Legends of Windemere: 02 - Prodigy of Rainbow Tower

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Legends of Windemere: 02 - Prodigy of Rainbow Tower Page 42

by Charles E Yallowitz

  “Excuse me!” Kellia yells, her eyes growing wide. “You’re my cousin! Act like your station in life!”

  “Sorry, cousin,” she whispers. Luke laughs until his stomach hurts and tears stream down his face.

  “It wasn’t that funny,” Kellia snaps.

  “It was to me,” Luke bravely admits before his expression turns serious and grim. “I have to ask you something, Luciana. Please don’t try to dodge this question because what I tell you depends on what you tell me. I will be entrusting a secret to you that you will not be able to share with anyone including your family. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” Luciana replies, her eyes lighting up as she waits for Luke to speak.

  Luke leans forward and bluntly asks, “Why are you trying to throw yourself off the highest balcony of the mansion after I said that I wouldn’t sleep with you?”

  “Well . . . you see . . . um . . . I don’t like rejection?” the young girl replies, her answer sounding almost like a question.

  Kellia rolls her eyes and pinches her cousin on the arm. “Liar. You are nowhere near convincing with the way you answered. You won’t even look him in the eye. Please tell Luke the truth.”

  Luciana wraps her arms around her legs and pulls her knees to her chin while Luke and Kellia watch her in silence. She looks like she is about to say something, but stops and forces them to wait even longer. Kellia begins whistling a repetitive tune while Luke shivers against the cold surface of the railing against his back. Finally, Luciana uncurls herself and timidly crawls over to Luke. She gently takes his hand and places two of his fingers against the ribbon around her neck.

  “It doesn’t feel right,” she whispers.

  “I don’t know what you mean. It feels like a normal ribbon,” Luke claims, gently moving her hair to feel along the entire ribbon. “Though, it’s strange that I can’t find a bow or a clip where it was closed.”

  “That’s because there is none,” Luciana says. She takes Luke’s hand off the ribbon and holds it tightly in her hands. “This ribbon is magical and it has been around my neck since I was three. It’s to remain around my neck until my wedding night where I become a woman.”

  “So, you would be free of the ribbon if you slept with Luke,” Kellia guesses.

  The young girl smiles and nods emphatically. “Yes, but even if I was to simply marry him and never sleep with him, it would make me happy. Luke is handsome and kind, as I keep telling him. You must have been chased by many women when you were not traveling in the wilderness.”

  “Not really,” Luke nervously admits. “I didn’t have the freedom to spend time with women until I arrived at the academy.”

  “Why is that?” both girls ask.

  “Personal story that I’m not sharing,” Luke says, ignoring the curious, piercing stare of Kellia. “We’re getting off-topic here. Tell me if there is a connection between Tyler and the ribbon.”

  “When I was betrothed, Tyler’s name was inscribed on the inside of the ribbon by the same caster who put the ribbon on me. I was hoping that I could convince you and my father to have the caster inscribe your name in place of Tyler’s in order to avoid marrying him. It would seem that my father will refuse this because, unlike Tyler, Luke is unwilling,” Luciana explains. Her voice becomes more hysterical as she talks until Kellia puts a strong arm around her shaking shoulders. “So, the continuation of my marriage to Tyler depends on this ribbon remaining intact. The only ways that I can get out of this wedding is to lose my virginity, change the name inscribed on the ribbon, kill myself, or kill Tyler before we are wed.”

  “I know how I can get you out of this,” Luke proudly announces.

  Luciana looks at Luke with an ecstatic smile. “You’re going to bed me?”

  “By the gods, you’re like a caster with one spell,” Kellia mumbles, giving her cousin a light smack to the head.

  “Even better. I’m going to kill Tyler,” the forest tracker replies. Luciana stares at him in disgust while Kellia holds her head in her hands. He looks a little confused when Luciana stands up and slaps him across the face.

  “You are a disgusting and evil man!” she cries, her eyes burning with disgust and anger. “How dare you threaten to murder someone who has done nothing? Tyler may be cold and insensitive, but I would not wish death upon him. I take back every time I said that you were kind.”

  “Uh, I think I explained that poorly,” he states, slightly stunned by the outburst.

  “You didn’t explain it at all,” Kellia points outs while getting to her feet. “I can see why Selenia beat on you so many times.”

  Luke rubs the side of his face and gently laughs at Kellia’s comment. “Let me explain something that has to remain a secret from your family. Kellia will back me up on this and hopefully stop you from slapping me again or worse. We came across Tyler’s ship on our way to Vorgabog. He was the only survivor and we took him onto our ship, but some incidents forced us to travel by road instead of river. During our ride from Vorgabog to Freedom, we found out that Tyler is not what he seems.”

  “I don’t understand,” Luciana claims, moving closer to Kellia. “Are you saying that he came with you to Freedom and never came to see me?”

  “He never made it to Freedom,” Kellia clarifies, gently stroking her cousin’s hair to keep her calm. “Tyler attacked Nyx and revealed his true nature. It would appear that Tyler is really the Lich that has been hunting me since I left Gods’ Voice.”

  The girl still stares at Luke in confusion. “I still don’t understand what you’re saying about Tyler.”

  “I was trying to be precise and colorful, but now I’ll be blunt,” Luke says with a sigh of defeat. “Your fiancée is really an undead necrocaster who works out of the Caster Swamp. He became engaged to you to get close to Kellia, so he could take over her body and infiltrate the Serabian royal family.”

  “You’re willing to kill this monster to save me?” Luciana asks, her eyes lighting up with happiness.

  “There are a lot of reasons, but I will proudly add saving you from marrying a walking corpse to the list,” the forest tracker answers, earning a smile from the girl.

  “Don’t worry about your father,” Kellia confidently assures her cousin. “I promise to explain the situation to him as soon as Aedyn returns from his errands. A priest would strengthen our argument since this is an undead matter that we are dealing with. We can convince your father to break the engagement due to the circumstances.”

  Luciana nearly knocks Kellia over with a tackling hug. “Thank you both. I’m sorry I slapped you, Luke.”

  “Apology accepted, milady,” he says with a grin.

  Luciana rubs her toe against the ground as she timidly whispers, “Can I make one small request, Luke?”

  “Depends on what it is.”

  “Can I have a kiss?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I just want a small kiss.”

  “You already kissed me today.”

  “I want a regular kiss.”

  Kellia pushes Luciana to Luke and gives him a friendly smile. “Just give the girl a kiss, hero. Make it a good one.”

  Luke scratches his head while Luciana stands in front of him with her hands nervously clasped at her waist. He can’t help but feel awkward about kissing her after dodging the girl’s advances since their first meeting. He takes Luciana by the hand and spins her around to lean her backwards. She closes her eyes in bliss once Luke starts to kiss her deeply. The young girl wraps her arms around his neck until he props her back on her feet.

  “Wow,” she gasps.

  “Thanks. Now, Kellia-” Luke starts. His words are cut off as he turns to see Kellia standing with a thin dagger embedded in her throat. Blood is pouring from the wound as Luciana screams and a familiar giggle cuts through the air. Luke spins around with his swords drawn to see Trinity floating several feet away from the balcony.

  “Not sure who is luckier. Me for hitting that disgusting creature in the throa
t or you for ducking the dagger meant to blind you,” Trinity announces before she vanishes in a beautiful sparkle of violet light. “Thanks, little girl, for making such a distracting scene up here. I was wondering how long I would have to wait for an opportunity to cause some mischief. Have fun with your new problem, boy.”

  “Gods damn it!” Luke roars.

  “What . . . what is she?” stutters Luciana, who is clinging to Luke’s arm.

  “That would be the queen of the chaos elves, who has been a pain in my ass since Rodillen,” Luke answers, his temper making it hard for him to speak clearly.

  He feels Luciana urgently tug on his arm as she whispers, “Not that woman. What is this thing?”

  Luke follows her pointing finger to where Kellia’s body has collapsed. He stares at the bleeding form before him, which is no longer the toned, black-haired heir of Serab. In place of Kellia is the corpse of a tall, featureless creature with light green, porous skin. Elongated limbs that end in massive extremities are splayed on the ground at its sides. Even the blood has changed from crimson to a sickly blue that bubbles and fizzes when it hits the ground. Luke lifts one of its slick arms and watches it fall lifelessly to the ground once he lets go.

  “Luciana, get Fritz and make sure not to tell anyone about this.”

  “What should I tell him?”

  “Tell him that we have a problem, a very big problem.”


  The solitary torch on the wall brings very little light into the shadowy room. From high on the wall, a boarded window lets a pinprick of sunlight pass through a crack. It is this pinprick of light that Aedyn uses to entertain himself as he patiently sits at a dusty, circular table. He moves his hands and whispers to make the sunbeam twist. Aedyn makes a desperate effort to fight the boredom of the last nine and a half hours by making the thin stream of natural light dance in the air. A sigh of relief escapes his lips when the metal door creaks open on rusty hinges and a hulking form enters the room.

  “I had hoped to meet with you sooner in the day, Lord Karwyn, but a private matter came up,” Isaiah apologizes once he takes a seat across from the half-elf.

  “All this time I thought the organization had forgotten about me,” Aedyn calmly says. “I take it this is about a punishment.”

  “You are very precise and communicable when you want to be,” Isaiah mentions while he looks through a handful of papers. “The reports you have given us on the activities of the Lich and Trinity are very detailed, but your other reports are severely lacking. You did not give us anything more than surface information in regards to Luke Callindor and Nyx. As one of the superiors in our organization, I demand that you tell me everything about them.”

  “That was not my mission,” Aedyn states.

  “Then, what was your mission?” the fireskin asks.

  Aedyn sits up straight in his chair and he tries to make eye contact with Isaiah, but the caster keeps his eyes on his reports. “My mission was to go to the Hamilton Military Academy and report on the Lich’s activities. It was not until after the events caused by the arrival of Luke Callindor that I decided to leave my post and travel with him to Gods’ Voice. It was in Hero’s Gate that I found a sealed letter slipped into my bags. The letter gave me new orders that corresponded to the actions that I had accepted on my own. The letter never stated that I send a detailed report on Luke or Nyx. My goal has always been to keep them alive and to report what dangers we came across during the voyage. These reports were to help you gauge the progress of the Lich’s plans and how much power his master has regained, nothing more and nothing less.”

  “The letter said that you must report on everything. Your orders to only report on the Lich changed the moment you deviated from your original mission,” Isaiah sternly says, pulling out another scroll to read. “Our organization looks positively on self-motivation in its members. We also look down on people who do not take that extra step. You failed to report on the improvements of your friends or if they were having any problems. For example, Nyx losing her magic would be considered a crucial development that you should have reported to us immediately.”

  “If this meeting is so important then you might want to pay full attention instead of reading,” the half-elf snaps with a challenging smile.

  “I am reading your report, Lord Karwyn,” Isaiah claims without looking up. “Please be patient and show me respect.”

  “My apologies, sir. What is it that you want to know?” Aedyn asks.

  “I want to know what you failed to include in your report,” Isaiah requests with a wide smile. “Tell us about Luke Callindor and Nyx. What are they like? How strong are they separately and how well do they work together? These are things that I would like a report on in the future if any major changes occur.”

  “Very well, I will start with Luke Callindor, whom I have known the longest,” Aedyn begins, crossing his arms and carefully watching Isaiah for his reactions. “He is a true friend and is ready to defend anyone that he finds in trouble. I would confidently compare him to a hero born from the tales of bards. I find the more interesting part of his personality to be that he can bring out a sense of purpose and a fun-loving nature in everyone that he comes in contact with. Even the Hellfire Elf acted oddly when interacting with him. It was like the demon relished the rivalry more than its job.”

  “What about his flaws and combat prowess?” Isaiah asks.

  “He is a risk-taker and rarely backs down from a challenge. The few times I have seen him run away have always been when he has had to protect others. I would say his greatest flaws are his sheer stubbornness and his inability to use caution,” Aedyn replies, carefully picking his words, so as not to give Isaiah a bad impression of the warrior. “In terms of combat prowess, he improves his swordsmanship with every battle and shows a high level of spontaneous adaptability. I have also seen evidence that he is incorporating martial arts into his swordplay, which will lead to his style becoming unique even among forest trackers. To put all of this in concise terms, Luke has flaws that appear to compliment his fighting style, but they usually get him into trouble. Thankfully, there are times that his flaws are overshadowed by his determination and courage and things work out for him.”

  Aedyn pauses for a minute before adding, “Also, he scares me sometimes.”

  “Scares you?” Isaiah repeats. His sharp teeth reflect the dim torchlight as he grins with growing interest.

  “You read my report about Hero’s Gate. The potential of Luke is frightening if he is angered,” the half-elf states with a brief shudder. “It was as if the gods unleashed a wild beast among the goblins. I clearly remember the unnatural edge in Luke’s voice before I gave in to unconsciousness.”

  “Such is the rage of a person who holds friendship so dearly. I have seen others react like him and it makes me glad to be on their side,” the fireskin admits, his eyes briefly tearing up before he rubs them dry.

  “I hope that you can see why I did not write a detailed report on Luke. He is unpredictable and spontaneous on a daily basis, so what I state as fact in one report could be undone by the time it reaches you,” Aedyn says, remembering every heart-racing event that he has endured with Luke. “Honestly, I could feel the years slipping from my life every time he did something reckless.”

  Isaiah scratches his chin thoughtfully and smiles at the priest. “What about Nyx? We have a thorough report on her abilities and temperament from Cyril, but I want to get your input now that she is out in the world.”

  “Nyx is an interesting woman,” Aedyn declares, stretching his legs and rubbing his shoulders to give himself time to think of the right words. “In battle, she is cautious and tries to end a battle with as little a delay as possible. The exception would be when she wants information, which forces her to take her time and use weaker spells than what she prefers. The combat spells that Nyx uses are surprisingly potent and precise for someone her age. Her quick casting and sharp mind make her a dangerous opponent.”

Slowly and methodically, the priest continues, “The main problem with her is in social dealings. Nyx is very difficult to befriend. She jumps to conclusions and is always ready to have an argument, which makes her a social disaster at times. It is as if she does not have the patience for strangers. Once you get past her angry façade, she is a kind and sensitive individual. Though, her defenses can return at the slightest provocation. Thankfully, Luke is getting her out of her shell and I get the feeling that she is helping Luke become more focused in his life.”

  “I find it impressive that they have become good friends in such a short time,” Isaiah says.

  “I agree, but I think it is due to Luke more than Nyx,” Aedyn claims, ignoring a sudden rumbling in his empty stomach. “As I said, there is something about him that puts people at ease. I have seen him wear many faces, but all of them have been genuine and, for lack of a better term, soothing. There are few people who wear their emotions so openly and I believe that is why people make friends with him; even against their better judgment.”

  Isaiah lets a puff of smoke rise from his nostrils. “You always know where you stand with him.”

  “Exactly,” the smiling priest agrees with a nod.

  “Strong personalities on those two. I assume they make a dangerous combination in battle,” the fireskin guesses. Isaiah yawns and stretches his tail until a rapid series of pops fills the room.

  “It is hard to say at this point. They have not worked in tandem for any of the battles that I have witnessed,” Aedyn admits sadly. He can see the stern expression in Isaiah’s eyes and scrambles to save face. “They work together flawlessly when a plan is prepared, but in the midst of spontaneous combat, I could not say.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Isaiah asks with a predatory glint in his eyes.

  “I was not there when Nyx and Luke faced Trinity in Rodillen, but going by their minor injuries it would seem that they have great potential as a team,” Aedyn explains, desperately hoping to change Isaiah’s intimidating expression. “Luke’s blades and Nyx’s magic would make for a destructive offensive, but I do not know the full extent of her magic. I have only observed illusions, some combat magic, and some defensive magic. A unique use of support magic was demonstrated with a revitalization spell. I am sorry that I cannot be any more help in this regards.”


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