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Futanari Demigoddess 1-3 Bundle

Page 6

by Hayden Archer

  And then the intensity was gone. I very nearly collapsed onto Nikki. As it was I barely caught myself on the counter before I fell on her and made things awkward for both of us.

  I wrapped an arm around her, enjoying the feeling of my tits pressing against her smooth back, her ass pressed against my hips, my cock still buried in her pussy as the last few drops of my cum leaked out.

  I nuzzled against her neck peppering her back with little kisses. She turned away from the mirror, her mouth opening as I moved in for a kiss. I moved to hand up to fondle her breasts for a moment and wondered if I might not be ready for round three already.

  But no. All I felt at that moment was a sudden and profound sense of exhaustion.

  I pulled out of Nikki, looking down to see my cock still slick with her juices even as it deflated. Nikki turned and leaned back against the counter. "So do you want to tell me what the hell is going on now?"

  "Like I said, it's a long story,"

  Nikki looked me up and down, somewhat appraising but with more than a hint of the lust I'd seen her eyes earlier.

  "Well if you think I'm going to class after that you're crazy." I've got plenty of time to hear the story if you've got time to tell it."

  I opened my mouth to start the story when a rattling on the door followed shortly by a loud banging interrupted me before I could begin. A muffled voice came through the door.

  "What the hell is going on in there?"

  Nikki and I both glanced down to my cock at the same time and then to the door. It definitely wouldn't do to get caught in this compromising situation with this equipment between my legs. I was two for two so far, but I also wasn't in the mood to press my luck.

  "Come on," the voice said. "You have a guy in there or something? You know that's not allowed!"

  Nikki quickly grabbed the towel off the floor and wrapped it around my waist. I raised my eyebrows and smiled at her. Genius. Pure genius.

  Nikki sashayed over to the door and flicked the lock. I quickly tied off the towel and did my best to look like I was getting ready to dry my hair. The image was only slightly ruined by the hair dryer being on the other side of the room not plugged in. Details.

  Sarah, a petite dark haired girl in the adjoining room with short hair and a pretty face, stuck her head inside and looked around with obvious suspicion. "Okay, where is he?"

  I turned and regarded her with my best wide-eyed stare of innocence. It was something I'd perfected back when I still lived with my parents. That practiced wide-eyed stare helped me get away with murder back in the day. I just hoped it worked as well on Sarah as it did on my parents.

  "Where is who?"

  "I heard something that sounded like…"

  In an instant Sara was through the bathroom and tearing through the other side to our room. How dare she! It's not like I ever went barging into their room. Not to mention that it technically wasn't any of her damned business if we had a guy in our bathroom. If she seriously thought guys weren't allowed in our dorm then her student manual must be one that hadn't been updated since the '50s.

  "Hey! What's the big idea?" I asked.

  "Huh. There really isn't a guy in here?" Sarah said.

  "Nope," Nikki said. "Just us girls."

  "Not that it's any of your business

  "But I know what I heard in here," Sarah said. "And if it's just the two of you then…"

  Sarah's pretty blue eyes widened and she stared in between Nikki and I with her mouth wide open. Her hand clutched at a silver cross necklace hanging between her neck. Can you believe that? She actually clutched at her chest and looked scandalized.

  "That's worse than having a boy in here! Immoral! I can't…" Her mouth worked in circles for a moment, and I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have my cock buried in between those lips. Not that I figured I'd have much of a chance. Something told me this petite uppity morally righteous religious hottie wouldn't be down for the kind of adventures I'd been having last night and today.


  I at least took the time to admire her ass as she beat a hasty retreat from the bathroom. The door slammed behind her and I heard muffled conversation on the other side, but I didn't really care. Let her gossip. It was college. Who really cared anyways?

  I grinned at Nikki and she smiled back. Then we both started snickering. A moment later we were both doubled over laughing, and I was wiping tears from my eyes.

  "I almost wish you had whipped that out just to see the look of surprise on her face," Nikki said.

  "Oh my God," I said. "Can you imagine?"

  "Okay Valerie," Nikki said. "Spill."

  I thought back to the trip to the Museum yesterday. "Okay, you're not going to believe a word of this, but it all started with a class trip yesterday…"

  3: Kiss of the Succubus

  I glanced over my shoulder but she wasn't there anymore.

  It would be difficult to miss this girl. I'd noticed her the instant I furtively made my way down into the dorm common area intent on getting out for the first time since that fateful field trip to the campus museum a couple days ago. I was just thankful the little incident happened close to the weekend which bought me some time to figure things out.

  Only time was rapidly running out. Evening on Sunday. That meant tomorrow morning I'd have to either go out into the world, to class, with this monster still between my legs and risk exposure. Or I could make up some lame excuse and try to get a doctor's note.

  I chuckled as I thought of that. What would I say to the doctor? Hey Doc, I seem to have grown this giant cock in between my legs. Got any pills for that?

  Yeah, I could see that conversation going over real well.

  I caught a flash of red out of the corner of my eye and immediately my attention was away from potential problems tomorrow and back on what was starting to look like a very real problem today. I looked to the side and breathed a sigh of relief. It was just a guy with red hair that was long enough I'd mistaken him for a woman out of the corner of my eye.

  Hey, college.

  I leaned against a brick wall and put a hand to my chest willing my breathing to slow down. I was getting jumpy. Just because I saw a hot girl in the same place twice on campus didn't mean I was being followed or anything.

  Paranoid much?

  I opened my eyes and looked across the street to a bustling food court. Lots of people out tonight trying to get in some last-minute studying before class tomorrow. Or maybe just make up for all the homework they didn't do what they were partying through Friday and Saturday night.

  But I didn't care about the bustling crowds in the food court.

  She was there. Red hair, green eyes, gorgeous face, there was no mistaking that girl.


  I turned from the food court and walked away as quickly as I could without breaking into a run. Hopefully I didn't look too suspicious. Then again, why did I care about looking suspicious? She was the suspicious one following me around campus like that. Who was that girl? Why was she following me?

  Damn I hated walking this fast in this weather. Damn baggy clothes. A nice pair of sweats were one of my favorite things to wear in the winter, but they became a lot less nice to wear when it was an unseasonably warm fall day. The mercury was rising and I definitely shouldn't have to be out in sweats. The only problem was all my summer clothes were just tight enough that the moment I walked out wearing them it would be awkwardly obvious what was growing in between my legs. The last thing I needed was to be that obvious about the thing.

  Damn it. What was I going to do about that tomorrow when I had to go to class? Why did my wardrobe have to be so skintight that it might as well be painted on?

  I glanced over my shoulder and my eyes widened.

  Why was that girl still following me down the sidewalk?

  I ducked into the first building I came across. The smell of old books mixed with a low murmur of people talking at study tables. Book stacks to the left and a checkout desk
to the right. The campus library.

  Admittedly I hadn't been in here much since I started my college career a few months back, but I had been on one of the stupid tours the school insisted every freshman go on in their intro English class. I racked my brain trying to remember where the nearest exit was. Then again, maybe I could just duck back out the same doors I went in and be fine. Maybe going into the building was enough to throw her off the scent?

  I turned around. She was standing on the other side of the swinging glass doors leading into the library. She smiled and waved.

  I turned and dove into the stacks. On my way I passed a librarian wearing some ridiculous dress that was printed with books along its entire length. I briefly considered knocking her over the head and changing into the dress. At least then I'd have a little bit of camouflage.

  I threaded my way through the books as quickly as I dared. On a couple of occasions I accidentally elbowed some people aside, okay maybe it wasn't entirely accidental. I needed to get away and they were in the way.

  Who was this girl and why was she following me? Normally I would've been elated that a girl that hot was a following me given recent developments, but I was also a little on edge given recent developments. The last thing I needed on top of everything else that had happened was some strange hot girl stalking me through campus with no explanation.

  Besides, I probably wouldn't have bumped into people so much if I wasn't so busy looking over my shoulder every five seconds to make sure I wasn't being followed. How was she following me like that anyways?

  I burst out from between a line of journals and breathed a sigh of relief. Doors.

  The only problem was to get to the massive bank of doors on the other side of the library I'd have to walk across a massive open area. I peeked out from the books I was hiding in to make sure there were no redheads in the crowd.

  The coast looked clear.

  I bolted across the open floor to the doors. I think at least one angry librarian shouted at me as I made my sprint, but I didn't care. I threw open the doors and was out of the library in a flash. I continued my mad dash all the way to a fountain a few hundred feet away from the library entrance and then turned and sat staring back at the doors, my heart pounding and my breath coming in ragged gasps. A part of me screamed that I needed to turn and keep running, but another part of me wanted to make sure I'd lost her.

  I watched the door for about a minute. Nothing.

  Good enough.

  I turned and walked away, making sure to make a couple of right angle turns along the way. I didn't want to make it too easy if the girl was still following me. A straight line would've been a sure invitation for her to catch up with me.

  I even slowed to a somewhat normal pace. Best not to draw attention to myself. Not to mention that I was already itchy and sweaty enough without adding a run through the warm air to that.

  * * *

  "More coffee?"

  I looked up at the pretty waitress, no doubt a student from the college working evenings to help out with her school bills, as if you could actually pay off college debt with a diner job, and smiled.

  I held out my cup.

  Normally I hated coffee. I preferred to take my caffeine in diet soda form. But tonight I figured I'd make a special exception. It was already late and I didn't want to sleep. The bitter taste had a kick every time I took a drink that helped keep me awake.

  Not for the first time that night I glanced down at my phone and willed it to buzz. Why the hell hadn't Stacy gotten in touch with me yet? The last thing I heard from her was her text yesterday when she said she had some information for me right before my little adventure with Nicole.

  I smiled as I thought of that adventure with Nicole. The first of several adventures we had in our room that day.

  "Something bothering you?"

  I shook my head and looked up to the cute waitress who was smiling at me. This might just be a cheap diner right off campus that served one of the student ghettos, but damn was she cute. Cute enough that she even managed to make the diner's polo uniform look hot. I briefly entertained the idea of asking her if she was busy after her shift, but no. That ran the risk of answering questions that I didn't have answers to just yet. Questions I wasn't sure I wanted the answers to. I got lucky with Stacy and Nicole, but I wasn't ready to press that luck with complete strangers.


  Who was that redhead? And was I really so sure she was following me? Sure I saw her at the food court and at the library, but that could've just been a massive coincidence. Was it a crime for hot redheads to start studying in the dorms, go get a bite to eat at the food court, then head to the library?

  "Just distracted by school I guess," I said with a smile of my own.

  Her grin widened. "I feel your pain. Trying to work here and keep my grades up isn't exactly the most fun."

  The waitress disappeared down the bar and went to check on a table. I did at least take a moment to admire the way her ass rose and fell in the khaki pants she wore. Damn was she hot. I'd have to start coming to this diner more often.

  But for now I needed to get back to my dorm room. I'd wasted as much time as possible gulping down caffeine waiting for Stacy to get in touch. Was this what it felt like when I was forcing a guy to dangle on the string a bit and wait for me to call him? Either way, if I drank much more coffee than my eyeballs would be floating in the stuff.

  And I might just puke my guts up the moment I got back to the dorms.

  Plus, I couldn't shake the feeling that every moment I was out in public like this was a moment I might run into that redhead. I'm not sure why I found that so disquieting, but I did.

  I threw some cash on the table along with a generous tip. 100% to be exact. Part of that was because a cup of coffee was ridiculously cheap, and part of it was because of the waitress had such a pretty smile. Damn. I was getting lesson after lesson in exactly how the male psyche worked, and I wasn't sure how to feel about it now that I was the one stuck thinking that way.

  I beat a hasty retreat to the diner door. If I stayed in there much longer the waitress would smile at me again, I'd catch another glimpse of that amazing ass, or I'd find myself wondering just what her body looked like underneath that baggy polo shirt. And I'd try to find out. And I'd give myself away. I didn't need that right now no matter how much fun it seemed.

  I stepped out into the darkness and glanced around to make sure the redhead wasn't anywhere to be seen. She wasn't. I breathed a sigh of relief.

  I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my sweatpants and walked back towards campus.

  I didn't get far. Across the street to a small park that separated the student neighborhood from campus.

  "Daughter of Venus!"

  I turned in the direction of that oddly compelling voice. I'm not sure why I was so quick to turn since there was no way something that ridiculous could be in reference to me. Maybe it was that I was the only person around, though surely they were confused. Maybe it was somebody from the theater department who thought I looked like somebody from one of the plays they put on? It wouldn't be the first time I saw those weirdos giggling over some inside joke from one of their productions in public.

  But mostly it was that voice. It transfixed me. It sounded like pure music.

  And damn. The woman it was attached to was pretty impressive herself. Long straight dark hair that ran down just past her shoulders. A dark purple dress, almost black, that barely covered her body and was tight enough to leave nothing to the imagination. It showed off a generous expanse of cleavage. The curves on her body were just right in every place.

  My cock sprang to life as I eyed her.

  She was on the other side of the diner, perhaps twenty feet away from me, but I felt her looking me up and down in much the same appraising way I'd just been examining her. That appraisal sent a chill running down my spine and made my cock all the harder.

  I had a hard time putting an age to this woman's face. She defi
nitely seemed older than a college student. Maybe a grad student? She definitely wasn't old enough to be a professor. And what was she doing out here after dark wearing something like that? She looked like she was on her way to a nightclub, or some grand ball.

  "Can I help you?" I asked.

  "Oh I think you can, Daughter of Venus," she said.

  "Why do you keep calling me that?"

  I took a step back as she took a step closer. Then another. Her feet clicked as she walked. She was wearing a pair of impossibly tall high heels yet she walked at a brisk pace with perfect balance. Her ass swayed seductively and hypnotically as she moved closer. My mouth dropped open and I couldn't help but stare. She was exquisite. She was perfect.

  I had to have her.

  "It's the truth, isn't it?"

  A small voice in the back of my head told me I should be turning and running. But that small voice was being drowned out by an even larger voice that was shouting up from my newly grown cock. Shouting that we had to be near this woman no matter what the price.

  I wondered if that was another insight into the male psyche. If so it was a disturbing one. How did they deal with these emotions?

  "I never knew my mom," I said.

  The woman smiled a knowing half smile. "Of course you didn't."

  I was so distracted by this perfect woman advancing on me that I didn't even notice the two men coming up behind me until their arms were around my own arms.


  I tried to jerk my arm free from one of the guys. At least I assumed it was a guy. The hand was big, and thick. Shit was I in trouble now.

  Only apparently I wasn't in as much trouble as I originally thought. No sooner had I jerked my arm away than the guy went flying. I caught a glimpse of a dark shape sailing through the air and then it smashed against one of the trees in the park and fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.

  Heck, if that was going to work with one of them then who was to say it wouldn't work with the other? I moved my now free hand over to grasp the arm of the second person. He lifted through the air, went sailing around, and slammed down on the ground in front of me.


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