Book Read Free

Antiphon poi-3

Page 28

by Ken Scholes

  I wasn’t planning on going to graduation. I mean, how many high school diplomas does a guy really need? But then it occurred to me that I may need this one if I’m truly turning mortal.

  I’m hiding in the shadows of the scoreboard waiting for Frannie when there’s a tap on my shoulder. I turn and find Gabriel, leaning on the goalpost, smirking at me, and it hits me how blind I am without my sixth sense, which is mostly gone.

  He flicks the ridiculous maroon graduation gown fluttering around me. “Nice dress.”

  “Go to Hell.”

  “Not likely,” he says, shrugging away from the post.

  I look over at the grandstand as Frannie shows up with her family.

  “Why did you. ” I glance back at Frannie.

  “Back off?” he finishes for me. “Because she made her choice.”

  “How do you know?”

  He smirks at me. “You’re joking, right? Look at yourself.”

  And it hits me. I’m on my way to becoming human-and she did that to me. That’s how much she wanted me. What’s left of my power surges, and I feel the crackle of hot electricity dance over my skin. “And I suppose you came out unscathed? Still have your wings?”

  He smiles. “It was touch and go there for a while.”

  “If she. if it had gone the other way, would you have given them up?”

  His eyes flick to Frannie and back as his smile pulls to one side and his eyebrow quirks. “Would I have had a choice?”

  What I see in his eyes-what he’s trying to hide behind that amused expression, maybe even from himself-is that he’d willingly give up his wings for her.

  He steps behind the scoreboard. “Just because you’re no longer a threat to her soul, don’t think I won’t be watching. Give me an excuse, and I’ll smote you on the spot.” And then he disappears-gone, as if he was never there.

  I watch from the football field as Frannie’s mom fusses with her hair and cap. Only Frannie could make these ridiculous caps and gowns look so hot. I’m imagining what she’s got on underneath-and underneath that. Hopefully I’ll have a chance to find out later. I already know it’s not her red bra. Maybe something black. and lacy.

  She comes out onto the field with Riley and Taylor as her family makes their way onto the bleachers, and I laugh out loud at the look on her dad’s face when she walks over and kisses me. And then I see Grandpa staring at me, his expression stern. But just as I’m about to look away, he smiles and nods in my direction.

  Frannie looks up into the stands at her father. “We’re gonna have to do something about that.”

  “I think it’s a lost cause,” I say, hoping I’m wrong. I pull her close and kiss her again.

  “You guys make me sick. Get a room,” Taylor sneers.

  Riley grabs Taylor’s hand and starts pulling her toward the gym. “They’re lining up. Let’s go.”

  I loop my arm around Frannie, shooting a glance at her father, and we wind our way through the sea of maroon caps and gowns to the line forming behind the gym.

  The music starts and all the good little lemmings walk in double file. They told us to stay two feet apart, but Frannie wraps her arm around me and pulls her body to mine as we start up the football field to our seats. I can’t wipe the grin off my face.

  We sit, and I look around at all the sweaty bodies baking in the sun as Principal Grayson drones on about new beginnings and other such nonsense. About thirty minutes in, I realize why I’ve always avoided these graduation ceremonies like a plague of rats.

  Just when I’m convinced that after seven millennia I’m going to die right here of boredom, they start calling names and our row stands. I walk across the platform, and Principal Grayson hands me my diploma with a grin and a sage nod. I wait at the bottom of the stairs for Frannie, and as she walks toward me, her gown blowing back in the breeze, outlining those curves, I can’t help but fantasize about later. She’s supposed to be staying at Taylor’s tonight. I wonder if she could be talked into a change of venue. She gets to the bottom of the stairs, and I lift her off the ground and kiss her.

  As I lower her back to her feet she says, “Mmm, nice. That’s gonna score you some points with the parents.”

  I look into the stands and see her parents standing there, slack-jawed, Dad with a camera perched, forgotten, in his hand. And Grandpa is laughing. “So what’s the plan?”

  “I’m working on it. But I’m pretty sure it doesn’t include molesting me in front of them.”

  Frannie’s family comes down to the field after the ceremony, her dad still glaring.

  “So,” her mom says, “you’re going to the party with Taylor and Riley?” She’s trying to be cheerful, but her smile is as fake as cubic zirconia.

  Frannie rolls her eyes. “Yes, Mom.”

  Frannie’s grandpa meanders over and pats me on the back. “Luc will take good care of her. We have an agreement. Don’t we, son.”

  I smile, relieved. “Yes, sir.”

  “I think Frannie’s in good hands,” he says, winking at me.

  Frannie’s mom’s fake smile can’t hold, and she glowers at Grandpa. “Dad, really. This isn’t your affair.”

  “No, you’re right. It’s Frannie’s,” he says and winks at Frannie this time.

  Frannie speaks up. “I told you. I’m going to the party with Taylor and Riley, Mom. You know our deal. And don’t forget, Riley and I are staying at Taylor’s tonight.”

  She eyes me suspiciously, and I can see Frannie’s dad ready to protest, just as Taylor and Riley appear and grab Frannie.

  “Hey Mrs. Cavanaugh,” Taylor says. “So, I’m kidnapping Frannie, ’kay?”

  Frannie’s dad’s eyes soften a little, and her mom says, “All right. But I want you girls to stay together.” Her eyes flick to me and back to Frannie. “All night.”

  Then Taylor looks at Frannie’s dad. Her whole face softens, and it almost looks like she’s going to cry. “Thanks, Mr. Cavanaugh. Dad’s pretty excited about starting his new job. He really appreciates your help finding it.”

  “You’re welcome. It’s the least I could do. I’m glad he’s feeling better.”

  “The counselor is really helping all of us,” she says. She hesitates, then steps forward and wraps Mr. Cavanaugh in a hug. Once his surprise clears, he lifts his hand and pats her back.

  “I’m happy that I could help,” he says.

  She pulls away and for the first time ever, I notice color in her cheeks. Then the Tayloresque gleam returns to her eye. She hooks her arms around Frannie and Riley. “Let’s go, girls. We have some serious partying to do.”

  Frannie hugs her family, and I hold out my hand to Frannie’s grandpa. He shakes it and then I shift it to Mr. Cavanaugh. He hesitates but then reaches for my hand. As he shakes it he gives it a very firm squeeze-a warning.

  “Have a good evening,” I say to all of them with my most reassuring smile and a tip of my head. I turn to walk with Frannie, Taylor, and Riley to the parking lot.

  And my heart stops.


  She’s standing with her back to us, her long, straight, raven hair glistening in the bright June sun. I pull Frannie behind me and feel my diminishing power crackle over the surface of my balled right fist. Avaira turns slowly and I raise my fist, then I release the breath I’d been holding as my heart resumes a rhythm.

  It’s not her.

  I’m paranoid, seeing Belias and Avaira everywhere. Because I’m sure they’re still here-and desperate. They have to know that time is running out.

  I wrap my arm around Frannie, who looks startled, and my heart rate settles back to normal as we make our way to Riley’s car. Frannie curls herself around me. She peers over her shoulder at her friends, who are busy pulling off each other’s caps and bobby pins, and whispers, “What was that all about?”

  I just shake my head.

  Her eyes narrow, but she lets it go as her friends approach. “So, I’ll see you there?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it. How l
ong are you guys going to need?”

  She, Riley, and Taylor share a shrug. “We’re just going to Taylor’s to change, and we’ll head right up to Gallaghers’. So, like, a half hour maybe?”

  I kiss her again. “See you there,” I say, knowing-as usual-that I’m not going to let her out of my sight. I never do, but she doesn’t need to know that. No sense stressing her out more than she already is. I’ll do anything to help her feel like her life is normal-at times, anyway.


  He thinks I don’t know he’s following me all the time. He knows I want my life, and he’s trying so hard to let me have it. I don’t want to burst his bubble, so I don’t say anything, but, really, I like knowing that he’s there. When I can’t sleep at night, I stare out my window through the trees at the glint of the moonlight off the hood of the Shelby, and wish I was out there with him.

  I look around Gallaghers’ backyard through beer-blurry eyes and see him leaning against a tree looking hotter than hell. Just as I start stumbling toward him, Riley and Trevor come sneaking out of the woods. I change my direction, staggering up to her, and brush the bramble out of her hair with my fingers as Trevor makes his way back up the stairs to his crew on the porch. I crack a smile. “Hey, Ry. You guys spending some quality time in Gallaghers’ shed?”

  Even in the bit of moonlight filtering through the trees, I can tell her blush is flaming. And I recognize the look in her eye, ’cause I’ve been seeing it in the mirror recently. “He’s unbelievable, Fee. The stuff he does with his-”

  I hold up my hand. “Too much information, Ry.” But then I can’t stop the grin from spreading across my face. It’s great to see her so happy. “When you guys gonna tell Taylor?”

  “Trevor’s going to talk to her tomorrow-I think. He said that yesterday too, though. and last week.”

  I crack up. “She’s gonna beat the shit out of him, and he knows it. I think you’re gonna have to do it.”

  She groans as Taylor blasts into us, screaming, nearly knocking me to the ground. Taylor wobbles nearly to the point of falling, and Riley catches her and steadies her on her feet. “Come party with me, losers.” Taylor giggles and loops an arm around each of our shoulders.

  “Hey Trev!” I yell. “C’mere!”

  He looks over warily, then slowly, and with much trepidation, starts making his way down the stairs. When he finally reaches us, I loop my free hand over his shoulder.

  “So, Tay, Riley and Trevor have something they’re dying to share with you,” I say, slipping out from under Taylor’s and Trevor’s arms and linking them together.

  If Taylor didn’t need the support, she would have pushed her brother’s arm off, but instead she leans on him. “What?”

  I watch as Riley and Trevor share a glance then link their free arms around each other, closing the circle.

  I turn my back on the happy little circle and look around again.

  Roadkill is set up behind the house, and Delanie is blasting out a perfect Paramore. It’s pretty amazing how much better they sound with someone who can actually sing. Reefer looks up at me and smiles. I wave and smile back. I laugh when I think about what Taylor called him: a geek of the Guitar Hero variety. He is, and it’s cool.

  And suddenly I feel all emotional. It must be the beer, ’cause my eyes well up when I realize how much I’m gonna miss all this. But I hope I’m not gonna miss Luc. I’ve been afraid to ask what’s gonna happen after graduation.

  I stumble toward him and stop to look back at my friends when I hear Taylor screech, “You stupid shit!” She shoves Riley, but only succeeds in knocking herself on her butt in the mud.

  I turn back, smiling, and make my way to Luc. When I get to him, I hook my hands over his shoulders and lean in to steady myself. I rest my head on his chest, and he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close.

  “Hey,” I say into his shirt.

  “You having fun?”

  “Yeah, but you’re not.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Dunno. You’re just standing here.”

  “Enjoying the view,” he says squeezing me a little tighter.

  “Fee! You suck!” Taylor shouts at me.

  In answer, I push back from Luc and flip her the bird. Then I reach up and twist my hand in his hair, pulling his face to mine. He grins and lets me, and when he kisses me I seriously want to climb right into him.

  “C’mere,” I whisper in his ear, sliding my hand under his T-shirt and running my finger along the skin at his waistband. I want him alone-now.

  “Where are we going?” I feel his body stiffen as I hook my fingers around the button of his jeans.

  “Just for a little stroll.” I turn and start to tug him by the waist of his pants toward his car.

  He smiles. “What about your friends? This may be your last bash with them.”

  “To hell with my friends.”

  I tow him past a line of cars on the side of the road to the Shelby parked near the woods. When we get to it, I push him into the side and lean in, pressing myself into him. Roadkill must be on a break, ’cause I can hear Led Zeppelin wailing from the boom box about a stairway to Heaven, but all I care about is Luc.

  “What did you have in mind?” he asks, searching my face as if looking for something he lost.

  “Finding our own stairway to Heaven. Your backseat looks comfortable. I haven’t had a chance to check it out yet,” I slur, pushing away from him to open the door.

  So, I’m feeling pretty dizzy, but the potent smell of rotten eggs cuts through my drunken haze instantly. I start to turn, but a pair of hot arms grab me from behind. Reflexively, I drop into a crouch and grab one of the arms from my waist. I lose my balance as I flip the person it’s attached to over my shoulder onto the ground in front of me. I see his face just before I fall backward into the mud.

  Belias’s one good eye stares red death at me. His other is covered with a black eye patch.

  The next second, I’m being scooped off the ground and thrown into Luc’s car.


  I scoop Frannie off the ground and throw her in the car as Belias picks himself up and dives at us. I summon what’s left of my power and hit him in the chest with a blast so pathetic it would have embarrassed me a few weeks ago. Now, I’m pretty proud of it. It knocks him back to the ground, slowing him down enough that we’re in the car before he picks himself back up. Remembering last time, I throw up a field around the car-probably not enough to keep him out, but it’s all I’ve got-and gun the engine.

  But when I look in the rearview mirror, there’s a bright flash of white light and someone is standing over Belias. Gabriel? It has to be. But he looks different-smaller, somehow.

  I breathe deep to slow my pounding heart. “Are you okay, Frannie?”

  “Yup,” she says, and when I glance at her, she doesn’t even look scared.

  “You’re sure?”

  She actually smiles. “Yup.” Then her head lolls back on the seat and she closes her eyes.

  “Frannie?” I nudge her.


  “Oh, for the sin of Satan,” I mumble to myself.

  Now what? I can’t take her home like this-drunk and covered in mud. There’s my apartment. but it’s not safe. I need backup. So there’s really only one option. Hopefully he’ll beat us home.

  When Gabriel opens his door and looks at Frannie, wrapped in a blanket in my arms, his eyes widen and his mouth drops open. “She’s not. ”

  “She’s fine, don’t freak. She just doesn’t hold her beer very well.”

  “I think you’re way past having to get her drunk.”

  “Out of the way, smart-ass,” I push past him into the family room.

  “Watch the white. everything,” he says. “What did she do, mud wrestle?”

  I lay her on the couch. “Close. Can’t you just throw some holy water on her and clean her up?”

  He smirks at me. “Some things do require a miracle. This, however, o
nly requires Tide with bleach. Take off her clothes, and I’ll throw them in the machine.”

  “I’m thinking the miracle is the better option. I’m finding these teenage hormones a force to be reckoned with.” I look at Frannie and shake my head. “Truth is, they’re kicking my ass.”

  His mouth curves into a smile far from angelic and his brows shoot up. “I’ll do it.” He bends over her and pulls off her muddy sneakers. I shove him out of the way. “Wait in the kitchen.”

  He shrugs and saunters off in that direction, wicked smile still in place. When he’s gone, I tug her shirt over her head and groan.

  Damn! I was right-black lace. What a waste.

  Once her jeans are off, I tuck the blanket around her and toss her clothes at Gabe. I drop into the chair next to the couch and close my eyes, letting my head loll back. When he comes back, he sits in the chair across from me.

  “Thanks for the help,” I say looking at Frannie. “I couldn’t take her home like this. Her parents already know I’m the devil, and, now that I’m not anymore, I’m hoping to prove them wrong.” I wave in her direction. “This won’t help my cause.”

  “Is she supposed to go home tonight?” he asks.

  “No. She’s supposed to stay at Taylor’s.”

  “We can let her sleep it off here, then.”

  I swallow my pride. “Also. thanks for the help at the party tonight. I’m not the demon I used to be. There’s not much left in the old spark plugs.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You know, Belias. at the party.”

  “Wasn’t me, dude.”

  “Whatever you say. But thanks.”

  He shakes his head and smiles.

  I gaze at Frannie’s sleeping form, so petite, on the couch. “Gabriel?”


  “Her soul is still clean, isn’t it? I haven’t. you know. tainted her or anything? I can’t tell for sure anymore.”

  Concern passes briefly over his features before it clears and he answers, “They have no claim to her, if that’s what you’re asking. But I’m not sure how long that will last if she keeps hanging with you. You’re a bad influence.”


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