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GhostRealm Page 10

by Vera Sparks

  “She was wonderful, I’m sure it won’t be the same,” I pursed my lips as I eyed the hall. Both Danny’s office and Alena’s old office were unlit and darkened. I wondered if Catherine would bother coming in tonight. She assisted both Janet and Danny, but Janet was quite controlling and a perfectionist, making Catherine obsolete the majority of the time.

  She did help with manning the reception desk though, although it was unusual to get walk-ins.

  “Alex says he has a lead on who did it, with your help,” Janet managed a sly smile. We both knew he’d rather take all the credit.

  “Yeah, well, we’re still working on it, so far all we’ve got is it was a vampire with the Black Dogs. Someone in Philip’s inner circle.”

  “Interesting. There are a few motives lying there, with Jeremy being Philip’s prodigy and with Alex and you shutting down their werewolf kidnapping ring,” Janet stood up as her printing finished and she tapped the papers on the desk to get them in perfect order.

  “Yeah, we’ve got a few theories,” I nodded. Janet didn’t seem overly distressed, which bothered me. But she’d always been very work orientated and rarely mingled with the others. Maybe she was just cold, like the tiger she was.

  “Well, I have some reports to do and a case to manage, it was nice talking,” Janet nodded at me with a rather forced smile. I doubted she’d really enjoyed our brief conversation and just wanted to escape back to her office.

  She brushed past me and I rolled my eyes before heading to Alex’s office.

  “Your friends are nice,” he stated before I’d even stepped in the room. “Rose was your childhood friend, right? I didn’t know she had a brother.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him before a smile formed and I plopped down in the seat across from him.

  “He’s in a relationship and he’s like a brother to me,” I stated, knowing all too well his interest in him.

  “I didn’t suggest otherwise,” he looked up from his paperwork, but I saw the hint of relief in his eyes.

  “So, I’ve finished all my reports and filing you had for me, what else have you got?” I asked as I crossed my legs.

  He glanced at my bare legs momentarily before focusing on me. For a hundred-year-old vampire he still couldn’t help himself.

  “You’ve been crying?” he frowned as he set his paperwork down, perplexed.

  I inwardly groaned, I thought I’d made sure my eyes weren’t red or puffy before walking in. Why hadn’t Janet said anything? Oh, that’s right, because she doesn’t care.

  “It’s fine,” I lied, my throat already constricting as I thought of Percy.

  He just raised a knowing eyebrow at me, and I broke.

  “Percy and I had a fight,” I muttered as I crossed my arms.

  “Oh,” he sounded too enthused to be sympathetic, and I managed a harsh laugh.

  “You sound too happy about that,” I growled.

  “Well, can you blame me?” he gave me a sheepish smile. “But I’m sorry. That must have been hard,” he cleared his throat.

  “Yeah, it sucked. He was being an ass,” I sighed, feeling a weight lift off of my shoulders.

  “I’d like to ask how so, but it’s none of my business,” he clenched his jaw as he looked back down at his files.

  “Alex, I’m heading out. I’ve got a meeting with a client!” Janet popped her head in briefly.

  Alex nodded and waved her off, and she shot me an interested look before leaving. She’d obviously heard my issues. Ugh.

  “Not going to take advantage of the possible break between us?” I joked, wanting to stave off any despair that wanted to wash over me. We’d only been together for about a month, it wasn’t like it was a serious thing. But it still hurt.

  “No, because I wouldn’t take advantage of you while you’re vulnerable. I care more for you than to do something like that,” He grumbled, not lifting his eyes from his files as he scribbled some notes down.

  I just watched him silently, my mind whirring.

  We had our differences, that was for sure, and our relationship was not like others. He knew I was as attracted to him as he was to me, our dates had proven that. He’d always tried to keep it professional in the office though, something I was grateful for, even if I’d teased and flirted with him.

  But he’d accidentally killed me over six months ago, making me what I was, and I hadn’t been able to forgive and forget. Not yet.

  “You’ve always been a gentleman,” I sighed. It was true. We’d been on a few dates, we’d shared a passionate kiss at the end of our last date before I panicked and left him. We’d kissed after I’d rescued Percy and we were going after the shifters. And when I’d broken it because I couldn’t forget what he’d done, he didn’t push it. He respected my feelings.

  “Thanks, I try,” he smiled as he looked at me, his soft blue eyes warming my insides.

  “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me,” I said softly. I’d been angry at him for so long, but when I nearly lost him after the run in with Deon, the vampire who’d murdered the ghost girl Millie, everything had changed. My powers had awoken just to save him. I wasn’t ready to lose him; he’d been around for the last two years, always taking care of me, teaching me the ropes of my job. He never put me in danger when we dealt with risky clients. Well, there was one time, but he came to my rescue. He’d asked for my help on a kidnapping case, needing a confession from the father who kidnapped his own son and held him for ransom. A shifter family. I played the divorced and angry woman who’d lost everything thanks to a pre-nuptial agreement. I’d managed to get a sort of confession, enough to work with anyway. But then he’d caught on what was going on and attacked me, intent on murdering me. Alex was there in seconds and would’ve killed him for touching me if it hadn’t been for Danny. Danny had stopped him, and we’d used the proper legal supernatural channels to have the shifter put away for a long time.

  I’d never forgotten his rescue of me, how he tore the door down and flung the shifter across the room, decimating the ladies stalls.

  “I didn’t,” he agreed with a tight-lipped smile, dragging me back to our conversation. He hadn’t meant to hurt me.

  “What was it like? I never asked. Some vampire haters attacked you, they set you on fire,” I murmured.

  Alex stared hard at his desk, as if the memory was too painful, but then he caught my eyes.

  “I came out of the office and was locking up. I didn’t even know anything was going on until the Molotov hit me. I was careless, I’d just finalized a big case, and I guess I was pre-occupied. Next thing I knew, I was on fire, it was like hell. I could smell my own skin burning. I attacked them, hurling them all away from me. One of them tried to stake me as well, he got me in the shoulder while we fought. Then you drove into the parking lot, scaring them off. I could feel myself dying, fire kills us easy when we’re older, thankfully being just over hundred years old meant it wasn’t instant, I had a chance. You came running over to help me, but all I could think about was feeding. Of ending this horrid pain and to banish the smell of my seared flesh from my nostrils. I didn’t want to hurt you, but instinct made me fight to survive. It made me feed. When I came to my senses, I couldn’t believe what I’d done. I’d rather have died burning than hurt you. I tried to turn you to save you, but you didn’t wake up. Then you just disappeared. Your body just vanished. I was a wreck, I couldn’t understand where you’d gone,” Alex’s voice was low as he replayed the night.

  I sat quietly, my skin prickling at his retelling. The look of pain and anguish on his face crushed me.

  I’d constantly thrown it back at him at times, what he did to me. I’d never really thought about just how much it hurt him to be reminded. I’d been angry and hurt, not understanding what I’d become.

  I’d been a bitch to him and yet he’d never snapped back, never pushed me away or fired me.

  “I’m so sorry,” I murmured, the guilt and self-hatred washing over me in waves.

  “Don’t be, you
didn’t do anything wrong,” he shook his head as he pulled himself out of his memory.

  “I constantly reminded you of what happened, I was a bitch,” I scoffed.

  “You were hurt, I killed you. I deserved it,” Alex frowned as he averted his eyes.

  “You were dying, you couldn’t help yourself,” I sighed. Was I really able to forgive him now?

  “It seemed impossible that you were at the office the next night after you vanished from my arms. Looking so lost and confused. It crushed me, seeing you like that. I was thrilled to see you there, but I knew something wasn’t right. And you were terrified of me at first, until you realized you needed help more than anything. I called Maria for you; you’d told me about her being a psychic witch. She was the only one I thought could help you. I asked her to keep me updated on how you were doing. I never expected you to come back to work, but I’m glad you did,” he leaned back in his chair and gave me a grateful smile.

  I took all of his words in quietly. I did remember waking up back at the office, confused and terrified. Alex had come in and I was petrified after what he did, but he was also the only one there, and I needed help.

  “When you disappeared I didn’t know what to do, how to explain it. I didn’t touch your car or anything, I went straight home to shower and get into some fresh, unburned clothing. I sat for hours to figure out what happened, and then the sun rose and I had to go to sleep. I went straight to the office first thing the following night to try to wrap my head around it all, and there you were,” he gave a soft chuckle of disbelief.

  “I chose to come back to work as I felt it would help me get answers. Help me understand everything by being around other… unnatural creatures,” I said slowly.

  “I do remember you specifically saying you didn’t want to talk about what happened, and all you wanted from me was help to figure out what you were,” Alex sighed as he closed his eyes.

  I watched his pained face as he drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair.

  “Speaking of, I tracked down that Elemental for you,” he suddenly said.

  “Really?” I sat up, eager to hear more. Hearing Alex’s recount of everything was saddening and depressing, and I wanted to change the tone.

  “I got you a meeting with her later tonight if you’re keen,” he smiled. He always just wanted to help me. Why had I overlooked it for so long? It was an accident, what he’d done, and I knew he was always trying to make it up to me.


  “Well, if you can help me finalize these reports and go through the case files for Mr Sherwood, the werewolf facing assault charges on the vampire Frank, we can get moving,” Alex cleared his throat.

  “Frank,” I smirked. “What a stupid name for a vampire.”

  “I actually know a few Frank’s,” Alex retorted, but the sparkle in his eye was lighthearted. I was glad we’d changed the vibe of the room. I was getting rather upset with his tale. I needed to make things right. Help him realize I was trying to finally forgive him. He didn’t deserve my hatred. The monsters who attacked him did.

  “Did you ever find the men who attacked you?” I asked as I moved to perch on the edge of his desk.

  “One. He’s not around anymore,” Alex said bluntly.

  I pursed my lips at this. I knew exactly what that meant.


  I relaxed into the luxurious seat of Alex’s silver Jag as we drove to the meeting he’d arranged.

  We’d also got together a list of men working for Philip and known addresses or hangout places. I’d allow Shane and Rose to sleep for now though, I’d hassle them when daylight came. They’d helped me enough to have a good night’s sleep.

  “Your abilities are quite interesting aren’t they? How you can pass them on to those you touch, but some things change. Like how Rose couldn’t catch a scent while invisible with you,” Alex mused out loud.

  “Yeah, it’d be wonderful to meet someone and learn all there is to know about whatever the hell I am. I doubt our Elemental friend will know how,” I sighed.

  “Her name is Evelyn Green, an Elemental witch,” Alex stated.

  “Evelyn Green?” I raised an eyebrow. “She sounds like she should be my old next-door neighbor who bakes cookies all the time.”

  “Well, she is old. 80 years to be exact, although she doesn’t look it. She’s a mid-range witch, and she uses potions to slow her aging,” Alex explained.

  “Hey, you told me Elementals can be human as well if there is some supernatural blood in the lines. What happens if they discover it and they have no idea what they are?”

  “The Council usually catches wind of it in some way, and they send out someone to teach them about what they are.”

  “Oh, that’s nice of them.”

  “The Council is… interesting. They are made of powerful, old beings from all the species. There’s a high-range vampire witch even in their ranks,” Alex murmured.

  “At least they do what they’re meant to, unlike most political groups,” I muttered.

  Alex cast me an amused look before shaking his head.

  “Do you think she’ll know about Jasmine?” I turned to him.

  “I have no idea honestly, you can ask,” he shrugged. “So, are we on… better terms now?” he shot me a questioning look.

  “Do you mean, am I going to be a sarcastic, nasty bitch to you all the time or am I starting to forgive you? I’m working on it,” I gave him a half smile.

  Alex swallowed but didn’t say anything, but I noticed the soft smile creep across his face.

  “We’re here,” Alex broke the silence that had settled on us as we pulled into an underground garage.

  I drew in a shaky breath, excited but nervous at the prospect of learning more about myself.

  Alex found a parking spot with ease and pulled in, and we sat quietly in the car for a few moments after he shut the engine off.

  “Thank you,” he murmured after a moment.

  “For what?” I gave him a quizzical look.

  “For starting to forgive me. It means the world to me. Hopefully, one day, I can forgive myself,” he sighed, his blue eyes sad as he searched my face.

  “Well, if I’m going to work for you for God knows how long, I need to move past all this,” I gave him a lighthearted smile.

  “Right,” he turned away as he stared hard at the steering wheel.

  “You okay?” I reached out to touch his arm. He seemed… off. Was it still bothering him so much?

  “Yeah, let’s see what Evelyn knows,” he smiled as he glanced at my hand on his suit sleeve. I removed my hand, hesitating before exiting the Jag.

  Alex led the way, and I hurried after him, praying that this Elemental witch had some answers for me.

  “Alex! It’s so good to finally meet you! I do love me an Australian.”

  My eyes widened at the elegantly dressed woman who looked no older than thirty-five. She sure was hitting those potions hard to stay young. Her brown hair was done up in a tight bun, and her green eyes popped with the amount of eye makeup she wore. I felt like we’d interrupted some fancy evening with how she was dressed in her fiery red dress and silver heels.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Evelyn,” Alex gave her a curt nod as she twirled around him, her eyes scouring him as she bit her lip.

  Ugh, great.

  “Oh, that accent, you haven’t lost it,” Evelyn closed her eyes in delight at his voice, and I rolled my eyes as I stood awkwardly a few steps behind the pair.

  Alex cleared his throat as he took a few steps back to plant himself beside me, and Evelyn’s slightly displeased look brought me guilty pleasure.

  That’s right, he’s still into me, witch.

  I bit my lip as the thought ran through my mind, and I glanced at him. He still looked as devilishly handsome as the first day I walked into his office. That charming smile that always made me catch my breath.

  “Interesting,” Evelyn murmured, and I snapped my focus back to h

  She was watching me with a bemused expression, but sighed as she clasped her hands together.

  “Come, sit down, drinks?” she offered as she waved her hand at the black leather couches by the full wall-length windows. The city glittered outside around us, the standard noise non-existent this high up.

  “I’m fine,” Alex shook his head as he waited for me to make a move.

  “Just water, thanks,” I pursed my lips as I strode over to the nearest couch. Alex plopped down beside me, and I didn’t bother to shuffle away from the close proximity we now had.

  Evelyn glided into the kitchen and returned in only moments with water and a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

  I raised an eyebrow at this and Alex tried to hide his chuckle with a forced cough.

  Definitely my old neighbor in a young body.

  “So, you must be Ivy McCloud. Alex tells me you’re an Elemental. A fire one too at that,” Evelyn sat across from us, her sky blue dress dipping down as she leaned forward to take a cookie.

  I managed not to scowl at her obvious flirtation, but a look at Alex informed me he hadn’t even noticed. He was too busy looking at me.

  I grabbed a cookie and shoved it into my mouth to avoid acknowledging the slow rising heat in my cheeks.

  “Were your parents supernatural at all?” she asked as she leaned back, her dewdrop earrings catching the light from the overhead fixtures. Similar to a pair my mother had gifted to me.

  “I didn’t think so, but some childhood friends informed me the school I went to, Viridian, was for supes only. So now I’m not so sure,” I said after swallowing. Damn, she was a good cook. These were heavenly and deliciously chewy.

  “Viridian, I know of it,” Evelyn nodded, her bright green eyes flicking to Alex.

  “Did vampires go there?” I turned to Alex; ignoring the tender look he was giving me. Why was he staring?


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