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GhostRealm Page 11

by Vera Sparks

  “No, there are vampire laws that must be obeyed. One is that no one under sixteen may be turned. So no vampires go to school, they’re mostly too old, and those turned at sixteen, well, school isn’t the ideal place for a newly turned vampire,” Alex informed me. I’d love to one day learn about all the laws and rules for the different races. It would be an interesting learning curve.

  “Oh, I didn’t know that,” I turned back to Evelyn. “So, if I may, what element do you…wield?” I had to momentarily think of the right word to use.

  “Air,” Evelyn gave me a stunning grin, showing off her dazzling white teeth. She raised her hand and the plate of cookies gently rose into the air. I could practically see the quivering air beneath it at work.

  “Wow,” I awed.

  “I went to the Elemental Institute as soon as my ability made itself known. Some people thought I was a high-level witch, some of which can control elements. But it was discovered I was an Elemental as I learned to hone my ability. You see, high-level witches, although they can control some elements, can only do so very minimally. They can’t create it from nothing. Whereas you and I, we can. You can create flames from thin air without any fire around, and I don’t need a breeze to bring mine forth,” she explained as she allowed the plate to slowly drift back down to the table.

  “I was told there are also warlocks?” I queried.

  “Yes, very rare beings they are, capable of great, powerful magic that I can’t even begin to imagine,” Evelyn sighed as she rested back against the couch.

  “You said there is the Institute for Elementals. I’m not sure if Alex explained to you what I am,” I shot Alex a look, and he gave me a nod, “But I was taken to one. In a middle realm.”

  “A middle realm?” Evelyn raised an eyebrow.

  “I met a woman there, she said she was an Elemental. That she’d help me with my abilities if needed, but when I went back to see her, she was different. Like a dangerous spirit, rather… aggressive,” my voice faltered as I could see the utter uncertainty on her face. She had no idea what I was talking about, and I deflated.

  “I’m sorry Ivy, I don’t know anything about this. Alex told me what you were, and about your unique powers, but I can’t help you there,” Evelyn sighed. “I was planning on helping you understand your element and learn to wield it, but,” she paused as she shot Alex a distressed look.

  “But what?” Alex leaned forward, frowning at the witch.

  “There’s much more to this. Having also gone to Viridian, Ivy is not just an Elemental. And by teaching her how to use her powers, how to control it, I might be doing more harm than good. Are your parents still around?” Evelyn asked.

  I stared at her, my heart in my throat. What the hell was with people refusing to help me this week? First the Fae and now her? Let’s not even get started on Percy. What was wrong with me? Did they know something I didn’t?

  “Her father still is,” Alex answered when I made no indication of doing so.

  He placed a reassuring hand on my knee and I relaxed slightly.

  “I think your best bet would be to find him. What is his name?” Evelyn played with the dark blue pendant around her neck.

  Alex looked to me, and I realized I’d never told him.

  “Graham McCloud,” I muttered as I slouched back into the couch, glaring at the arm of it. I focused on my breathing as I felt the anger bubbling inside. Probably best not to set something on fire here.

  “Hmm,” Evelyn chewed her lip as she looked away quickly.

  “What? What do you know?” Alex leaned forward, and I turned back.

  “Nothing,” Evelyn said, but she was too quick to reply.

  “You know something, and you’re going to tell me,” Alex gave her a suggestive smile.

  I leaned forward, my heart pounding slightly faster as I watched Evelyn squirm.

  He was doing it, that thing vampires did where they could make people do as they asked. It only worked on humans, but witches, being more human than most, we’re susceptible apparently.

  “I-I can’t,” she gasped, her face reddening.

  “Tell me,” Alex leaned forward, his bright blue eyes locked onto Evelyn as she cowered back.

  She gasped and choked, clawing at her neck as her face began to turn blue.

  “Stop it, Alex!” I snapped.

  He pulled back and Evelyn gasped as she drew in mouthfuls of air.

  “I cannot tell you, it is forbidden!” Evelyn’s eyes flashed angrily as she leaped to her feet.

  Alex gave a soft sound of surprise as he was whipped from his seat by a whirlwind and hurled across the room.

  “I rescind your invitation!” she shouted.

  I gaped as Alex hurtled towards the door. It snapped open, and he was thrown outside by an unseen force.

  “What did you just do?!” I turned back to the witch, who turned her furious eyes on me.

  “Want a vampire gone? Rescind your invitation. They can’t enter private residences without it, and taking it away forces them out,” she spat. “All I can offer you is the instruction to find your father. He can answer your questions.”

  “But you know something, don’t you?” I tried to keep my voice calm.

  “I said out!” Evelyn raised her hand, and I managed to go wispy before the blast of wind hit me.

  She gave my translucent form a shocked look before scowling.

  “I’m leaving,” I growled, and jumped outside her door.

  “Well, that was unexpected,” Alex muttered as I appeared beside him while he straightened his suit and hair.

  “What was happening to her? Were you doing that?” I asked, giving him a worried look.

  “No, our ability doesn’t do that,” he shook his head. “My guess is someone cast a powerful spell so she couldn’t speak about your father.”

  “Why? Who would do that?” I pursed my lips. There was so much I didn’t know.

  “I don’t know, finding your Dad will probably answer that,” Alex said.

  This meeting had only given me more questions than answers, and if I was alive, I knew I’d have one hell of a headache.

  “Let’s get you home, you’ve got some of Philip’s gang to check out tomorrow. Maybe just staking out their homes will give your friends the opportunity needed to catch a scent. Otherwise you’ll have to wait until nightfall,” Alex said.

  Right. The original case we were focused on. Alena.

  Why was all this happening at once?

  “How long until dawn?” I asked.

  “Still a few hours,” Alex said as we started back to the elevator.

  “I won’t go home just yet then, I’ll let them sleep.”

  “Wanna get a drink then? I’m sure with all the unanswered questions you’ve got, a drink would be good,” he offered.

  “Yep, thank God I can still get tipsy,” I laughed, trying to shake off the gnawing feeling in my gut. Who was hiding information about my father? And why? What was I exactly?

  “Well, let’s head to Vampire’s Delight, I haven’t tried their blood beer brews,” Alex suggested. “Besides, maybe Jeremy will give us some new information.”

  Jeremy. I could only imagine what he was going through right now.

  “They serve normal beverages too,” Alex added with a grin as he held his arm out for me to lead the way.



  I relaxed as we entered the rather quiet bar. Being so close to dawn meant many of the usual patrons had dispersed, leaving only the stragglers.

  Old music was playing; this time I recognized the band as ‘Queen’. Someone had good taste.

  I glanced around, unable to spy Jeremy anywhere. Maybe he’d taken some time off, and I didn’t blame him.

  “What would you like?” Alex asked as he moved towards the bar.

  “Whatever will make me not worry about… everything, but not beer,” I sighed.

  “Okay, grab us a booth, I’ll get us some drinks,” Alex gave me a warm

  I nodded, grateful I didn’t have to order or speak to anyone. I was too people’d out now. My mind was a mess, and I just wanted it to shut down.

  I couldn’t wrap my head around what I was, and the fact that I was apparently more than just an Elemental ghost thing. Someone had cast a powerful spell so that Evelyn couldn’t even speak to me about my father. It made me worry about him now. He’d been a good father; I couldn’t blame him for how he acted after Mom died, but bailing on me? Never reaching out? That hurt like nothing else, and I’d spent years trying to squash it down and pretend it didn’t bother me. Then there was Percy being an idiot and our fight.

  And there was Alena. Sweet Alena who I’d never see again, who’s random treats and brownies would never find their way into our kitchen. Her caring and vibrant conversations and gentle smiles.

  Figuring out who killed her was difficult. And why? Why would anyone want to hurt such a sweet girl?

  “I got you some fancy raspberry cocktail thing, I forget the name,” Alex said as he set the pink cocktail before me, the rim covered in sparkling pink sugar.

  “Thanks,” I managed to say as I twirled the straw in it.

  “I got some beer brew, ‘Rocky Mountain Desire’,” Alex said with a perplexed look at the name.

  I ignored the tinge of red to his ‘beer’. This was mostly a vampire bar.

  “Do you ever miss being alive?” I asked, trying to ease my mind with a slurp of my cocktail. Surely being undead was better than this. After years you’d get used to people dying and just other random crap I guess.

  “Sometimes,” Alex’s voice was soft as he sipped his beer.

  “Why?” I demanded as I continued downing my cocktail faster than needed.

  “Some things are easier when you’re mortal. Families, love, relationships. This world, the one you step into once you become a vampire, it’s much darker. Literally,” he scoffed. “You never get to feel the touch of the sun on your skin again, hear the joy and life that you get accustomed to while living. No more singsong of birds, hearing the laughter of kids as they play in playgrounds. It’s the little things.” He kept his eyes on his drink as he spoke.

  I mulled over his words as I downed the last of my sweet cocktail. I was definitely going to need another.

  But I’d never really thought about all that Alex lost when he became a vampire. To never see the blue sky again. To never spend any time out during the daylight hours.

  It really would suck.

  And he could never have a family of his own. Vampires couldn’t reproduce, and they couldn’t turn children, I’d recently discovered.

  I sighed as I took in his solemn expression as he downed more of his beer. Life wasn’t easier being one of the undead.

  “I’m going to get another,” I stated as I stood up. I wanted to forget everything, even just for a few hours. Being whatever I was meant getting drunk, once you did, didn’t last long.

  “You finished that quick,” Alex remarked.

  “Not quick enough,” I murmured as I headed for the bar.

  I ordered a handful of vodka shots despite the bartender's disturbed look. I didn’t recognize her, and I vaguely wondered where Ally was. It was probably her night off. I paid for my drinks straight up, as were the rules here.

  Alex gave me an intrigued look but said nothing as I sat down next to him with my multiple vodkas.

  “You said you had a prodigy, you never told me about them?” I downed one of the glasses, the heat rushing through me as it burned its way down my throat and warmed me up inside.

  “I don’t like to talk about it,” Alex focused on his beer as he traced the label on it.

  “Why not? Isn’t a prodigy like your child?”

  “No. Not always. You made them, but they’re their own person. You can control them to a point. All vampires have a strange control over their prodigies, a bond that can’t be broken unless you release them.”

  “Release them?” I frowned. What did that mean?

  “You can release them from being bonded to you. While bonded, they can always find you, and you them. They can get summoned to you easily, there’s more but I won’t bore you with the details. But you can release them from being bound to you, setting them free.”

  “Wow, that’s strange,” I focused back on my glasses as I raised another to my lips.

  “Don’t you think you should slow down?” Alex said as he leaned towards me, as if he intended to take my glass from me.

  I swatted his hand away with a scowl.

  “Don’t you think you should shut up?” I gave him a half smile to let him know I was joking. Sort of.

  He sighed and allowed me to down my next glass. I pulled a face as it burned through me, but I savored the harsh liquid.

  “What’s their name? Your prodigy, and why don’t you want to talk about them?” I pushed.

  “It’s not something I want to get into,” he said as he removed his jacket and slouched back against the booth.

  I took in his strong jawline, the layer of stubble he always had. It never seemed to grow, or he probably shaved daily. For all I knew their hair stopped growing once they were turned. Now that I thought about it, I’m pretty sure he had told me that. That’d be nice, never having to shave again. My leg hairs had stopped growing since I’d become this ghost thing, it was a relief.

  His blue eyes were dark in the dim-lit room, but I could see he was walling himself off. Just another question left unanswered. I’d let him keep his prodigy secret for now then. I was too busy trying to enjoy the warm buzz that was starting to seep through my body. I downed my final glass, closing my eyes as I listened to ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ playing on the jukebox. A brilliant masterpiece, even I knew that with my limited musical tastes.

  I opened my eyes to find Alex staring at me, his shadowed eyes filled with… lust? Despair?

  They were a mix of emotions, but I focused on the one I wanted.

  This nice warmth that filled me made me want to finally do what I hadn’t done before.

  I leaned forward suggestively, slowly moving in, allowing him time to move away.

  He tensed as I brushed my lips against his, tasting the unique blend of beer and blood on his lips. It didn’t sway me, and he didn’t pull away.

  I kissed him softly at first, and his tender lips moved against mine slowly, cautiously.

  I moved my body closer, not caring who saw as I deepened the kiss.

  Alex relaxed as he kissed me back, his mouth opening to allow me in.

  I dragged my tongue over his elongated fangs, not caring about their deadly tips or what they’d done to me.

  It felt like so long ago now.

  Alex broke the kiss abruptly as he clenched his hand on the table and looked away.

  “What?” I growled, pissed that he’d broken it. Was he upset with me? What was wrong?

  “You’ve been drinking, you’re not thinking straight,” he sighed as he struggled to close his mouth with his fangs sticking out.

  “I think my thinking is quite good right now,” I stated in annoyance.

  “I should get you home, I need to head home too,” he turned to me, waiting for me to move out of the booth to let him out.

  “It’s still at least an hour until dawn,” I stared hard at him.

  Why couldn’t he just enjoy it?

  “I’m not going to take advantage of you when you’ve been drinking, Ivy. It’s not right, and it’s not what I want,” he turned away from me as his teeth shrunk back into his mouth.

  “You don’t want me now?” I crossed my arms, a smirk playing on my lips.

  “You know I do, I always have,” he muttered, his blue eyes stormy and torn.

  “Then why stop?” I whispered.

  “Because when you’re sober, you’ll hate me for allowing this,” he indicated between us.

  “You know it’s going to take a lot more than a few drinks to get someone like me drunk. I’ve tested it. I’m only tipsy,” I g
ave him a soft smile.

  He just stared at me, and I could see his mind working to figure out if I was telling the truth.

  “Still, this is not how I wanted this to happen,” he murmured.

  “I wish it could’ve been on one of our dates, you were always so kind and sweet. Such a gentleman. Which is why you won’t allow yourself to…” I let the sentence hang as I gave him an understanding look.

  “You’re with Percy,” he stated, as if he was coming up with reasons as to why he couldn’t enjoy the moment.

  “Not really, I’d say we’re on a break, more or less. Or completely split,” I shrugged.

  “I don’t want to just be some rebound guy,” Alex’s eyes flashed.

  “Oh, so you thought we were going to have sex?” I gave him a sly grin, to which he shifted uncomfortably.

  “I’ve been told that vampires' fangs can protrude when they’re aroused,” I bit my lip as I dragged my eyes over him. I’d known it since we’d first dated, but pointing it out was fun.

  I did wonder what he’d be like. What a vampire would be like in bed.

  “You’re lying about not being drunk,” he said as he gently tried to move me.

  I refused, and gasped when he flitted instead and I found myself in his arms beside his car. Damn, they did move fast.

  “I’m taking you home,” he stated as he opened up the backseat. Was he really that worried that I’d jump him that he wouldn’t allow me in the front seat? At least my buzzing mind was only focused on one thing.

  “Alex,” I breathed as he slid me onto the backseat, being ultra careful with his hands. He hesitated, his face beside mine. It was all I needed.

  I mustered my ghost strength to pull him on top of me, catching his mouth with mine. I moaned despite how his body tensed against mine, but his mouth welcomed me.

  I pulled back to smile at him, chewing my lip as I stared at him. His blue eyes had lust and desire swirling in them, but guilt as well.

  I’d caught him.

  “We’re both adults,” I said huskily as I nibbled on his earlobe.

  His body quivered against mine, and I felt the push against my hip.


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