleep, Knight and Bish beside him, Jason on him. Just about perfect.

  Jason hummed, settling more comfortably. “Love you, Rook.”

  “I know. Love you, too.”

  Jason nuzzled into the curve of his shoulder.

  The last thing he noticed as his eyes drifted shut was how warm he was.

  Chapter Two

  Knight moved across the bedroom, using his walker to keep himself steady. He wanted a bath. A long bath. Three days he’d been home and he hadn’t been able to stay awake, to do anything but sleep and cuddle into his lovers. Now, though, they were all awake and elsewhere and Knight needed a bath.


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