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Page 6

by Grubbs, Roger

  Meanwhile, Angelica needed to check something out on the computer. She left the others standing in awe and approached her laptop. A few strokes of the keys provided the dreaded answer. Without hearing it, they knew she had deciphered the warning from the demonic spirit. “We have been instructed to mind our own business, or we will regret it.”

  “I have news for them—I already regret it,” said Michael.

  “It has only just begun,” said Angelica.

  “You already said that, remember?” asked Michael.

  “Get used to hearing it, because I have a tendency of repeating myself,” said Angelica.

  “Then what are our plans?” asked the professor.

  “We are on to something, and they know we are getting close. So I say we turn up the heat and see what happens,” said Angelica.

  “Are you crazy? You saw what they did. What if that happens to us, then what?” asked Michael.

  “It has already happened to me, and I am fine as you can see,” said the professor.

  “Yes, but it’s only because Angelica was there to rescue you. What happens if she is not around to do that?” asked Michael. The young man thought for a moment. “What was that like anyway?”

  “I felt driven by some uncontrollable force from within to harm people, but I knew I shouldn’t. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t shake it off.”

  “Wow, man, that must have been scary,” said Michael.

  “Tell me about it. But as you can see, I am not having any problems now. That makes me think there is a cure for people possessed with demons,” said the professor.

  “You are right and it is Angelica. But she can’t protect the whole world,” said Michael.

  “Alone you are correct, but with help it just may be possible,” said Angelica.

  “Is that what you have been trying to tell us?” asked Michael. A nod indicated the answer was yes. “Is that what you meant when you said the professor and I were a threat to the demons?”

  “Yes, but in different ways. I promise I will eventually tell you all about it,” said Angelica.

  “What’s wrong with now?” asked Michael, looking around at the empty room. “It seems you have run off all the professor’s students.”

  “I am sorry about that. Actually it was something one of your students said that triggered this episode,” she said, staring at the professor.

  “What was it? We don’t ever want to say that again,” said Michael.

  “You may be wrong about that too. Only time will tell. However, when a student read from the account of demons being cast out, it was what she repeated that caused the demons to fear us,” said Angelica. It took a moment for them to recall that incident, and then they knew it was the command “go” that had set this in motion.

  “So that means the demons are already here, in this very classroom in fact,” said Michael.

  “They are everywhere and it is only going to get worse. That is why we must step up our efforts to prepare for the battle of immortal spirits,” said Angelica.

  “So I was right after all. People thought I was loosing my mind, and now you are confirming my suspicions. How long do we have?” asked the professor.

  “I can’t give you a timeframe because it depends upon our efforts. Every time we win a battle against them, it weakens the demons ever so slightly,” said Angelica.

  “Then we need to go after them until they are no longer able to launch an attack,” said Michael.

  “It’s not that simple. We must work together and make sure we never loose a conflict. One little slip-up and they regain all the powers we have taken from them. In fact, if they were to take your soul, we may never overcome them,” said Angelica.

  “Me, why me? Why not the professor over there?” asked Michael.

  “They only want the professor because he has the knowledge to weaken them. You, on the other hand, can destroy them,” said Angelica.

  “Are you only attempting to build my confidence so you can use me?” asked Michael.

  “No, it’s true. Your parents were only a threat to them, but you can destroy their power,” said Angelica.

  “So that is why you asked for my help. You already knew this, didn’t you?” asked Michael.

  “I had my suspicions, but last night confirmed my beliefs. However, before you go off half-cocked, you cannot win this battle alone. It is going to take all three of us, working together, to prevail against the powers of darkness,” said Angelica.

  “You have been awfully quite, Professor. What is your take on this? Can we trust Angelica?” asked Michael, anxious to hear his reply.

  “She speaks the truth. I have been researching this for years. I perceive the demons got wind of it just like Angelica indicated.”

  “Then you are in just as much danger as I am,” said Michael.

  “He is in more danger. While the professor has the knowledge, he doesn’t have your powers,” said Angelica.

  “Just what sort of powers are you referring to?” asked Michael.

  “Last night was only a glimpse of what you can do. However, you need to learn to harness those powers in order to be effective against the more powerful forces that are sure to come after us,” said Angelica.

  “So you were telling the truth when you said it would only get worse,” said Michael.

  “Why do you doubt me? I already told you I can’t lie,” said Angelica.

  “I am trying to believe, but you must admit this would be difficult for anyone to swallow. Yesterday when we first met I had a normal life. Now you have turned it upside down,” said Michael.

  “If you will kindly remember, it was you that invited yourself to have a cup of coffee with the professor and me,” said Angelica.

  “Why did you ever let me do that? I would have never known any of this,” said Michael.

  “That’s not true. Are you not listening to me? It’s your destiny and you just as well accept it. Now you need to start searching for a way to fulfill your purpose in life,” said Angelica.

  “Can I ask about something that is bothering me?” asked Michael.

  “Your parents were good people, and they were heroes even in death,” said Angelica.

  “That’s good to know. I always wondered about them; but every time I mentioned my parents, people refused to discuss it,” said Michael.

  “That’s not surprising. People are afraid of what they don’t understand,” said Angelica.

  “I would be the first to admit that this scares the crap out of me,” said Michael.

  “You will learn to deal with the fear. Actually a healthy amount is good, even I respect my limitations,” said Angelica.

  “There didn’t seem to be any limitations to your abilities last night, although you were about to lose the battle before I stepped in,” said Michael, with chest out and head high.

  “Remember what I said, Michael. Pride goes before the fall.”

  “You need to listen to her, Michael. This is not a game. There is a lot at stake here. Not only is your soul in the balance, the whole world is depending on you,” said the professor.

  “Thanks a lot for the added pressure,” said Michael.

  “The professor is right. If you listen to us, you can do this,” said Angelica.

  “I will have to take your word for that,” said Michael.

  “Now you are learning. Trust me; there is no benefit in my lying. While you still do have the ability to speak untruths, I cannot,” said Angelica.

  “That is amazing! So if we were dating and I asked you something personal, you would have to tell me the truth?”

  “First of all, you need to put that thought out of your mind. Secondly, if I didn’t want to answer, I could just remain silent,” said Angelica.

  “That would be the same as saying yes; and as far as our dating, why not?”

  “I already explained all I can at the moment. When you are ready, I will reveal anything you care to know,” said Angelica. The professor smiled as he per
ceived the young man was entreating matters of the heart. Yet, he knew more about Angelica than he was letting on.

  “Well, don’t expect too much of me. I am only a kid in case you haven’t noticed,” said Michael.

  “Oh, believe me, I noticed,” said Angelica in a teasing manner.

  “Hey, you didn’t seem to think so last night when you called for my help.”

  She chose not to answer, leaving Michael to consider what that could mean. Instead, she decided to change the subject. After checking the time, she asked, “Where are your students? Shouldn’t your next class be showing up by now?”

  “I figure word has gotten out about our earlier class. After our little incident, they are afraid to show,” said the professor with a chuckle.

  “Is that a problem? What if you get fired?” asked Michael, concerned about the professor’s position.

  “Let me worry about that. I have tenure at the university. Besides, I can always use the excuse that we were conducting research. After all, we did create quite a panic among the students similar to what happened in Salem centuries ago. I could always say this was an experiment to prove a point,” said the professor.

  “You think they will buy it? Besides, isn’t that lying?” asked Michael.

  “Like you I have no such restraints, yet,” said the professor, smiling.

  “Will it ever get to the point when the professor and I will not be able to tell a lie either?” asked Michael.

  “I am not sure about that,” said Angelica in deep thought. This left many unanswered questions for the two gentlemen. However, they both perceived the answers were not attainable at the moment, so they dropped the matter for now.

  “Okay, guys, we need to conduct more research while we have a break. I am expecting plenty of distractions soon,” said Angelica.

  “Could I ask another question?” asked Michael. While it was obvious he didn’t really want the truth, he asked for it anyway. “What if we don’t prevent the demons from getting the power they need?”

  “Then we must to be prepared for Armageddon. Up until now, this has been a battle of the spirits. If they get their wish, it will escalate beyond that,” said Angelica.

  “I don’t understand. What could be worse?” asked Michael.

  “Once they take over enough souls to wage the battle, it with come at us in a different form,” said Angelica.

  “Oh, I get it. They will raise the dead,” teased Michael.

  “Yep, and you guys love those zombie movies. So, you should really love this,” said Angelica, patting him on the stomach.

  “Then it’s true. The rise of the zombies is not fantasy as most believe,” said the professor.

  “Are you seriously expecting us to believe that bunch of crock? There is no such thing as zombies, and you know it,” argued Michael.

  “Don’t be so sure, Michael. Have you not been watching the news?” asked Angelica.

  “You are not referring to the flesh eating mad man, are you?” asked Michael.

  “Yes I am and that is only the beginning. Unless we win the battle of the spirits, it will soon become a battle with the zombies.”

  That sobering thought created fear within the novice. Michael only liked those zombie movies because he knew they weren’t real. Now that he was learning it could become a reality, it wasn’t nearly as amusing. “You are right about one thing. This mess only gets worse, doesn’t it?” said Michael.

  “Yep and unless we can keep people from being overtaken by the demons, the zombies will be next. Then it becomes a battle of the demons in the decaying flesh,” said Angelica.

  “Well, one thing about it, the demons will be inside people that have already died once,” said Michael.

  “I hate to burst your bubble, Michael. Those creatures will go for the living too. Before long, you will have to watch your back everywhere you go. If they latch onto you, it will be too late for any of us,” said Angelica.

  “I thought the zombies were created by some sort of parasite that controlled the brain. Now you are telling me that demons are at the root of the problem?” asked Michael.

  “Not entirely. The demons will use the zombies to spread the parasites. Before long, there will be so many people infected with this incurable condition that we will be fighting a battle that humans can’t possibly win.”

  “You are scaring me, Angelica,” said the young man.

  “It scares me too and that is why we must keep this from happening,” said Angelica.

  “What are our chances in preventing the rise of the zombies?” asked Michael.

  When she didn’t answer, the professor did it for her. “We have a 10% chance in succeeding.” That sobering statistic reverberated throughout the empty auditorium. The sound of his voice bounced off the walls and echoed back and forth, if only in their minds.

  “Are you telling me there is a 90% chance of us failing to head off the zombie apocalypse?” asked Michael. Again, Angelica didn’t answer. That was as good as a yes in Michael’s mind. “Then shouldn’t we be searching for a way to fight the zombies? Heading it off seems to be hopeless.”

  “It’s never hopeless. Remember we do have a 10% chance in succeeding,” said Angelica.

  “I don’t like the odds. But, against my better judgment, I need to ask another question. How many zombies can we expect to face if we fail?”

  “Half the population is already carriers of this parasite. Under normal circumstance, it will never be a problem. But under the right conditions, it could spread like wildfire. If it is not stopped, the world is doomed,” said the professor.

  “Aren’t you the optimist? Is he telling the truth?” asked Michael. A nod from Angelica provided the startling reality. “Did my parents know any of this?”

  “They gave their lives attempting to avoid the apocalypses. Now it is up to you, Michael,” said Angelica.

  “I thought you said it would take all of us,” questioned Michael.

  “You are right. But without you, we have no chance at all,” said Angelica.

  “Suppose we are successful in heading off the zombie apocalypses. Will the demons disappear at some point?” ask Michael.

  “We may have entered the thousand-year reign. So to answer your question, this is a long, drawn out battle,” said Angelica.

  “Could you shed a little light on the subject? What is the thousand-year reign as you mentioned?” asked Michael.

  “The demons have been in chains of darkness until now. Recently they may have been loosed and will walk the earth for a time period of a thousand years,” said the professor.

  “A thousand years? We won’t live that long, so what is the use in trying?” asked Michael.

  “Don’t be so quick to judge. There are things going on that you don’t understand yet,” said Angelica.

  “That is one thing that we agree on. I have no idea whatsoever concerning what is going on or why,” said Michael.

  “Just focus on the problem at hand. What you saw last night is a sample of what’s to come. This outburst with the student is the next level. If we don’t stop them soon, the zombies will follow. If that happens, there will be no reasoning among the people. Those creatures will control the minds of the victims and, thus, they will live up to their name,” said Angelica.

  “What will happen to the student that lay here a moment ago?” asked Michael.

  “He will be fine, at least for the moment. The demon that attempted to control him was too weak.”

  “If this gets to the zombie apocalypses, can we stand against them?” asked Michael.

  “One on one there is a way to destroy them. But as a group . . .” She stopped short of finishing what she had prepared to say.

  “As a group, it’s hopeless, isn’t it?”

  “Not altogether, but it will be much simpler to prevent it,” said Angelica.

  “You have already admitted we only have a 10% chance in doing that. Now you are saying we have even less of a chance after that?” aske
d Michael. Again her silence answered his question. “All this is too confusing. Are you saying the zombies will be controlled by the demons, or will they be controlled by the parasites that enter the brain?”

  “Both, but what triggers the whole catastrophe is the demons. They use the parasites to spread the condition. By entering the mind of an infected person, they can control their thoughts. What was once a docile person is suddenly transformed into an unfeeling monster. The dead will rise from the grave, but only the ones that haven’t fully decayed. They need the brain to be at least partially intact. As for the living, once the brain becomes infected, it spreads. At first the zombie will eat all human flesh. Once the condition has progressed to the final stages, they are only interested in eating human brains. They will even eat each other before this stage in reached. It is difficult to tell by looking at them what stage they have entered, so the best approach is to go for the brains when being attacked. Any person that is infected by them will naturally turn into the same type creature. Under the right conditions, the whole world could become contaminated in a matter of months,” said Angelica.

  “If you don’t mind, I would like to see the passage from the Bible the young lady referred to before the outburst,” said Michael.

  “Sure. It begins in Matthew 8:16 and continues throughout the chapter,” said Angelica. The two gentlemen stared at her in awe. Did she, in fact, have the entire book memorized? When Michael read from the passage, he realized this inferred that people could become possessed with devils as mentioned in one place or with demons as mentioned in another. When he had finished reading, he understood everything Angelica had told them was, in fact, true—if he believed what was written.

  “This passage mentions demons. Do you know of any mention of witches?” asked Michael.

  “Jezebel is spoken of as practicing witchcraft in II Kings 9:22. Witchcraft is condemned in Galatians 5:20. Exodus 22:18 says, ‘Thou shall not suffer a witch to live.’ I Samuel 28 versus 7-15 speak of Saul talking to the spirit of Samuel after his death at the beckoning of a witch. Yes there is plenty to consider if you believe the Bible,” said Angelica. Again the men were astonished at her recollection of the passages.

  “What about demons?” asked Michael.


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