The Boss Deal

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The Boss Deal Page 5

by Penny Wylder

  I lay my head back, anticipation buzzing through my veins like hot sparks. I can feel the heat off his lips as he breathes against my pussy. The pads of my fingers dig into the hood of the car, clutching for anything at all.

  He's so close, right there, and yet I'm empty. A delicacy he's toying with and not devouring. I want to feel full.

  Lifting my head, I'm about to speak, when his tongue suddenly licks up between my folds. Dropping back, the only sound that comes out of my mouth is a long moan. His tongue swirls around my clit, and he sucks the tender bud into his mouth.

  “Mm,” he groans against my pussy, and my clit vibrates against his lips. The tip of his tongue flicks vigorously back and forth, sending a rush of tingles over my body.

  Goosebumps jump across my skin, and I reach out with one hand, grabbing a fist full of his hair. His tongue keeps moving, licking up and down, dipping inside my entrance, and moving back to my clit.

  The faster he goes, the more my body trembles. Closing my eyes, I lay my head back, giving my body completely up to him. I'm not thinking about later, or tomorrow, or anything else.

  His tongue glides up my wet center, finding my clit again. Over and over, the tip of his tongue flutters against my needy button. My lower belly clenches, causing me to grab another fistful of his hair.

  “Mm, yeah, don't stop.” Arching my back, the orgasm starts to shoot down my legs, and my muscles tense, attempting to clamp around Nick's ears.

  With firm hands, he spreads me open, pinning my thighs in place. Faster and faster, he licks my pussy, swallowing my juice as he takes a quick breath. Thrusting two fingers into my entrance, my pussy bears down as he fingers me, and his tongue keeps working my clit.

  Every muscle in my body shakes as I come, my clit throbbing so hard it's like it has its own heartbeat. I feel amazing, like I'm floating in the air, light as a feather.

  Nick stands, his smile shiny, his lips glisten as he wipes his lips and licks his fingers. His pants are unzipped, and I realize his hand is coated with his cum. He notices my eyes, and his smile widens.

  “I tried to resist, but my cock hurt so bad, I had to jerk off.” He moves to the passenger side of the car and leans into the window. Pulling out some napkins from the glove box, he wipes his hand off. “You really do taste fucking amazing.”

  Sliding off the hood, I pull my panties and shorts up. “And you really know how to use your tongue.”

  “Maybe next time I can get to see how you use yours.” He winks as he walks back in my direction.

  Shrugging a shoulder, I can't stop myself from grinning. “Guess that's for me to know and you to find out.”

  “Oo,” he says, sucking in a breath of air with a hiss. “One point, Misty. Where did this little firecracker come from? I like her.” He tries to wrap me with an arm and pull me in, but I stop him.

  Pushing myself out of his grasp, I take a step toward the door. “Calm down there, Romeo. We still have work to do, remember?”

  Hanging his head, he nods. “Yeah, yeah, I know.”

  Suddenly, there's a loud rustle in the bushes, causing us both to freeze. Our eyes are locked on the tree line, and we can see the treetops as they sway back and forth.

  The ground beneath my feet vibrates. “Do you feel that?” I ask.

  “Feel what?” He turns to look at me, when a giant buck comes charging out of the woods. “Get in the car!” he yells, throwing himself into the front seat.

  I follow suit, almost diving in through the window. Nick starts the car and rolls the windows up. The deer runs in our direction, and my heart jumps in my throat as we both seem to be stuck in this state of shock.

  The deer is right here, and on reflex I close my eyes right before he hits the car. Cringing, I wait, clutching the dashboard like it will save me.

  And then silence.

  Peeking out from one eye, I see Nick looking back over his shoulder. Following his gaze, the buck is still running, charging up the desolate road.

  “Holy shit,” I finally say, letting out the breath I'm holding in.

  Nick starts to laugh and drags his hand across his head. “Wow, didn't expect that. Good thing he waited until we were done.”

  We both start laughing, and I finally feel at ease with this whole trip.

  Maybe it won't be so bad. But we can't do this again, that was the last time.

  I need to behave myself.

  But what if I can't?



  Nick opens the door of the bakery and holds his arm out for me to go in first. I smile, he smiles back, but it's not a normal smile. It's a smile made from dirty, hot, oral sex on the side of the road.

  My body is still tingly, my skin is flush and warm. I can still feel the effects of the orgasm. I'm laughing and giggling over almost nothing, like a giddy girl with a crush.

  He walks in behind me, and we're instantly met by a young man. He throws his arms up, and flips his fingers in our direction.

  “No, no, no, I'm sorry, I have to ask you to leave. The sign might say open, but you can't come in.” He rests his hand on his hip, and brushes his hair from his face. “I wish I could tell my mother-in-law that, but my husband would divorce me.” He laughs at his own joke, then quickly stops, and stares at us. “We open on the tenth, so you can come back then.”

  Nick smirks, flashing his brows. The look on his face is feisty and playful, and I know he's planning on messing with him.

  Throwing his thumb over his shoulder, he looks back at the door. “But the sign does say open.” Nick's lip twitches at the corner, playing up the confusion. “So, you must be open, right?”

  “Well, we are closed.” The man stands tall, then leans forward as he cups his hands. “So,” he says, bouncing his eyes toward the door. “So. . .” he says again, drawing out the word, waiting for us to catch the answer ourselves as he flips a finger at the exit.

  I'm trying not to laugh, but it's really hard. Nick's brows drop, and he keeps glancing at the door and then back at the man. “Do you guys have muffins?”

  “We will, when we have our grand opening.”

  Lord, this guy is doing his best to stay cool, but I can see the frustration starting to build in his frown lines.

  “Do you have any right now?” Nick points at the counter and tilts his head.

  “Look, as I've explained—”

  “I know I smell muffins. Do you smell them?” he asks me, taking a few steps deeper into the bakery. Nick starts to walk past the man, pushing past him as if he isn't there. “There has to be muffins around her somewhere. Are they in the back?” He points at the double doors and starts to move that way.

  “Sir, you can't go in there.” There's panic in his voice, his eyes wide, bordering on hysteria. The man doesn't know what to do.

  Giggling, I finally intervene. “Okay, that’s enough,” I say calmly. “Hello, I'm Misty Glensdale, and this is Nick—”

  “Torro?” he asks, flashing even wider eyes. I nod, and he drops his arms. “Oh my God, I am so sorry Mr. Torro, your voice, you sound different than on the phone. I didn't recognize it, I didn't realize—”

  Nick holds up his hand and grins. “No, it's fine. . . Lewis, is it?” he asks curiously, and Lewis nods in agreement. “Don't apologize. I was messing with you. You did the right thing, you were polite and professional even when I challenged you.” Nick slaps him on the back as he walks forward, and Lewis stumbles slightly from Nick's strength.

  “I'm so glad you two are here. After talking to you, I wasn't sure when you were coming, but Vanessa assured me it was soon, but she didn't really give me an exact time or day.” He's rambling, obviously nervous that the new owner is here.

  “Well,” Nick fans out both arms with a big smile on his face. “Here we are.” Clapping his hands, he stands at my side. “So, you told me a little on the phone, but what exactly is going on?”

  Lewis explains there's been some issues with the current ovens, and he can't get them to work prope
rly. That's a big problem, we need the ovens to all work perfectly. He goes on to tell us the fliers about the grand opening still aren't in, one baker quit already, and he's not sure how they're going to open in two weeks without the correct menus.

  “Don't worry,” Nick says, his voice calm and soothing. “We're going to fix it, that's why we're here.” Lewis's shoulders roll forward and you can see the stress melt away. “Misty and I will handle everything; you just focus on hiring a new baker. Sound good?”

  “Yes, that sounds great.”

  The bakery is a welcome distraction. Nick spends the day doing oven research and contacting appliance repair men in the area to get someone out. I work on the rest, calling a few contacts I have in the printing business for a few owed favors.

  Nick bumps my hip with his and leans across the counter. “Ready to head out? I sent Lewis home; I think we've done all we can today.”

  “So ready. I'm starving.”

  “Hotel room service and mini bar drinks?” he asks.

  “You had me at hotel,” I say with a smirk.

  Bedford, New Hampshire. I'm not even sure how Vanessa found this little town. It's quaint, with one main road through the center of town. The buildings are all made of brick, and some of the alleys still have cobblestone instead of pavement.

  We drive the five minutes up the street to the hotel. It's nothing fancy, a simple, two story hotel, with a hot tub and a pool out front to entice people inside.

  “It ain't the Ritz, but it'll do. The only other place is a bed and breakfast that treats guests to a haunted experience. Wasn't sure how you'd feel about that.”

  “I'm all for exciting trips, but not while working. And I'd rather not sleep with one eye open.”

  We walk through the lobby and he checks us in at the desk. I poke around the small display with the local attractions. Picking up a few pamphlets, I stuff them in my purse.

  “Ready?” he asks, holding a small envelope. Looking up, Nick starts to walk down the hall, and I follow. “We're right over here.”

  “Did you ask for our rooms to be near each other?”

  “Near each other? I did one better. We're sharing.” He flashes me a big, sneaky grin over his shoulder as he stops at a door and slips the card through the slot. The buzzer goes off and the light turns green. Nick pops open the door and dips his head. “Welcome home,” he says.

  Grimacing, I walk past him, rolling my suitcase behind me. “A single room. . . You had this planned the whole time didn't you? Is this trip some type of trick? Did you do this to get me alone?”

  “As much as I'd like to take credit for the trip, I can't. We wouldn't be here if there weren't some issues. But I did take advantage, that I'll admit.” Nick opens the small fridge and pulls out a nip of whiskey. “A toast,” he says, holding the small bottle up. “To new relationships, and new businesses.” Taking a sip, he passes it to me.

  “Sure, why the hell not.” Tipping my head back, I take a big swig.

  Nick laughs, flopping back onto the bed. “It's really quiet here. Did you notice that?”

  I nod. “It's the first thing I noticed when we got here.”

  The silence. It's almost deafening. You don't get this kind of silence in the city. Silence in the city is like a baby not crying. Sometimes it happens, it's rare and unlikely, but sometimes, you get a day where there are less sirens, less traffic, less noise.

  “I think we're going to have to fix that. We just might have to make some noise of our own.” The corner of his mouth pulls up to one side, his eyes full of lust.

  The thought of him making me scream turns me on. My stomach heats up like it's full of hot coals. The warmth sizzles as it spreads around my body, making my nipples tender and my pussy wet.

  I remember the feel of his tongue again against my clit, his hands on my skin, and I can imagine what it would be like to have an entire night together.

  No! No more! You said you wouldn’t!

  I know my brain is right. My body wants one thing, but I have to go with my head. I've already gone too far with him, and if I keep playing with fire, eventually I'm going to get burned.

  He sits up on the end of the bed and pats the empty space next to him. “Come sit, unless you want me to lay back down. I do have somewhere else you can sit.” He licks his lips as he tilts his head and gives his hips a little thrust.

  A tremble flows through my thighs, and my pulse starts to kick harder. I want to sit on his face, and his cock, but I can't.

  “I'm good, I'll just sit over here for now.” Pulling out the chair from the small table, I sit down. Reaching into the mini fridge, I grab another nip and drink it all in one shot.

  Nick stares at me, his eyes trying to read my mind. “You're doing it again.”

  “Doing what again?”

  “Trying to pretend like you don't want to fuck me.”

  “That's because I don't,” I answer quickly.

  “Liar. If that was true, you wouldn't even be in this room right now. You would have gone back to the desk and requested your own. If you didn't want to fuck me, I wouldn't have eaten you out on my car, or fucked you after leaving the bar.”

  Sighing, I hang my head. He's right. I'm lying to him, and I'm lying to myself if I think I'll be able to resist him. It's like he’s cast a spell on me, one that makes my body deceive me and my pussy ignore every direction I give it to shut down.

  “Look,” I say, letting my eyes connect with his, “the truth is, Vanessa told me that she thinks you’re cute. She has a little crush on you. And since she's my best friend, it feels wrong to me.”

  His shoulders stiffen as he actually seems to be listening. Not only listening, but honestly hearing me. His head nods along, his expression somber and genuine.

  “Makes sense,” he says, resting open palms on his knees. “Except, I'm not a man who wonders about the what ifs. It doesn't matter to me if she told you she has a crush on me, because she hasn't told me.” He stands, moving with long, firm steps to my side. “But I did meet you, and I'm a man who isn't going to let something good pass through my fingers without taking a chance. I've done that once before. I ignored an opportunity with my father because I was too worried about all those what ifs. And when he passed away, I lost the chance to ever try. I missed my opportunity, and that drives every decision I make now.”

  The way he says it sends a chill up my spine. There's sadness and regret in his voice. His eyes gloss over, remembering his choice and h feeling his loss.

  “I'm so sorry about your dad.”

  Reaching out, I take his hand.

  “No, it's all right. It's just I refuse to not at least try. I'd never forgive myself if I let something slip through my fingers again without even trying.”

  “Look,” I say, my eyes holding his, “I can't say I'm not attracted to you. I know you can feel it. And even having just spent this small amount of time with you, there's so much about you I like. But she's my friend, and I won't hurt my friend.”

  “How about this. . .” Pausing, he moves in closer, standing over me as he slips his fingers into the hair at the base of my neck. “How about for now, just while we're here, we see where this goes. It's just us, no one else, no one to make you question yourself. How about while we're here, you take a chance on me.”

  It sounds good in theory. No one here knows us. Why not just let myself go, live in the moment, and not in fear of what could happen.

  “And then what? What about when we go back?”

  “I'm not asking you to marry me, Misty. Let's just see what happens. No promises, no anger, no resistance. We're both adults, we don't owe anyone anything. We owe ourselves the chance to try.”

  In my heart, I believe him. I believe he's right.

  And I want this. Giving myself permission to be attracted to him. Allowing myself to not resist, to enjoy. It relaxes my soul.

  Because resisting Nick Torro will never be a war I'll win.



can't stop staring at her.

  She's standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, splashing her face with water. In a little tank-top and cotton shorts, the edges of her ass hang out the bottom as she leans over the sink.

  The door is cracked, and I'm certain she did that on purpose. She wants me to watch. Misty isn't the type of girl who accidentally forgets to close the door. Keeping her face over the sink, she lets the water drop off.

  She isn’t wearing a bra, nipples hard as they jiggle when she starts to wipe her face with the towel. My dick jerks, and my mouth waters, ready to suck her tits and taste her pussy again.

  Misty steps out of the bathroom, her hair in a messy bun, and she stops short. Smirking, her eyes meet mine. “What? Do I have toothpaste on my face?” Wiping her lips, she looks at the back of her hand.

  “No, there's nothing on your face. You're just. . .” I lean back in the chair and run my thumb across my bottom lip. “You're beautiful.”

  She smiles shyly and looks down at the floor. “Stop.”

  “I'm serious, you might not see it, but I do.”

  Her eyes float up to mine, knees dipping in slightly as if the orgasm I gave her earlier just fluttered across her pussy like an aftershock.

  Standing from the chair, I walk across the small space, reaching her in two steps. My toes touch hers, her feet bare, mine still in my shoes. Her eyes follow my every move.

  They watch my hand as I lift it to her cheek and run my knuckles across her warm skin. I lick my lips, and her eyes capture my mouth, my tongue, and she bites the inside of her cheek.

  Closing the gap between us, I lower my face, bringing my mouth to her cheek. But I don't kiss her, I let the heat off my lips sear her skin. She inhales a quick gasp, her shoulders dropping back as her body falls against the wall.

  She looks so small, like I could blow her over with one breath. I don't want her to look powerless, because she's not. She doesn't realize that she's the one in charge.

  Her head falls to her shoulder, eyes darting between mine and the ground. Gripping her chin, I gently bring her face back up. I want her to know how beautiful she is. I want her to see herself as I see her.


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