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The Tycoon's Temporary Twins

Page 12

by Holly Rayner

“All right, all right, just one more,” he said, landing soft kisses on her lips, cheeks, and forehead before she finally threw a pillow at him to get him to go do as she asked.

  Sophia basked in a warm glow as she waited for her little family to return, which they did very shortly after. Jed cradled their son in his arms after handing their daughter to Sophia, and he joined her on the bed as they stared into their children’s sleeping faces.

  “I think we should name them Jed and Sophia Junior. Make it nice and easy on ourselves.”

  “Ha! Yeah, right,” Sophia said, holding her daughter closer. “Don’t you worry, my dear, I won’t let him name you that.”

  She gazed at her babies, seeing how she felt when she tried out different names with them.

  “What about Lily?” she asked.

  They both watched their daughter squirm a little, her tiny mouth twisting into what appeared to be a smile.

  “I do believe she approves,” Jed said, laughing as he wrapped her hand around his finger. “Excellent choice, Mama. And what about this little scamp?”

  “Milo,” Sophia said with confidence.

  Jed gazed at her.

  “That’s my father’s name.”

  “I know. I looked it up.”

  Jed stared down at his son, love shining through his eyes.

  “Milo it is,” he whispered.

  Together, as a family, they snuggled close, basking in a love they knew would last forever.


  “We’re going to be late.”

  “Everyone is late. That’s the protocol when going to a party.”

  Jed and Sophia stood in front of a large mirror in their bedroom, Jed straightening his shirt collar while Sophia applied the last of her makeup. She looked up at him.

  “Do I have my lipstick straight?” she asked.

  He ran a finger along the base of her lip, dipping his head down to plant a kiss where he had just touched.

  “Nope,” he replied cheerfully.

  She swatted his shoulder playfully.

  “You are such a brute.”

  “And you love me,” he grinned.

  “Lord help me, but I do,” she replied. “Now, let’s get going before we end up missing the party entirely.”

  “Why are we going to this again?”

  “Luis’ birthday party. I owe him one for making a deal while I was on maternity leave, so we have to go.”

  “Where is it?”

  “You remember that little bar we met at a few years back?”

  “Vaguely,” he said, his lip twitching at the corner.

  “Yes, well. Perhaps we can stay a little more sober this time.”

  “Perhaps,” he agreed.

  A little cry escaped from the living room, and Jed and Sophia stepped out to see what the commotion was about. Jed’s father was sitting with little Milo on the couch as the boy fussed.

  “Everything okay out here?” Jed asked.

  Milo senior looked up, his expression calm.

  “Nothing to see here. Just a little spat between these two rascals.”

  Sophia walked over to find Lily glaring at Milo from the corner of the room. She lifted one eyebrow at her daughter.

  “What’s going on, Miss Lily?”

  The babies had recently begun walking on their own, causing all kinds of havoc. Lily stared up defiantly at her mother before looking her over with big, blue eyes.

  “Dress,” she said.

  Sophia glanced down and smiled.

  “Yes. Do you like it?”

  “Want!” Lily demanded, heading towards her mother, who scooped her up in her arms and began ticking Lily’s belly.

  Lily giggled.

  “Maybe someday, but today is not that day. Tonight, Mommy and Daddy are going out without a speck of dirt on our clothing. So here’s one more tickle,” she said, eliciting more laughs from Lily before putting her down.

  “Now, be good for Grandpa Milo, okay? I don’t want to hear any bad reports.”

  “Milo!” Baby Milo said, proud.

  “That’s right, little man. You and I have the same name,” Grandpa Milo said, beaming.

  When they told him their son’s name, Sophia had been surprised to see Jed’s father shed a tear. Milo Shields had always carried a reputation for being coldhearted and calculating—much like his son—but she had learned firsthand just how wrong those rumors were.

  “Thank you again, Milo, for watching them,” she said.

  Milo smiled.

  “Anything for my grandbabies,” he said.

  Jed and Sophia kissed their children good night before lingering at the door.

  “Go on and have fun, you two. I’ve got the little monsters!”

  Sophia blew one last kiss as they closed the door behind them and sauntered out onto the city streets. Spring had finally arrived once again, though it was still chilly, and Sophia shivered.

  “Here, take my coat,” Jed said, stripping out of his jacket.

  “I won’t need it once we get inside,” she said.

  “Of course you won’t, but we’re not inside yet,” he reminded her.

  Jed often had to remind Sophia to accept his help. She had been so fiercely independent and career-minded that having anyone else look after her felt strange. When she was recovering from the birth, he was by her side almost constantly, opting to work from home on many days so that he could see to her needs.

  “I can take care of myself!” she demanded, often.

  “I am fully aware. But isn’t it nice to be taken care of every once in a while?”

  She couldn’t deny the truth behind those words. Jed had been a doting father and a wonderful partner. She found that she hated it when he went away, and always rejoiced when he returned. Once her body had healed, they had made the best love she had ever experienced, and it only got better each time.

  “My dear,” Jed said, gesturing towards a town car.

  “Getting fancy, are we?” she asked. “I thought we would just take a cab.”

  “Since when have I taken a cab?” he asked.

  “Good point,” she conceded, sliding into the warm car.

  They drove in comfortable silence, Jed reaching for and holding Sophia’s hand as they made their way to the celebration.

  “I miss them,” she said, staring out the window.

  Jed squeezed her hand.

  “I do, too. This is good, though. We need to get out more for fun things, and not just work.”

  “You’re right,” she agreed. “I’m glad we are.”

  The car pulled up to the bar, and Jed opened the door, holding a hand out to help Sophia exit the vehicle, his jacket still wrapped firmly around her shoulders. When they stepped inside, a whirlwind of memories surrounded them both.

  “Well, here we go again,” she said.

  “Perhaps with a little difference,” Jed observed, laughing.

  They headed towards the party area in the back, and Sophia was surprised to see several faces that she recognized from college.

  “You guys! What are you doing here?” she asked, embracing her friends warmly.

  “Surprise,” Luis said from behind her.

  When she turned to see Luis, she crossed her arms.

  “What are you up to, Luis?”

  “You know I never celebrate my birthday—I prefer to ignore the whole ‘me getting older’ thing. This is a surprise engagement party for you!”

  Sophia and Jed exchanged a glance before looking back at Luis. He rolled his eyes.

  “Please. You’ve had that rock on your finger for a month and haven’t bothered to say one word about it. Did you really think I wouldn’t throw a party for you?”

  Sophia laughed as she gazed up at Jed.

  “I guess we were a little too busy at home to really make a fuss about it.”

  “Whatever. You need to enjoy yourself, stat,” Luis said.

  Sophia wrapped her arms around him.

  “Thanks, Luis. You’re the be

  “I know,” he replied, hugging her back. “Now stop being parents for a minute and enjoy yourselves.”

  “Yes, sir,” the happy couple agreed in unison.

  Jed and Sophia made the rounds, chatting with their friends. Sophia hadn’t realized just how long it had been since they had seen one another—for many, it had been at that exact same bar two years before. This time, they were able to fully engage in talks about weddings and children, particularly the latter. Jed and Sophia laughed and chatted about the antics of their young children and the general shenanigans of babies.

  “So what do you do now, with two children at home?” Sophia’s friend Amy asked, taking a sip of her drink.

  “We divide our time fairly evenly between work and home,” Sophia said. “I work from home a few days a week, and Jed does the same. We’re very lucky to have his father close by, so we have someone to watch them fairly regularly. Otherwise, we’ve been tackling parenthood and our careers the best way we know how.”

  “And doesn’t that get tough? Didn’t you just open another building the other month? I read about it in the paper!”

  Sophia blushed.

  “I did. Somehow, you just make it all work. It’s worth prioritizing the things you love.”

  “She’s being modest,” Jed said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “She put in a ton of great work to get that building erected, and it’s just stunning. Almost as beautiful as our new apartment.”

  “Have you guys moved?”

  Sophia shook her head.

  “For the time being, we’ve been living in my apartment, but once we moved in together it became clear that there are some things we could do to make improvements. Jed bought a great space a few blocks away, and construction is underway now. Should be finished in another month or so.”

  “I can’t even imagine what you would put in there for your kids!”

  “We intend to have the space be very adaptable for all of their transitions, but we’re definitely having a nursery that will eventually turn into a game room. We made space for all the needed electronics.”

  “Someday I’m going to beat my son at video games for the first time,” Jed teased, and the group laughed.

  “Well, we all deserve a second chance,” Sophia said, smiling up into her fiancé’s eyes.

  They spent some time catching up with friends, the room getting hotter as the night went on. Seeing the flush in Sophia’s face, Jed leaned down and whispered in her ear.

  “What do you think about escaping to the rooftop?”

  Sophia gazed up at him and smiled.

  “I think that sounds lovely. Do you think we can escape our own party for a while?”

  “Who says we can’t?”

  “Great point.”

  Jed grabbed her hand and led her towards the stairs, both of them smiling and making some small talk as they made their way. Once they hit the staircase, he quickened his pace until suddenly they were met with a refreshing wall of cool evening air.

  “Ah, now this is more like it,” Sophia breathed.

  “I thought you might think so,” Jed said, walking to the bar and ordering them a pair of drinks.

  He handed her one, and they went to stand at the balcony, gazing out at the sparkling lights of New York City.

  “Well, we certainly are more part of the crowd this time around, aren’t we?”

  “How do you mean?” Jed asked, standing behind her as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

  Sophia was instantly warmed.

  “Last time we were up here, it was because we had nothing in common with anyone. What a difference a few years can make in a person’s life.”

  Jed pressed a kiss against her temple, pulling her in closer.

  “You can say that again,” he said.

  They stood like that for some time, enjoying the fresh air and quiet atmosphere of the rooftop.

  “I don’t think I ever said thank you,” Jed said out of the blue.

  “You say it all the time,” Sophia reminded him.

  “I am trying to say something romantic. Will you let me already?”

  Sophia grinned, nodding.

  “Go on, then,” she teased.

  “Thank you.”

  “There, you just said it.”


  “Okay, okay, go on. I’d love to hear your speech.”

  “Good. Because without your extreme stubbornness, I wouldn’t have a life filled with happiness, with love like I’d never known. I owe all of this to your tenacity and complete unwillingness to give up on me.”

  “Well, that is true,” she agreed, turning in the circle of his arms.

  Her eyes had misted over at his words, and she smiled up into his eyes as he clasped his hands at the base of her back.

  “You can take a little credit for that, I guess.”

  “That’s very generous of you,” he said, running a finger along the base of her lip, his eyes following its path.

  “I’m a very generous person,” she said, her heart beating fast at his touch.

  “You most certainly are,” he agreed, his head dipping once more to taste her lips.

  He kissed her deeply, Sophia clinging to him as though she would fall off the face of the earth were she to let go. When he pulled back, they were both breathing heavily.

  “Maybe we should bid our lovely surprise guests a fond farewell,” he breathed.

  Sophia nodded.

  “I think that is an exceptional idea.”

  “Good. Because I have some things planned for us, and my dad is ready to spend the night with the kids.”


  Jed grinned.


  Sophia’s eyes widened as she realized he had planned all of this.

  “You put the party together?”


  “How did you manage to keep that secret?”

  “I have my ways. Now, let’s go tell everyone goodbye so we can move onto the next surprise.”

  “Jed Shields, you are full of wonders.”

  “I certainly hope so,” he agreed, tugging on her hand as she finished her drink and set the glass on a nearby table.

  They rejoined the party, taking time to thank and bid a fond farewell to all who had attended. Sophia threw a gentle punch at Luis’ shoulder as they made their final exit.

  “Hey, he told me I couldn’t tell you! What am I going to do, not listen to Jed Shields, of all people?”

  “I suppose I can understand that. The man can be quite intimidating, when he wants to be.”

  “Uh-huh. Just have a fun night, and try not to party too hard. You can’t call out hungover tomorrow when we have that client meeting in the afternoon. I’m not doing that by myself.”

  “I won’t let you down,” Sophia promised with a small salute.

  Luis grinned ever so slightly.

  “Have fun tonight, woman. You deserve it. Also, you should probably hold on to that man. He’s perfect for you.”

  “I think you may be right,” she said, glancing back at Jed, who was busy saying goodbye to some of his other friends.

  As though sensing her gaze, he looked in her direction, and their eyes met from across the room.

  He was still, hands down, the handsomest man in the world.

  Sophia felt a rush of awe in that moment. Somehow the one thing she had never anticipated, never even wanted, really, had become the source of an unending stream of joy and delight. Her heart warmed as she thought about what her babies were doing at that very moment, likely in bed sleeping. One of her favorite things to do was listen to their little breaths through the monitor.

  One of her other favorite things was walking right towards her, looking sexy as ever.

  “Ready to go, future Mrs. Shields?”

  “With you? Anywhere,” she said.

  He held out his arm for her, and she wrapped her hand around his forearm, giving one last wave to their partygoers
. When they stepped out onto the street, the town car was waiting.

  “I feel a little bad leaving our own party early,” she said.

  “No reason to feel bad. I paid up the tab for all of them for the rest of the night. Everyone will have a wonderful time.”

  “You are too generous,” she grinned.

  “Not at all. Now hop in before you start shivering again.”

  Sophia slid inside the car, Jed close behind her. She snuggled close to him, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders as the driver took off, already knowing where to go. As the car made its way through busy city streets, Sophia kept an eye out, trying to decipher where Jed was taking her.

  They finally stopped at one of the nicest hotels in town. It wasn’t a famous one, particularly, because it was so expensive and exclusive, but the architecture was one of the most renowned in the world.

  “Oh, it’s just stunning!” Sophia breathed.

  “I thought you might like it,” Jed said with a grin.

  They stepped out of the car, Sophia’s face turned upward as she took in the craft and design of the outer stone walls.

  “This is just beautiful,” she said, holding Jed’s hand.

  “Wait until you see the inside,” he said.

  “You got us a room here?”

  “Of course I did. It’s our engagement party, after all. Nothing but the best for my fiancée.”

  She smiled up at him, thrilled.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “You’re most welcome.”

  They stepped inside, and it was the most beautiful space Sophia had ever seen, which was saying something. The classical architecture was paired with modern updates, giving the whole space a fresh, Victorian feel. The furniture was clearly top of the line, while still managing to look timeless. Sophia imagined that it was much what the inside of a modern palace would look like.

  Jed headed over to the concierge and checked them in while Sophia walked around the room, taking in everything unapologetically. She was an artist, looking at a master’s work, and she soaked in the room for quite some time before Jed cleared his throat.

  “You know, I think this space might look even better in the daylight. The rooms, however, I hear, are even better.”

  Sophia blushed, joining him as he made his way towards a large, iron, spiral staircase.

  “Sorry. I just…I can’t believe the detail they put into it. It’s just outstanding!”


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