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GhostRealm Page 12

by Vera Sparks

  “You should close the door, I know the tinting on these windows will hide us,” I suggested as I kissed his neck.

  “You are an absolute torture,” Alex moaned as he kissed my neck and pulled my leg up over his hip, causing my skirt to ride up high.

  “I want you Alex, I’ve always wanted you, ever since I first stepped foot into your office,” I breathed, trembling as his hand dragged up my leg and stopped high on my thigh.

  “But things changed after…” he stiffened and my heart dropped. After what he’d done. I knew that.

  “I’m forgiving you, it’s hard, what you did was not easy for me to get past, but it wasn’t you either. If I blame anyone, it’s the men who attacked you,” I murmured.

  “I can’t, Ivy. I want to, but with Percy, I just, I want you. All of you, and I’m selfish,” he gave me a sheepish grin as he unhooked my leg.

  I pouted, my body aching and needy.

  “And I won’t do this unless you’re sober and it’s what you really want,” he sighed, and I could hear the defeat and deflation in his voice. He’d wanted to, so badly.

  “Alex,” I groaned, clinging to his shirt to hold him against me. I vaguely wondered where his jacket was.

  “You’re killing me,” his voice was strained and pained as he pulled my hands off.

  Before I could make another move, he’d flitted out and closed the door on me.

  I considered hurling a perfect retort to that, but I bit my tongue. I’d just said I was forgiving him, no need to make it seem untrue.

  Alex dropped me home in awkward silence, and the buzz from my drinks had worn off, leaving me cold and empty with my thoughts. And slightly horny, but that was fading fast thanks to my rejection.

  “Call me if you get anything,” he said, averting his eyes as he handed me the list of Philip’s men.

  “Will do,” I murmured, not sure what else to say. I’d jumped him, albeit tipsy, maybe more drunk than I thought, but I had seriously wanted it.

  Was it just because I wanted an escape from everything that was going on? I had no idea, but he’d been a gentleman. But now it was just awkward. What do you say after something like that?

  Thanks for the drinks, sucks you didn’t want to have sex with me when I threw myself at you. Yeah, maybe I was hurt because of Percy and wanted to forget everything, even though I know you want something serious.

  Yeah, I’d be a downright slut. A complete bitch for doing that to him.

  “Sorry,” I mumbled.

  “It’s fine,” Alex said as he swallowed and stared out the windscreen.

  “Not really,” I muttered.

  “You’re stressed, things have been tough, you had a few drinks, it’s okay, Ivy. Don’t sweat it,” Alex said, but I could hear the pain and hurt there.

  “I do care about you Alex. I do… feel… for you,” I hesitated, unsure how to continue.

  “Just try to forget about it. We’ll pretend it didn’t happen.”

  I clenched my jaw, the memory of the kiss we’d shared. It felt much more than that. More meaningful. I didn’t want to forget it. We were close, we’d had our moments, and I knew, despite everything, that there could be a chance for us. One day.

  “I don’t want to, I enjoyed kissing you, Alex. You’ve always been so good to me and I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did. I should’ve given you a chance,” I said.

  “Well, let’s just not worry about it right now. Dawn’s coming, and I need to make sure I’m gone by then,” Alex stated.

  I tried to fight back the tears that stung my eyes. Had I screwed up any chance with him? I’d messed up with Percy, and now Alex. It hurt so much to think I’d lost my chance with him after everything we’d been through. Why was I such an idiot?

  “Don’t cry, Ivy. I’ve always known you feel for me as well. Our relationship is just… unique. Maybe one day we can try, but not right now. There’s too much… else, going on,” he murmured as he leaned out his window to wipe the tears from my eyes.

  “It’s so tempting to just vanish, to hide from this,” I managed a half-hearted laugh.

  “There’s nothing to hide from. Nothing’s changed, Ivy. I just won’t take advantage of you when you’re going through so much. God knows I want to be with you, but not just for one night. We’ll see where life takes us, maybe we’ll have our chance to try this out,” he gave me a hopeful smile.

  “Yeah, maybe,” I sniffled.

  “You just get some rest, enjoy the company of your friends,” he murmured.

  I nodded as he gave me one last soft smile before saying goodbye.

  I watched stupidly as he drove off, leaving me standing on the footpath feeling like an utter idiot.

  Why was I such an ass?

  I made my way to my apartment, scowling as I remembered I gave my keycard to Shane. I jumped inside, staying translucent as I wandered into my bedroom, intent on having a shower.

  I vaguely wondered how Axle was doing with Maurice. I wouldn’t go pick him up until she was more awake, besides, there was no rush, I always gave her extra food to feed him each time I picked him up.

  Rose was snuggled into my sheets, deep in sleep, so I decided to just go straight for the shower and not worry about getting clothes just yet. I drifted through the door and became solid to lock it and start the shower. My body ached and the buzz was long gone now. I just wanted a hot shower to clean up. To hopefully wash away my stupidity. The more I thought about it the more I cursed myself. Why had I jumped him? I was attracted to him; I did care for him, and I was slowly forgiving him for what had happened. But I’d also been with Percy, and I wasn’t sure if we were even broken up or what. Not to mention the train wreck that was my life right now.

  Was he right? Was I just trying to get my mind off everything for a few ecstatic moments with him?

  Probably, but the thought of being with Alex, of tasting his lips and having his cool hands explore my body, it exhilarated me. He would do everything to please me, to make me happy.

  Could I say the same for Percy?

  I grumbled as I stripped down and clambered into the shower, the hot water washing over me. I stood quietly as I beat myself up, wanting to cry from my actions. Stupid head, stupid horny body.

  I sighed as I reached for the soap. Nothing I could do about it now. I’d worry about it tonight when I had to go into work.

  For now, I’d focus on helping Rose and Shane locate these vamps and see what we could find. They’d be sleeping, so we’d just stake out their homes and see what the two ‘wolves noses could catch, if anything. Otherwise we’d have to wait until night to properly go after them. I thought this option was much safer.

  I mulled over everything that had happened over the past couple of days in the shower for far longer than I needed to, before finally stepping out and drying off.

  When I stepped back into my room, Rose was sitting up watching me, the light from the bathroom illuminating her form on the bed.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” I sighed. Damn supersensitive werewolf hearing.

  “It’s okay, I was wondering how your night went,” Rose asked as she flattened out the sheet around her. “This bed is so comfy too.”

  “Thanks,” I said as I strode over to my wardrobe with my towel wrapped around me. “Close your eyes.”

  Rose did as instructed and turned away as I dropped my towel and quickly threw on some jeans and a blue shirt.

  “I had a meeting with an Elemental witch,” I stated as I pulled my shirt over my head.

  “Oh, so Alex found them. How’d that go?” Rose turned back, assuming I was dressed.

  “Interesting. She wouldn’t teach me anything and mentioned my parents. Alex tried to force her to tell us about my father as she knew more than she was telling, but she started choking. It seems someone has cast a powerful spell to hide my father,” I informed her as I darted into the bathroom to hang up my towel before plopping onto the end of the bed.

  “Damn, that’s
weird,” Rose murmured, a soft frown marring her still sleepy face.

  “Yeah, she said it was forbidden to speak of my father,” I shrugged, not quite understanding what was so bad.

  “Someone powerful doesn’t want him to be found. But why?” Rose’s frown deepened as she pondered it.

  “I have no idea,” I groaned as I ran my fingers through my wet, tangled hair.

  “So, what now?” Rose asked as she rested her head on her knees, her red curls a riotous mess.

  “Well, he gave me a list of all Philip’s vampires and their addresses. I figured we’d go around to their homes and sniff around outside, see if you pick up the scent. If not, we’ll have to wait for tonight and try to follow some of them,” I sighed. This was going to be a tedious mission.

  “Shane will be up soon, he works as an electrician, so he has an early body alarm clock thing,” Rose murmured as she closed her eyes. “I’m glad my boss is letting me take some time off, I only normally work three days a week anyway.”

  “There’s no rush, get some more sleep, you look tired,” I urged her as I stood up.

  “Maybe a few more minutes,” Rose yawned as she nestled back against the pillows.

  I flicked the bathroom light off and headed out into the living room, where Shane was snoring softly on the couch. He had my old blue fleece blanket on him that I bought as my first blanket when I found myself alone after my eighteenth birthday.

  I smiled as I padded past him, intent on making them some breakfast. I knew I had some bacon and eggs in my fridge and fresh bread. Okay, maybe not overly fresh, I’d check it first.

  I got started on cooking, and it didn’t take long for a sleepy-eyed Shane to join me as he sat on the stool across from me and leaned on the countertop. His dirty blond hair was a ruffled mess as he rubbed his eyes and stretched.

  “Thought you might be hungry,” I stated as I cracked the eggs into the sizzling pan.

  “Mmm, bacon,” Shane moaned as he eyed the uncooked bacon sitting on the bench.

  “Let me cook it first,” I rolled my eyes with a soft laugh.

  “Any word from Percy?” he asked.

  I stiffened as I focused on placing the slivers of bacon neatly in the pan.

  “No, nothing,” I muttered. I’d checked my phone after my shower, and there was nothing from him.

  However, there was a text from Alex wanting to make sure I was okay, that he didn’t want things to change between us.

  I hadn’t replied because I wasn’t sure how.

  “He’ll come around,” Shane said.

  I wanted to talk to him, or even Rose, about Alex. About my constant battling feelings for him. But they were ‘wolves and Percy was one of their own. They’d side with him no matter what.

  “I’ve got a list of vamps who work for Philip and their addresses, thought we’d sniff around their places while they’re asleep and see if we can pick up a scent,” I stated as I flipped the fried eggs. I hated sunny side up. Too gooey and runny and just yuck.

  “Cool, hopefully we get something,” Shane nodded, and I could see his mouth practically watering.


  I grinned stupidly as Rose came flying out of my room excitedly.

  “There’s enough for both of you,” I chuckled, but then wondered if there actually was. They were ‘wolves after all. To be safe, I tossed a few more pieces into the pan as Rose joined Shane.

  “You didn’t have to make us breakfast,” Rose said, but her wide, hungry eyes betrayed her.

  “You’re my guests,” I shrugged.

  “I’m not complaining,” Shane grinned.

  I popped on a few pieces of toast as I grabbed some orange juice out of the fridge.

  I waited for the bacon to cook thoroughly before serving them up, buttering two slices of toast each for them and placing the two glasses of juice before them.

  “What about yourself?” Shane asked as he pulled his plate close and accepted the cutlery I offered him.

  “I’m not hungry, I barely eat,” I said as I gave Rose her plate and cutlery.

  “Mmmmm…” Shane moaned as he shoved a piece of hot bacon into his mouth, not even bothering to cut it up.

  “Enjoy,” I smiled as I poured myself a glass of juice and walked over to the couch.

  “Thanks!” Rose threw after me as she dug in, and I smiled as I sat on the couch. I’d love to have them as roommates. I’d often considered getting one, but explaining what I was would be hard, and my spare room was a mess.

  But I knew them from school, we got along well, and I did think it’d be fun having them around more.

  Maybe I’d just invite them over a lot more. It was always nice hanging out with them.

  “Do you mind if I have a shower after breakfast?” Rose asked as she swallowed.

  “Knock yourself out.”

  Our day was uneventful following breakfast. Rose and Shane changed after I jumped to Rose’s place and collected some clothing and toothbrushes for them. Shane couldn’t get over how it was so easy and quick for me to do so as he rattled off all the things he’d do if he had my ability.

  It made me realize there really was so much more I could do if I wanted to.

  We made the rounds to all the homes Alex had listed for us, but Rose and Shane couldn’t catch the scent. Whether or not it was because the vamps were locked away in their coffins or not we weren’t sure. But it was a massive letdown.

  “We’ll just tail them tonight,” was Shane’s suggestion, which was already Plan B anyway. Despite how it meant having to return to the homes at sunset or go to the warehouse in hopes they were there. We’d have to stake out each house on a different day at sunset to catch the vampire leaving and try to catch the scent while it was fresh.

  We spent the afternoon at a local waffle house at Shane’s request, and I did thoroughly enjoy my maple syrup, ice-cream, and chocolate covered waffles, as did my two companions.

  I’d called Maurice on the way, who was more than happy to continue minding Axle until tomorrow. I felt bad, just dumping him on her like this. He’d surely be wondering where I was, but I had quite a few things going on right now.

  I couldn’t wait to snuggle up next to him on the couch again though.

  “I say we go back to the first place and just wait for the sun to set. If anyone’s dodgy it’s him. What kind of vampire has a cat?” Shane recoiled at the memory of the fluffy white cat we’d seen in the window.

  “To be honest, that probably makes him less of a suspect,” I said around a mouthful of heavenly waffle.

  “Why? If he had a dog, sure, but a cat?” Shane pulled a disgusted face and Rose giggled.

  “Because, why would a horrid, murderous vampire have a pet that he has to care for? Don’t you just think that’s weird?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “Cats are terrible creatures,” Shane narrowed his eyes as he aggressively rammed a forkful of waffle and chocolate into his mouth. He looked like a child about to throw a tantrum.

  “I agree with Ivy, I feel someone who is so willing to kill wouldn’t have a pet,” Rose sided with me. “Even if it’s a cat,” she added with a wink.

  “Ugh, fine. What about the second place? That uppity house that was too well cared for.”

  “And that is relevant why?” I couldn’t contain the stupefied smile that spread across my face.

  “Because, he must be a sociopath to be such a clean freak. Those lawns and hedges were spot on,” Shane said.

  “Heather’s place is pretty perfect too, I guess I better be careful she doesn’t come for me,” I threw at him as Rose laughed.

  “Besides, if they’re vamps and they work for Philip, they can probably afford a gardener, so it’s probably not his own doing. But we’ll start there,” Rose said as she delicately licked some maple syrup off of her fork.

  “Thank you,” Shane mumbled as he shoveled more waffles into his mouth.

  “Well, guess we’ll head back there once we’ve finished here. Although
we’ve still got a few hours until sunset to kill,” I said.

  “You don’t have to be our guide, Ivy. If you’ve got something better you’d like to do until it’s closer to sunset we can just meet you back at that place. We can just check out our old neighborhood or something,” Rose offered.

  “What could I possibly have better to do than hang out with my old friends?” I gave them a sly smile.

  “Well, then we’re going to drag you to our old neighborhood, your Mom used to drop you off at our house some weekends, I’m sure you remember the place. Mom and Dad are in the middle of selling it to move down to our area,” Rose said.

  “Yeah, it was one of the few houses in that street with a decent-sized yard. You’re lucky you didn’t live in an apartment,” I said.

  “You didn’t live in an apartment either,” Rose said.

  “I know, I’m just saying,” I threw my hands up defensively but grinned.

  “We should drive by your old place too, if you want,” Shane offered.

  “Nah, thanks but I don’t want to,” I said as I shifted uncomfortably. I didn’t want to drive past the home where my mother had spent her last few days. It was heart wrenching to remember her like that. I preferred to focus on the memories of us going to the parks and drawing together. The days when I’d help her bake cakes and muffins and help to prepare my lunch for the following school day.

  Even just the times when I sat with her and watched her crime shows with her, the way she laughed at the dark humor wrapped up in them.

  “You okay?” Rose asked softly as she touched my arm.

  “Yeah,” I blinked, realizing my eyes were blurry and forcing the sudden rise of tears and sadness back. “Just remembering my Mom.”

  “I’m sorry,” Rose gave Shane an accusing look before smiling.

  “You know what, I’m buying you a vanilla milkshake. You used to love those,” she declared as she stood up.

  I didn’t get a chance to say no as she strode off, her fiery red hair a perfect representation of her fiery, passionate spirit. It was why I’d loved being her friend all those years ago. I always envied how confident and sure of herself she’d been.


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