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by Grubbs, Roger

  “The professor can cover it. You are helping us with research. The university loves that,” said Angelica.

  “I suppose you’re right. Yes, that will work for me. How about you, Michael?” asked the professor.

  “If you can get it done, then count me in. I am tired of all that school work anyway,” said Michael.

  “You will have no reprieve from the work load. In fact, you will be working your butt off if you stay in my classes all day long,” said the professor.

  “How hard can that be? Studying about witches and such is not work,” said Michael.

  “I will be sure to remind you of that when you start complaining of being overworked,” said the professor with a chuckle. By now they were approaching the entrance to Dr. Blanchard’s classroom.

  “We have a few minutes. Why don’t you two pull the files for the Salem witch trials while I prepare my lesson,” said the professor.

  “Do we have to work together? I am afraid of touching her,” teased Michael.

  “You are just being factious. That only applies in certain circumstances, and you know precisely why,” said Angelica.

  “So you say, but I perceive you have this thing against guys,” said Michael.

  “Keep it up, mister, and you will feel the brunt of your folly. And you know I can do it too,” said Angelica. That reminded him of what he thought he saw the night before, but then again he could have been drugged. Maybe that was it. They were doing this to him to prove a point. Now it was making perfect sense. The two of them were reenacting the situation in Salem to prove how people’s minds can get all messed up during unusual circumstances. Those thoughts brought a smile to his face. That was the answer to what had happened in Salem centuries ago, and now it was happening to him.

  “You had better wipe that silly grin off your face before I do it for you,” said Angelica.

  “You don’t scare me,” said Michael.

  “Oh yeah? Are you forgetting who I am?” asked Angelica, cocking her eyes.

  “You are just a beautiful girl doing research for a dissertation so you can get your PhD,” said Michael.

  “I give up,” said Angelica, throwing her arms into the air. “There is no hope for you. I am just wasting my time.”

  “Children, must you continue this bickering?” asked the professor.

  “There is only one child here, and I assure you it is not me,” said Angelica.

  “Whatever! Where is this file you refer to?” asked Michael.

  “Look it up on your laptop,” said the professor.

  “Shoot, I forgot to bring it. I will have to use yours,” said Michael, eyeing Angelica’s.

  “Don’t you dare touch my stuff,” said Angelica.

  “There you go again with that paranoia of touching,” said Michael.

  “Just keep it up and the next time the demons come for you, they can have you,” whispered Angelica, attempting to keep her voice low so no one else could overhear her.

  “You guys did that to me. There are no demons,” said Michael.

  “Shhh, someone will hear you,” scolded Angelica as the classroom began to fill up with students.

  “This is hopeless. How am I supposed to work under these conditions?” asked Michael. The discussion was interrupted by the sound of the buzzer signaling the beginning of classes. The students noticed the new members of the class, and the professor felt the need to introduce them. While both were students at the university, this was their first day in this particular group of students.

  “Have a seat, class. Please allow me to introduce a couple of unique individuals who will be conducting research while we discuss the Salem witch trials. The beautiful young lady is Angelica, and her companion is Michael. Both are excellent students versed on the subject of demons whether fabricated and otherwise,” said the professor. The class observed the two strangers as they slowly took a seat.

  Immediately Michael seized the opportunity to sit in front of the laptop to begin his duties. However, Angelica had other ideas about this arrangement and nudged him aside to take her rightful place. Moments later they were jostling for the prime spot before finally agreeing to share the honor. Their actions had not gone unnoticed.

  “Dr. Blanchard, it seems Michael doesn’t want to work with the beautiful lady. Mind if I change places with him?” asked one of the male students. The classroom erupted in laughter with several of the guys whistling as a gesture toward the attractive girl. They noticed her face turning from a porcelain white to bright red in color. From that reaction, it was assumed she was somewhat shy, at least when becoming the center of attention.

  Noticing the stares, the professor immediately stepped in. “Michael and Angelica will work it out. Now let’s get busy because as you know we have a lot of material to cover,” said the professor. He opened his book and began to read silently from it. After reading a few paragraphs, he paused to ask a question. “So, Jean, assuming you read the assignment, what is your opinion about the bizarre behavior of the young ladies in question? Were they faking the illness, or were they in fact suffering from some sort of mysterious medical condition? Of course they claimed it was brought on by a spell cast by witches. Charges were filed and many were convicted of witchcraft. Some were even hanged.”

  After a lengthy pause, the student began to speak. “I believe it was due to the pressure being placed upon those accused of witchcraft to confess their wrong. Many did just that and apologized, thus keeping them out of jail. Of course they were branded by the stigma for life; but all the same, I can’t say as I blame them,” said Jean.

  “Good point, but that doesn’t explain the unusual condition these people were suffering from,” said the professor. “Michael, do you have anything to share with us on the subject?” He was totally caught off guard. Angelica laughed and nudged him to send a signal. He was so busy attempting to gain control of the laptop; he had not read anything being displayed on the screen. However, Angelica had mercy on the poor guy and stepped in on his behalf.

  “There are several medical theories being offered. Some believe this to be the results of psychological hysteria. As we all know, they were under attack by local Indian tribes; and that could have a tremendous effect upon the inhabitants, especially the younger girls since they were often abducted by the so-called savages. Others think it was the results of contaminated grain. It is believed that a certain fungus will have the same effects as LSD; and in this case, it caused people to hallucinate.

  “Then there were the animal diseases that could have led to this type condition, including infectious birds that may have spread meningitis. Rabies is another condition that could cause extreme madness. It is known to be spread from wild animals to humans.

  “Then again the people were known to have internal strife and could have used this fabrication to rid themselves of someone they held a grudge against. Any number of things comes up; and considering the primitive medical knowledge they had at the time, it is highly possible any combination of things could have led to these tragic symptoms. One thing for certain is that they panicked and began putting to death innocent people,” explained Angelica.

  “How do we know they were innocent? Maybe there were witches or some sort of demons controlling their bodies,” said one of the female students.

  “That is what these people seemed to think, and they went to extremes to remedy the problem. Before long they were blaming each other for every calamity that came upon them,” said Angelica.

  “What do you think was happening?” asked the student.

  “It doesn’t matter what I think. What’s important is what do you think about evil spirits? Do they exist? If so, where do they come from?” asked Angelica. Silence followed.

  “Those are all good points, and I can see many of you are putting a lot of thought in this while considering the possibilities. Your minds are opening up to the realm of the unknown. Now let’s consider many of the bad things that are going on in the world today. Why are ther
e so many violent acts against others—against people they don’t even know—strangers in fact?” asked the professor.

  “Are you referring to mass murders? If that is where this is headed, I have plenty to say about it,” said one of the male students.

  “I suppose that is included in what I am driving at. So, Larry, what would you like to share with us on the subject?” asked the professor.

  “Have any of you noticed the demonic look in the eyes of those mass murderers? I have and it is freaky. They look like they are possessed by some sort of demon. But what puzzles me most is why do they take their own life after hurting others? Couldn’t they just hurt themselves and leave good people alone?” asked Larry.

  “Good point! Now let’s discuss it in greater detail. First we need to consider the possibility that this is an anger issue and the person is unleashing that anger on others. Is it possible that the person could feel vindicated by hurting others?” asked the professor.

  “That still doesn’t explain the demonic look in their eyes,” said one of the female students.

  “When anger becomes uncontrollable, the person generally looks like that. But what we are attempting to determine is whether or not it is the results of a demon controlling the actions of those individuals,” said the professor.

  “I think the person has allowed his anger to set him up for the entry of an evil spirit. Then the person is no longer in control of his or her own actions,” said a male student in the back of the room.

  “What do you suppose led up to this condition?” asked Angelica. Only silence followed. The room was filled with tension, even to the point one could cut it with a knife.

  “Okay, that is your next assignment. Do your research and be prepared to answer this question. Are there both good and evil spirits among us? If so, where do they come from and what is their purpose of being here?” stated the professor. With that being said, he dismissed the class to allow each person to research the matter independently of the others.

  The professor’s mission was to accomplish a totally objective study of the subject pertaining to the spiritual world. Science had long ago exhausted its resources concerning the matter. The only logical way to uncover the mystery was to use a different approach. Within this class were many students fully capable of shedding some light on the subject. The results may be flawed in scientific terms, but the professor was convinced they would come closer to solving the mystery than anyone had ever done before. The students quietly left the room obviously in deep thought. That was a good sign, and soon they would be so engulfed in the study that they would not want to stop until they answered the questions that had been brought up.

  Once the last student was out of the door, Michael had something to ask of his companions. “Are you trying to disturb everyone with questions that can not possibly be answered?”

  “There is an answer, Michael. It just may not be what you want to hear,” said Angelica.

  At first he disagreed with her. But after thinking about it, he changed his mind. “Perhaps you are right, but what if we find there are evil spirits roaming about? What could we possibly do about it?” asked Michael.

  “We can do more than you think, my friend. Besides, you will soon find we have no choice except to pursue this mission,” said Angelica.

  “Is that what this is? A mission?” asked Michael.

  It quickly became obvious that Angelica did not want to answer that question. Picking up on this idea, the professor intervened. “She is looking at this from the standpoint of research. To her that is a mission. Have you ever considered how much work goes into a dissertation and all the things that are absolutely necessary in order to receive a doctorate degree?”

  “I think Angelica knows where I am coming from, and I am willing to indulge you two up to a point,” said Michael, carefully choosing his words.

  “You still don’t have any idea what is at stake here, do you?” asked Angelica.

  “I am not sure, but it seems this blasted research is for your benefit. You need it for your dissertation,” said Michael, finally speaking what was on his mind.

  “Are you forgetting so soon why I am actually here?” asked Angelica. Once again it took a moment to recall what had happened to them during the short time they had known each other. All that was but a daze now, yet it kept him wondering. Doubts had crept in, but he sensed there was more going on than meets the eye.

  “So just tell me one thing, and I will drop the matter for now,” said Michael.

  “What would you like to know?” asked Angelica.

  “Did you guys drug me to recreate the paranoia experienced during the witch trials?”

  “Heaven’s no! Why would you even think such a thing?” asked Angelica. The look in her eyes was very convincing.

  Feeling badly for accusing them of such a plot, Michael felt the need to apologize. “I’m sorry. It must be the lack of adequate sleep. But, I can tell you this much, something is messing with my mind.”

  “That is understandable and I am sure both of you are wondering about my intentions as well. I assure you I was being truthful when I said my purpose for being here is to protect you,” said Angelica. Michael cringed at the sound of that. Once again he was reminded of something very important. Was he dreaming the night before, or did it in fact really happen? The look in her eyes was compelling. Still it didn’t make sense. How could he be part of the battle within the spiritual realm? He gazed at the professor who had listened quietly to the discussion. A nod indicated that she was in fact being truthful with them. After all, the professor had already experienced the demons first hand. Those thoughts were swirling through the young man’s mind as he attempted to sort it out. “You are confused right now. Give it some time to sink in, and eventually you will see things more clearly,” said Angelica.

  “That’s what I am afraid of. Do you have any idea what we went through last night?” asked Michael. He directed that question toward the professor.

  “I have a few thoughts on the matter, but I am sure it was much more real to you,” said the professor.

  “My friend came to the rescue. If he had not intervened, I wouldn’t be here today,” said Angelica.

  “I was pretty good, wasn’t I? So tell me again how you expect to protect us? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?” asked Michael with a chide remark.

  “Michael, Michael, don’t let your pride get the best of you. Just remember that pride goes before the fall,” said Angelica. That sobering warning brought the lad back down to earth. Being that it was obvious from the expression on his face, Angelica decided to give him a reprieve. “I must admit you were pretty good for a novice.” That caused a smile to cover his entire face until he realized what he had experienced was impossible. Perceiving his thoughts Angelica came to the rescue once again. “It was real and you were fantastic. Just remember that when it happens again.”

  The thoughts of such an event jolted him like a bolt of lightening. “Are you saying we will have to face the demons again? What happens when we win?” asked Michael.

  “Each time we prevail, it weakens them ever so slightly. But I must point out that if they had defeated me last night, there would have been no hope for you or the professor. They would have become so powerful that I am not sure if anything could have withstood them afterwards,” said Angelica.

  “Wasn’t that a little risky? How did you know I could help you?” asked Michael. She answered with a smile. “Are you flirting with me now?”

  “Heaven’s no, Michael, but I do like you,” said Angelica, patting him on the shoulder.

  “Women, how will us guys ever stand a chance?” asked Michael.

  “You play your cards right, you will do okay by me,” said Angelica, turning to walk away. However, she felt his stares once again. “Michael! Stop staring at my butt!”

  “I can’t help it!”

  The professor laughed and they both noticed Angelica standing with her back to them while discreetly hiding
her face. Finally, Michael realized she was laughing too. But, he chose to drop it as he could not seem to understand that girl. Why would someone so beautiful not be interested in men? Oh well, maybe it was because she didn’t want them touching her. He laughed thinking that would be some relationship, never touching. However, his laughter didn’t go unnoticed. The young lady turned to give him the evil eye. That did the trick as he quickly wiped the grin from his face.

  “We have a few minutes before my next class. Do you guys think you can behave long enough to get in a little research?” asked the professor.

  “Talk to the boy,” said Angelica.

  “Hey, I am a man or have you forgotten already?” Everyone knew he was referring to the skirmish the night before.

  “You have a lot to learn before becoming a gentleman like the professor,” said Angelica, smiling.

  “Now I get it. You like older men. So that is why you are being so standoffish with me,” said Michael.

  “I admit to liking older men. They are not so childish and naive, but don’t read too much into it. I like you too. Just don’t jump to conclusions with that either,” said Angelica. The young man faced the professor while scratching his head. Moments later he gave up on understanding women and took a seat in front of the laptop.

  “What are we looking for now, professor?” asked Michael.

  “We need to see what you can find concerning biblical accounts of witches and evil spirits,” said Dr. Blanchard, taking a book from the shelf.

  “Are you serious? We will be here forever searching through the Bible. It is full of such accounts from cover to cover,” said Michael. He noticed Angelica becoming a tad uneasy upon hearing this suggestion. “Does it bother you to study the biblical accounts of such matters?”

  “Not really. Why do you ask?”

  “Then do you need this Bible to use?” asked the professor, holding up a copy of the Kings James Version.

  “No, I already know what is in it,” she replied.


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