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Page 14

by Vera Sparks

  I stayed in the room as Jeremy left and Philip’s men trickled back in.

  “Everything all right boss?” one of his men asked.

  “Perfect. My prodigy is just learning what it means to be immortal,” Philip said.

  “You sure he’ll come around?” the same man asked.

  “Of course. We’re the only family he has now. He’ll come back to us. He’ll get over his attachment to humanity.”

  I drifted out once they started going over numbers and money for the fights, my mind whirling.

  I think I finally knew who our killer was.

  I had to tell Alex.

  I jumped to the office immediately to find both Alex and Danny discussing some case with Janet.

  “I think I know who killed Alena,” I blurted, bringing their conversation to an abrupt end.

  “Who?” Danny flitted before me, his face pulled tight as he tried to keep his calm.

  “Don’t do anything stupid, Danny. Did your friends catch the scent again?” Alex was beside him in an instant trying to be the voice of reason.

  I caught my breath at seeing him finally after our heated session. But he gave no inclination of how he felt after it, just pure business. Maybe that should worry me. Was he hiding his hurt and confusion by it? We really needed to have a proper talk about it.

  “No, I tailed Jeremy,” I shook my head as Janet wandered over, her eyes narrowed in curiosity.

  “And?” Danny urged me on.

  “He went to see Philip. It sounded like Philip did not like Jeremy being with Alena. He didn’t like his prodigy parading around with a human and showcasing his soft spot for humanity,” I said.

  Danny’s face hardened as he took this in and Alex sighed.

  “That’s not enough evidence to prove Philip did it, just motive. Why would Philip risk ruining his bond with his prodigy?” Alex shook his head in frustration at my outburst.

  “Because he wanted Jeremy back working for him. It sounds like Jeremy turned his back on it all when he got with Alena, something that pissed Philip off.”

  “Still, why risk murder?” Janet offered her words.

  “Because ancient vampires like him don’t care much for today’s laws,” Alex pondered it. “If what you’re saying is true, it’s highly likely he had a part in it.”

  “I think we should ask Jeremy if he thinks his sire is that despicable that he would do something like this,” Danny fumed.

  “He’s not at the warehouse anymore,” I said.

  “You should see if there’s any word from your friends, if they happened to catch another scent,” Alex flicked his head at me.

  I nodded and pulled out my phone to call Rose.

  She answered on the second ring with a sigh.

  “Please tell me you have something?” Rose groaned. “We’ve been going to all these houses and nothing. I’m beginning to think our noses are broken.”

  “They’re not. We think it might’ve been Philip himself. He was annoyed with Jeremy for leaving the business and turning his back on Philip for a more mortal pursuit.”

  “Damn, his own sire would really do that?” Rose suddenly sounded alert and awake.

  “It’s possible.”

  “So, what are you going to do?” Rose asked.

  “Danny wants to ask Jeremy if he believes his sire is capable of it,” I glanced at Alex who didn’t shun the idea and just shrugged. It was better than going to Philip.

  “Don’t you think that might upset him?” Rose said.

  “I get the feeling they’re not overly close,” I said. It reminded me how Alex wouldn’t speak of his prodigy. I’d have to question him later, once I sorted out the whole flinging myself at him thing.

  “Well, it’s better than facing an older vampire. Be careful, we’ll wait for you back at your apartment,” Rose’s worried voice made my stomach knot. She need not worry. I was already dead.

  “I will, you two drive safe,” I said before ending the call.

  “So, you think asking the prodigy is your best bet?” Janet arched an eyebrow as she sat on the edge of the reception desk.

  “Philip is centuries old, I’d rather try my luck with a newly made vampire,” Danny scoffed.

  “You might send him into a rage, suggesting such a thing,” Janet shrugged.

  “He might be able to give us some more evidence,” I said.

  “Or try to hurt one of you,” Janet shot back.

  “Janet, relax, we can handle ourselves. Can you finish up the report for this case while we’re gone?” Alex rested an authoritative hand on her shoulder.

  Janet shot me a look as if she blamed me for being left with the paperwork.

  Sorry, not sorry. Cranky shifter.

  “Fine, but do be careful. I’d hate to find myself out of a job here,” Janet rolled her eyes.

  I swear there were certain shifters, feline shifters, who were just so… careless? No, emotionless. That was it.

  “You don’t need this firm to work as a lawyer,” Alex gave a short laugh.

  “Where should we start looking for him?” Danny asked as Janet stalked off down the hall to her office.

  “I’ll call him. I have his number in case of an emergency,” Alex said as he flipped out his phone.

  “But you made us go tell him in person about Alena,” Danny scowled.

  “It wasn’t something to be done over a call,” Alex shot back as he held his phone to his ear.

  I waited as Alex let the phone ring a few times before ending the call.

  “Voicemail,” he grumbled as he rubbed his chin.

  “We can try his bar?” I said.

  “Or the nightclub?” Danny added.

  “I don’t think he’d go back there. That chick he was dancing with, when I followed him, he flipped out when she tried to come onto him hard. Seems he was trying to momentarily forget Alena but couldn’t go through with it. Something about the vamp not being her. That’s when he went to see Philip,” I said as I bit my lip.

  “Then we’ll try his bar. If not, I have his home address. Flitting will be easier, can you jump there?” Alex turned to me, his blue eyes dark. As if he was masking something, hiding something from me.

  We really needed to fix this.

  “Sure,” I nodded, and jumped as my two companions gave me curt nods and flitted from sight.

  Vampires, they could be quite abrupt at times.

  The bar was a waste of time, Ally was there tonight and she just told us he hadn’t come in yet. He wasn’t planning on coming back for a little while as he took some time to grieve.

  Which left his house. Ally gave us the address despite Alex already having it, and it was nearby to a coffee I’d gone to a few times, so I could jump there and walk the rest of the way while the men flitted there.

  Maybe now we’d finally get some answers.


  I stared at the coffee shop I’d ducked into on a number of occasions for an early morning coffee on my way shopping or to see Maria. It’s usual lively buzz was nonexistent right now and the darkened shop gave me an eerie feeling. I was so used to seeing it alive and filled with patrons, and now it was closed off with the sign unlit.

  Maria. She still hadn’t responded to any of my texts. I figured I’d try to call as I walked the rest of the distance to Jeremy’s house.

  My sneakers padded on the sidewalk as I trudged along, waiting for Maria to magically pick up. I sighed when the call dropped into voicemail. Again.

  Seriously, had she dropped off the face of the earth?

  I was getting worried about her, and I made the decision to check in on her place once this was sorted with.

  I also had to figure out what the hell was going on with Percy and I, and try to make things not so awkward with Alex. This would be fun.

  I spotted my two companions waiting on the sidewalk for me, and I hastened my pace.

  “We figured we’d wait for you before going up,” Danny stated.

  I looked extremel
y out of place in my jeans and top while they wore their fancy suits. Vampires, always determined to out-dress you no matter the situation.

  Alex gazed at me for a few moments longer than needed and I gave him an awkward smile in an attempt to lighten the tenseness I felt. He gave me a half smile before focusing on the house.

  “Well, let’s do this,” he stated as he climbed the stairs to the front door.

  I waited patiently with Danny as Alex knocked and waited.

  Movement could be heard, and I sighed in relief when the door swung open and a not too thrilled Jeremy stared out at us.

  His expression changed to confusion and then hope.

  “Have you figured out who did this?” he asked instantly.

  “Maybe, can we come in?” Alex asked.

  “Of course, c’mon in, all of you,” Jeremy ushered us in. I briefly wondered if the invitation necessary to enter private homes was true for vampire owned homes. I’d have to find out later.

  I couldn’t meet Jeremy’s eyes as I stepped past him and he shut the door behind us. His home was cozy and rather tidy. It actually reminded me of Alena.

  “Alena lived here with me most of the time. She stayed with her parents on some occasions,” Jeremy said, as if he’d read my mind. “That’s why it doesn’t look like a mess. When I slept, she’d tidy up.”

  I smiled as I pictured the small brunette bustling around the living room as she cleaned. Alena had always liked things tidy and neat, but never too sparse. She liked things to be cozy and homey.

  “She even slept with me sometimes,” he said fondly as his eyes glazed over.

  Danny gave him a confused look and Jeremy laughed. “I mean, my coffin is downstairs in the basement. It’s completely cut off down there from light, so sometimes she’d come sleep with me down there. Working a night job meant we could still sleep in bed and cuddle. I got one in there soon after we got together, but I still have a coffin too.”

  My heart ached for the young vampire, how sweet and innocent he was despite the father he’d had. And despite his sire too.

  His distant look as he reminisced made us all uncomfortable as we stood awkwardly around his living room.

  “Right, you guys must have news,” he snapped out of his thoughts with a serious expression.

  “I don’t know how to put this,” Danny grimaced as he rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Is it possible Philip may have done it?” Alex decided to cut to the chase.

  “What? Why would you think it was him?” Jeremy frowned, but his tone wasn’t defensive. More like genuinely curious.

  “We have footage of a vehicle, a vehicle owned by the Black Dogs. We’ve had werewolves track the scent found in her office, which led to Philip’s office. We checked the scents of all his men and they’re not a match. Which leaves us begging the question, was it Philip himself? I understand he’s your sire, but things are… strained, aren’t they?” Alex cleared his throat as Jeremy nodded hesitantly.

  “Would there be any other reason he would do such a thing? Motive?” Alex asked as Jeremy’s shoulders stiffened. We already had a motive, but it was best not to inform Jeremy I’d been following him and spying on him.

  “That bastard,” Jeremy hissed as the rage flared in his eyes. “He hated that I was with her, I spoke to him today and he said shit about my immortality and me only loving her for her humanity,” he closed his eyes as he gritted his teeth, his hands tightening into fists.

  “Let’s not jump to conclusions here,” Alex stepped forward. I could see the uncertainty in his stance, unsure what Jeremy was going to do.

  “I need to ask him, confront him and ask outright. It’s the only way to know for sure,” Jeremy said through clenched teeth, his eyes alight with anger and fury. And pain. I could see it, the utter devastation and despair.

  “We’ll come with you,” Danny jumped in before Alex could say another word, and Alex shot him a stupefied look.

  “Thanks, Philip is centuries old, I’m only a new vampire in comparison. It’d be nice to have some backup,” Jeremy softened as he gave us a grateful look.

  “I’ll come too. I’m an Elemental,” I blurted, not even thinking as I let the words roll out.

  Alex rolled his eyes as he threw his arms up in defeat.

  “I guess we’re all going to go then,” Alex sighed. “You all know this is dangerous as hell, right? Philip doesn’t travel alone. He’ll be where he always is, at his warehouse overseeing everything. He’s a strong, old vampire.”

  “Wait, you’re an Elemental?” Jeremy rewinded as he gave me a surprised look.

  “Yep, she is. She can set things on fire,” Alex cleared it up before focusing on the big issue. “Going in there, just the four of us, could be suicide. We should get more help,” Alex tried to reason.

  “I need to know!” Jeremy snapped but followed that up with a deep, calming breath. Something I pictured Alena had been helping him with.

  “Yeah, but we don’t need to die,” Alex shot back.

  “He wouldn’t dream of it, tell your other colleagues where you are, and alert the Area Enforcer to the possible situation so if something does happen, they know who did it,” Jeremy stated. “And tell Philip as soon as we get there that we’ve done just that.”

  Area Enforcers. Each state had an Area Enforcer. They were typically an ancient, powerful vampire that managed the area. They acted on behalf of the Council where they could to save the Council having to travel out to the area.

  It was a good idea in my opinion; surely Philip wouldn’t dare try to harm us if the Enforcer knew.

  Alex pondered it for a moment then nodded.

  “That could work. Although I doubt Walter will be pleased, but we can give him the heads up,” Alex said slowly.

  So our Area Enforcer was named Walter. How original. At least it wasn’t some standard old vampire name like Victor.

  Alex pulled out his phone and dialed as Jeremy gave me a solemn look. Danny stood firm beside me, waiting patiently as Alex got ahold of Walter.

  “Hey, Walter, Alexander Dawson here,” Alex started but caught himself as a muffled voice greeted him. “Yes, business is good, how’s the family?”

  Family? Walter had one? I thought vampires were notorious loners with maybe a prodigy by their side and other vampires. Was it a real family or a vampire one?

  “That’s great to hear. Listen, I’m just calling to let you know my staff, Daniel Pryce, Ivy McCloud and a friend, Jeremy Lane, are going to visit Philip Murdoch in regards to a vampire murder in my office. We believe he knows something but may respond… unkindly. So I wanted to give you the heads up should anything happen,” Alex glanced around at us as he spoke.

  A muffled reply came and Alex nodded.

  “I know, I should’ve told you sooner about the murder, but I wanted to get as much evidence first to avoid the Council requiring questioning of my colleagues,” Alex carefully chose him words. What he meant was he knew the Council would come after the first vampires they could pin it on before actually investigating.

  “I used a witch to hide the truth of her death for her human family. No need to get more vampire attention in the media than needed,” Alex added. “I understand, we’ll be careful with how we approach Philip, and we’ll call you with an outcome.”

  Alex ended the call and let out an exasperated sigh.

  “Well, he’s not thrilled about all this but will allow it as it’s easier for us to handle small matters like this rather than the Council.”

  “Small matters,” Jeremy scoffed and shook his head harshly. “Death is only a small matter.”

  “To vampires over 500 years old, it is,” Alex nodded.

  “Is that how old Walter is?” I arched an intrigued eyebrow. That was old, even by vampire standards.

  “572 years to be exact last time I checked,” Danny threw in.

  “Wow,” I murmured. Alex was just over a hundred, and Philip was around 200 or 300 from what Alex had said.

  “Well, let’s get this done then,” Jeremy clapped his hands together to focus us.

  “We could still get hurt tonight,” Danny stated.

  “But we need to know the truth. For Alena,” I nodded at Jeremy who gave me a small, thankful smile.

  “All right, Ivy, you good to meet us there?” Alex turned to me, his blue eyes strangely bright. Was he actually excited by this confrontation coming? Or was it uncertainty? I couldn’t tell.

  “Of course,” I nodded.

  “Well, let’s go,” Alex turned to Danny and flicked his head at Jeremy.

  The trio flitted out of the room, slamming the door shut on their way out.

  “Vampires,” I muttered as I jumped after them.

  I glared up at the warehouse. I couldn’t wait to finally be done with this horrid place. But the thought of confronting Philip and the others being put in danger actually worried me.

  Hopefully, the reminder that Walter knew of all this would be enough to grant them safe passage. I hoped. Unless Philip wasn’t afraid of the Area Enforcer. Then we had a problem.

  “How will Ivy get in if she’s visible?” Jeremy asked, and I spun around to find the three vamps standing behind me.

  “I’m assuming only we can see her?” Alex gave me a questioning look.

  “Yeah, you guys can only see me,” I clarified.

  “Alena told me about your abilities quite some time back, it’s pretty awesome,” Jeremy gave me a lopsided smile.

  “Thanks,” I said awkwardly.

  “Well, let’s get this over and done with,” Alex straightened his suit. I wondered if he wanted to hurry it all up before we turned it into something bigger or flipped out.

  Honestly, the idea of bailing was pretty tempting. I would be more than happy to be done with the Black Dogs and their fights and general evilness. To never have to see that arrogant, power hungry man ever again.

  Alex led the way and drifted through the door as they did their mandatory fang-baring thing. Vampires. So freaking weird sometimes.

  Inside the bar end was relaxed like usual as customers drank and talked at the tables. I spied one couple off to my left at one of the tables; the man appeared to be feeding from his companion.


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