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Strictly Business (Mixing Business With Pleasure Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Ace Gray


  I made it all the way to the sidewalk before I acknowledged the personal ramifications of Gerald’s words. How did I feel about seeing Nicholas? Did I really think he could do this to me? I admitted our weekend could have been an elaborate ruse. I’d slept with people for business purposes, could he just be reciprocating? The questions created a haze that followed me as I slid into the backseat of his waiting Bentley.

  He was on the phone, speaking gruffly. I studied his face with my foggy mind. Whatever the conversation, it was intense. I could imagine this cold, severe Bryant trying to pry Vesper from my clutches. Then he tilted his head toward me while still on the phone and smiled warmly. He leaned in between commands and softly kissed my neck. Tender, attentive Bryant made me unsure.

  The endless loop of questions began all over again. I looked out the window and couldn’t help that a frown formed on my lips. I barely registered Nicholas cutting his phone call short with a murmured, “Just get me the goddamned financial analysis. I have something more pressing.”

  “Kate, is everything OK?”

  “Yes, fine.” I didn’t turn.

  “You seem upset.”

  He reached for my face, still cautious of my fading bruises.

  “Rough day at the office,” I replied when he pulled my face to his.

  At the last moment I looked up and proceeded to get lost in his wildly churning eyes.

  “I can make you forget about the office.” He smiled and turned his whole body toward me. He leaned in for a kiss but at the last minute changed directions and pecked my cheek. “I thought about you at the breakfast bar this morning.” I couldn’t help but flush. He moved to my neck, just below my ear. “I thought of you in the car on my way to work.” He kissed down my neck.

  “I thought of what it would be like to have you on my desk, and I was hard for an entire teleconference.” He nuzzled into my neck and let his lips wander across my collarbone. “Had I known your legs looked like this, it would’ve been the entire day.” His hand moved up between my thighs.

  The haze cleared and my questions silenced. I leaned back against the seat and let my eyes flutter shut. His hands rubbing my legs and his lips lingering on my skin melted me. We pulled up to the curb and he cupped my cheeks to look me full in my face.

  “There, that’s better. That’s the girl I was looking for.” He smiled broadly. “This dinner is with a few of my associates in tech distribution. I need to discuss some channel changes and new Chinese options, then we’ll be free to enjoy the evening.”

  The mention of tech hit too close to home, and the real world slammed back into me. I was sucked back into the turmoil that’d consumed me since hearing Bryant’s name roll off Gerald’s tongue. Nicholas got out and I moved mechanically to follow, awkwardly grabbing his offered hand. He noticed the shift in my body language but his associates greeted us before he could comment.

  “Mr. Bryant, sir, great to see you.”

  Nicholas let go of my hand and offered both men firm handshakes. Then he turned toward me, his face unreadable.

  “Gentlemen, this is Kate Elliott of Vesper Fitness and Apparel. She’ll be joining us this evening.”

  He let out a deep breath when I flashed a winning smile. I was too well versed in business meetings to let Bryant down.

  “It’s a pleasure to have the company.”

  The businessmen beamed at me but Bryant remained withdrawn. They gestured for me to lead the way and once inside Nicholas took my coat. I was rewarded with three appreciative stares when I shrugged out of it; Nicholas’ gaze wasn’t the only heated one. When I met his though, anxiety mingled with lust.

  Something’s off.

  Business meetings did not worry Bryant.

  Dinner was a blur. I should have been paying perfect attention but my insides were jumbled and questions kept rolling around in my head. Trains of thought would barrel out of control so thoroughly that I could only smile, laugh, and manage witty when it was absolutely necessary. My mind was so foggy it seemed like I was sliding back into my jacket in no time. Firm, pleasant handshakes went all around. Without much conscious thought I was stepping back into the car.

  “What’s wrong? And don’t give me that ‘trouble at the office’ excuse.”

  Nicholas’ question snapped against my skin like a rubber band. His eyes churned as I sat back quietly, taking him in. Studying him. He broke the silence first.

  “If you don’t feel like telling me I’ll spank, and, or fuck, it out of you.”

  My mouth fell open and he smiled at my shock.

  “Well that’s the first real reaction I’ve seen from you tonight. You know you can talk to me, right?”

  No, actually, I can’t.

  I forced a smile. I wasn’t ready to confront him. I wasn’t ready for answers. Because what if Gerald was right? What if Nicholas was behind it? What if I lost him? I was conflicted, which pissed me off. I should have been undeniably pulled toward Vesper, not Nicholas.

  He’d been watching my wheels turn, and without warning, pressed me against the door to kiss me harshly. It was borderline uncomfortable when I thudded against the glass, but the now-familiar jolt his skin made against mine stopped me from pushing him away.

  “Sweets,” he moaned.

  Nicholas kept me trapped against the window until we began breathing hard from passionate, scorching kisses. My swirling thoughts fell silent as his touch consumed me. When he finally pulled away, I whimpered.

  “Jaime has to be sick of this.”

  “Jaime will survive,” Nicholas smirked. “Let’s go inside.”

  The red brick of my building was outside the window.

  “My place? Why are we here?” There was an edge in my voice; he hadn’t even asked.

  “I haven’t seen your place, and I told you yesterday I wanted to come.” He arched his thick eyebrows on the last word. The double meaning wasn’t lost on me; I rolled my eyes.

  “Well, I suppose you should get up,” I said sarcastically, grateful for the chance to feel slightly more myself.

  “Oh I am.” He grabbed my hand and pressed it hard against his erection.

  “What if I hadn’t invited you?” I flexed my hand.

  “I would’ve locked the doors and had you right here. I’ve been waiting all day.”

  I flushed and stammered despite my desire to continue our banter. With a small grin he offered me his elbow and we slid out of the backseat. Nicholas was every bit the gentlemen as we walked into the elevator; tender, soft-spoken, attentive. His sweetness reassured me. His slightly visible erection didn’t hurt, either.

  “Sorry I’m in a funk. Let’s just forget about my day. How was yours? Was your morning meeting productive?”

  I turned from the softly illuminated seven hoping to see his bright eyes shining back at me. Instead they were closed and his face was drawn.

  “Hey, I said I’m sorry,” I said softly.

  I cupped my hand onto his cheek. He softened against my hand but didn’t look up. The elevator pinged and he backed me out into the hallway. My hand moved to trace his perfect lips. We were frozen in that moment, something unspoken hanging heavy between us, and we both sensed it. My questions bubbled up, but I couldn’t quite formulate the sentences. Or wouldn’t. Was it the same for him?

  Then something jolted between us, almost like the earth itself shifted.

  “Fuck it,” Nicholas whispered and I sucked in a deep breath.

  Without warning he lunged and pushed me up against a door; luckily, it was mine. His lips were as urgent as his movements when he kissed me. He only slowed when he pulled and sucked on my lip. I groaned and fumbled blindly for my keys, unwilling to break away.

  Once I managed to get us inside he pressed me up against the gray wood that paneled my entryway for a few erratic heartbeats. We didn’t stop kissing as we stumbled, a mess of tangled limbs, from there to the other side of the hall. We hit my mirrored credenza with a thud and it rocked back off it’s l
egs. I scrambled for balance against the teetering furniture and knocked a terrarium off with my frantic movements. Glass shattered at our feet and Nicholas seamlessly lifted me, flat against his chest, and kicked the larger shards out of the way.

  I finally caught his eyes when he looked between the staircase and the white couch behind us. They were faded, foggy, even. I didn’t have time to decipher them as he darted up the first three stairs to a small landing and pinned me back against the wall. This time we only jostled a picture frame as he set my feet back to the floor.

  My lips burned before he shifted positions again. His arms slipped out from behind my back and grabbed my wrists. He pinned my arms on either side of my head and his body pressed fully against mine. His tongue caressed my lips and I could only whimper. My limbs went numb and my lips were raw. I could barely breathe.

  He sensed that I wouldn’t be able to stand much longer and scooped me into his arms. His lips grazed my ear then jawbone as he started up the stairs. My lips ached worse now that his were gone. I pulled on his neck to get mine back to his.

  “Sweets,” he breathed when he paused on the stairs.

  He slumped backed against the wall, holding me closely, while we went back to our fevered kisses. My hands moved up to run through his hair.

  “No,” he commanded. “I’ll never get you upstairs if you start running your hands all over me. It drives me crazy. I’ll fuck you on the stairs.”

  “Whatever.” I couldn’t help my breathlessness.

  Our teeth clashed together as he kissed me. For a moment his hand drifted toward my zipper.

  “No. That’s not the plan,” he said then lunged up the stairs. “Your bed?” He asked, pained.

  I pointed to an open door. He quickly strode through and I expected him to throw me on the bed and continue this frenzied tangle. Instead, he set me carefully on my feet, steadied me, and backed away.

  “I thought you were going to spank and, or fuck me?” I said, whiney even by my standards.

  “That’s not what you need. That’s not the plan.”

  “Um, I’m pretty sure I need you inside me right now, plan be damned.”

  My nipples pressed against my top and the wetness spread between my thighs as if in agreement. I’d go mad without him inside me—and soon—so far he’d read my body well enough to know.

  He laughed his husky laugh. “I need you too. But I think something a little less…aggressive is in order. Undress me, take your time, then do whatever you want to me.”


  I sucked in a deep breath and held it. He always took control and I never minded. I even kind of liked it. And the stairs had been fantastic. But having him as my sensual playground for the evening was a very enticing offer. As was the idea of exercising control over him. But the offer didn’t feel… right.

  My exhale was long and deep as I reached out to trace his knuckles with my index finger. I didn’t stop to think about why he’d planned this tonight of all nights, or why he’d halted a perfectly good thing to redirect; I simply turned his palm over, and mirroring his affectionate gesture, kissed the center in acceptance.

  Everything fell from my mind but the body before me. I had to steady myself as I reached up and pulled his jacket from his shoulders. I folded it and laid it over the footboard. I turned back to his quivering body, his hands itched to reach out. When he looked at me, it was easy to believe every word he’d ever said and trust every feeling I’d ever felt.

  The whisper of his silk tie as it pulled free was the most delectable sound I’d ever heard and it sent shivers across my skin. When I pressed against him to slide off his vest, he kissed my jaw—almost at my ear—and the shivers started anew. I sighed, planted my hands on his chest, and nestled into his sweet lips. His hands reached up, brushed my hips then fell.

  “Its all you, Sweets. Keep going.”

  I bit my lip and willed my fingers to leave his chest and pull his shirt from his belted waist. I’d never done this before—the pulling his shirt from his pants part. Sure, I’d seen him naked, but unwrapping him was new. And better than Christmas.

  It took little convincing for my hands to work at his collar. As soon as it was unbuttoned, I kissed his jaw as he had mine. With each button I kissed the newly exposed, taut skin. When his shirt was undone, I pushed it off and fell to my knees as it too crumpled to the floor. As I lifted my hand to his belt I looked up at his face; his eyes were closed and he was trying to turn shallow breaths into deeper ones. Tension radiated from his body.

  Nothing was more important to me than easing that strain so I continued my work. His belt slid out even easier, and with an even sexier rasp than his tie. That sound made my toes curl just before I tugged his pants and boxer briefs down in one swift motion. He sprung free and groaned at the same time. It took every ounce of my control to finish removing his socks and shoes. He reached for my shoulder to steady himself and that familiar fire burned where he touched me.

  I returned to his erection quickly, capturing his silky, salty head in my mouth. His breath caught when my tongue twirled on him. I moved my hands up to his hips and pulled. Hard. The way he gave me pleasure was always unrelenting—I wanted to return the favor.

  He hit the back of my throat over and over. Without warning, I held him there and made him focus on the vibrations from my moans. I loved the taste of him and relished the slight ache in my jaw. I dug my fingernails into his hips and pulled harder. Wetness spread between my thighs at the move. I let my teeth graze ever so slightly along him on my next pull. His thighs bunched and his fists balled next to his hips.

  “Sweets, if you don’t stop I’m going to come.”

  I growled with pleasure at his promise. Watching him fall apart because of my mouth was a heady thing. I doubled my pace and he started to quiver. As he’d done to me before, I abruptly stopped. A mischievous grin spread across my face as I kissed a trail across his hips. I capped it off with a chaste kiss on his rock-hard dick before unwinding from the floor. I’d barely gotten up when Nicholas grabbed me fiercely and yanked me to his lips.

  “Kate,” he breathed against my skin as he vibrated against me.

  His fingers were clenching and flexing. His thighs bunched as he shifted his weight, all betraying his wish to take over. I understood the appeal as I pushed him back onto to the bed.

  I pulled my shoes off and slowly crawled toward him. I pushed my hair to the side and reached for my zipper. I didn’t break eye contact as I peeled out of my top. I pulled my bra off and put my breasts on full display; his eyes finally burned a fiery blue. My hair tickled across his chest as I bent to suck and pull on his nipples. I traced small circles across his chest with the tip of my tongue. He shuddered beneath me.

  I stood and slid my clothes off before slithering back up along him. His penis rested firmly between my thighs allowing him to feel the slickness there. I leaned down again and kissed his neck, making sure my nipples grazed against his skin. We both moaned at the whispered touch as I wandered up the other side of his jaw.

  He kept clenching his teeth and balling his hands. My smile was downright devilish when I sat up and grabbed his cock. Muscles flexed in his neck—every contour highlighted—as I positioned myself over his tip and slid down as slow as possible. I went to glide up but Nicholas broke and grabbed my hips to hold me down. His head was thrown back, his chest rising and falling fast while I took every inch of him. It was almost uncomfortable but in the best way possible.

  “Goddamn, you feel so good. I can’t help myself with you.” His voice was choked.

  My head rolled back and I took a few deep breaths. I couldn’t help the waves rippling through my body. They were making me clench and pull him in deeper. I went to roll my hips again but he still wouldn’t allow it. I tried to lay down along his chest but he ran his hand up my breast bone and kept me upright.

  “Nicholas.” My voice was almost gone.

  He took a deep breath and allowed me to begin moving. He kept one hand b
etween my breasts while the one at my hip guided me into a rhythm that had him groaning. Once he let me go I began to roll expertly against him. The friction and pace had us both groaning into the New York night. Every movement had my skin, or heartbeat, or insides reacting. Every. Single. One.

  I could barely feel my toes but there was one thing that would make the sex better.

  Damn it.

  I hated that I wanted it—and what it said about me—but I asked in spite of myself and the day I’d had. “Please Nicholas, please take me.”

  He didn’t need me to ask again. He sat up so we were nose-to-nose then pressed me down to the bed. My head grazed the footboard just before he rammed into me hard and I cried out. His arms shifted up to the wood behind me and he began pushing harder into me. I arched and flexed under his expert thrusts.

  “Do you have any idea how perfect you are?” He sputtered through gritted teeth as the roll of his hips got more intense. “I shouldn’t care as much as I do.” He kept speaking, his sentiment getting choppy and his thrusts increasingly rough. “I need you.” His words were becoming as fast as his savage strokes. He had me on the edge of both pain and extreme pleasure. “I’d give up everything for you, and I hate that feeling.”

  Nicholas’ last words boomed through my bedroom. The way his passion swirled with his power was what’d drawn me to him. But this was deeper, and darker—earnest, edgy, damn near violent—it unnerved and thrilled me at the same time.

  “Kate!” he yelled.

  Nicholas started coming and his heat spread inside me. The sensation triggered me. The pulses that ran through me lasted forever and rolled along his cock. His arms shook for a second before he collapsed on top of me, making it hard to breathe. I couldn’t find the energy to care. Smothered to death by the pile of muscle and sweat that was Nicholas Bryant would be a fine way to go.

  When I finally gasped, he propped himself up on his elbow.

  “I don’t know what you’re doing to me,” he breathed. “I worship you on quite possibly an unhealthy level.”


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