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Legends of Windemere: 02 - Prodigy of Rainbow Tower

Page 32

by Charles E Yallowitz

  “Maybe he’s been away from their society for a long time and lost all of his gypsy habits,” Luke suggests.

  Nyx reaches over to flick Luke in the ear as if he annoyed her. “Doubtful. He can’t be older than twenty-five. Gypsies stay with their clans until they turn sixteen and go on a year of wandering Windemere. Most times, they return to the gypsy way of life since it’s less stressful and is based on very close community bonds. Tyler would have had to work hard to undo the habits he learned as a gypsy, but that would imply he’s ashamed of his heritage. Instead he freely admits his heritage like a badge of honor.”

  Luke shrugs and waves back at the cart. “His bragging does get obnoxious rather quickly.”

  “I will admit that gypsies are not identical, but there are always societal qualities that remain in a person’s behavior for decades. This is true for everyone,” Nyx continues, reaching down to grab a waterskin and taking a quick drink. “You can tell that I’m a person who was raised in Gaia by my mannerisms. Heck, I can tell that Aedyn grew up in a northern country village. You carry yourself with more politeness and calm than priests who grew up in a city or the south.”

  “Very good deduction,” Aedyn says, blushing and smiling broadly. “Using your logic, Tyler is definitely not what he seems. This still does not answer the question of why he hasn’t made an attempt on Kellia.”

  The adventurers hear a fluttering noise above them. They look up to see a large eagle perched on the thick arm of an oak. The bird looks big enough to carry a halfling as it preens its feathers and ignores the passing group. Another noise catches everyone’s attention and they look ahead to see a herd of deer in the road. The horses whinny and rear up at the sudden explosion of noise from above them. The eagle soars at the herd and aims itself at one of the stumbling fawns. Luke is not surprised to see one of the males rush in to fend off the predator, but he is shocked when the eagle abruptly swerves up and grips the adult deer by the throat. The fawn is bounding into the forest as the eagle continues to choke the life from its prey. Everyone watches as the thrashing battle spills off the road and the deer drops dead.

  “I think the gods are making their clues too obvious,” Luke whispers.

  “Feel free to explain it to those of us who don’t speak ogarian eagle and brown deer,” Fritz says, shuddering as he watches the eagle feast on its huge meal.

  “Tyler could very well be an agent of the Lich, but we can’t confirm with guesses. He could just as easily be a noble jerk who lied about being a gypsy to appear more exotic,” Luke explains. He looks back to see Tyler retching at the sight of the bloody deer. “We know that if he is an agent of the Lich, he would have used one of his opportunities to obtain Kellia. If he is an agent of the Lich then there is only one explanation.”

  He looks at each of his friends and is about to continue when Aedyn claps his hands and whispers, “Kellia is not Tyler’s target.”

  “I was getting to that,” the forest tracker childishly grumbles.

  “If Kellia isn’t the target, then who is?” Nyx asks with a hint of anxiety in her voice. “I can think of a reason for him to take out each of us.”

  Fritz slows Bessaria down and gets the nervous sheep to walk between Aedyn and Nyx’s horses, patting the half-elves on the leg. “If he was going to kill his target then he would have done so on the ship. Tyler could have snuck into any of our rooms to kill his target while we slept, toss the body into the river, and escape without a trace. So, his plan is to either capture one of us alive or gather information that the Lich and Trinity are missing. Tyler being a family member of Kellia would be a perfect agent since she knows about all of us and she has no reason to be cautious around him. He was probably planted into Kellia’s family as an informant and future assassin.”

  “How do we find the target? It’s like our hunt for the heir all over again,” Luke groans in frustration.

  “A simple method of elimination,” Fritz announces with a proud grin and an excited glimmer in his eyes. “The Lich has already kidnapped Nimby once and gained limited information. Our halfling is a tough nut to crack, but he poses no true threat to the Lich or Trinity. An undead capturing a priest for information or to use as a hostage is too risky for the Lich or Trinity. Also, Tyler seems to avoid going within ten feet of Aedyn, which is very sloppy for a professional assassin. Anyway, I do not see myself on the list. Like Nimby, I’m relatively unimportant in the eyes of our enemy. Fizzle can also be crossed off the list since Tyler doesn’t seem to be the type of agent one would send after a magical creature.”

  “That leaves Luke and Nyx,” Aedyn states.

  “He wants me,” Luke declares, patting his horse on the side. “The Lich probably wants another shot at me.”

  “Keep your ego down, kid and think about that scenario,” Fritz says. He can see the hurt in Luke’s eyes, but continues talking. “The Lich already knows a lot about you. He also knows that you’re not a threat to his life. You can destroy his plans, but you have no way of killing him. Trinity wouldn’t even consider you a threat because you have no magical gear and no casting ability for her to be afraid of. By now, your style and behavior are well-documented by our enemies. At best, they consider you a wild card, but it isn’t like you will suddenly begin hurling spells at them.”

  “That would leave me,” Nyx says with a nervous laugh. “I’m the one that our enemies know the least about and they have the most reason to fear me. It would explain why Tyler seemed so interested when he heard that I lost my magic. Do we have a plan?”

  “Unfortunately, we will have to wait for him to make a move,” Aedyn admits, trying to give Nyx a comforting smile.

  “I don’t like that plan,” Luke hisses.

  “We do not have a choice. Making a move on Tyler would bring us into conflict with Kellia,” the priest sternly warns him. “In order to avoid this, we have to stay on our guard and wait for a chance to reveal him for what he is.”

  “Leave it to me,” Nyx announces. “I need to do this to prove my worth to this group.”

  Luke puts a hand on her shoulder and looks her in the eyes. “You don’t. We can help you with this. Give us some time to think of a plan.”

  “Thanks, little brother, but the types of plans you guys come up with tend to be loud and messy. I can handle this in my own way,” she says. Nyx can see Luke fighting against his desire to protect his friends. “Please, trust me.”

  “I trust you,” Luke mumbles before he gallops ahead of everyone.

  “Why is he running off? Is that forest tracker leaving us behind?” Tyler asks in an ear-wrenching scream.

  “He’s scouting! Now, shut your word hole! You’re scaring Bessaria!” Fritz snaps with a gentle pat to his loyal steed.

  Nyx looks back at the cart while Tyler hollers at Fritz from his seat and Kellia tries to get the noble to sit down. Nimby appears to be ignoring the yelling match as he keeps the horses under control. Nyx is not even listening to the noble’s words while she watches him. Tyler looks at Nyx in time to see her staring and glares at her. His gray-blue eyes are cold and predatory for an instant that chills the caster to the bone. Nyx barely manages to suppress a shudder before she turns away.


  “I will not do such a menial task,” Tyler whines. He swats the bucket out of Luke’s hand before a hooting owl makes him yelp. The shadows of the forest shift in the evening breeze while the adventurers enjoy the warmth of the fire.

  Luke bends down to scoop up the bucket and shoves it into Tyler’s chest. “I would ask Nyx to get us some water, but she went to get more firewood. Aedyn is keeping this area protected with spells. Nimby and Fritz are setting traps and illusions for predators. I have to stay here to watch Kellia because you won’t be able to defend her in an attack. All I’m asking is that you get the water.”

  “How could you ask a noble to get dirty?” Tyler sniffles, a fierce gaze in his eyes.

  “I could go, Luke,” Kellia offers.

  “I’m not l
etting you out of my sight, Kellia,” Luke claims, flashing a kind and comforting smile. “There’s no telling what the Lich will send after us now that we’re off the river. For all we know, another demon is lurking in the forest. Maybe an army of chaos elves is out there waiting for you to be left defenseless.”

  “Are you saying I’m expendable? I have never been so insulted,” Tyler retorts.

  “Yes, you have. I’ve insulted you many times since we met,” the forest tracker reminds the noble, putting more force behind the bucket. “Now, please get us some water. You’re not a target of our enemies and will be ignored if anything is out there.”

  Tyler tries to throw the bucket at Luke as soon as the half-elf turns away from him. Luke is quick enough to put out an arm and prevent it from leaving the noble’s hand. Every attempt to push the bucket past Luke’s hand fails in a one-sided battle of strength and reflexes. Getting annoyed, Luke finally moves his hand and lets Tyler stumble forward. It is a short fall as Luke’s other hand swings around and catches the bucket’s handle. A swift movement with his hand leaves Tyler with the bucket on his head and Luke holding him up by his collar.

  “I asked you nicely. I said please. Now, get us some water,” Luke growls before he lets go of Tyler.

  “Fine, I see that there is no-” starts Tyler. A furious glare from Luke shuts him up and he trudges away in defeat.

  Tyler waits until he can no longer see the fire before he stops sulking like a terrified noble. Spitting in disgust, he follows the sound of running water that the wind carries through the trees. His eyes glow red for a brief instant, so he can find his way through the dark to a hidden pond. A minor tributary that runs off the L’dandrin River feeds the sheltered body of water. It is an unpleasant surprise to Tyler when he sees a bathing form in the pond. A slender silhouette with feminine curves rises for a few seconds before submerging up to the neck. Her long, dark hair floats in the water as the woman pours cool water over her head. Tyler’s caution turns into a panic when the woman turns around and sees him with her violet eyes.

  “By the gods! Pervert!” Nyx screams. She quickly scrambles to hide in the water, sending water everywhere.

  “I’m not a pervert,” Tyler declares, refusing to turn away from the naked half-elf. “Your brute of a boyfriend told me to get water and you happened to be here. I should report your laziness to the others because you are supposed to be getting firewood.”

  “First of all, I was filthy and needed a bath. A city girl needs to keep herself clean and slightly pampered. Second of all, Luke is not and never will be my boyfriend. We are friends and allies,” Nyx angrily counters. “Who are you to tell me what I should be doing anyway?”

  “I am a superior being. Get back to collecting firewood!” Tyler orders the caster.

  Nyx sinks up to her nose and bubbles softly. “I can’t believe he keeps saying that. This guy was never a gypsy.”

  “We’re waiting,” he snaps.

  “I’m not getting out of the water while you’re there,” she timidly claims.

  “How do you know that nobody else is watching?” he inquiries with a curious look on his face.

  “I already scared off Fritz and Nimby. Luke and Aedyn are not perverts,” Nyx answers. She floats a little closer to the shore, but stays neck deep in the pond. “So, I know that the only person with me is you.”

  “Well, I have seen much better specimens of the female form, so you have nothing to hide,” the noble callously announces.

  “You’re lying. You want to see me naked, gypsy.” Nyx says, smiling wickedly at the flustered noble.

  “Don’t make me sick. Why would I have any interest in someone with a body like yours?” Tyler responds, grimacing at the mere thought of Nyx naked. “I can barely stomach imagining it.”

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about. My elven blood has given me a slender frame while my human blood has made me more . . . durable,” Nyx declares, trying her best to gloat about her body. “Best of both worlds is what I am and some guy is bound to notice that, you jerk.”

  “I sense guy trouble and with a personality like yours, I’m not surprised,” Tyler says with no attempt to hide his disdain. “You’re going to be a haggard witch in her tower by the end of your days.”

  Nyx lunges out of the water with amazing speed. With a vise-like grip she catches Tyler by the shoulders and slams him against a tree. She is seething with rage in front of the noble. His eyes look up and down her dripping body until she moves her hands to the sides of Tyler’s head. A dull thud echoes through the forest when she bangs the back of his skull against the solid wood.

  “What happened to your decency?” Tyler asks suspiciously. A solid punch to his face sends him tumbling to the ground.

  “I decided to forget it in exchange for a chance to beat the living hell out of you without anyone interfering,” Nyx snarls. She kicks Tyler in the side and feels several of his ribs easily cave in. “Besides, you’ve already said that my body is nothing special.”

  “You and your friends are nothing more than brutes,” Tyler cries, hunched over in pain.

  “I’m done taking insults from a serpent,” Nyx says. She grabs the noble by the hand and prepares to punch him in the head again. The caster’s heart stutters for a second when she feels an invisible ring slip off Tyler’s finger. He falls to the ground as Nyx clenches her fist around the warm, bronze ring.

  “My ring,” Tyler hisses, his body starting to rot into a decaying form shrouded in black robes. His eyeballs burst into dots of red and his hair recedes into the solid bone that has replaced his flesh.

  “You aren’t an agent of the Lich. You are the Lich,” Nyx softly whispers, backing away and tripping. A nearby pine melts into tar-like ooze that gushes over her and prevents her from getting to her feet. She is stuck in an awkward crouch that she fights to maintain to avoid getting her face stuck in the ooze.

  “To think that Trinity had trouble with you. Then again, you were strong back then,” the Lich states, his lipless mouth sneering. “Thanks to my dear cousin-to-be, I know about your handicap. A caster without her magic is nothing more than a helpless child.”

  “So, I’m the one you want,” Nyx growls as she struggles against the tar. “I’m guessing you’re also part of the coming darkness I keep hearing about.”

  The Lich cackles with glee, his teeth clacking together. “I’m happy to do my part. You will be a grand present for my dark master.”

  “Why not kill me on the ship instead of taking me captive?” Nyx asks. She can feel the foul-smelling ooze drip down her hair and fall on her body. “I could regain my magic in front of your master and attack. It would be a very bad idea to present him with something that could kill him.”

  “Your power is nothing compared to his, worthless bag of flesh,” the undead caster replies, his voice full of pride and fear.

  “If I’m so worthless, why did you let me live for so long?” she asks before she wrenches her left arm free. She stretches her arm to grab a nearby rock and hurls it at the Lich. The rock stops in mid-air when the Lich raises its hand.

  “Such a pathetic attempt at survival. I do not understand what use you are to my master without your powers,” the Lich wonders, spinning the rock in the air. “Still, he wants you alive for now. It could be to eat you and gain your strength. It might even be to turn you into his powerful bride. A great amount of power would be unlocked within you if you joined him. Maybe you would like to come with me willingly and meet him.”

  “You think someone like me is interested in the power that others can give me? I gain power by my own hand. Nobody gives me any handouts,” Nyx proudly says, managing to loosen her right foot. “You can’t begin to understand that. A creature like you needs every promise of power that he can get. You’re such a pathetic and miserable little minion.”

  The Lich sends the rock hurtling back at Nyx. It becomes a ball of green energy as it hits and ignites the ooze. The magical fire makes Nyx sweat as she
tries to get her free hand into the pond to toss water onto the growing flames. She feels a pop in her shoulder and a surge of pain after a few feeble splashes. Ignoring the pain, Nyx continues throwing water at the flames as the Lich watches intently.

  “I always thought that a fire caster would be more resistant to such a spell,” the Lich mockingly says, blatantly reveling in Nyx’s suffering. “It would seem that you are not as strong as I had heard. A flailing warrior like the Callindor put up a better fight than you.”

  “I don’t fight pathetic worms,” Nyx snarls.

  The Lich is about to laugh again when Nyx frees her other arm and moves a metal object around in her palm. It takes a second for the necrocaster to recognize his stolen ring and he immediately begins to reach toward it. Nyx slips the ring on and feels the onslaught of hundreds of angry souls that want nothing more than to escape their magical prison. The Lich rushes toward her only for a force field to appear in front of him. He is violently knocked back and kept at bay by hundreds of invisible hands that pin him to the ground.

  “I get it now. This is a copycat ring,” Nyx gasps, her eyes beginning to bleed. “You keep the souls of your victims trapped in here. This is how you can imitate the living without being sensed.”

  “I will devour your heart!” the Lich screeches.

  A voice in Nyx’s brain suddenly echoes, “Free us with the fire.”

  “Don’t have to tell me twice,” she whispers, thrusting her hand with the ring into the nearest batch of green flame. The explosion sends Nyx spiraling into the pond and the Lich is thrown into a tree. The Lich watches helplessly as the light of hundreds of souls launch into the sky.

  He staggers to his feet, his red eyes blazing with rage. “I will make you pay for destroying my ring! It took me years to gather all of those souls!”

  Orbs of green light appear in his outstretched hands before Nyx can recover her senses and reach the shore. Electricity flies from the orbs and fills the air with the sound of burning cloth and bone. The Lich is about to hurl the pulsating orbs when a hovering form appears in front of him and cheerily mutters a spell. Cages of rainbow energy appear around the orbs and shrink until both spells blink into nothingness.


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