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Hollywood Divorces • Hollywood Wives: The New Generation

Page 83

by Jackie Collins

  ‘Scuse me?’ Tony said, his face darkening.

  ‘You’re a two-bit druggie loser. A—’

  ‘Enough, Matt,’ Lola said quickly, putting her hand on his arm. Enough, or you could end up like Tyrell White–falling from a nineteenth-floor window. An unfortunate suicide. ‘We’ll leave, if that’s what you want.’

  Matt shot Tony a triumphant look, while Lola made a face as if to say, ‘What can I do?’ She wanted Matt out of her life, but certainly not as the result of violence.

  Unfortunately Tony was capable of anything, so to defuse the situation, she would leave with Matt before the two men got into a fight. A fight that Tony would surely win.

  Tomorrow she’d call Tony and make everything right. Come what may, their future was together.

  The phone awoke Shelby at three a.m. She groped for it in her sleep.

  ‘Yes?’ she mumbled. ‘Who is it?’

  ‘Shelby, this is Connie.’

  She couldn’t imagine why Linc’s sister was calling her in the middle of the night.

  ‘Connie,’ she said, struggling to wake up, ‘is everything all right?’

  ‘No, I’m sorry, it’s not.’

  ‘What happened?’

  ‘It’s an emergency, Shelby. A few minutes ago I received a call from a New York hospital.’

  ‘What about?’ Shelby asked, starting to panic.

  ‘It’s Linc,’ Connie said. ‘He overdosed on drugs.’

  ‘He did what?’

  ‘Right now he’s in intensive care. Suki and I are on our way to the airport. They’re, uh…not exactly sure he’s going to make it.’

  I’m dreaming, Shelby thought. This is all some horrible nightmare.

  Then she realized this was no dream, and her world started to collapse.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  ‘Tell me more,’ Cat said, her feet propped on the dashboard.

  ‘Jeez!’ Nick answered, racing his Maserati past a sporty Mercedes. ‘I’ve told you everything about myself. You give a third degree like nobody I know.’

  ‘I’m excellent at it, aren’t I?’ she boasted, with a wicked grin. ‘I should’ve been a prosecuting attorney.’

  ‘You would’ve killed.’

  ‘Thanks,’ she answered proudly. ‘Are we nearly there?’

  ‘I hope so.’

  ‘What a night,’ she said, yawning loudly. ‘I never thought I’d meet anybody who’d want to do the crazy stuff I do.’

  ‘I never met a girl like you either,’ he agreed. ‘It’s a kick.’

  ‘So, may I hear the rest of the Nick Logan life story?’ she said encouragingly.

  ‘The rest starts now,’ he replied. ‘I’m sitting in my new car with my new girl. And I like it!’

  ‘Hmm…do you think Amy and Jonas have arrived yet?’

  ‘They’ve probably checked into the hotel and hit the sheets. It’s some ungodly hour. Sleep seems like a plan.’

  ‘Sleep would be nice,’ she agreed, thinking how much she liked him.

  ‘In a bed–with you next to me.’

  ‘What?’ she said, mocking him lightly. ‘You didn’t enjoy the sand?’

  ‘I can safely say I’ll never forget it.’

  ‘Nor will I. It was good, huh?’

  ‘It sure was. Did you—’

  ‘Of course I did. How about you?’

  ‘Like I could fake it.’

  ‘Men do, you know.’

  ‘You’ve really been mixing with a strange group of guys.’

  ‘Yeah, I should’ve stuck to the classy type of person you hang with.’

  ‘You’re talkin’ about my nefarious past,’ he said, changing CDs.

  ‘I am?’

  ‘Right on.’

  ‘Thank God we’re almost there,’ she said, checking out a passing billboard.

  ‘When was the last time you were in Vegas?’ he asked, pumping up the volume on Kid Rock.

  ‘Don’t recall ever coming here. Isn’t that sad?’

  ‘A Vegas virgin,’ he said, whistling. ‘Wow!’

  ‘Let’s not get carried away. When were you last here?’

  ‘I sometimes fly in for the fights with some of my pals. It’s a regular party scene. Booze, babes, and two monsters knocking the shit outta each other.’

  ‘Sounds delightful.’

  ‘It’s a diversion.’

  ‘And you always win at blackjack?’

  ‘I’m lucky that way.’

  ‘Gambling is an addiction, you know.’

  ‘Does that mean I’m about to get a lecture?’

  ‘Not from me. Trust me, Nick–lectures are not my thing.’

  On the way home, Lola checked with her mother on the car phone.

  ‘Selma was very talkative tonight,’ her mother assured her. ‘The doctors say that she’ll be able to come home in a few days. No permanent damage.’

  ‘That’s such great news, Mama.’

  ‘It’s late, where are you calling from?’

  ‘Matt and I were at a party. We’re in the car.’

  ‘Was it a nice party?’

  ‘Yes, Mama, it was very nice. It was for the artist, Raja Mestres.’

  ‘That is exciting.’

  ‘I think I saw Antonio Banderas there–your favourite.’

  ‘What I wouldn’t give to meet that man,’ Claudine sighed.

  ‘Next time I’m invited to one of his premières,’ Lola said, ‘I’ll take you with me.’

  ‘No,’ Claudine said firmly. ‘You’ll take Matt. He is your husband.’

  Oh, God, now she’d have to confront the family again when she got rid of Matt. Her problems were never-ending.

  Matt was sulking in the car.

  ‘I’m the one who should be giving out the silent treatment around here,’ she said, when she got off the phone. ‘How dare you drag me out of a party while I’m talking to my friends?’

  ‘Your friends?’ he sneered. ‘Is that what you call Tony Alvarez–a friend?’

  ‘Tony’s a very fine director and for your information, a loyal friend.’

  ‘What were the two of you doing in the bedroom?’

  ‘He was showing me the house.’

  ‘Some of the waiters were laughing about it in the kitchen.’

  ‘Laughing about what?’

  ‘You and him in there, then you with two women. What are you? A lesbian?’

  ‘Oh, for God’s sake!’

  They travelled the rest of the way home in silence. When they arrived at the house, Lola marched straight upstairs. Her mind was in turmoil. Thank God Selma had fully recovered and would shortly be coming out of hospital. Normal life would resume, and Lola had decided that there was no way she was about to be stuck with Matt.

  There was only one answer. She and Tony should get married, then nobody could criticize them.

  How quickly could she divorce Matt? That was the question. And how much would she have to pay him this time? She was rich, but not a billionaire by any means, and getting rid of Matt was turning into a big expense.

  Matt walked into the bedroom shortly after her.

  ‘No TV?’ she said sarcastically, sitting on the edge of the bed, brushing her hair. ‘Surely you want to sit downstairs watching sports for another three hours?’

  ‘I’m not happy,’ Matt mumbled.

  ‘Nor am I,’ she retorted.

  ‘I’m the one who’s being treated like crap,’ he whined. ‘I’m your husband, Lola. You married me, threw me out, then took me back. You can’t treat me like a dog and expect to get away with it. I refuse to be made a fool of by someone like Tony Alvarez.’

  ‘I’m glad you brought it up,’ she said, seizing the opportunity. ‘The truth is that we never should’ve gotten back together. We’re not compatible. It was a big mistake.’

  ‘What?’ he said, perplexed by her attitude. He’d expected to mend bridges–not demolish them.

  ‘You heard,’ she answered. ‘You’re not the man for me, and I’m not the w
oman for you. That’s the way it is, Matt. We should both face up to it.’

  His left eyelid began twitching–a sign that he was nervous. ‘What are you saying?’ he said, flushing angrily.

  ‘I’m saying this is not working out for either of us. You have to go.’


  ‘I’ll make sure you’re well compensated.’

  ‘Compensated?’ he exploded. ‘What do you think I am? An employee?’

  ‘You know what I mean,’ she said, wishing she hadn’t started something that her lawyer would obviously have to finish.

  He started pacing around the room. ‘It’s Tony Alvarez, isn’t it? He always manages to come between us. If it weren’t for him, you and I would be fine.’

  ‘Maybe so,’ she answered, putting down her hairbrush. ‘However, that’s the way it is.’

  ‘That’s the way it is,’ he muttered, repeating her words.

  ‘Not only is Tony one of the most talented directors in the world,’ she said, deciding that since she’d started it, she might as well lay it all out, ‘but he loves me, and I’m finally admitting that I love him too.’ She was glad that she’d said it. Relieved it was out in the open. No more deception.

  ‘You love him?’ Matt said, his bland face turning a dark crimson. ‘He’s engaged to another woman.’

  ‘Maria is only a smokescreen,’ she explained. ‘Tony and I are meant for each other.’

  ‘You honestly believe that?’ he said, shocked she would say such a thing.

  ‘Yes,’ she said. ‘I only took you back because my family begged me to. It was a mistake. I need to be with Tony, and for once I’m doing what I want, not what my family thinks I should do.’

  Something exploded inside him. He was filled with a fury he hadn’t known he was capable of. ‘You unfeeling bitch!’ he yelled.

  ‘Pack up and leave tomorrow morning, Matt,’ she said coldly. ‘Tonight you can sleep in the guest room.’

  ‘You’d appreciate that, would you?’ he said, completely enraged. ‘Why don’t you have your lawyer throw me out, like before?’

  ‘Don’t fight it,’ she said, perfectly calm. ‘I’ve made up my mind.’

  ‘You’re obsessed with Tony Alvarez! That’s what this is all about,’ he shouted. ‘If he wasn’t around, you and I would be very happy together.’

  ‘Whatever you say,’ she murmured, tired of arguing. ‘I’m going to sleep now. I’m sorry it had to work out this way.’

  Shelby did not know who to turn to so she called Pete, who assured her he’d be over immediately.

  When he arrived, she was already dressed and ready to go. She’d written a note to her parents, stuck it on the fridge, and put the puppy in its play pen where it couldn’t get into trouble.

  ‘I need somebody to take me to the airport,’ she said, choking back tears.

  ‘I’ll drive you,’ Pete said, hugging her. ‘Everything will work out, Shelby.’

  ‘This is all because I left him alone,’ she said, her beautiful face pale and wan. ‘I should have gone back to him, done what he wanted. I could’ve walked off the movie. It didn’t matter.’

  ‘It has nothing to do with you,’ Pete assured her. ‘This would’ve happened anyway.’

  ‘Not if I’d given up my career and been by his side.’

  In the car on the way to the airport she decided to tell him about the baby. ‘There’s something you should know, Pete,’ she said in a low voice. ‘Yesterday I found out I’m pregnant.’

  ‘Oh, Jesus! Now I know why you’ve been in such a funk about everything.’

  ‘I have to go back to Linc,’ she said, nodding to herself. ‘You’re a wonderful man, and I’ve enjoyed our time together, but Linc is my husband and I love him, so I am going back.’

  Pete nodded, although he was dying inside. ‘I understand.’

  At the airport he informed her that he was coming with her on the plane to New York.

  ‘It’s not necessary,’ she said. ‘I’ll manage.’

  ‘No,’ he said, watching her closely. ‘I’m flying with you. You can’t be by yourself.’

  ‘You don’t have to do that,’ she said softly.

  ‘Yes, Shelby. I do.’

  He purchased both their tickets, and they caught the next flight out.

  Later, sitting on the plane, Shelby was frozen with fear. She kept on remembering the good times and the bad. The happiness and despair. Life with Linc had never been dull. And now…What if he didn’t pull through? What would she do then?

  She had to stop thinking about it. The only positive thing she could do was hope that he made it.

  As soon as Nick and Cat walked into the Hard Rock, the front desk alerted the manager, and he came running out to meet them and escort them to the complimentary suite where Amy and Jonas were already settled.

  Amy, clad in yellow and black striped leggings and an oversized T-shirt, was sitting cross-legged on the terrace eating a bowl of cereal and sliced banana. ‘Wow!’ she exclaimed, jumping up. ‘What happened to you two? You look like you’ve been through a garbage dump and come out the other side.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Cat said, stealing a slice of banana. ‘Guess I’d better go take a shower.’

  ‘Lead the way,’ Nick said, regarding her with affection.

  ‘Oh,’ Amy said knowingly, ‘so it’s like that, is it?’

  Nick and Cat exchanged an intimate look, unable to wipe the smile off their faces.

  ‘That’s cool,’ Amy said casually. ‘It means you won’t be too knocked over by our news.’

  ‘What news?’ Nick asked. ‘And where’s Jonas?’

  ‘He’s downstairs buying me a—’

  ‘Buying you a what?’

  ‘Hmm, you’d better take a look at these and have a guess,’ Amy said, handing them a couple of photos.

  Cat and Nick viewed the photos together. They were of an overstuffed Elvis impersonator in a white suit, holding a Bible, standing under a sign that read The Elvis Wedding Chapel. Opposite him Jonas and Amy were hand in hand, with huge smiles on their faces.

  ‘Don’t tell me you—’ Nick began.

  ‘Yup,’ Amy yelled excitedly. ‘We did!’

  ‘You did!’ Cat screamed. ‘And you had Elvis! How cool is that?’

  ‘Couldn’t help ourselves,’ Amy said. ‘We got here way before you guys, and we had nothing to do-except gamble, which Jonas doesn’t. So…since we were celebrating—’

  ‘Celebrating what?’ Nick asked.

  ‘Merrill made Jonas a producer on his next movie.’

  ‘That’s fantastic!’ Cat exclaimed.

  ‘Anyway,’ Amy continued, ‘so we kinda sorta…y’know, decided to get married.’

  ‘Holy shit!’ Nick exclaimed.

  ‘Insanity obviously runs in the family,’ Cat remarked.

  ‘I’ll tell you something,’ Nick said, indicating Cat. ‘If my girl wasn’t already married, we’d probably be doin’ it ourselves.’

  ‘We would?’ Cat said.

  ‘Yeah, we would,’ Nick said, challenging her to argue.

  ‘I dunno about that.’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘I don’t.’

  ‘You always have to be the boss, don’t you?’

  ‘Yeah, as a matter of fact I do.’

  ‘What you need is a man who can control you.’

  ‘And I suppose you’re that man?’

  ‘Looks like it.’

  ‘Children! Children!’ Amy chided, as Jonas walked in.

  ‘Hey,’ Jonas greeted them. ‘You’re here.’

  ‘And I always thought you were so introverted and careful,’ Cat said, shaking her head. ‘Obviously I was totally wrong.’

  ‘She told you,’ he said sheepishly.

  ‘She sure did! I’m proud of you, Jonas. Get your butt over here–the bridegroom owes me a kiss.’

  ‘Here’s the plan,’ Nick said. ‘We’ll grab a couple of hours’ sleep, then we’re gonna blow this town wide open. W
e got some major celebrating to do. It isn’t every day my little sis gets married!’

  She’d been lying to him. Lola Sanchez loved Tony Alvarez. She did not love Matt Seel.


  Matt prowled around the house while his wife slept in the luxurious bedroom she wanted him out of.

  Matt out.

  Tony in.

  It was that simple.

  Goddamn spic. Matt hated his guts. If it wasn’t for Tony Alvarez everything would be all right between him and Lola. They’d stay married. Probably have kids to cement the deal. And he, Matt Seel, would become a superstar.

  JesusfuckingChrist! Tony Alvarez was the devil. He’d lured Lola away with his devilish powers.

  Matt walked to the bar and took a bottle of beer from the fridge. He drank it down in several big gulps, then opened another.

  Did she honestly expect him to leave again? Leave, so that she could get all cosy with the spic?

  Of course, she wasn’t exactly a pure American girl. She was a spic herself, if the truth was known. And the truth was known, she didn’t try to hide it.

  Lola Sanchez. The Latina sex bomb.


  So the two spics wanted to be together and have little spic kids, was that it? While he, Matt Seel, a pure-born American, was left out in the cold.

  He’d had enough.

  Tony Alvarez was not going to come between him and his future.


  Cat closed her eyes and gave herself up to the moment. Nick was a skilled lover with all the right moves. They had a rhythm going, a fantastic, wonderful rhythm. Being in bed with him was almost as if it was their first time together. Making love on the beach earlier seemed like some kind of distant crazed adventure.

  This had all started as a revenge fuck, but now she was in bed with Nick Logan in Las Vegas and enjoying every minute of it. They were totally compatible.

  ‘You do know that you’re fuckin’ gorgeous, don’t you?’ he said, pumping away.

  ‘Such a way with words,’ she murmured, moving out from under him so that she could get on top.

  He began to laugh as she straddled him. ‘Always gotta be in charge, huh?’ Then his laughter turned to heavy breathing as she rode him to an incredible climax.


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