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Page 11

by Sean Michael

  “No. Fucking me.”

  “Oh, baby. I so am.”

  Knight pressed back, took him in to the root. He stayed buried deep for a long moment, moaning softly. Knight’s muscles rippled around him, pulling at him, fluttering.

  “Make me need, baby.”

  “I want to.” Knight began to move, to slide that sweet hole along his prick.

  He gasped. “You do.”

  Christ, he was losing his fucking mind. He wrapped his hands around Knight’s hips, pulled Knight in tight. He ground his hips in a circle as he stayed buried in deep.

  “Fuck. Do that again.”

  “This?” He dug his fingers into Knight’s hips as he did it again.

  Knight nodded, pushing back in restless, needy motions. He slid a hand around and found Knight’s prick, wrapped his fingers around it. Hard and wet-tipped, Knight was hard for him, shaft sliding on his palm. He let the strength of his thrusts push Knight’s prick along his palm.

  He could do this forever, but there was a tiny voice in the back of his head reminding him that Knight couldn’t. Knight was sore. He sped his movements, fucking harder, stroking faster. “Take it, Knight. Take your pleasure.”

  Knight groaned for him, the sound needy, hungry. “Mouse.”

  “Come on, baby. You need this. We need this.” Bishop pressed his finger against Knight’s slit.

  Wet heat spread over his fingertip, Knight’s hole spasming around his prick.

  “Yes!” He cried out, letting Knight’s orgasm make his happen.

  He filled Knight up, then wished, belatedly, that he’d unpacked a plug to keep his lover filled. He’d just have to do it next time. He pressed a kiss on the back of Knight’s neck, then slowly, carefully pulled out.

  Knight moaned, settling on the sofa, sprawled. He managed to lie down next to Knight —they had to press together to manage it, but it wasn’t like that was a problem for them.

  “You comfortable?” Knight was almost asleep.

  “Uh-huh.” He kissed Knight’s forehead. “I’m perfect.”

  “You are.” Knight looked at him, so serious. “Love you, huh?”

  “I love you too, baby.”

  Knight nodded, and they rested down together, cuddled close.

  This had been the right thing to do. Feeling more settled than he had in a while, Bishop let his eyes close.

  * * * *

  Rook wandered a little, looking at Bishop and Knight’s bedroom. It was empty. Really empty. He missed them. He understood why Bishop had taken Knight away for a while, but it didn’t mean he liked it.

  “You okay, love?” Jason slid his hand up Rook’s back.

  “Place just seems empty.” He leaned a little.

  “It does, huh? They needed some time to heal together.” Jason kissed his temple. “Maybe we did, too, huh?”

  He turned to face Jason, looking up into the pretty eyes. “We weren’t hurt.”

  “No, but we were affected. You were, even more than me.”

  He hugged Jason tight. “Not physically.”

  “No.” Jason’s strong arms wrapped around him.

  He tilted his head up, needing a kiss. Jason gave it to him, tongue sliding in between his lips. Moaning, he opened up, melted against Jason’s strong, studly body. Jason made him feel taken care of, adored.

  He wrapped his arms around Jason, sliding his fingers beneath Jason’s T-shirt so he could stroke warm skin.

  “What do you want to do, love, so that you’re not bored and missing them?”

  He grinned. “Let’s play Truth or Dare!”

  “Truth or dare? I… Okay. Okay, sure. Our room? The living room? The big room?”

  “I chose the game, you choose the place.”

  “Our bed.” Jason offered him a grin. “My favorite place.”

  “You say the nicest things.” Anyone could say things. His Jason meant them. He bounced on the bed and held his hand out to Jason. “Truth or Dare, honey?”

  “Truth.” Jason curled around him.

  “Do you love me best?”

  “Yes.” Immediate. Sure. Jason never even paused for a moment before saying it. Jesus.

  He threw his arms around Jason and kissed the man with all he was. He knew Knight and Bishop loved him dearly, but Jason… Jason loved him totally. It was something amazing, being loved like that. It was something his. All his.

  He kissed Jason until he was breathless, then simply lay against the beautiful body.

  “Your turn,” he told Jason.

  “Truth or dare?”

  He almost said ‘dare’ but at the last moment changed it to, “Truth.” There was plenty of time for the dares.

  “Do you think you’ll love me for a long time?”

  He shook his head. “No, I think I’ll love you forever.”

  “I hope so.”

  “I know so.” He kissed Jason again. “Truth or Dare?”

  “Dare. I’m feeling daring.”

  That made him giggle. “Um…try to suck yourself.”

  Jason looked at him. “I can’t. I mean I can try, but I’m not that bendy.”

  “I didn’t say do it, I said try.” He grinned, kissed Jason’s left pec. “I know it’s silly, but that’s the point, right”

  “I guess. No pictures, huh?”

  “Oh! Pictures!” He chuckled and teased, pretending he was going to go get the camera before settling back on the bed. “No pictures, honey. I swear.”

  “Okay.” Jason rolled his eyes, and tugged his shorts off, rolling back on the bed, legs dropping over his head.

  “I thought you said you weren’t bendy!” He was impressed, actually.

  “I’m not. My mouth isn’t anywhere near anything dangly.”

  He giggled, shifting so he could see better. “You’re right!”

  “Is this enough of a try?”

  Rook pushed his head into the space between Jason’s cock and his head and sucked on the tip of Jason’s cock, nodding.

  “Rook…” Jason sounded a little breathless.

  “Uh-huh?” He fluttered his tongue across the tip of Jason’s cock. His lover smelled so good down there.

  “I’m upside down.”

  He’d noticed. “I wonder if an orgasm would feel worse, the same or better upside down?” He could suck Jason off, find out.

  “You’d have a vicious headache by the end, I bet.”

  “Oh, you really think so?” He wasn’t going to do it if it would hurt Jason.

  “Uh-huh.” Jason strained again, managing to kiss him before the man’s legs came down, cheeks flushed red.

  Rook rubbed Jason’s belly, then Jason’s nose. “Okay. Your turn again.”

  “Truth or dare, love?”

  “Dare!” After all, Jase had been the one to shift to it.

  Jason laughed, arms opening for him. “I dare you to kiss me.” He got a quick, embarrassed grin. “I know, super lame, but I want a kiss and I can’t think.”

  “There is nothing lame about kissing you.” He gave Jason a long, slow kiss. “Besides, it’s always good to start slow in Truth or Dare.”

  “Uh-huh. More?” His timid lover was beginning to ask for what they both needed.

  “You wanna just make out?” They could play Truth or Dare any old time.

  “Uh-huh. Is that silly?”

  “Never, honey.” He launched himself at Jason, bringing their mouths back together.

  Jason laughed, caught him and held on tight. He rubbed against Jason’s magnificent muscles, the warm skin feeling so good against his own.

  “Mmm. Rook. Love how you feel.”

  “I love feeling you.”

  Jason nodded, tracing him, the touches slow and sweet.

  “God, your touch…” He wriggled, their cocks smooshed and rubbing together.

  “Do you… Did you three ever have someone else, like me?”

  He shook his head. “There were two different guys. The one never made it past all of us, the second ran like crazy
when we made our offer.” He smiled at Jason. “Thank God. Because you were meant for us, honey. Meant for me.”

  “You were the one who wanted me.”

  Yeah, but Knight was the one who’d chosen Jason.

  “Knight found you, though. Knight was the one who chose you, brought you to our attention.” Rook had to give his lover his due.

  “And Bishop?” Jason asked.

  “Bishop put his seal of approval on you the moment he saw you.”

  Jason was Bishop’s best friend, Rook thought. Someone the man truly enjoyed just being with.

  He rubbed himself against his lover. “You’re one of us now, honey. You belong.”

  “I know.” Those warm eyes crinkled at the edges. “I just… Sometimes I need to hear it out loud.”

  “Oh, honey. I’m sorry we don’t say anything more often. We’ve all been so focused on Knight…”

  “Don’t apologize.” He got a horrified look, Jase hugging him tight. “I’m just being a dork. God.”

  “No, you need to know you’re loved, too. We all do, eh? We should say it to each other every day.” He couldn’t live without his three lovers and he wanted to make sure they knew how much he loved each and every one of them.

  “You should only say it when you want to.”

  “I feel it all the time, though, honey. Even when I don’t say it. Even when we’re not together.”

  Jason’s cheeks were the color of Rook’s favorite winter sweater. “Me too.”

  Beaming, he gave his sweet lover a hard, needy kiss. God, Jason just made him happy. He couldn’t help but hear Knight’s voice, teasing him about basking.

  “I love you, honey,” he offered, grinning.

  “I love you, you big dork.”

  “I’m not a dork, I’m a sex machine.” He pounced, rubbing himself all along Jason’s body.

  Jason’s laughter filled the air, and those hands drew him even closer. “My sex machine.”

  “Oh yeah, through and through.” He sat up on Jason, rubbing his ass against his lover’s cock.

  Jason cracked up and started tickling him, playing with him, making him squeal and twist. He laughed and giggled and reveled in it. It felt like it had been forever since he’d just laughed and played like this. Then they rested together, side by side on the bed, grinning at each other.

  “This is really my life,” Jason said, eyes warm, happy.

  “No, honey, this is our life.”

  Jason kissed his nose. “Thank God.”

  “Yeah. Now make love to me.”

  “Pushy dork.”

  “Sex machine, remember!”

  It occurred to him that he wasn’t missing the guys as much as he’d thought he would. Not really.

  He had Jase.

  * * * *

  Knight walked on the beach for hours, his camera in his hands, searching for the play of light and shadow, for colors.

  “I love watching you work, baby.”

  He looked over at Bishop, a little surprised. He’d forgotten that the man was even there. Bishop laughed softly, like he knew.

  “I wasn’t working.” He’d been planning for work. Practicing work. Learning to breathe again.

  “Your mind was.” Bishop smiled, looking pleased.

  He snapped a picture of Bish, then stuck his tongue out, playing. He loved it here, the quiet, the light.

  Bishop stuck his tongue out back at him. “Brat.” He could hear the love in Bish’s voice.

  “Yep.” He kept moving, attention caught by the sunlight on the water.

  Bishop’s hand slid over his ass, touching him but not otherwise distracting him. He kept on, even as the sun lowered, and Bishop’s hand started moving him toward the house.

  “Your fingers itching yet?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I didn’t bring stuff.” He should have. He totally should have.

  Bishop gave him a shit-eating grin. “You didn’t.”

  “You… Did you? Did you bring me supplies?” On their vacation?

  “Yeah, I did. Just in case you got bitten by the bug.”

  “Oh.” He nodded. “I might. Just for a minute. I’m here to rest and be with you.”

  “We’re resting, we’re together. A little art won’t hurt what we have.”

  “If the accident didn’t, nothing can.” They moved a little faster, the itch to work riding him like an addiction.

  “The accident didn’t. No matter what happens, you’re mine, baby.” Bishop cupped his ass warmly.

  Knight let himself lean a bit. “I am.”

  Bishop squeezed and kissed him. “Come on. Let’s find those supplies while your blood is hot for it.”

  “Okay. Okay, yes. Yeah. Please.” His hands needed this. Needed to work. Just for a few minutes.

  They went in and Bishop grabbed a duffel from the closet in the bedroom, and started pulling out art supplies. Before Bishop was done, Knight was on the floor, dragging out the gesso and the biggest canvas, his hair pulled back, music playing on the phone.

  “You let me know if there’s anything you need.”

  “Mmm…” The cobalt was screaming for use, the cadmium yellow desperate to play. Before he knew it he was dragging his fingers through a third canvas, his hair falling into his face.

  Every time he’d push one canvas away, another one would appear in front of him. Magic. It was magic. He painted the sky, the sea, the shells he saw. Birds. Hundreds of birds, one bird. Canvas after canvas appeared just as he needed them.

  Eventually time began to introduce itself back in, reminding him he was hungry, that his back hurt, that he needed to pee. Bishop knew somehow, fingers warm as they dug into his back.

  “Mouse.” His head fell down and he sucked in air, almost hysterical. It worked. It worked.

  “Right here, baby.” Bishop’s fingers were like heaven, easing his muscles.

  “Are they good? Do they look right?” They’d felt amazing.

  “They’re amazing. Like, really.”

  The tears came then, but it was fast, cleansing, and left him feeling like he could breathe deep. When it was over, Bishop was there, holding him.

  “Feed me?” He wanted to eat, wanted a cup of coffee and a long shower.

  Bishop reached, grabbed something and handed it over. A sandwich. PB & J.

  “My favorite.” He leaned into Bishop, his fingers staining the bread.

  “I know.” Bishop did. His Mouse knew everything about him.

  “I painted.”

  “Yeah. You were fucking stunning.”

  He nodded, the strawberry jam thick and sweet, cutting through the peanut butter. “It felt amazing.”

  “Told you you weren’t broken.”

  “I know.” But he’d needed to get away. To change. To stretch again. He didn’t know how Bishop had known, but somehow he had.

  A soft kiss landed on the side of his neck. “We’ll go shower when you’re finished eating.”

  “Okay.” He smiled, lungs filling with his breath, with air that tasted like paint.

  Another kiss landed next to where Bishop had placed the first, making his skin tingle. “Do you know how sexy you are like this?”

  He shook his head. He knew how real he was, right now.

  “You’re magic and that’s the sexiest thing.”

  He finished the sandwich, licked his fingers clean. “I want that shower, now. Then you. I want to make love until we can’t move anymore.”

  “Your wish is my command.” This time the kiss to his neck was more of a bite.

  He arched, his gasp sounding loud. Perfect. Humming, Bishop latched on this time, began to suck up a mark on his neck. He groaned, moving to unfasten his jeans, which were too tight over his hard cock. Bishop helped him get the zipper down before pushing in and finding his prick. It paid not to wear underwear.

  Bishop wrapped his fingers around Knight, firm, sure, knowing what he needed. The strokes were strong and fast, Bishop so good to him. “You need the edge off.

  “Uh-huh.” He pushed into the touch, his heart racing.

  Bishop wrapped his mouth around Knight’s neck again, sucking in the same spot as before, his skin there so sensitive now. He arched, his eyes falling shut as his hips rolled. The suction and the stroking continued, his balls pulling up as Bishop pushed him toward the edge.

  “Gonna make me shoot, Mouse.” He was going to come just like this, happy and warm and held by those strong arms.

  “That’s the idea, baby. Go for it.”

  He tilted his head, took a kiss and let himself go, let himself come. The pleasure shot through him, pulled out of him by Bishop’s hand as Bishop tongue-fucked his mouth. Perfect. It was perfect. He soared, flying.

  The only thing that kept him from going too high was Bishop’s lips, sucking on his tongue. Just like always, Bishop kept him close, home.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Guys! Guys, I got in!” Jason came running in, his acceptance to the physio master’s program in hand. “I did it!” He’d been working hard, filling out applications, getting recommendations. Everything.

  Bishop took the letter from him, eyes scanning it, lips turning up into a grin. “Well done, baby boy.”

  “I know, right? A fellowship and everything. Me.”

  “Don’t sound surprised, Jason. I’m not.” Bishop handed back the envelope and wrapped him in a warm hug.

  He could just scream with joy and he wound around Bish, held on tight. “I did it.”

  Rookie came bouncing out of the living room, game controller in hand. “What’s all the excitement?”

  He held out the letter, knowing that Rook would be ecstatic.

  Rook took it, face lighting up. “Oh my God! Oh my God!” Shouting, Rook bounced into him and Bishop.

  Jason couldn’t stop laughing, so excited. He was going to go to school. Start a business. Be able to contribute to his family.

  “Do we have champagne?” Rook asked. “We need champagne.”

  “There’s some in the fridge.” Bishop grinned knowingly.

  “Why are we drinking champagne?” Knight came in from the back garden, camera in hand.

  Rook answered for him, sounding so proud and happy. “Jase got into the program.”

  “No shit.” Knight’s smile was wide, warm. Pleased. “Congrats, baby boy. I’m proud.”


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