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Her Keeper

Page 14

by Rianna Campbell

  “If you told me right now that you didn’t want anything to do with that kind of thing- hell if you told me to get on my knees at your feet and call you mistress, I would.”

  That conjured up all kinds of images that she would be thoroughly exploring later in her free time, but he was still talking.

  “But being a brat is just part of who you are. You wouldn’t be you without it. But I mean it. If you say you’ve tried it and you’re done, then that’s it. End of discussion. You understand?”

  “I think so.” She nodded.

  “Good. Now you tell me what you want.”

  She thought for a second, but that was all it took.

  “Well I definitely want to do that again,” she replied with a grin.

  “Thank, God.” He smiled and winked at her.

  “But I don’t know about the whole discipline thing. I won’t lie, I don’t hate the idea of a spanking, but… beyond that I’m not sure.”

  “No worries there. I will never hit you. Whips, paddles, canes? That's a no-go.”

  “Not even with your hand?” She was a little disappointed if she was being honest.

  “Beyond a playful swat on the ass now and then? Probably not,” he replied. He frowned as if he was considering it in depth. “We can discuss it if that’s something you think you want. We’ll call that a soft limit for now.”


  They spent the next hour talking about things they liked and things they didn’t like. And not just when it came to sex. Parker apparently could not stand country music, which she was totally on board with, and Amanda declared her hatred for pickles of any variety. Parker strongly disagreed, but as long as she didn't have to eat them, he could eat as many as he wanted.

  They shared an interest in Sci-Fi movies, even ridiculously bad ones, and preferred to wait until movies were out on blu ray rather than go see them in the theater.

  They hadn’t exactly bared their souls to one another or covered more than the tip of the iceberg, but it was a good start.

  “So, you never answered my last question. How does this work when we’re not, you know, having dirty, kinky sex?” Amanda asked. Parker blinked at her and then he laughed.

  Not a chuckle, not a snort, but an honest to goodness laugh. Dear God, it was better than crack. Oh, she definitely wanted more of that.

  He looked young and happy and carefree. When he laughed, the weight he always seemed to carry with him melted away. She was still staring when he had calmed down and caught his breath.

  He stared back, looking a little bewildered, but he smiled and moved on.

  “Like I said, however we want it to work,” he replied. “Honestly, this is really new. You’re still really new to this, so you aren’t going to know right away what you want and what you don’t want. We’ll go slow and figure it out as we go. But I think it would be best if we kept certain people out of the loop until we’ve figured things out.”

  “You mean your nosey, overprotective boss and my nosey, overprotective sister?” Amanda snorted.

  “Yeah. Especially since their wedding is in just a few days.”

  “You’re probably right,” Amanda said with a nod. She knew he was right, but for some reason, it still stung, just a little.

  Parker put his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her close. He leaned his forehead against hers as he spoke.

  “We’ll figure things out as we go,” he said softly. “Just… trust me.”

  “Okay,” she replied quietly.

  Parker kissed her. It was soft at first, but even after he deepened the kiss and his tongue explored her mouth, his movements were slow and languorous. Like he could and would spend all day just kissing her.

  Yes, please…

  She thought for sure she was on her way to more spectacular orgasms, but Parker broke the kiss and pulled away.

  “There’s one more thing, though,” Parker said, his eyebrows drawing together, his mouth set in a hard line.

  “I don’t share, and I don’t cheat. You’re it for me and I’m it for you. For however long…” He let the sentence trail away and Amanda knew why.

  He was still convinced that this was temporary. She didn’t know why he felt that way, but she wasn’t so sure. Either way, it was an easy promise to make.

  “Good, because I don’t share either.”


  By the time they set out for Connor’s wedding weekend on Friday morning, Parker was ready to climb out of his skin. The fact that he’d be seeing Amanda a lot throughout the weekend made things worse, and better at the same time.

  It was probably the equivalent of putting an ice pack on an injury. It would feel like heaven at first until it started to burn. They’d spent that one amazing day together at her apartment, and that had been it. Work and roommates had kept them apart for the rest of the week.

  They’d texted back and forth and he’d called to check on her at least once a day, but he’d been edgy and tense all week knowing that he wouldn’t be able to touch her again until they were back in the city after the wedding.

  They’d agreed to keep things quiet, at least until then. If it were up to him, he would hold off as long as possible. Despite how much pleasure he would get from everyone knowing she was his, he knew that as soon as her family found out, it was the beginning of the end.

  There was no way they’d approve, even if they never said anything out loud. They’d invite him to all the family functions out of obligation, but he would inevitably screw up or do something to give away that he didn’t belong and the talk would start. When it got back to Amanda, she would try to play it off, try to ignore it, but the strain would eventually break them.

  If he could just keep their relationship quiet and away from all their many mutual acquaintances, they could pretend that their differences didn’t matter. At least for a while.

  Parker’s phone rang, pulling him out of his brooding. The same number. Again. Whoever it was, they were persistent, but he was getting really tired of this shit. He punched the accept icon and put the phone to his ear.

  “Who is this?” Parker barked.

  “Is this Parker Hanson?” a woman’s voice asked.

  “Yeah. And who are you?”

  “Are you Randall Hanson’s son?”

  Parker’s heart stopped in his chest. He hadn’t heard that name in fifteen years. As far as he was concerned, he didn’t have a father. He’d left home at fifteen and never looked back. He wasn’t going to start now.

  “Sorry. Don’t know him.” Parker ended the call and shoved his phone back in his pocket

  Jackson hustled out of his room carrying a duffle bag and jangling his car keys.


  “Yeah, yeah. Keep your shirt on.” Parker hefted his own bags over his shoulder and checked to make sure his keys and wallet were where they should be.

  “Alright. Let’s roll.”

  The drive was quiet, each man lost in their own thoughts as the radio droned on unnoticed. Jackson was no doubt anxious about seeing Janie again, provided she made it to the wedding. Parker, on the other hand, was busy trying not to remember the first fifteen years of his life.

  He couldn’t help but wonder why, after all these years, anyone would be looking for him. What had his father done and why did they want to talk to him? Not that it mattered. Parker had stopped caring a long time ago, and he wasn’t about to start now.

  They arrived at the hotel by early afternoon and checked in. Jackson’s room was right next to his and before he’d even finished unpacking, Parker heard voices coming from Jackson’s room. After a moment there was a knock on his door and he opened it to find Connor and Alexandra.

  “Hi.” Alexandra greeted him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek as she walked into the room.

  “How was the drive?” Connor asked, following his bride-to-be through the door.


  “Good,” Connor replied with a nod.

Everything alright?” Parker asked, wondering why they were here.

  “Yeah, everything’s good,” Connor said, smiling at his girl who was busy checking out the room like it wasn’t exactly the same as all the other rooms in the hotel.

  “Glad to hear it.”

  “Listen,” Alexandra began, turning back toward them and tucking herself into Connor’s side. “We’re all getting together for dinner at seven. We’re meeting down at the hotel bar. Don’t be late.”

  “Was that an invitation, or an order?” Connor asked her, his smile all amused indulgence.

  “An order,” she replied, cocking an eyebrow as if daring him to argue. Wise man that he was, he did not. He did laugh, though.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Parker answered her, the corner of his mouth kicking up into a smile.

  “See?” she said, putting her nose in the air as she looked up at her fiancé. “Parker understands who’s in charge here.”

  “Is that right?” Connor nearly growled, his gaze turning predatory. Alexandra blushed and Parker suddenly felt like he was watching something he shouldn’t be. He cleared his throat and went back to his bag, pulling out t-shirts and stuffing them into the dresser drawer.

  “So, I’ll see you later, then,” he said, casually.

  Connor laughed and waved as he escorted Alexandra from the room. A moment later his door closed and then he heard a squeal from the hallway. Apparently, Connor was about to show Alexandra who was really in charge. Although, Parker was pretty sure Alexandra had it right. Connor would do anything and everything she asked of him.

  He finished putting away his stuff and debated trying to squeeze in a workout before dinner, but he decided against it. Anxious as he was, he doubted he’d even put a dent in the amount of nervous energy he had before he had to get ready for dinner.

  Instead, he stripped out of his clothes and ran the shower, taking a moment to shave while the water warmed up.

  He stood under the hot spray and tried to relax his muscles, one group at a time. He soaped up, washed his hair, rinsed off, and stepped out onto the tile floor. He used a towel to dry his hair until it was no longer dripping before he pulled a comb through it and tied it back. It was still damp but he didn’t like hair dryers.

  He wrapped a second towel around his waist and went to pick out some clothes. He pulled a pair of jeans from the drawer and immediately noticed that something didn’t seem right. He checked the label and realized the problem. These were Jackson’s.


  Apparently, some of their clothes had gotten mixed up when they’d gone to the laundromat together the day before. Parker hadn’t packed any other jeans. He had dress pants for the rehearsal dinner and his kilt for the wedding, but this was the only pair of jeans he’d packed. He considered putting on the basketball shorts he’d worn for the drive but decided against it. They definitely wouldn’t work for dinner.

  Rather than wear Jackson’s pants, he decided to check and see if maybe Jackson had grabbed a pair of his by mistake. Jeans in hand, Parker ducked into the hall and knocked on Jackson’s door.

  “What’s up, man?”

  “These are yours.” Parker sighed and handed him the jeans. “Don’t suppose you grabbed a pair of mine, did you?”

  “Don’t think so, but let me look.” Jackson pulled out a drawer on the dresser and pulled out two pairs of jeans. He unfolded them and looked them over but Parker could tell they weren’t his.

  “Well, shit,” Parker muttered.

  “Just borrow mine,” Jackson said with a shrug, tossing them back to him.

  “I don’t like wearing other people’s clothes,” Parker mumbled.

  “I know, man, but you can’t walk around in the towel. You got anything else you can wear instead?”

  “Just slacks and a fucking kilt.”

  Jackson laughed and shook his head.

  “Just take ‘em. Nobody wants to see your knobby knees all weekend.”

  Parker flipped him off but took the pants.


  “No worries.”

  Parker turned away, but Jackson called after him.

  “Hey, just don’t go commando, alright?” Jackson shuddered and Parker snorted.

  “No worries there. For all I know, you’ve got cooties.”

  He heard Jackson’s laughter as he closed the door behind him and turned toward his own door.

  Except as he looked down the hallway he swore under his breath. Someone was standing ten feet away, frozen in place and staring right at him. Amanda.


  Holy Mary, Mother of God…

  Amanda had literally forgotten how to breathe the second she’d seen Parker step out of the door wearing nothing but a towel. Even though she’d seen it before, it still managed to make her jaw drop. Would she ever get used to it? God, she hoped not.

  Whatever part of her brain that was responsible for keeping her alive finally kicked in and she sucked in a gulp of air, her face burning like she’d spent all day in the sun.

  For a heartbeat, they simply stared at each other in silence. And then they both spoke at once.


  “I was just-”

  “Sorry, go ahead.” Amanda tugged on the hem of her sweater. She was suddenly self-conscious about her comfy jeans and threadbare sweater. Which was ridiculous considering he’d already seen her naked and he was currently wearing nothing but a towel.

  Parker cleared his throat and looked up and down the hallway.

  “Did you get locked out of your room or something?” she asked, ready to tease him. Just a little bit.

  “No. That’s my room,” Parker replied pointing to the door in front of him. “I just needed to borrow something from Jackson.” He held up his hand and Amanda noticed he was holding a pair of blue jeans.

  “Oh,” Amanda laughed. “Getting into Jackson’s pants?”

  Parker rolled his eyes and shook his head. Amanda took a step forward and lowered her voice.

  “Wouldn’t you rather get into mine?” she asked, biting her lip and smiling.

  Parker made a pained noise in the back of his throat but gave her a warning look.

  “We agreed we weren’t going to do this here,” he replied in a low, rough voice.

  “Sorry. Sometimes my mouth runs faster than my brain,” Amanda said with a grin.

  Parker grunted in response but didn’t open the door. Instead, he rested his hand on the door handle and clutched the towel at his waist, which seemed to be sporting a bulge out front.

  Amanda’s brain froze completely and all she could think about was following him into his room and getting her hands and mouth on what was underneath that towel.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” Parker growled.

  “Like what?” She knew perfectly well what he meant. She’d basically been eye-fucking him for the last five minutes.

  Sorry, not sorry.

  “You know what,” he growled. “Stop it.”

  “Or what?” She took another step forward. She was playing with fire but she couldn’t seem to stop herself. They were just inches apart and she wanted so badly to reach out and touch that bare expanse of tattooed chest. Somehow she knew that would be a step too far.

  “Punishment, Princess. That’s what,” he said with a smirk. “I’d tell you what kind, but I think that’s what you want. Just know it would be less fun than the last one. At least for you.”

  Amanda licked her lips. Dammit, he was right. She’d wanted something to get her through this weekend without him.

  “This is hard,” she finally sighed.

  “I know, Princess. But I promise, I’ll make it up to you,” Parker replied, daring to reach out a hand and push a stray lock of hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear. “Go do whatever it was you were going to do and I’ll see you at dinner.”

  “I was just on my way to find the bride and see if there was anything she needed,” Amanda said with a shrug of her shoulder.

nbsp; “They were here a while ago,” Parker replied. “But you might want to give her and Connor a bit before you knock on their door.”

  “Jesus,” Amanda muttered. “I thought the honeymoon started after the wedding. ”

  “Apparently not,” Parker said with a wry smile.

  “We might need a crowbar to get them into their separate rooms tomorrow night,” Amanda said with a shake of her head.

  And for the first time in her life, she understood why. It was so unfair. She’d waited so long to find what she was looking for and even when he was standing right in front of her, she couldn’t have him.

  “Go on,” Parker said. “Before I change my mind.”

  “But I want you to change your mind.”

  “Go. Now.” Parker’s eyes had gone dark and predatory.

  She was tempted to stay and see if he would follow through on his threat of punishment, but she really should make sure Alexandra’s weekend went off without a hitch. She’d have plenty of time to be selfish later.

  “See you at dinner,” Amanda said sullenly, continuing down the hallway.

  She decided to take his advice about going to Alexandra’s room. No way did she want to interrupt anything. Her big sister had a lot of time to make up for, and she didn’t want to stand in her way.

  Instead, she decided she’d head down to the bar and grab a drink while she waited. She suddenly felt like she could use one.

  Two glasses of Pinot later, her phone buzzed. Amanda checked it and saw a text from Alexandra asking her where she was. Five minutes later, Alexandra joined her at the bar, hair damp and sans makeup.

  “You and Connor all settled in?” Amanda asked, cocking her eyebrow. Alexandra blushed right on cue, but her sister didn’t miss a beat.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Amanda couldn’t help but laugh and though Alexandra shot her a dirty look, she couldn’t keep the smile off her face for long.

  “Okay, so what do you need me to do?” Amanda asked.

  “Nothing that I can think of,” Alexandra said thoughtfully. “Janie made the plans for the bachelorette weeks ago, so that should be all set. Rehearsal dinner is good to go. The hotel is taking care of everything. And the event coordinator and I went over everything for the wedding and reception this afternoon.”


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