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His Party Guest

Page 8

by Melinda Barron

  “Well, it looks like you’ve knocked me out of play,” Carin said with a smile. “Looks like someone might catch up with me.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, Lady Ellington, the duchess never wins at anything, do you dear?”

  Clarissa turned toward Belinda, who was standing next to Lady Watson, both of them holding mallets and snickering.

  “On the contrary, Lady Strauss, I win at many things. And unlike some people, I don’t have to cheat at life to get what I want.” Clarissa batted her eyes at her. “It seems as if you’ve already forgotten that just yesterday I retrieved my stolen property from you.”

  Belinda stiffened, and Clarissa knew she’d hit her where it hurt. “It’s such a shame, Your Grace, that you’re not wearing the combs you took from me. Perhaps you know someone will realize you are the thief, and not I. Or perhaps they just won’t fit with your unstylish hair. Such a shame that your maid does not do a better job.

  Lady Essex, who had been standing nearby and watching things without saying a word, put her hand on Clarissa’s arm as she made to move toward Belinda.

  “Why I think the duchess’ hair is perfect,” Charlotte said, smiling at her new friend. “Perhaps, Lady Strauss, you should consider some spectacles. I hear they work wonders at improving a person’s eyesight.”

  The diminutive blonde bristled at the insult for just a second. “Don’t forget, Clarissa, that I want what is mine. You have until tomorrow to return my items.” She didn’t have to elaborate, because everyone knew exactly what she was talking about. Belinda turned to her friend.

  “Come, Mia, let us find other entertainment. At the rate these slowpokes are going they’ll be on the course all day.”

  The two women left, laughing as they walked away.

  Clarissa stared after her, wanting very much to go and tear the woman’s hair from her head.

  “Don’t you worry about her,” Carin said. “We’ll find a way to get to the bottom of things. We all work well together at solving mysteries. Andrew will stick up for you and put her in her place.”

  “Speaking of which,” Charlotte said, motioning toward the landing where the men were gathered, watching the proceedings. “Why don’t we go up and take tea with them. I think we can officially declare Clarissa the winner because of that last shot.”

  “I hate to admit defeat, but I will,” Carin said. The ladies took their equipment back to the servant who was manning the main croquet table, and joined the men, who sat at a table in the garden.

  When she approached Andrew stood and kissed her gently, causing whispers of excitement to spread through the small clique of friends. Clarissa blushed when Andrew kissed her, she didn’t know why after what they’d done together last night. In fact, she would like to forget everything that was going on right now and go back to the bedroom. She wondered if he would visit her in Bath, and if he did, who would serve as a chaperone so she wasn’t at home alone with him.

  “What did Lady Strauss want?” Andrew pulled her close as he asked the question.

  “She wanted to remind me that she still thinks I have her jewelry and if it’s not returned by tomorrow morning she is going to call the authorities and try to brand me a thief.” Clarissa looked out over the garden. She hated that things had gotten so out of hand.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Alice snuggled close to Julian.

  “We’re going to get Barton to gather information,” Julian said. “From there we’ll decide the best way to get to Lady Strauss. Personally, I think she is lying about the other items going missing. I think she has them and is trying to cause trouble. It helps her to save face after the fight yesterday.”

  Clarissa blushed at the mention of the altercation that she’d started. “Please allow me to apologize for what happened. It was not my best behavior, and I am truly sorry.”

  “I rather thought she got what she deserved,” Charlotte said. “How dare she wear your items in public like that. It’s disgraceful.”

  “Agreed, but until we get to the bottom of things, I think it would be best if everyone is nice to her,” Andrew said. He put his finger on Clarissa’s nose. “That includes you.”

  Clarissa scrunched up her face and frowned. “Fine, I promise to be nice. For now.”

  “Good for you,” Andrew said. “Now, what shall we do? I think this party is a little lacking, don’t you all?”

  “Not like a Club meeting, that’s for certain,” Charlotte said.

  Clarissa stiffened. She wasn’t ready to discuss things like their Club.

  “I’m sorry if we’ve made you uneasy,” Charlotte said. “I’m sure Andrew has discussed things with you.”

  Clarissa looked at her new lover. After her disastrous marriage she had never thought to love another, much less someone give her the pleasure that Andrew had last night. She had a wonderful, tingly feeling between her thighs that reminded her of the way they’d played with each other last night. Or at least the way he’d played with her. He hadn’t allowed her to touch him, which had left her a little disconcerted. She hoped there wasn’t an underlying meaning behind it. Hopefully, he was just waiting for just the right moment.

  He had loved her well the night before, sending her into spasms of pleasure over and over, something that she’d never felt before. And she wanted to feel it again.

  “I’m still not certain about your Club,” Clarissa said, knowing that truthfulness was the best way forward.

  “We all felt that way at first,” Carin said. “But it’s not really what you think. We are, shall we say, unusual in our activities, but no one is forced into anything. It is a way for us to heighten our sexual senses.”

  “Before we continue this conversation, I wanted to invite Clarissa to visit us in London,” Andrew said. He held up a finger and shook it at her. “Before you answer, I know that you’ve spent most of your time in Bath, but I feel like we’ve bonded, and I don’t want it to end.

  Why was he always saying things that made her feel as if life couldn’t get any better? Taylor hadn’t even said anything like that to her when they were courting. He had said that he would love her, and she’d thought that was enough. But he’d never said anything about a bond.

  “Please join us in London,” Charlotte said. “Dalton and I are having a large party in two weekends and you must attend. And there is a wonderful play that we are all attending on Wednesday. You will even out the numbers. You can even stay at our home.”

  Clarissa looked around the circle. Everyone looked at her in anticipation, and she wasn’t exactly sure what to do. But then suddenly she said, “I accept your invitation, Andrew. But, Charlotte, I can send ahead and make sure my own home is ready for occupation. Since Taylor died, I’m afraid that I let most of the staff go. I meant to sell it, but have not yet accomplished that goal.”

  “It’s a good thing you haven’t sold it,” Andrew said as he raised her fingers to his lips. “Of course, if it’s not ready you could always stay at my house.”

  Clarissa blushed, while Charlotte, Carin, and Alice all laughed.

  “If the house is not ready for occupation you could stay with us,” said Carin. “You don’t mind, do you, Ellington? We love having people around.”

  “Aren’t you hosting a Club meeting this week?” Charlotte took a sip of her tea and grinned.

  “We are,” Carin replied. “On Thursday evening. The gentlemen want to plan a house party at the Duke of Claremore’s house for the New Year. Of course, Ellington has been planning something special. He’s designed a round table for our purposes, and is itching to try it out. It’s large enough for five spankees at a time. The table can be turned like a merry-go-round, and spankings can be delivered by more than one man at a time.”

  The women all giggled, and then looked at Clarissa, whose eyes were widened.

  “Oh, it sounds interesting,” Alice said. “Least you think that’s all we do, you should know that erotic spankings are not everyone’s cup of tea, Clarissa. Andrew is more into other th
ings. He works with ropes.”

  “Ropes?” Clarissa felt her mouth go dry. She turned to Andrew who was laughing.

  “No, I had not yet told her of that part, Alice,” Andrew said. “You don’t just blurt things like that out.”

  “Forgive me,” Alice said. “I was sure you’d brought her into the circle. Buxton told me everything right off.”

  “Shame on you, Alice, for letting the cat out of the bag,” Buxton said. “We’ll have to have a discussion about that later.”

  Andrew put his hand on Clarissa’s arm. “Forgive me for not disclosing things all at once. I thought it would be easier if you found out things a little at a time. But, since you know now; why don’t you give her the particulars of the Club, Charlotte?”

  Charlotte giggled. “Of course. You see, my dear, there are quite a few of us who enjoy a different aspect of physical love. The Club is made up of discreet members who have similar interests. We gather at different times to play together. It’s that simple.”

  “You mean you, let others… oh my.” Clarissa’s dry mouth went even drier. She turned to Andrew who continued to smile. “So you do have orgies?”

  “Don’t worry, my dear, you’ll become accustomed to the idea. Ask Charlotte. She fought Dalton at first, until she discovered the joys to be had from discipline. That’s Dalton’s particular area of expertise.”

  “Indeed I did,” Charlotte said. “And you, Lord Beaton, are one of the culprits responsible for my first spanking. You and your friends set me up.”

  “And I know that you’re very happy that we did, so don’t give me that look or I will ask your husband if I can redden your bottom on Thursday.”

  “Don’t worry, Clarissa,” Alice said. “You look confused. You won’t be expected to couple with anyone, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “If the authorities found out…” Clarissa didn’t finish her sentence, and truthfully she knew she didn’t have to. There were laws against deviant behavior.

  “We are very careful,” Ellington said. “Which means we are very careful about whom we ask to join our group.”

  “How did it start?”

  Alice laughed. “Buxton and Ellington, the scoundrels, discovered they had a shared interest, and that several young widows enjoyed sex that many people would think of as abnormal. The Club formed from there. We now have almost thirty members. A woman must be widowed or married, and sponsored by a male member of the Club. Of course, not everyone attends every function.”

  Clarissa turned to Andrew, who studied her intently. He pulled her close and she whispered in his ear, “Tell me about this rope thing.”

  “You will love it,” he replied. “I bet you’re wet at the idea even now.”

  “I don’t think so,” she said.

  “You shouldn’t make a decision like that until you try it,” he said. “We will do that once we’re in London.”

  She blushed furiously and he laughed. “You and I are made for each other, Clarissa. I told you last night that I was never letting you go, and I meant it. You are mine.”

  “I appreciate the thought, but I am a duchess,” she said. “The queen will have more to say about whom I spend the rest of my life with than I will.”

  “Perhaps.” He took her hand in his and brought it up to his mouth, kissing it, and then turning it over and kissing her palm, too. “But I think the queen would look upon a love match with favor. She was, after all, deeply in love with her Albert.”

  Was he saying he was in love with her? She certainly hoped not, because she barely knew him, and didn’t want to rush into anything. “Perhaps it is a bit early for that discussion.”

  “But it will happen,” he said.

  “We shall see,” Clarissa said. She felt nervous at the thought of the word love. “I think I’m going to go upstairs and change for dinner.”

  “Shall I walk you?” he asked.

  “No need,” Clarissa said. “But I do hope you’ll speak to Kate about us sitting next to each other at the table.”

  “I am on my way to do that right now,” he said.

  He kissed her hand once more and Clarissa started for the house. As she mounted the stairs she thought about their discussion about the Club. It wasn’t something she thought was decent, but then again she hated to admit that she thought it might be interesting to attend a meeting and see what happened.

  And what exactly was Andrew talking about when he mentioned ropes? Did he intend to tie her up? That was something she had never heard about before, and it wasn’t something she would ever allow. But if she didn’t would it mean she wouldn’t have a relationship with Andrew?

  She didn’t like that idea; but the rope thing was something she needed to consider.

  As she mounted the stairs she kept an eye out for Belinda. She didn’t want to run into the woman on her own, since she’d told Andrew that she would behave herself. She made it to her room without incident, and once she was inside she went to the bell to ring for her maid.

  Then her eyes were drawn to the pillow on her bed. There set her grandmother’s bracelet, sitting next to a sheet of paper that read, “Give me what’s mine and I’ll give you the other two pieces.”

  Chapter 7

  Clarissa’s hand shook as she held the note. She let it fall back to the pillow and picked up the bracelet. While she was thrilled to have it back, there was the matter of the other two missing items.

  No matter which way she looked at it there was only one person this ‘gift’ could be from, and that was Neill Marks. Belinda would not trade the other necklaces for the combs, and that was the only thing that Clarissa could think of that could be described as, ‘what’s mine’.

  When Sally came into the room, Clarissa whirled toward her. “Go downstairs and find Lady Charlotte and tell her I need to speak with her immediately. Tell her to come alone.”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” Sally said.

  Clarissa kept her gaze on the pillow, where she’d replaced everything she’d found. She heard the door close behind her and she turned, half expecting to find Neill Marks, or even Belinda, standing there, watching her horror at the event that was unfolding.

  She wanted to go in search of Neill Marks and tell him she had no idea what he was talking about. Taylor had done his own thing, and she did not know anything about him being a thief, or having Marks’ property.

  But how could she convince the man of that? Something told her he would never believe anything she said.

  A knock on the door made her jump. “Come in,” she said.

  She turned, expecting to see Charlotte. Instead, Andrew stepped inside. He was followed by Charlotte, and her husband, Dalton.

  “What is wrong?” Andrew asked, his concern evident.

  Words escaped her as she pointed to the bed. Andrew picked up the note and read it out loud.

  “Well, we know who took your jewels from Belinda’s room,” Andrew said. “I haven’t seen him in quite some time. The duke told me he’d left. Does that mean he’d snuck back in, or he’s been hiding here? Or does he have an accomplice who delivered this threat?”

  Clarissa hated to think of the note as a threat, but it was there, she knew. The underlying words were ‘give me what is mine or else’. It made her shiver. Andrew turned and took her in his arms.

  “You’re not staying at your home by yourself,” Andrew said. “If you want to reside there I will stay with you, or you can stay with one of the people who offered today.”

  “I can care for myself,” she said. “I think I’ve proven it since my husband passed.”

  “You didn’t face this problem before,” Andrew said.

  “On the contrary, the man Marks spoke to in the maze said he’d searched both my home in London and the one in Bath.” The thought made her queasy, and she stepped away from the bed and crossed to the chairs near the fireplace.

  “I don’t trust the man,” Andrew said. “Whatever it is he’s looking for is something very valuable to him
. I think we should set up a meeting. He seems to think you know what he is missing. I think it is best to tell him you have no idea what he wants.”

  “He won’t believe us,” Clarissa said.

  “You’re right,” Dalton said. “But talking with him could give us information that we don’t have.”

  Clarissa knew he was right, but she wasn’t sure how to conduct such an interview. Something told her the men in her room, right now, knew exactly how to get information out of people who didn’t want to give it up.

  “Clarissa, if we ask the right questions he might let slip information that will help us,” Andrew said. He crossed the room and sat down across from her. “We need to let him know that we can’t return something if we don’t know what it is.”

  “How do we get word out to him if we don’t know where he is?” Clarissa asked. Then she sat bolt upright. “Do you think Belinda is his accomplice?”

  “No,” Andrew said. “I think it is someone else, someone who was also a victim of your husband. Belinda, as we know, wasn’t.”

  “I hate that woman,” Clarissa said. “I know it’s a horrible thing to say, but I wish I could just put my fist into her mouth.”

  “You were close to that last night,” Charlotte said. “It’s too bad she doesn’t have any marks to show for your efforts.”

  “I agree,” Clarissa said. “Maybe next time I can make the shot a little harder.”

  “You promised to behave,” Andrew said, a twinge of laughter in his voice.

  “While we’re here,” Clarissa said. “I don’t think you should hold me to those words once we’re back in London. I’ll need to send word to my man of affairs to open the house.”

  “I’m sure that can be handled before we leave,” Andrew said. “Until then, I have an intriguing idea as to how we can get a message to Marks’ accomplice. But we’ll have to disrupt the house party just a bit. But something tells me the duchess will be quite excited with the idea.”

  * * *


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