Legends of Windemere: 02 - Prodigy of Rainbow Tower

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Legends of Windemere: 02 - Prodigy of Rainbow Tower Page 41

by Charles E Yallowitz


  “Luke!” Nyx gasps, waking up with a jolt. She tries to catch her breath while she looks at her surroundings. It is a gorgeous guest room with cherry-wood furniture and a canopied bed that is as soft as a cloud. Nyx’s hand bumps into a few empty bottles that lie on the nightstand next to the bed.

  “Okay, Nyx, let’s see where we stand,” she says, gingerly touching the cloth bandage around her head. A chill runs through her body, which causes her to wrap herself in the sheet. “I feel embarrassed and annoyed without my clothes. I feel too many aches and sores for me to be dead, so I can safely assume that I’m alive. I’m guessing that I’m somewhere in the mansion. My head feels horrible and heavy, but that seems to be the worst of it.”

  “Are you decent, my dear?” sings an all-too-familiar voice from the other side of the door. Sebastian walks in with a platter of fruits and a glass of water. His shirt is bright pink with ruffles on the cuffs and around the neck. The pants he is wearing are tight and form-fitting around his legs.

  Nyx glares at him, her voice becoming a defensive growl. “Where are my clothes?”

  “They were covered in crystal shards, blood, and what I have been told was the remains of some zombies,” Sebastian says, shuddering at the thought. He places the platter of food on the table furthest from the bed and takes a seat. “So, I am having them cleaned. A delicate flower like you should not be made to walk around in filthy clothes.”

  “I’m surprised by you, Sebastian,” Nyx calmly admits, letting her anxiety fade away. “I thought most nobles saw such tasks as beneath them. I thank you for your kindness.”

  “It is the least I could do for you. You have taken good care of my cousin, so tending to your wounds is the least I can do,” Sebastian claims with a bashful grin across his face. “Please, consider me your servant until you recover. I have brought some food and drink for you since you have been unconscious for the last six hours.”

  “Six hours?” Nyx repeats in mild disbelief. “That means it’s already the afternoon. I lost my entire day to those damn zombies.”

  “The night life of Freedom is much more interesting,” Sebastian declares. He waves a hand over the tray of food that is sitting just out of Nyx’s reach. “Now, why not have something to eat? I had the chef prepare this fruit platter especially for you. Please, take as much as you desire.”

  Nyx can feel her stomach rumble, but a cool breeze along her bare shoulders brings her attention to a small problem. “The platter is too far away and I’m not leaving this bed unless I have my clothes.”

  “It would be our little secret,” the sneering noble promises.

  “Even so, there seems to be a chill in the air. You don’t want me to catch a cold because you wanted a peek,” Nyx coos, attempting a sultry smile. Noticing her reflection in a mirror, she realizes that her expression looks more like a bloodthirsty grin.

  “How can there be a chill? It is nearing the end of summer,” Sebastian counters.

  “I’m a caster who specializes in fire, so my body has a low tolerance for even cool temperatures,” Nyx calmly explains, feeling an odd thrill grow in her heart as she blatantly lies to the noble. “It feels like the beginning of winter to me.”

  Sebastian rubs his chin and nods while his eyes slowly run up the Nyx’s sheet-covered silhouette. “Then, I will place the tray over here.”

  The noble brings the platter and water to the bed. He gently holds the tray out for her to take some fruit after he places the glass on the nightstand. He sits on the edge of the bed and smiles at Nyx while she glares at him. A slow arm slinks from beneath the sheets and grabs a handful of grapes. One by one she pops them into her mouth while Sebastian continues to watch her. They remain in silence as Nyx eats the fruit with her eyes locked on Sebastian. She tightly wraps herself in the sheet every time his eyes look anywhere other than her face.

  “You are far too shy and modest,” states Sebastian, no longer able to handle the silence. He gets up and leaves the platter next to her bed.

  “How would you like it if I cornered you naked in a bed?” Nyx asks, regretting the words as soon as she hears them.

  “It would be a pleasure-filled night that we would both enjoy,” answers the smiling noble.

  Nyx drops her head onto her curled knees and groans. “You know, I just ate and would like to keep my food down.”

  “I must say that I find you to be a challenge,” Sebastian freely admits. “Every girl of noble blood in this city falls before my charms.”

  “That’s very surprising,” she laughs. Nyx tries to grab an apple, but finds the fruit to be heavier than she expected. Sebastian is barely paying attention to her hand tugging at the apple, which refuses to budge from the tray. She finally gives up trying to get the apple and takes a pear instead.

  “Yes, my skill with women is surprising,” Sebastian sings in a high-pitched voice. “The local fare is barely a challenge with my perfect smile and silky, black hair. That is, if I don’t use my toned physique to woo them.”

  “I meant, I was surprised there were so many desperate nobles in this city,” Nyx says before she drinks the glass of water.

  “You dare insult me, woman!” Sebastian exclaims.

  “Of course, I do!” Nyx defiantly snaps. “You’re making advances toward me while I’m naked in bed. Give a girl some privacy!” Suddenly, her head begins to swim until she shakes it clear.

  Sebastian grins as he notices her weaving head motions. “You seem to be getting dizzy.”

  “It will pass,” she growls.

  “No, it won’t. You just drank a glass of love potion,” Sebastian happily reveals to her. “I figured that you would be a hard conquest, so I cheated.”

  “That wasn’t a love potion. By the gods, you’re sexy,” the half-elf states, her cheeks suddenly flushing. She tries to look away from Sebastian, but her head continues to snap back to him. “Crap. You tricky, little . . . delicious bastard!”

  “Now, do you still want to wear that sheet or should we have some fun?” inquires the grinning noble. He is about to crawl along the bed when Nyx kicks him off, sending him crashing to the floor.

  “That isn’t very fun,” she playfully coos, running her hand along her covered leg. “If I’m going to be broken in by such a handsome noble then I want it to be memorable. This room is simply not suitable for us. Don’t you agree, my conqueror?”

  Sebastian thinks for a few seconds before he agrees, “You are right, my dear. We shall use the upper balcony.”

  “Such a perfect place for us to enjoy ourselves, but how will I get there without any clothes?” Nyx asks, anxiously wiggling under the sheet. “Someone could see us and then you would be in trouble.”

  “What about the sheet?” he inquiries.

  “Sure, if you want it to be obvious about our intentions,” Nyx answers, her lips a disappointing pout. “Your father would realize that you gave me a love potion if he catches us considering how cold I have been to you. That would be bad.” Her pout grows into a wicked smile. “So, let me get into some clothes and then you get the pleasure of . . . unwrapping me later.”

  “Perfect and enticing,” Sebastian declares. He is practically quivering with anticipation while his eyes run up and down Nyx’s wiggling silhouette. “You are so much better than noble girls, who lack a flair for the unique and daring. There is a dress for you in the wardrobe. Please change and then we can be off.”

  “Again, you miss the fun,” Nyx says, an exasperated look on her face. “Where is the excitement in undressing me if you have already seen your surprise? Give me fifteen minutes to freshen up in private. You may return at that time and we will go to the upper balcony together. Though, I cannot guarantee that you will be able to walk back down until the morning, my liege.”

  “Promise not to disappear?” Sebastian nervously asks

  Nyx flashes him a hungry smile and licks her lips. “I promise with all my fake love.”

  Sebastian smiles as he backs out
of the room and closes the door. Nyx can hear him fumble with the lock for a few seconds. The sound of footsteps fade away before the half-elf leaps out of the bed and opens the wardrobe. She finds a green, sleeveless gown of satin with a neckline that ends an inch below her bellybutton. Loops run along the gash in the gown where Nyx can only assume a cord was once laced. She puts the gown on and searches the wardrobe frantically for the missing cord.

  “Come out, Fizzle. I know that was you with the apple,” Nyx whispers while she knocks on the wooden panels.

  “Hello,” greets the drite, dropping on her shoulder and materializing.

  Nyx gives up rummaging through the wardrobe. “I need help, Fizzle. This gown is missing a part and I need to find it.”

  “Fizzle know. No front. You no need. It be off soon,” Fizzle states.

  “I have no interest in doing anything with Sebastian,” Nyx snarls, fixing the dress and looking around the room for anything that can replace the missing cord. “That dumbass couldn’t make a proper love potion if he wanted to seduce a donkey. He used one that was designed for pureblood humans. The thing gave me a bout of nausea, but no lust for that jerk.” She takes one step and feels the dress start to slip off her shoulders. “Damn it! I can’t move in this dress without it falling off.”

  “Fizzle make him go poof?” the drite innocently suggests.

  “Tempting, very tempting, but I think that would anger our host,” Nyx points out.

  “Fizzle turn to rope,” he proudly chirps. He is about to cast the transformation spell when Nyx gently covers his snout with her hand. She quickly takes her hand away and pats the drite on the head.

  “No offense, Fizzle, but I don’t think I want us to get that close,” Nyx says, her voice kind and warm. “There has to be something in the room that I can use.” She looks up at the bed’s canopy and reaches up to tug on a loose piece of decorative ribbon.

  “Fizzle get,” he offers. Fizzle scampers up Nyx’s arm to take the red ribbon in his mouth and slowly pull it off the canopy.

  “You’re a lifesaver, Fizzle,” she gushes, kissing the drite on his cheek. Nyx begins to lace the ribbon through the loops of her dress. Fizzle helps her tighten it until the gash down the front of the dress is a narrow slit before he ties a dainty bow around her neck, keeping the ribbon in place. “By the way, what happened to Luke?”

  “Luke alive. Healed. With girl,” replies Fizzle.

  Nyx laughs slightly, examining her dress in a full-length mirror. “I’m guessing you mean Luciana. That boy is going to be in a world of confusion when he wakes up.”

  A rough shake of the door knob gives Fizzle enough of a warning to turn invisible before Sebastian enters the room. His caution fades into an expression of pure joy when he sees that Nyx is still in the room. He doesn’t make any sign that he notices the makeshift cord on the gown. Nyx turns on her sexiest smile and stands with her arms behind her back. She pushes out her small chest just enough to strain the tight ribbon.

  “You look ravishing,” the noble praises her.

  “Well, I’m ready to be ravaged by you,” Nyx coos, licking her lips.

  “I have to remember to use this potion more often,” Sebastian says, bowing to her and offering his hand.

  “I should kill you where you stand,” Nyx mutters under her breath.

  “What was that?” Sebastian inquires curiously.

  “I said it’s getting difficult not to take you where you stand,” she whispers into his ear. Nyx traces a finger along his chest before blowing a kiss at him. The caster runs her finger along his chin as she takes a step toward the door.

  “This is going to be fun,” Sebastian excitedly claims.

  Nyx’s finger drifts off his chin an instant before an open-hand slap from the noble hits her on the butt. The caster freezes in mid-step as she feels the dull pain left by the hard strike. Her fists clench and her breathing gets heavy while her temper rapidly boils. Sebastian is about to say something when Nyx’s left fist crashes into his face with an echoing impact. The noble falls to the ground holding his nose, which is severely bent to one side instead of its usual straightness.

  “Oops,” Nyx whispers, staring at the injured man at her feet. She is about to run for the door when Sebastian trips her and scrambles over her to get out of the room.

  “I will make sure that you suffer for damaging my beautiful face!” Sebastian cries before he slams the door and locks it. Nyx yanks at the silver door knob, but the thick door doesn’t budge.

  “Do your worst, jackass! You’ll have to open this door to get at me and I’ll be waiting with more than a punch to your face!” Nyx threatens the retreating noble, happy to release more of her rage.

  “Fizzle make door poof?” the drite offers.

  “Don’t destroy any property, Fizzle. Lord Gideon or Lady Adara will come looking for me at some point,” she mentions, giving the door a few more useless pulls before kicking it and walking to the bed. “Anything you need to do today?”

  “Aedyn gone,” Fizzle states.

  Nyx sighs and rubs at her eyes. “Go look for him. I can handle this by myself. Sebastian is nothing more than a noble brat. Unlike Tyler, this one isn’t a Lich.”

  Fizzle vanishes in a puff of rainbow smoke and leaves Nyx to sitting on the bed. She lies down and watches the ceiling for what feels like an hour. Finally, she gets bored enough to search the room and finds her clothes under the bed. They are cleaned and neatly folded with a note asking that they be delivered to her as soon as possible.

  “I really hate that noble,” she growls.


  “Damn it!” Luke screams, bouncing off the wooden door. His bare shoulders are black and blue from slamming into the door to the highest room of the mansion. It was only three minutes ago that Luciana locked herself in and Luke has not heard a sound.

  “What is all the noise up here?” Kellia asks as she comes up the stairs. She watches Luke crash against the door again and stumble down the stairs.

  “Luciana is in there. I think she’s going to do something stupid,” Luke gasps.

  “Stupid? How stupid are we talking about?” Kellia exclaims, her voice rising in pitch.

  “Life-ending stupid!” Luke shouts. He makes another charge at the door, leaving a bloody mark after bouncing off.

  “Allow me,” Kellia suggests, gently placing a hand on Luke’s bleeding shoulder. The heiress takes a deep breath before sending the door flying off its hinges with a single punch.

  “Thanks,” he says, rushing past her.

  Luciana is climbing onto the railing of the balcony and turns when she hears Luke running toward her. Pillows are everywhere in the brutally pink room and Luke can see a chair has been thrown through the stained-glass doors that lead to the balcony. Kellia enters the room in time to see Luciana step off the balcony. Her scream is drowned out by the guttural yell that erupts from Luke. He dives over the railing in time to catch Luciana’s wrist in an iron grip. A yelp of pain slips from the half-elf’s throat as he wedges his leg in between two of the balcony rails.

  “Can you get my other leg hooked, Kellia?” he calmly asks.

  “Here you go,” the heiress replies, pulling his other leg through the railings and holding him by the ankles.

  “Let me go!” Luciana hollers.

  “Only when you’re back on the balcony!” Luke shouts.

  “Let me die! It’s the only way I can be free!” the girl cries. Luciana tries to struggle, but it is useless as she feels Luke slowly pull her up to him. She can’t stop herself from blushing as he tightly wraps his arms around her and her face is pressed against his bare belly.

  “I think we should discuss your fiancée. There are some secrets of his that you should know,” Luke whispers, his muscles straining. “Grab the balcony when you get in reach.”

  “I don’t . . . wow,” she says as Luke uses legs and stomach muscles to lever himself into a sitting position. His face is a picture of pain as he gets Luciana near the
balcony. She reaches out to the railing while he holds her legs and the girl slowly pulls herself along him. She tumbles onto the balcony next to Kellia.

  Luciana timidly looks over the edge. “Do you need a rope?”

  “I think I can do this if Kellia lets go of my legs,” Luke replies while he hangs and lets his muscles relax.

  “Get the hero a rope, cousin,” Kellia politely requests of her cousin, shaking her head in amusement. “I’m denying your request to flip up here and risk your life, hero.”

  “Spoil my fun,” the forest tracker mutters. He grabs the rope once it is lowered near his head and Kellia lifts him up to the balcony with little effort. Luke tries to stand on his strained legs, but falls against the marble railing.

  “How did your swords stay in the sheaths while you were upside down?” Kellia asks, taking a seat across from him. Luciana takes a seat next to her cousin and curls herself into a ball.

  Luke slowly catches his breath and rubs at his aching muscles. “My father designed a sheath that can hold a blade even when held upside down. The original design required a strong pull to get the swords loose, but that was more suited for military use. My sabers require a slight twist and a hard pull at a specific angle, which is why I usually pull my swords out to cross over each other.”

  “Why did you save me?” Luciana whimpers, obviously disappointed that she was stopped.

  “Simple. There is no reason for you to kill yourself,” Luke says with a wide smile.

  “You’re going to sleep with me?” the girl happily blurts.

  Kellia lets out a surprised cough and glares at her cousin. “The hell? I think you two have some explaining to do.”

  “Luciana wants me to bed her for some reason,” Luke explains, trying to use a soft, delicate tone. “I’m flattered that she thinks I’m worthy of her, but I can’t do it without hating myself for a long time. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be too happy either.”

  “Why not? I think you would be better than you give yourself credit for,” Luciana argues, curling a lock of her red hair around her finger. “I’ll let you do the work.”


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