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Chess Page 32

by Sean Michael

  Now they were in the damn waiting room, waiting. They were supposed to have been seen an hour ago. An hour. Luke needed a cigarette like whoa.

  Donny had texted him about half an hour ago with…


  He appreciated it, that Donny cared. There hadn’t been any more personal questions about him and Temple and they were in a good place again.

  The nurse finally called Temple’s name and his lover sighed. “Okay, darling. This is us.”

  “Okay. Let’s get the good news.” He wasn’t going to doubt.

  The smile Temple gave him told him that was the right thing to say.

  They sat in front of a huge desk with a doctor on the other side of it, looking at a file, eyebrows drawn together as he perused it. Luke grabbed Temple’s hand and squeezed. Temple squeezed right back.

  The doctor finally looked up. “Mr. Garrison?”

  Temple sat up straight, at attention. “Yeah.”

  “It’s good news. You’re clear.” The doctor still wore a serious expression.

  Temple took a deep breath. “Can you repeat that?”

  The doctor finally smiled and it was an honest one, Luke could see it in the man’s eyes. “You are cancer free.”

  Luke took a deep breath, then grinned. “Those are great words.”

  “They are.” The doctor smiled at them. “Five years is a great milestone and your odds of making it to the ten year mark have just increased exponentially.”

  “No cancer.” Luke grinned, pleasure filling him like…like…like air in a balloon.

  Temple looked more stunned than elated. Like he couldn’t quite comprehend it.

  “Does he need to do anything else or can we go?” Luke asked.

  “I don’t think I need to go over everything again, do I?” The doctor smiled at Temple.

  “No, no. I know all the dos and don’ts. I’m taking care of myself.”

  “Then you’re good to go. We’ll be very happy to never see you again in oncology, barring check-ups, of course.” The doctor put Temple’s file on top of a pile of others on one side of his desk and grabbed another from the other side.

  “Yeah, me too, Doc.” Temple stood and shook the man’s hand before they made their way out of the office. Then they headed out into the day, into the sunshine.

  Wow. The word echoed in Luke’s head and he could only imagine what was going on inside Temple’s.

  Temple stood there and turned his face up to the sun, eyes closed. Then he turned to Luke and grabbed him around the waist, lifted him up and whooped.

  “No cancer,” Luke whispered.

  “Yaaahooooo!” Temple put his head back and cheered. Loudly.

  “Yes.” Luke cheered too, totally willing to make a fool out of himself. This was news to cheer about. A death sentence lifted.

  “I want ice cream,” Temple said suddenly. “A huge one.”

  “Do they make vegan ice cream, love?”

  “They do. But I want a real ice cream.” Temple laughed. “Strawberry.”

  “Anything. Anything at all.” Luke would give Temple the moon if it was what he’d asked for.

  “Strawberry ice cream.” Temple grinned. “I may even indulge in sprinkles.”

  “I want cherry nut. Come on, my treat.”

  “You know a place?” Temple looked absolutely delighted by that.

  “Of course. We live here, huh?”

  “Yeah, that usually helps. Temple laughed again and Luke thought there was a bit of a skip in his steps.

  They walked downtown to a quaint little ice cream shop, all pink and clever and fun.

  “I love this place,” Luke admitted. “There’s sprinkles, candies, nuts—all of it.”

  “I want all the things.” Temple took his hand, held it.

  “You can have anything you want, oh Cancer Free One.”

  “Say that again.”

  “You can have anything you want, oh Cancer Free One.” He didn’t mind repeating it.

  Temple beamed at him. “I feel like I could float away into the sky.”

  “Me too. You’re okay. Healthy.”

  “I know. I didn’t realize how much it was dragging me down. I mean, I knew it was on my mind since I went in for the tests last week, but more than that, it was there, all the time—that’s what I didn’t know.”

  Luke couldn’t help but wonder if Temple was going to hit the road again, move on. He refused to let it bring him down, though. This was a celebration and Temple deserved every part of it.

  Temple ordered his strawberry ice cream and asked for loads of sprinkles and candy, still bouncing like a boy. Luke got a scoop of cherry with pecans, handing his card over to pay.

  They took their bowls out to the little sitting area out front with tiny tables and umbrellas offering a modicum of shade.

  Temple was still grinning away. “It’s a good day.”

  “It is. The best.” Luke stirred the pecans into his ice cream.

  Temple dug into his dessert, moaning as he put it in his mouth. “Oh, that’s very rich.”

  “Uh-huh.” He’d bet Temple wouldn’t finish it. He just hoped Temple didn’t get a belly ache. Again, though, he wasn’t going to say anything. No raining on the cancer-free parade.

  “It’s good, though. And there’s real strawberry chunks in here, so it’s not artificial flavoring.” Temple sounded pleased, if surprised.

  “Can I have a bite?” Luke opened up like a baby bird.

  “Of course.” Temple made sure there was a big chunk of strawberry in the bite offered to him.

  Oh, now that was almost as good as his cherry.

  Temple smiled, nodding all the while. “Yep, I can see it on your face.”

  “It’s good, man. You want a bite of mine?”

  Temple’s eyes began to twinkle. “Darling, I always want a bite of yours.”

  Luke felt his cheeks heat, and he began to chuckle, spooning up a cherrylicious bite. Grinning widely, Temple opened up, clearly expecting to be fed. No problem. He wasn’t ashamed of his lover. Not at all.

  Temple moaned and yummed over his cherry ice cream, then sat back and worked on his own.

  Luke took a moment to grab his phone—he texted Donny with No cancer.

  “Who you talking to?”

  “Don. He wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “Oh, that was nice of him.”

  “He’s a good guy.” Luke knew that, believed it.

  “When he’s not driving you crazy.”

  “When he’s not driving me absolutely bugnuts.” Luke was only teasing, though. “He’s just pissed that he couldn’t convince me to get it up.”

  A slow, sexy smile spread across Temple’s face. “I don’t seem to remember you having a single problem getting it up.”

  “Not for you. No.” He couldn’t quite meet Temple’s eyes. “I did for him.”

  Temple’s hand took his, the long fingers tangling with his. “No shame, darling.”

  “It’s tough—not to be ashamed, you know?”

  “Yeah, I know. It took me a few years to be able to walk the walk as well as talk the talk of living my life for myself and not anyone else.”

  Luke wasn’t sure he was there yet. In fact, he was pretty sure he wasn’t, but he knew that was okay. Temple was the least judgmental person he knew and it made him feel good, knowing he was accepted as he was.

  Temple ate less than half his ice cream, but he looked so happy.

  “What should we do with your day, Temple? I’ve got the whole day free.” He’d taken it off, knowing that whatever the results, he’d want to be with Temple when he got the news and after.

  “You want to come with me on my bike? We can just go, stop when we’re hungry and have something to eat, then come back.”

  “I’d love that. Just enjoy our day.” He loved the free feeling of being on Temple’s motorcycle, wind in his hair.

  “Perfect. Just you, me and the road beneath us. Sounds perfect.” Temple beam
ed at him.

  “It does. You ready?”

  “I am. Sorry I didn’t finish it.”

  “Why? You ate what you wanted, right?” It was just ice cream and even if it had cost him the earth—which it hadn’t—he wouldn’t have cared.

  “I did, but you paid for the whole bowl…”

  Luke snorted. “I paid for you to like it, love.”

  “Well, I did. It hit the spot.”

  “Cool.” He grinned, then tugged Temple’s hand. “Come on, let’s go play.”

  “You got it, darling.”

  Together, they headed out, that little bounce still in Temple’s step and Luke admired that sweet, tight ass all the way.

  It was a good day. Maybe the best day.

  Chapter Seven

  Now that Temple had received his results, there was no reason for him to stay put. Well, no medical reason. He had plenty of heart reasons. As in his was right here, in Luke’s hands. He figured that made him even luckier than being cancer free after five years did.

  Luke had folded him into his life like he belonged there, just offering him a space. He needed to give his lover something back, he needed to give Luke everything.

  He was waiting for Luke to get home after closing the shop for the night. It was late, but Luke had texted a few minutes ago saying he was on his way. He’d found some light rope today, just happened upon it, but once he’d seen it, he wanted to tie Luke up to his big bed and blow Luke’s mind.

  Temple knew he was going to have to tread carefully. Someone had hurt his lover and it was up to him to help the healing process begin. Luke was such a sexual being, so sensual and lovely. Luke just didn’t believe it deep down.

  “Hey, honey, I’m home.”

  Temple put the book he wasn’t actually reading down and got up, going to Luke. His lover looked good, very good.

  “Time for the weekend, huh?” Luke’s weekend was Sunday and Monday. The whole shop was closed and they had nothing but time.

  Temple took Luke’s hands and tugged him close. “Happy weekend, darling.”

  “Thanks.” Luke offered him a kiss.

  He let it linger, holding his lover close.

  “You hungry, love?” Luke asked. “I am.”

  “I could eat. There’s hummus in the fridge, lots of sliced veggies.” He hadn’t wanted to have to worry about food once Luke got home. He had other things on his mind.

  “Sounds amazing. I’ll get out the olives and a bit of feta cheese.”

  “Sounds good. We should keep it fairly light, though.” He had plans for after.

  “Oh? Your stomach bothering you, love?”

  “No, no, I’m fine. I just want to make love after and things might get energetic.”

  Luke blinked, then grinned, just beamed. Temple took another kiss, sharing that feeling. Luke’s hand came to rest against Temple’s hip—solid, warm.

  “Mmm. We should eat before we get totally distracted,” he suggested, already headed straight for distraction city.

  “Uh-huh.” Luke took another kiss.

  “Of course we could get started and I could feed you.” That could totally be a part of their lovemaking. Their first…scene together.

  “That sounds romantic. You want to eat in the bedroom? I could make up a little plate.”

  “I do and that would be great.” Temple sat instead of helping. He knew Luke wanted to do this for him and it would help get Luke into his sub space. Even if Luke didn’t know that’s what it was.

  “So work was pretty good. Busy, which is nice, but not slammed.”

  “You do lots of belly buttons today?” He preferred hearing about those than the various penis piercings. It wasn’t that he was jealous, he just didn’t like thinking about Luke’s hands on other guys’ junk.

  “An entire sorority worth.” Luke rolled his eyes, but he was laughing, obviously in a lovely mood.

  Temple had to laugh, too. “Lots of giggling, huh?”

  “Tons. I mean, literally, tons.” Luke pulled down a big plate and started arranging things on it. So much better than the frozen dinners. “And only three criers.”

  That had him laughing harder, even as he admired Luke moving around the kitchen. His lover was gorgeous, even if Luke didn’t see it, didn’t know it.

  “You want water?” Luke asked.

  “Yes, please.” Water was the elixir of life. He’d done more than one fast to get the chemicals out of his body where all he’d had was water for several days.

  “Cool.” Luke poured himself a glass of orange juice, sucking it down before refilling.

  “Is that fresh squeezed, darling?” They did nasty things to processed orange juice.

  “It came from the store. It says a hundred percent orange juice.”

  He winced. “I’m going to buy you a juicer.” That way he could make all sorts of juices—it was a raw food staple and he was only realizing just now how much he missed it. And there were a thousand and one combinations you could do to make sure you got all your nutrients and still have something tasty to drink.

  “Sure. I like juice.” Luke handed him the water. “You ready?”

  “I’ve been ready for you all day.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  “Were you born ready?”

  That had him laughing, but then he sobered up and actually considered the question. “No. I don’t think I was really ready for anything until I got sick. Then I was truly ready to live.” It had changed everything for him. Everything.

  Luke put the plate and juice down and came to him, hugged him tight. “I’m so sorry, love.”

  “I’m not. Seriously, I’m not.” He hugged Luke back. “I honestly am so much more alive now. I don’t work my life away. I see everything around me. I found you.”

  “Do…? Do you need any spending money? I can give you some.”

  Temple shook his head. “I appreciate the offer, but I was a highly paid executive for a lot of years with nothing to spend it on. Plus my insurance covered anything health care didn’t. I sold my stocks, my cars, my house, and have a tidy sum to live on.”

  “Oh.” Luke sounded honestly surprised and he loved the fact that Luke had accepted him, even believing that he was destitute.

  “You know you’re amazing, right?” Temple needed Luke to get that.

  “I’m just me, but thank you. I like me well enough.”

  “Just you is not just anything. You are a very special man and I’m so glad I was led to you.”

  “I am too, Temple. Let’s go snack. My piercing fingers were busy.”

  “Let’s do it. My touching fingers want to be busy.” He grabbed a second bottle of water before following Luke to the bedroom.

  Luke placed the tray on the table and began to strip down. “I’m going to wash up a bit, love.”

  “Oh, let me help.” He followed Luke into the bathroom, his fingers itching for that skin. Showering together, cleaning each other was a fantastic thing.

  Luke grinned at him, eyes twinkling happily.

  “You know you and wet are my weaknesses.” Temple was honest enough to admit that the wet had nothing to do with it—it was all Luke.

  His lover laughed and got naked as he wet a washrag in the sink. Moving in close, Temple ran the cloth over Luke’s body. He made sure he was damn thorough and Luke was fully erect when he was done, the expression on his lover’s face blissful.

  It could have infuriated him that someone in Luke’s past had made Luke feel less than beautiful, had taken away his enjoyment of the sensual, but Temple didn’t live his life worrying about things in the past, things he couldn’t change. What he could do was make sure that Luke knew he was loved every day, make sure Luke enjoyed his sensual side every day.

  Humming, he leaned in to lick at Luke’s right nipple, then tug on the rings there.

  “Oh…” Luke arched, letting him know how good the touch felt.

  “This made an excellent start to our evening.” He slid his hand down along Luke’s breastbo
ne right to Luke’s cock. Wrapping his hand around it, Temple began to jack it. Once Luke came, he’d be easy in his skin and they could eat then do their scene, ramp his lover back up again.

  “Temple…” He loved the sound of his name on Luke’s lips.

  “Gonna make you come, darling.”

  “Over and over. Never needed anyone like I need you,” Luke told him.

  “I hope that never changes.” He squeezed the head of Luke’s cock.

  “Me either. Too. Whatever. God, more.”

  Incoherent Luke. One of Temple’s favorite Lukes. Oh, who was he kidding? He loved every type of Luke.

  He moved that amazing barbell running through Luke’s meatus, and he could see the response in the way Luke’s body tensed and shook. He watched Luke’s face, wanting to watch every second of Luke’s orgasm. Luke didn’t hide a single response. No, his lover dove into the sensation, feet first.

  Temple pressed the tip of his thumb into Luke’s slit. Luke’s eyes crossed and he pushed up on his tiptoes.

  “You like that, do you?” Temple knew damn well, Luke did.

  “Please.” The word was accompanied by a nod.

  He pushed his thumb into that spot again, then he rubbed it across the little slit, stimulating it in several different ways. It didn’t take long at all before Luke groaned, spunk spreading over his fingers.

  “I love that smell.” He brought Luke’s hand to his mouth, licking the cum from it. He whimpered softly as the bitter-salty flavor hit him. “I could live on your cum.”

  Luke chuckled softly. “Still not vegan, love.”

  “I’ll give up being a vegan for this.” He kissed Luke then added, “I’d give it up for you.”

  Luke wrapped around him, kissed him hard enough it ached. “You don’t have to. We’re making it work.”

  “We are. I want you to know that I would, though.”

  It seemed Luke did too, leading Temple to the bedroom.

  “I bought some rope today. Did I tell you? That I was going to tie you up and make mad love to you?” He knew he’d told Luke he had plans—he didn’t think he’d been specific.

  “Tie me up? I… Is it scratchy rope?”

  That had Temple smiling. “No, it’s soft and silky.”


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