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Page 21

by Sean Michael

  Giggling, Rook nudged him. “You’re making sex noises.”

  “Making sweets and coffee noises.”

  “Well, your sweets and coffee noises are very close to your sex noises.”

  “Coffee is almost as good as sex and it has caffeine.”

  Gasping, Rook punched him in the arm. “Shut up! Coffee is amazing, but nothing is almost as good as sex.”

  “But the caffeine…” he teased. He couldn’t help himself.

  “You know I think caffeine is from the gods. But it isn’t sex.”

  Rick, the owner, chuckled at them. “I hear the word sex and know my favorite customers have finally returned.”

  “Hey there! Tell me there are cinnamon rolls and a caramel latte for a needy student.”

  “For you, anything. I’ll even give you student rates.”

  Rook leaned over and kissed Rick’s cheeks. “I want a hot chocolate and the carrot cake, please.”

  “Excellent. Where are the other two hooligans? Are they coming?”

  “They’re at Knight’s new art house. We’ll make sure to bring them by when they come home.”

  “Ah, the artist is traveling. I’m looking forward to seeing them both.”

  Jason reached out, squeezed Rook’s hand. Rook squeezed back and gave him a grateful smile. “We’ll let them know.”

  “Go on and sit—I’ll bring your order over.”

  They settled down at a table and Jason thought about not asking, but he needed to know. “You okay?”

  Smiling, Rook reached for his hands, held them across the table. “I am. I wish they were home, but”—Rookie shrugged—“they aren’t.”

  “Knight’s just in love with a new space. I can’t imagine having his brain.”

  “I know. He’s kind of crazy.” Rook chuckled. “But he’s ours.”

  Jason nodded. He thought, honestly, that Knight was his least of all, but that was the way of the world. Rook was more his than anyone’s, so it was a fair deal.

  Rick brought over their coffees and their snacks. “Nice to see you guys, don’t be such strangers, ’kay?”

  “You got it.” Jason leaned down, inhaled deep, the caramel and coffee together smelling so sweet.

  “I love the way you do things,” Rook said softly.

  “Huh?” He looked up, confused.

  Rook smiled at him. “You’re so sensual in everything you do. It’s a little intoxicating. Very hot.”

  “I’m just happy to have so many wonderful things to experience, huh?” Flatterer.

  “Call it what you want, I love it. I love you.” Rook reached over and stole a bite of his cinnamon roll.

  “Is it as good as the carrot cake?” Jason nicked a bit of frosting himself.

  “Nope. Nothing beats the carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. But it is good. A bit sweet.”

  He leaned back, drank deep from his coffee. “Man, what a week. I don’t have classes until Tuesday, though, so four days off. Yay.”

  “We should do something, then.”

  “Sure. What?” He was ready to get out of the books for a few days.

  “We could drive to Niagara Falls. See all the cheesy stuff. Stay in a honeymoon suite.”

  “Yeah? Let’s do it. That sounds like a hoot.”

  Rook beamed at him. “Okay. We can book it. After.”

  “Sure. It’s a great idea—a lazy drive, hotel, touristing.” A mini vacation, just him and Rook.

  “Exactly. Have you ever been to Niagara Falls? There’s a wax museum and a Ferris wheel and one of those indoor fake parachuting things. We can do everything.”

  “I haven’t no. No one ever wanted to go. We’ll have to go home and get our cameras. Should we go tonight or in the morning?”

  “Oh, in the morning. I have plans for today.”

  Jason wasn’t sure he could trust that wicked little grin Rook wore. “You look like the cat that got the cream.”

  “Come home with me and you’ll see why.”

  “After you eat your cake. You haven’t taken more than a bite.”

  “No, I haven’t—someone distracted me.”

  He let his eyes go wide. “Are you coveting Rick’s butt?”

  “What? No!” Rook laughed suddenly, face relaxing. “You’re a terrible tease.”

  “I try.” He was learning, anyway.

  “You’ve always been a quick learner.” Rook took a big bite of his carrot cake, wiping the icing from his lips with his tongue.

  Jason unrolled his cinnamon roll, nibbling the whole way, first the icing, then the pastry. Rook leaned over the table and licked the corner of his mouth.

  “Your cinnamon roll tastes better on your lips.”

  “Does it?” He leaned over, offering Rook a longer kiss. “Nice and cinnamony.”

  Rook took the kiss, ending it on a breathy sigh. “Very nice and cinnamony.”

  “Hmm.” He ate another bite, just about as happy as a guy that failed a paper could be.

  Rook ate his carrot cake like he’d been starving, then kept stealing bites of Jason’s roll. Jason grinned, pushing the soft center to the edge so Rook could have the best bite.

  “So good to me, honey.” Rook opened his mouth wide and popped the whole piece in.

  He hoped so. He loved the man.

  When they were done, Rook stood and shook the bag he was carrying. “Come on. I have your surprise here.”

  “Ominous.” He winked to take the sting out of the words.

  “It’s going to blow your mind.” Rook’s hand slipped into his as they left the cafe.

  “I always worry when you look like that…”

  “It’s going to be good, honey. I promise.”

  He nodded, and they headed home, the sunlight butter yellow and warm, for late autumn. Rook moved progressively faster the closer they got to home. He could feel his lover’s excitement growing.

  “You’re ramped up and you didn’t even have caffeine, really.”

  “It’s your surprise.”

  If surprises made Rook this happy, he’d have to arrange them more often. They went in and Rook led him right to the bedroom.

  “Oh, it’s a bedroom surprise.” Like he hadn’t known that.

  “All my surprises are.” Rook pulled him along then pushed him toward the bed.

  “Are what?” His butt hit the mattress, bouncing.

  “Bedroom surprises.” Rook grinned and tossed the bag on the bed beside him, then started stripping.

  He reached for the bag, curious. Rook kept undressing, a wide grin on his face.

  “I can look?”

  “You can. Then you need to get naked so we can play.”

  He pulled a box out of the bag, a black leather box with a silver clasp. Jason opened it up, a set of at least a dozen long metal rods in there, ranging from small to as big as his pinkie finger.

  “You’re allowed to make guesses.” Naked now, Rook climbed onto the bed and started tugging his shirt out of his jeans.

  “They make vibrations, like noises on your skin.”

  “Nope.” If anything, Rook’s smile got wickeder.

  “Well, they can’t be for piercing, the big ones are too big.”

  “And I wouldn’t try to pierce anything of yours myself.” Rook shook his head.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” He chewed on his bottom lip. Rook wouldn’t hit him with them, or poke him. “Do they…roll on your skin?”

  “No, they’re for insertion.”

  His jeans were undone, tugged down.

  “Insertion. Like to…touch your prostate?” That sounded concerning.

  Rook got him naked and straddled his thighs, shook his head. “Nope.”

  “Okay, I don’t know.” Whatever it was, he had the feeling he was going to find out.

  “You want me to tell you or just show you?”

  “Just show me?”

  Rook was obviously excited, wanting to play.

  “Good choice!” Rook bent and kissed him, ton
gue pushing into his mouth.

  He wrapped one hand around Rook’s nape, held them together as they kissed. Rook opened his mouth wide, kissing him breathless. Jason floated, just floated, lost in the kisses. They rubbed together, Rook hot and solid against him. He forgot all about the surprise, about anything but Rook.

  Rook fingered his nipples, pinching lightly, fingers flicking back and forth across them. His balls drew up, so tight, throbbing and aching.

  “Mmm. I can feel how hard you are.” Rook was stating the obvious today.

  “Want you.” Always.

  “You’ve got me. And I’ve got you.” Rook shifted, moving to grab the container with the silver things.

  He watched, curious, hands moving on Rook’s belly.

  “Can you reach the lube for me, honey?”

  “Sure.” Lube. Rook was going to fuck him with the tiny rods…

  “These are called sounds,” Rook said as he took the thinnest one out and laid it across Jason’s belly. Then Rook took the lube and squeezed a whole bunch out onto his fingers.

  Jason watched, just fascinated, curious as hell.

  The next thing Rook did was take his cock, holding it in a fist near the tip and squeezed, making his slit an ‘o’. Rook began to push all that lube into his slit.

  It felt weird as fuck. “Rook? What the hell?”

  “This is where the sound is going to go. So it needs to be really slick.”

  Wait. Wait, what? “Rook?”

  “The sound goes in your cock. And this is going to be our thing. Just yours and mine.”

  “You… In me?” Oh, that sounded dangerous.

  “Yes.” Rook smiled. “I love you.”

  “I love you. Will it hurt?”

  “No. It won’t hurt. I don’t want to hurt you, honey.”

  “No. No, you won’t hurt me.” And that was the thing. Jason knew, like he knew his own hand, that Rook wouldn’t hurt him, so he leaned back, spread and relaxed and let Rook have him.

  “Oh, honey. You make me so glad every day.” His balls were kissed, then Rook pushed more lube into his slit.

  God, that was weird. Really weird.

  “You ready, honey?”

  “I guess?” He shook his head.

  “It’ll be good, love. I promise.”

  “I trust you, but it’s a little scary.”

  Bending suddenly, Rook took Jase’s right ball into his hot mouth. He arched, hips bucking up, the swoop shocking him. Rook’s tongue felt like magic as it danced on his ball. Crazy. The man was making him absolutely crazy, and his body was on fire.

  His ball was released, and Rook took in the other one, sucking it too. Jason wasn’t sure what Rook wanted from him, but whatever it was, he’d give it.

  When Rook was done, he licked all the way up to the top of Jason’s erection. Then Rook grabbed his cock, holding it tightly.

  “Love.” He moaned, rocking into Rook’s touch.

  “I’m going to put it in now, honey.” Rook licked his own lips and picked up the sound.

  It was the scariest thing he’d ever seen, but he trusted Rook with all his heart.

  “It’s going to feel weird. But the orgasm is going to be amazing.”

  “Weird. Okay. Weird I can handle.” Mostly.

  Rook began to push in the sound, the metal disappearing into his cock right before his very eyes. Somewhere in his head, his brain started gibbering wildly. In him. The thing was in him. Rook kept pushing it deeper, more and more of it going into him. His cock swelled, his balls tightened and he fought the urge to scream like a maniac.

  In and in, the thing went, until it was all in barring the little ball at the top.

  Rook let go. “Oh, honey. It’s beautiful.”

  Jason’s hands opened and closed, over and over, his cock… Full. It was full.

  “Just breathe, honey.” Rook’s voice was soft, almost reverent.

  “Breathe.” Okay. Okay, he could go that. He totally could.

  Of course, that was when Rook took the little ball at the top of the sound and twisted it. Inside him.

  “Rook!” He sat up, legs sprawling, eyes burning in his head.

  “Easy!” Rook put a hand in the middle of his chest and slowly pushed him back down onto his back. “I can put more pillows behind your head so you can see better, but no jumping around.”

  “I… I need to see.” He had to.

  “Well you stay put, I’ll get you fixed up.”

  The way he was now, he could only just see the little ball at the top of his slit, but Rook soon had him propped up on several pillows and he could see the whole package—his cock and balls, his abs squeezed tight at the moment, and that little silver ball, sitting obscenely at the top of his slit.

  “Fuck. Fuck, Rook. Love. I need you.” This was the hottest thing ever. Ever.

  “I’m right here. I’m going to make love to you while the sound is inside you.” Rook moved to kneel between his legs.

  “I— Is it safe? It’s in me. Fuck. Rook, I feel…” He felt like he wanted to scream, cry.

  “It’s safe, love. I’ve seen demonstrations. Hell, the store hosted one. It’s going to keep you from ejaculating, but you’ll still feel like you’re coming. I’m told it’s amazing.” Rook’s voice was breathless, the look in his eyes intense.

  “I might scream.” He didn’t want Rook to misunderstand.

  “You know I’ll stop everything if you use your safeword, right?”

  “Uh-huh.” Right. Safeword. He remembered that. “I know.”

  “Then you can scream.” Rook gave him a wicked smile. “I’ll take it as a compliment.”

  He nodded, shook his head, nodded again, and Rook chuckled softly.

  “I like that I can still get you all twisted up, honey.”

  “How could I not? I… I love you and then you do this and…” And Rook blew his mind again.

  “I wanted something that belonged to just you and me. Something special.” Rook pushed a finger against his hole then into him.

  “Just us.” The familiar pressure inside his body made his cock throb, which moved that thing inside him.

  “Uh-huh. Ours.” Rook pushed in a second finger then stretched them apart.

  His back curled, his ass rocking on the sheets.

  “Mmm. You’re so sexy.” Rook pulled his fingers out, added more lube and pushed them back into Jason, fucking him slowly. Every fiber of his body felt awake, aware, buzzing furiously, like the pressure of that sound opened something inside him.

  Fucking him with those two fingers, Rook made little, happy noises. Then Rook started to play his gland, rubbing it with short, continuous strokes. All the while, Rook watched his face like he was the most fascinating sight Rook had ever seen. Pressure built up inside him and he shook his head, confused, needy.

  “Look at you. So sexy.” Rook his hit gland hard a couple of times in a row.

  He gasped, mouth gaping like a fish.

  “You should come if you feel the urge.” Rook worked in another finger and continued to stimulate his gland.

  “I… Take it out?”

  “Nope.” What Rook did take out was his fingers, out of Jason’s ass.

  “Rook!” Oh, no. Please, no.

  “Easy, honey. It’ll be me in a second.” Inching forward, Rook slicked up his cock.

  Jason wanted that touch back, that electricity.

  “Impatient, beautiful man.” Rook’s cock pushed at his hole.

  “Yours. Love, hurry.” He reached for Rook.

  Smiling, Rook pushed into him.

  The stretch was perfect, the burn better. “Yes…”

  “God, I love being inside you.”

  All Jason could do was nod. Yes. Yes, please.

  Rook wasn’t in a hurry tonight, moving so slowly, pushing into him again, then again.

  “Rook, I need you. Please. Please.” Harder, faster. More. Something.

  “I’m right here, Jase.” Rook slammed in hard, hitting his gland.<
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  “Yes.” The single word punched out of him, hard like a bullet.

  Rook did it again, his lover’s gaze holding his. His was on fire, burning. Rook’s thrust got stronger, quicker, sending him higher. Every single nerve in Jason’s body was tingling, his balls drawn up until they ached.

  Grabbing hold of the ball at the top of the sound, Rook turned it. Jason screamed, a rush of pure adrenaline hitting him, making the universe gray around the edges. His scream seemed to spur Rook on, his lover moving faster now, really letting him have it.

  He shook his head, over and over, hands beating on the mattress. “Rook!”

  “Jase.” The muscles in Rook’s arms flexed as he worked the long cock into Jason over and over.

  Pleasure crashed over him, rolled over him in waves and he didn’t know what to do.

  “Just go with it, honey.”

  He grabbed hold of those words with all the sense he had left. The pleasure kept circling, swirling through him, leaving him jerking and shuddering, each of Rook’s thrusts making it all more intense. Jason forced his eyes open, forced himself to watch.

  Each thrust seemed harder than the last, and every third or fourth thrust, Rook would twist the ball at the top of the sound. The pressure began to build again, wild, burning deep inside him.

  “Feel it, honey?” Rook panted, the words gasped out.

  “Help me. It’s so big.”

  “You’re doing great. It feels amazing, yeah?”

  He gasped, eyes rolling. “I don’t think I know.”

  “I’ll take it.” Bending in, Rook kissed him, tongue invading his mouth.

  He cried out again, over and over, pushing into their kiss. Rook flicked his nipple, then touched the tip of the sound, then went back to his nipple. His head began to shake, over and over. Oh, God. He needed to shoot, so badly.

  Rook shifted, found his gland and banged against it. He screamed again and again, just out of control and Rook was right there. His lover pushed him, higher, harder, faster until he was flying and nothing else existed.

  Nothing at all. Just pleasure.

  Pleasure and Rook.

  Chapter Ten

  It was snowing and it was cold. Yucky. Really, really cold. Knight stomped up the stairs, heading for the bedroom, the suitcases.

  “Knight?” Bishop called from the bottom of the stairs. “What are you doing?”


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