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Marie, Laura - Miss: Never Gonna Love Again [The Miss: Series] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Page 22

by Laura Marie

  “What are you doing? Why are you putting yourself through this?” He demanded an answer as he stood in front of her with one hand on his holster and the other on his hip.

  She shuddered at his tone.

  “I don’t like this, Jules. I don’t trust this situation one bit.”

  Julianna wiped her tears and stared at her hands clasped on her lap.

  “I don’t like it either, but it seems inevitable that I have no choice.”

  “Bullshit! You have a choice.”

  She closed her eyes as her heart ached and her emotions boiled up inside of her. She felt sad, angry, scared, and images of Lawrence filled her mind.

  The tears rolled down her cheeks as she hugged herself.

  “Julianna?” Johnny called her name, wanting her to answer him, to look at him and explain why she agreed to speak to Kate.

  “I know what it feels like to be abused, to feel Lawrence’s wrath, Johnny. They need more information, and they think Kate will open up to me. I want this behind me…I do.”

  Johnny rubbed a hand over his mouth as he exhaled.

  He moved closer. She stared up at him, loving him with all her heart and knowing that Johnny truly loved her. He was a handsome, authoritative cowboy and, in the sheriff’s uniform, the sexiest sight she could have ever imagined, and he was hers.

  “Well, I want you safe, and getting upset isn’t good for the baby. Why didn’t you tell Jeremy about the baby?” he asked, sounding jealous.

  “Johnny, please.”

  He was pissed off, and for a moment he looked like he was going to walk away from her.

  Instead, he walked closer to her and pulled her up into an embrace.

  He rubbed her back as he pressed her body against his own.

  “I love you, honey. After this phone call, it’s over. Let the DA and the detectives do their job and gather the evidence needed to put Lawrence away for good. After this phone call, you don’t talk to her again.” She began to protest, but he covered her mouth with two fingers and gave her that “go ahead and dare to challenge me” look that she was beginning to recognize.

  “Okay,” she whispered. Then he kissed her.

  * * * *

  Kate answered her cell phone as she prepared to leave the apartment. If the call to Jeremy worked, then he should be calling soon to confirm that Julianna would accept her phone call. The whole apology idea was a great one, and once she got out of Julianna where she was staying, Kate would head there and kill her herself. Then Lawrence would finally be over the bitch and start focusing on her. The plan had to work.

  Kate turned toward the bedroom door. She thought she heard something in the living room, but then her cell phone rang.

  She grabbed her purse off the bed and pulled the cell from it.


  “Hi, Kate, it’s Jeremy.”

  “Oh, hi, Jeremy, how are you?” she asked, instantly playing somber. She had to make this moron trooper think she was remorseful for her part in hurting Jules. Far from it. She smiled to herself as she sat on the bed and crossed her legs. Her leopard Alina, Jimmy Choo high heel shoes matched her black dress and leopard belt perfectly. She loved the designer shoes, and knocking off Julianna would ensure a life of luxury with Lawrence.

  “I spoke with Julianna, and amazingly, she’s willing to talk to you.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful, Jeremy. I can’t believe this.”

  “Well, Julianna is a good person, Kate. She knows what it’s like to be abused by Lawrence and fall for his lies just like you.”

  “I knew she would understand. Julianna always had such a big heart. When do I get to talk to her?”

  Julianna was a stupid sap, that’s what she was, and good old Jeremy wanted to get her in the sack for years but didn’t have the balls to go after what he wanted. Wait until his precious Jules was dead.

  “Why don’t you come into the precinct around 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning? Detective Bouchou and Agent Winters will have everything set up.”

  “Okay, Jeremy, and thanks for setting this up with Julianna. I can’t wait to speak with her.”

  “Yeah, all right. Just remember what I told you the other day. If this is some sort of game, you’re going to lose big time.”

  “It’s not a game, Jeremy. I swear. I feel terrible for what I’ve done and thank god Julianna is safe somewhere. She’s safe where she is, right, Jeremy?” Kate pretended to cry.

  Tell me where she is, asshole…come on, give me a hint.

  “She’s safe. See you tomorrow morning.”

  Kate closed her cell phone and smiled.

  “This is going to be great,” she stated as she stood up from the bed, straightening out her dress.

  “Is that so, Kate?”

  Kate jumped when she heard Lawrence’s voice from the doorway. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she began to shake. What the hell was he doing here?

  “Going somewhere, Kate?” he asked as he moved further into the room and closer to her.

  “No. I was just making plans for shopping,” she lied and hoped to god he hadn’t heard her conversation.

  “I saw your bags by the door. Everything is all packed up. You didn’t tell me you were taking a trip,” he stated as he eyed her from head to toe.

  He looked like a million bucks, as always. His custom-made, thousand-dollar suit stretched across his wide chest and straight shoulders. He looked like a Wall Street guy today, despite the large, three-karat-diamond cuff links.

  She swallowed hard.

  “I was going to surprise you, Lawrence, and wait for you at your place.”

  “You’re full of crap! Don’t you realize, Kate, that you’ll never be like Julianna?” he grabbed her casted wrist and pulled it behind her back.

  Kate cried out in pain, and her mind panicked over what to do, how to get out of this mess.

  “Please, Lawrence, please don’t hurt me.”

  “Oh, I’m not going to hurt you, I’m going to kill you.”

  “No! Stop, you can’t!”

  Lawrence shoved Kate onto the bed, and as she tried to jump back up, he backhanded her across the mouth. Kate landed on the floor on the side of the bed. She rolled onto her back and placed her hands in the air, palms forward, to try and stop the next strike.

  Lawrence looked like a wild animal as he loomed over her, prepared to strike.

  “Julianna is alive!”

  He paused a moment at the mention of Julianna’s name. Think, Kate, think.

  “I know she’s alive, you stupid bitch!”

  He kicked her in the ribs, and she cried out in pain.

  “I also know that you talked to the cops. That you said you were going to stand trial as a witness to me arranging the hit.”

  “No! I did that to get the information on Julianna. I wanted to find out where she was so you can go get her,” Kate screamed then cried in fear. She prayed he believed her and when her plan was complete they could be a real couple, and all this would be behind them.

  Lawrence glared at her as he stepped back, as if contemplating her words.

  “I swear, Lawrence, that I was doing this for you. For us. I love you,” Kate stated as she crawled to him and hugged his leg.

  Lawrence reached down and grabbed her by her hair. He yanked it back, forcing her to look up into his eyes as he stared down at her.

  “What was this fucking plan of yours?”

  “I told the police about the calls and the hit man in order to get them to trust me. The trooper and detectives called, and I asked to speak with Julianna and told them that I wanted to apologize.” She screamed as he pulled her hair tighter. His teeth clenched as he yelled at her.


  Kate grabbed hold of Lawrence’s hands as they pulled her hair practically from the roots.

  “I lied to get them to tell me where Julianna is.”

  “Where is she?”

  “I don’t know. They haven’t told me.”

your plan didn’t work.” He pulled harder then pulled her up off the floor and onto the bed.

  “No! It did work. I am going to the police station tomorrow. They set up a phone call. I’ll get her to tell me where she is.”

  “She’s too smart for you. So are the cops.”

  “We can do this, Lawrence. We can find out where she is, kill her, and move on together.”

  Lawrence stared at her, and she felt the chills run through her body. He had the most evil look on his face as he eyed her from head to toe. She knew that feral look, and she knew the best thing to do was to remain still and let Lawrence have his way. He held her gaze then crawled to hover over her body.

  “You did this for me?” he asked, and she swallowed hard then nodded her head.

  Lawrence caressed her lips where the small bit of blood sat near her lip.

  He wiped it with his finger, lifted it to his mouth, and then stared at her.

  Kate watched the bit of blood that sat on Lawrence’s finger and the crazed look in his eyes.

  “Things just may work out,” he stated then licked the blood off of his finger.

  She could practically see his mind working as a distant look overtook his eyes. He had a plan, and it was only to serve himself.

  “First things first,” he stated, sitting up, straddling her. “You’ve been a naughty girl, and I want to ensure that you weren’t trying to double-cross me.”

  He ripped the designer cloth from her body and spread her legs before pressing forward to hold her throat with his hands.

  He squeezed a bit too tight, and Kate instantly had difficulty breathing.

  “No tricks, Kate. I want Julianna back.” He squeezed, and as she panted for air, he licked her lips before having his way with her.

  Chapter 16

  Julianna sat by the fireplace after a nice, romantic, candlelight dinner with Johnny. He stoked the fire as she absorbed the warmth of the flames and the content feeling of being in Johnny’s home.

  It was a very large, four-bedroom log cabin that he had helped build after returning from the war.

  Johnny sat behind her, leaning his back against the rustic, brown leather sofa before pulling Julianna to sit between his legs. She lay back and tilted her head up toward him as he smiled before taking her lips in a soft kiss.

  He wrapped his arms around her as they stared at the fire and enjoyed each other’s company.

  “You sure you enjoyed the chicken?” he asked as he caressed her belly, gently stroking her skin.

  She chuckled as his caresses tickled her. “Yes, I enjoyed it. It was delicious.”

  “Not too spicy for you or the little one?” he teased as he caressed her belly while kissing her neck.

  “I like spicy,” she retorted, tilting her head to the side so he could kiss her lips instead of her neck.

  The kiss grew deeper as Johnny maneuvered his body and adjusted Julianna’s to the large, fluffy, cream-colored rug in front of the fire.

  His thigh pressed between her legs, spreading them as he continued his onslaught of kisses. Across her neck, down her collarbone, then under her sweater as he pulled it up and she helped remove it.

  Johnny cupped the lace-covered mound, pushing the material aside so he could taste her skin.

  * * * *

  “I love your breasts. They’re perfect, and they taste so good and smooth under my tongue,” he whispered, causing Julianna to moan as he feasted on one, then the other.

  The smell of her perfume, her supple skin, and toned body turned him on and made him want to possess every inch of her. “I love you, baby, and I love our baby growing inside of you,” he whispered then trailed kisses along her abdomen before unbuttoning the snap on her jeans.

  The feel of her hands rubbing over his head, through his scalp, to his shoulders, sent waves of desire through his body.

  Julianna was gorgeous, and he was such a lucky man to have found her.

  Johnny couldn’t help but to think about her stuck in the blizzard on the side of the road and the fact that she nearly died. Not once, but twice she came close to death.

  Something inside him, primal and needy, stirred. He pulled the jeans from her body, then the lace panties, and frantically removed his clothes.

  He heard Julianna suck in her breath at his speedy insistence, but he was led by a higher power, to have her and be inside her, where he belonged.

  He pulled her closer to him before plunging into her. Johnny growled in relief to finally be inside her warmth. To know she was safe, in his arms, and eternally his.

  He kissed her mouth, loved it voraciously as the feel of Julianna’s fingers caressed his shoulders and biceps.

  Johnny struggled for control of his emotions. He wanted her, needed to brand her body as his own, and he couldn’t understand the power of that need.

  “Johnny, I love you,” she whispered, and the sound of her soft voice made him slow his pace, gentle his kisses, as he savored the sensations of making love to his woman.

  He locked gazes with Julianna, saw the intensity in her eyes, and knew she felt exactly what he was feeling.

  Julianna pulled his face closer to hers, and their lips met in an intoxicating kiss. No longer able to keep the pace slow and easy, they challenged one another thrust for thrust until finally they exploded together in ecstasy.

  Chapter 17

  Kate sat in the waiting room, fidgeting with the diamond and ruby tennis bracelet Lawrence had given her a year ago. Glancing around at all the men and women in uniform gave her the creeps. No one had to tell her who the FBI agents were. She could pick them out one by one in a glance.

  She re-crossed her legs and waited for Detective Bouchou to return, and she wondered who, out of all the men in the office, was the one Lawrence had on his payroll.

  She thought about how she had lied to Lawrence, begged for forgiveness, and hoped he believed her. When was he finally going to get over Julianna and start focusing on her?

  Lawrence adored Julianna, and it made Kate sick.

  She listened to the conversations until two men she hadn’t recognized walked out of the office and passed her. One gave her the once-over. He was very fine-looking, but cops made crappy salaries. A woman’s got to have her standards.

  “Kate. They’re ready for you,” Detective Bouchou stated from the doorway.

  She smiled then nibbled her bottom lip, pretending nervousness and guilt. The dumbass ate it up as she sashayed into the meeting room.

  * * * *

  “Okay, Julianna. Remember, no info on where you are or what’s going on in your life. I’m connecting the call,” Johnny stated as he and two of his deputies recorded the call and listened in. Johnny locked gazes with Julianna then gave her a reassuring nod of his head.

  He wasn’t happy, and boy, did he make his feelings known. The two deputies looked as nervous as she felt.

  Johnny spoke a few words then placed the call on speaker.

  “Hello?” Julianna answered.

  “Oh my God, Julianna, is that really you?”

  Julianna swallowed the lump in her throat before clearing it and answering Kate. It was so odd to hear her voice and have such an emotional reaction.

  “It’s me, Kate.”

  “Are you well, Julianna? Are you with family or friends who can care for you?”

  Johnny shook his head, reminding her not to give any info away.

  “I’m fine, Kate. I’m moving on with my life.”

  “That’s good to hear.”

  “What is it that you wanted to say to me, Kate?”

  “No room for small talk anymore?”

  “We haven’t engaged in small talk for years, Kate. Why would we start now, after everything you’ve done?”

  “It wasn’t my fault, Julianna. I didn’t want him to do the things he did. I fell for his lies, his promises to provide all the things I never had.”

  “I understand that, Kate, but what do you want from me?”

  Kate was silent a m
oment, and Julianna had a bad feeling in her gut.

  “I…I—” Kate began to cry, and for a moment Julianna felt sad for her, but her gut wouldn’t budge.

  “Take your time, Kate. I understand that you are going to testify to Lawrence’s actions, the hit, the plan to kill the baby…everything. To be honest, Kate, I’d like to know why.”

  “I’m sorry, Julianna. I just wanted to be able to tell you that I was sorry and that I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”

  “You want me to accept your apology so it will make you feel better? I’d like to know, what is it about Lawrence that makes you want to throw your life away and be prosecuted along with him?”

  “I love him, Julianna,” Kate stated then began to sob.

  Julianna felt the tear leak from her eye, and Johnny raised his eyebrows at her before giving her a stern look. He was her strength and her power in getting through this.

  “Well then I feel bad for you, Kate. You’re lucky that you’re still alive.”

  “He still wants to take care of me, Julianna, but he still loves you.”

  Julianna heard the anger and upset in Kate’s voice before she cleared her throat. Bingo! Kate was up to something. Julianna was certain.

  “Does he bring you along to all those private dinner meetings with the gangsters he knows? I used to love that little Italian place on Main Avenue, around the corner from the Korean dry cleaners. Man, was that place expensive.”

  “No. He never took me there.”

  “Oh, that’s a shame. You would love it, Kate, and fit right in.”

  “Well, he did take me to Vegas to meet some big shots who owned some sort of antique importing company.”

  “You mean Vendicorp?”

  “No, it was Sinserri Imports. They have a lot of companies all across the states, in Europe, and even Mexico.”

  Julianna smiled at Johnny and his deputies as Johnny raised his eyebrows in warning and the deputies smirked.

  “Oh, whatever. Anyway, thanks for coming clean, Kate, and testifying against Lawrence. Getting away from him is the best thing you can do.”


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