Worth the Fight
Page 30
Not bothering to see if she follows, I turn and start to make my way toward the front door, ignoring the fact that everybody is staring at me now, waiting to see if I will break apart. Well, I’ve got news for you people; this woman will not break in front of anybody. I will do it in the safety of my own bedroom, where I can realize that I no longer have a heart because it shattered on the floor of my ex-boyfriends bedroom not five minutes ago. Matt’s voice stops me two feet from the front door.
“Maisie... please, baby, let me explain.” I was so close to leaving. I take a deep breath to compose myself, and then turn to face him. He sounds all choked up, and taking a look at him, I see that he’s been crying which breaks my heart, but then I remember what I saw not even five minutes ago. I wait for him to carry on. I couldn’t speak even if I wanted to because of the big lump lodged in the back of my throat. God, I’m going to be sick! “It wasn’t what it looked like, Maisie. I’ve had a lot to drink, and we had that argument earlier. I didn’t know if you wanted to be with me, baby. I wouldn’t have done it otherwise. You have to believe me! I love you so much! You know you’re my future. Please don’t let this ruin us. I couldn’t live without you, baby.” Lies, lies, LIES! Does he think that because he has had a lot to drink it makes up for it? “Please say something...”
“Good-bye, Matt. Don’t call me or speak to me ever again.” With that, I leave and don’t look back. The ride home is quiet, and Chloe knows that I just need time to think without her asking me questions. I know that eventually she will want to know what happened, but I just can’t talk about it at the moment.
Chloe drops me off at my house with a promise to phone me tomorrow and bring my car back, and then I make my way through the front door, careful not to wake anybody up. I can’t face anybody right now. They will know something is up, and the pain is just too raw to talk about it.
As soon as I’m in my bedroom, I lock the door then fall head first onto my bed, finally letting out the big fat ugly tears that taste of heart break. Deep down, I knew that I would only be good enough for Matt for so long; I just hoped he could have proved me wrong. Thinking about it only makes me cry harder and uglier. I can feel the hollow space where my heart used to be, and the feeling of emptiness is already making me feel numb. I’ve never been in so much emotional pain in my life, and I’m hoping the numbness will creep through the rest of my body quickly so I don’t have to feel the pain anymore. I stay like this until the sun starts to rise, and just before I fall into the slumber of sleep, I vow to myself that after today, I will never fall in love again!
To my baby boy Callum, thank you for being the light in my life, the person who makes everything better. Everything that I do, is for you. Never change little man – my special boy.
To my mum, this book is dedicated to you. You’re not only my mum, you’re my best friend and even though we fall out at times, you’re always there for me. Thank you for everything that you have done for me throughout my life and will carry on doing for me. Just remember I’ll end up paying for your old peoples home ;)
To Liam Murray, again thank you for putting up with me being moody from long nights, not spending as much time with you as I used to because my characters consume most of my time. Just thank you for understanding and being excited when I reach another milestone.
To my amazing editor Kendra, you are the best! Since I first sent you my debut MS we have formed a friendship. We talk about yummy food that you cook and one day I will get to taste all this food you talk about!
To my betas, thank you for reading and enjoying Worth The Fight and for giving me back constructive criticism. Worth The Fight is what it is today because of you lot telling me what worked and what didn’t work.
To Sprinkles On Top Studios for making yet another amazing cover! I was torn for days about which draft to decide on, as they were both amazing. So thank you.
Thank you to my amazing street team, Beth Maria’s Beauties for your continuous pimping and for giving me your opinion when I’m a little confused.
And last but not least, thank you to you, my readers. Without your support I wouldn’t be able to keep writing the books that I love so much!
About the Author
Beth Maria is a mother, writer and avid reader. She loves reading and writing about bad boys who end up falling in love when they least expect it and HEAs.
She’s the author of Alive and Freedom in The Mended Heart Series and Worth The Fight.
Beth Maria loves listening to music that inspires her when writing her next book and scouting the Internet for her next muse!
Find her on Facebook and Twitter:
Table of Contents
Table of contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Alive Book One in The Mended Heart Series
About the author