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Strictly Business (Mixing Business With Pleasure Series Book 1)

Page 23

by Ace Gray

  The rawness of this connection made my orgasm more intense when it came. I cried out, and he matched me with an agonized groan through his clenched teeth. We’d never come together before, and it was the most amazing feeling. We trembled against each other. His hot cum seemed to roll up and down the walls of my sex. I gripped tighter on him with every muscle in my body.

  He was shaking and I felt his knees buckle. I unwrapped one leg quick enough to help slow our crumple to the floor.

  “Baby, are you OK?” His chest was heaving up against mine.

  “More than OK. Are you?” He said raggedly. I didn’t mind being pinned to glass by his gorgeous frame. “Jesus, Sweets, I don’t know what came over me.” He shook his head then shifted so I could sit in his lap while water rushed over my legs.

  “I do.”

  I laid my head on his shoulder and listened to the patter of the water against the marble floor. He gently stroked my thigh and nestled his cheek to my forehead. I went back over the details of this sex, willing each kiss to etch permanently into my memory. For as long as I lived I wanted to remember feeling like this; replete while I sat in the lap of the man that I undeniably loved.

  Yes, I’ll admit it, I love him.

  Eventually his voice broke the peaceful silence. “Should we finish showering?” He kissed my hair.

  “If you insist.” I had no desire to move.

  He pushed me up and kept a hand on me for support. He unwound gracefully before pulling me back into his arms. We stood there for a few moments, simply enjoying the feel of each other before he grabbed a washcloth. Nick gently washed me from head to toe.

  I relished being cared for completely. Letting down walls for this was right. And worth it. Being in love was the first thing that made me feel truly alive in years. Scared the ever-living shit out of me, too.

  Once out of the shower, small beads of water fell across his contoured chest and down to his beautiful, naked feet. His hair was unruly. He noticed me devouring him and we both flushed. It was the first hint I had that he’d noticed that emotional shift, too. My heart slammed against my chest while I held his gaze. Only him clearing his throat broke the spell.

  “Get dressed, Sweets, please.” His voice was deliciously husky. “For the love of God, get dressed,” he added as he shook his head and smiled.

  I blushed further and tried to stay focused on the mirror. I felt it in my bones when he slipped from the bathroom. I let out a heavy sigh and started getting dressed.

  “Will you do me a favor today?” He reappeared when I was almost ready and started speaking without pretense.

  “Of course.”

  “I want Jaime to go to Vesper with you. I’d like him to evaluate your security measures and ensure your personal safety.”

  “I don’t think that’s necessary, Nick.”

  I tried to keep my tone even despite the suggestion I couldn’t take care of myself. I didn’t want to get into it. Not after our morning. He moved closer and ran his fingertips down my spine.

  He was lost in thought when he spoke. “I meant what I said this morning.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “I meant it when I said you mean everything to me.”

  Something was definitely off. I’d known last night, and it was all the more obvious as his face shifted; he looked like he’d swallowed something very unpleasant. Whatever his thoughts were, they weren’t good.

  I cocked my head to the side, watching, evaluating. He met my eyes in the mirror then shied away and rubbed his temples. He suddenly looked incredibly tired. How had I not noticed before? My heart had this uncontrollable need to console him.

  “I meant it too, you know.” I tried to reassure him with my smile before more words unexpectedly flew out of my mouth. “I’ll agree to whatever.” Thankfully, I had the foresight to add, “On one condition. Tell me what’s going on.”

  He looked up, radiating wariness.

  “Please. Nick, if I mean so much to you, you have to learn to trust me,” I added quietly.

  “I trust you,” he said forcefully. “Can’t you just do the same? I’m taking care of it, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “You’re going to have to get past that at some point,” I shot back.

  “No, I won’t.”

  He was damn near growling at me. I couldn’t help but sigh, exasperated. Intensity could ratchet up so quickly between us, but rather than fight, I returned to my makeup. His severe eyes stayed on me as I finished and put my things back into their case. He stayed stock still as I walked over to him. I reached for his undone tie and skillfully knotted it, then buttoned up his vest. I rested my hands on his chest.

  I wanted to make him see my point. I wanted to assert my voice in this relationship, and I wanted answers. But it wasn’t the right time. I sighed. Loudly.

  Relationships are—as it turns out—difficult.

  It was one of the many reasons I hadn’t had one in a while. But Nick wasn’t just some relationship. That was the only reason I’d bend. I moved my arms around his neck and pulled tightly, simply hugging him, before heading out of the bathroom to grab my shoes and jacket.

  “We were followed last night,” he said suddenly. I froze. He knew I’d conceded but he was still talking. “They followed us from the moment we left Vesper. They got aggressive when we were in traffic.”

  My lips parted, and I sucked in a deep breath. Followed? Why on earth? Who? It made no sense. A million questions sprung to mind, and I wanted to throw each one out, but I had a feeling our fragile truce would explode if I did. At least I now understood why he was worried.

  “Thank you. Now that I know it’s important, of course Jaime can come with me.”

  I reached for his cufflinks and slid them into his shirt. “Is there anything else I should be aware of?”

  “No.” Nick was still being gruff. “You shouldn’t be aware of this. You shouldn’t have to know why something’s important, just that it is. It’s our job to take care of you and to take care of any concerns.”

  That made my blood boil all over again. I wasn’t some meek, mild, or naive little girl.

  I will not fight with him today.

  I settled for shaking my head and striding out of the room.

  While sipping my Americano at the breakfast bar, I wondered idly if he knew how much control he really had over me. I couldn’t stay mad—not really anyhow. And not because my body bowed to him but because my heart would forgive him any number of sins. I was in deep trouble. Very deep trouble.

  “Please, be careful today. Let Jaime do his job. Ask him if you need anything. Please.” Nick pulled me from my thoughts by leaning over me and letting his nose run along my neck as he pled with me.

  Of course, I folded.

  And at Vesper, I begrudgingly followed through by introducing Jaime to the security staff. Then even going so far as to authorize complete access to building and personnel records before heading to my office.

  Jaime was particularly interested in Todd throughout the day. At first I thought it was because he’d kissed my cheeks last night—Nick had reacted poorly—but it slowly unnerved me. Jaime had actually asked me before Bryant flew off the handle. And someone on my tech team was untrustworthy. Todd had always tripped my radar and he’d successfully dodged me for weeks. I was suspicious, and I couldn’t tell if it was founded on actual issues or Jaime’s probing.

  “Gemma, could you please get Todd up here immediately?” I was grumbly as my finger mashed the intercom button.

  “Of course.”

  I waited only a few minutes before there was a knock at the door. I called, “Come in,” irritated Gemma wasn’t announcing him, when Jaime strode purposefully in.

  “Jaime, is everything OK?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. I was told you called for Todd Marshall?”

  “I did. May I ask why that concerns you?” My eyebrow arched and my lips pursed.

  “He was determined to be a security r
isk and was let go this afternoon.”

  “He’s been let go?” I roared. “Who gave you the authority to do that?” My fists trembled.

  “Mr. Bryant was very explicit in his instructions.”

  I stood and slammed my hands onto my desk. “Bryant doesn’t run this company. He can’t fire my employees. He doesn’t have that kind of authority.”

  “I’m sorry. Mr. Bryant said you’d agreed to let me do my job.” Jaime looked genuinely taken aback.

  I was livid. I had agreed, but I didn’t know that meant I’d given Bryant the ability to act carte blanch with anything or anyone in my company. I wanted to scream but checked myself.

  “Please, elaborate. Why was he fired? What was the concern?” I asked through gritted teeth.

  “He’s dating a former employee of Mr. Bryant’s.”

  “That’s what gets someone fired in Bryant’s…?” I dropped the last word, my face frozen.

  “Ally.” I finished.

  Jaime pursed his lips; it was all the confirmation I needed.

  “He’s the leak?”

  He nodded a curt nod then leveled his gaze. Everything inside me clenched, boiled and rolled. He’d been right under my nose the whole time. What’s worse was deep down I’d known.

  I’d fucking known!

  I wanted to yell, scream, and pummel Todd. As it was I was biting my lip so hard it hurt. My hands stung from where I’d slammed them on the desk. A vivid image of them around Todd’s throat flashed through my mind. For legal reasons it was probably best Jaime had taken care of him.

  “Do you run, Jaime?”

  His brow crinkled. It was likely the last question he’d expected.

  “Yes, I do.” He hesitated. “Have to stay in shape in this line of work.”

  “I’d like to go on a run through the park in an hour or so. I expect you’re under orders to accompany me.” I couldn’t help my bitterness.

  “Yes, I would need to come. But it’s my duty to tell you it’s not a good idea. I don’t believe Mr. Bryant would approve.”

  “I think Mr. Bryant has done enough for today, don’t you?”

  Jaime nodded and left the room. I was slamming my desk drawers repeatedly when Gemma’s crackly accent pulled me from my tantrum.

  “Kate, I have Nicholas Bryant on the line.”

  He has some nerve.

  “Put him through.”

  Not a second later a roar filled the office. “Running through the city is unacceptable.”

  “Well hello to you too.”

  “Kate, I mean it. It’s completely unsafe under the circumstances. Jaime has to focus on keeping up instead of his surroundings.”

  “Nick, we’ve been over this. I don’t do controlling well. I run. It’s one of my things. Get over it.” I sighed loudly into the phone.

  “I heard you, but I won’t budge. That’s my thing.”

  “Well it’s run or go toe-to-toe with you over all the shit you’re pulling. Forcing Jaime on me, making decisions about my business, and now my life. I’m trying real fucking hard not to throttle you.”

  “I told you from the beginning I was worried about you getting hurt. This is a perfect example of why that worry was well founded. I will not tolerate recklessness.”

  “I’m not being reckless. I’ve done this a million times, and I will not tolerate being ordered around.”

  “Do my feelings mean nothing to you?” Hurt colored his words.

  “Of course they matter…” I stuttered. “That’s not what…Nick.” I sighed.

  His breath was heavy on the other end of the phone. I had to get over this uncontrollable urge to comfort him.

  “Please, Nick.”

  “Are you going to beg?”

  “If I have to.” I was utterly exasperated.

  “Kate.” It was his turn to sigh. “Damn it. Why do you constantly disregard my wishes?” His voice had shifted. He was caving. I kept silent. “What if I came with you?”

  My heart leapt at his suggestion. “I’d love that.”

  With that, he hung up.

  Running with Nick was one of the most mouthwatering things I’d ever done. And that included everything we’d done in bed. He’d appreciated his view as well, and the chase led to explosive sex. I had the bruises on my hip bones to prove it.

  They stung where my laptop sat as I worked in the giant glass box that was Bryant’s office. I felt at home floating amongst the city night lights. The contentment that rested deep in my bones should have been unnerving. I’d changed my routine. I’d harnessed my temper. Slightly. I was happy away from home.

  Home—shit. Laura!

  I punched her name on my favorites list and sighed as I lifted the phone to my ear.

  “About time.” She answered on the first ring.

  “I’m just calling to apologize for not making it home.”

  “Apparently I should’ve asked if you were moving in.”

  “I’m not planning on it, and he certainly hasn’t asked. We’re just enjoying ourselves.”

  “He lied to you, Kate.”

  “He didn’t actually.” A snarl rumbled in my chest.

  “That’s a technicality.”

  “Laura.” My voice cut like a knife across the line. Anyone else would have been wincing.

  “Kate, I’m serious. I’m glad you’re happy and all. I know it’s a rarity for you. But if he’s playing games this early on?” She matched my prickly demeanor.

  “It’s not like that. He’s not like that. He’s passionate, and sometimes that makes him a little controlling, but he’s sweet and tender, too.”

  She’s the only one I’d take the time to explain to. She was the only person that needed to understand.

  “Look, I desperately want you to have a normal relationship, but I don’t think this counts,” she said matter of factly.

  “Maybe I’m not cut out for normal,” I shot back.

  “Oh for Christ’s sake, Kate.”

  “You’re the one who fucking started it!”

  “Language!” Her outburst was followed by a massive sigh. “Change of subject. Can we go out tomorrow? Full on girls night? I need one.”


  “If you flake, I’ll kill you. Then I’ll come up to that massive apartment and drag your corpse out anyway.”

  I smiled at the determined face I was sure she was making.

  “You’re a bitch.” She’d understand I was saying yes.

  “Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  The clock on my phone said I needed to be up in less than five hours for a breakfast meeting. If Nick was still up, I’d be lucky if I got any sleep at all.

  I needn’t have worried; I found Bryant asleep in the living room. He was sprawled across a chair, breathing slowly, with a beautiful edition of The Great Gatsby resting on his chest. I marked his page, set the book to the side, and gently ran my fingers through his hair. He immediately responded to my touch.

  “Kate,” he breathed.

  Laura can go fuck herself.


  “What are you doing?” Nick grumbled and tightened his grip on me.

  “I have to get up. I have to be out of here by 6:30 to be on time for my meeting.” I groaned at the headache pounding between my temples.

  “Don’t go.” His tone matched mine.

  “I have to. I have a company to run.”

  “I know someone who’ll buy it. He’ll pay you to stay here tied up naked, waiting and available for sex.”

  He was speaking into his pillow; he hadn’t even pried his eyes open. For the slightest moment I thought about it. I was glad he hadn’t seen the look that flashed across my face. When the wave of temporary insanity subsided, I wordlessly kissed his temple and wiggled out of bed.

  I grabbed my wide leg trousers, a black, white, and camel shell top, and Bryan Atwood camel studded booties. I was going as much for comfort as class today. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and did little more th
an slap on makeup.

  Early mornings were the bane of my existence and leaving Bryant in bed made them worse. I couldn’t force myself to plod down the stairs, so I sagged into the private elevator. My heels barely clicked as I shuffled across the expansive living room to collect my things from the office.

  When I popped out again both Jaime and Nick were waiting for me. I expected Jaime, but seeing Nick awake surprised me. He’d been softly snoring mere minutes ago. His shy, crooked smile pulled across his face as he held out an Americano.

  My hands were full when he wrapped his arms around my waist. I kissed his jaw and then his cheek before landing on his lips. He responded by letting both his hands caress my butt through my silky pants as his tongue played against mine.

  “I was serious about buying Vesper and keeping you chained to my bed.”

  “Now I’m chained to the bed, huh?”

  “Handcuffs, silk ribbon, your choice.”

  He smiled against my lips and Jaime cleared his throat behind us. I blushed realizing he’d heard Nick’s indecent proposal.

  “What time will you be finished this evening?”

  “Seven-ish probably, but Laura and I are going out tonight.”


  I narrowed my gaze at his brusque tone. The elevator ding cut my answering tirade short.

  “I’m going to be late.” I turned and walked away.

  “I mean it. I will not let you get hurt.” I lost it when he used the same unfounded argument and wheeled on him.

  “It’s a goddamned bar, Bryant! I’ll be just fine. I’ll bring Jaime if I have to, but I’m not chained to your fucking bed yet.”

  Nick’s face looked like I’d slapped it as I slipped away and let the elevator door shut behind me. I blew out a heavy breath and turned to Jaime who sat stone-faced.

  “Sorry about all that.” Part of me hated Jaime was privy to all our stumbling blocks.

  “No need to apologize, Kate.”

  This was the first time he’d called me Kate and it made me smile. I didn’t actually mind him or the security he was providing, just that he represented Bryant’s overwhelming control issues.

  “Well, hopefully you enjoy the show at the very least.”


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