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Page 10

by Grubbs, Roger

  Jumping to his own defense, Michael retorted, “That’s not true.” Taking a deep breath, he asked, “Besides, you have those feelings too, don’t you?”

  “No, not at the moment. My biggest concern is finding a way to fix my mistake.”

  “Then why did you want me to kiss you on the cheek last night? What was that all about?” asked Michael.

  Suddenly their conversation was interrupted. “Listen! What was that?” asked Angelica, looking as if her ears had picked up some sort of activity near the cabin.

  Immediately Michael ran toward the window to look outside. “I don’t see anything.” The shrewd young lady shrugged her shoulders, having used that ploy to avoid answering his question. Now she had before her a better distraction. As her eyes scanned the computer screen in front of her, she began voicing concerns over the material being displayed. “This situation has all the classic signs of the end of time.” There was a chill in the air and Michael froze in his tracks.

  “Then why do we even try? If this is it, then we have no hope in surviving,” said Michael.

  “I didn’t say this was the end, only that it has all the classic signs. I could be wrong.”

  “If you are wrong about that, could you also be wrong about the zombies?” asked Michael.

  “No, that is already in the works. You saw for yourself; and as the situation progresses, it will only get worse.”

  “What are we supposed to do now? Just sit here until they come for us?” asked Michael.

  “Okay, if you are so anxious to meet one of those mindless creatures, I will take you to them.”

  “When?” asked Michael, excitedly.

  “Tomorrow. Right now I am getting hungry,” she said, staring at her friend.

  “What are you telling me for? I don’t know how to cook. Besides, that’s your job,” said Michael.

  Furious with his inference that cooking was woman’s work, she blasted, “Why? Because I am a woman?” Maybe she was right; but then again, it could be because neither of them could cook.

  “I will do it while you finish the research,” said Michael, reluctantly. After plundering through the cabinets, he came up with the only combination that sounded feasible, especially with his limited expertise.

  “Thankfully we have a stove. So why couldn’t we have running water?” mumbled Michael.

  Looking up from her work, she peered into the kitchen area. “What did you say?” asked Angelica unable to hear him clearly.

  “Nothing. Carry on with you research.” He fumbled around with the daunting task until he finally had it working in his favor. However, a few minutes later the cabin began to fill with smoke, forcing them to both run out of the cabin. Staring at the smoke bellowing from humble dwelling, they both attempted to figure out what went wrong.

  “What in the heck was that all about?” asked Angelica, coughing.

  “I have no idea. All I did was turn on the oven,” said Michael.

  Holding her breath, Angelica ran back inside to return moments later carrying a pan that was on fire. She quickly tossed it into the nearby stream. Once the flames died down, she turned to stare at Michael with beady eyes.

  “Well I don’t know how to cook and neither do you,” said Michael.

  “I can do better than this. Besides, we could have eaten the leftovers if you hadn’t burned them,” said Angelica.

  “So that was where the professor put them. I wish I had known it,” said Michael.

  Without warning Angelica pushed him to the ground while swinging her fist. Startled at first, he soon realized why she had done that. “Run Michael!”

  Chapter 9

  Scrambling to his feet, Michael prepared to battle the creature standing before them. “I said run!” Angelica yelled again. This time he did as he was told. However, he couldn’t leave his friend to fight the beast alone. Taking one last look, he noticed it had the appearance of a human, but none of the other characteristics. While she was landing powerful blows to the head, nothing subdued the creature. The frightening growling noise followed him inside the cabin.

  Michael grabbed the gun; and then after having second thoughts, he picked up the sword before rushing back to the scene unfolding outside. As quickly as possible, he ran upon the creature with a sword drawn. With one swoop, he decapitated the opponent. He watched as the severed head rolled across the ground with eyes wide open. Feeling good about his accomplishment, he reached out his hand to assist his companion from the ground. However, the weird sound behind him caused the boy to turn around. He froze while turning white as a sheet. Soon he realized those sounds were being emitted from the severed head.

  “Don’t let it bite you!” yelled Angelica.

  “What in the heck is going on? You can’t kill those things?” shouted Michael, quickly firing the weapon. The bullet lodged in its brain, and the eyes closed as the teeth snapped together for the last time.

  “You have to attack the brain, remember?” asked Angelica, raking her hands over her arms.

  “Did it bite you?”

  “No, I don’t think so,” replied Angelica, checking her skin.

  “That thing could have killed you. Even worse, you could have become infected,” said Michael.

  “Well at least you listened to that part, but you need to remember to go for the brain. That is the only surefire way to kill them. If they infect you, then you will become one of them,” said Angelica.

  “I remember, but what are we going to do with this thing?” nodding toward the remains of the creature.

  “Leave it. We can’t take a chance on becoming contaminated. But, this is not good. There may be others,” said Angelica, staring into the nearby woods.

  “Shouldn’t we drag it away from the stream? What if the water becomes contaminated?”

  “I hadn’t thought of that. Let me do it in case something goes wrong,” said Angelica.

  “We are in this together, remember? Besides, I don’t want to be left in the world all alone; and if you were to become contaminated, I couldn’t kill you anyway.”

  She stared at her companion all starry-eyed. “That is the nicest thing you have ever said to me. There may be hope for you yet,” said Angelica.

  As they stared at the lifeless corpse, Michael decided to go for the head first, since that would be the most difficult part of the task. Bending down to take the creature by the hair, he was in for a big surprise. The eyes popped wide open, sending him backwards and knocking his companion to the ground in the process. They both lay there closely examining the severed head. “It’s dead. That is just the reflexes.”

  “Are you certain?” asked Michael, slowly approaching the grotesque sight.

  “Yes, just grab hold of its hair, and toss it into that ravine.” Noticing Michael’s reluctance to take it, she asked, “Do you want me to do it?”

  “Don’t rush me! I will do it,” said Michael, cautiously approaching the hideous object.

  “Well hurry up! I’m still hungry.”

  “How can you think of food at a time like this?” asked Michael. Garnering his courage, he lifted the head once again. While staring into the cold harsh eyes, the mouth opened and shut like a steel trap. That was enough to convince Michael to hurriedly toss the head into the ravine and make a run for the cabin.

  As he hightailed it to the cabin, Angelica yelled, “Where are you going? We are not finished yet.”

  “I have to cook dinner, remember?”

  Exasperated but with no other choice, Angelica reached for the feet and began dragging the corpse to the side of the trail. With a forceful shove, the remainder of the body rolled into the valley below, opposite the stream on the other side of the trail. Dusting off her hands, the proud young lady walked toward the cabin. However, a loud noise from deep in the valley below sent her scrambling for shelter.

  She entered the cabin to find her companion hard at work. Noticing her being out of breath, Michael commented. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, why do yo
u ask?”

  “You are as white as a sheet,” said Michael.

  “That’s the color I have always been, and you know it.” He laughed at her, thinking that disposing of the corpse must have been quite an experience. Now that he had time to think about it, he felt badly about abandoning her in such a terrible crisis. But, he felt much better after his friend offered a compliment. “That smells great. What is it?” asked Angelica.

  “This, my friend, is Michael’s famous chili.”

  “Where did you get all the stuff to make chili?” When he held up the can, she realized where it had come from. “Well I must say it smells good.”

  “That is because we haven’t eaten all day long. Valiant warriors like us need food and lots of it,” said Michael, bending his arm in such a way as to expose the muscles in his biceps.

  “Unfortunately we may not be quite as valiant as we once were,” said Angelica in a somewhat disappointed manner.

  “Oh, why do you say that?”

  “I don’t have the same skills as before. Now the battle is of this world, and we are on equal ground with humans,” said Angelica.

  Overcoming the anxious moment, Michael decided he should offer words of encouragement. “We can do this and maybe one day you will get those wings. When you do, make sure you don’t forget me.”

  “I perceive wherever I go, you will be right there with me,” said Angelica.

  Unsure of how to take that comment, Michael dropped the matter and offered her food. “It’s ready. Help yourself.”

  After dipping a healthy portion from the boiler, she stared at the rest. “Did I leave enough for you?”

  “There is plenty. Have a seat and I will join you.”

  “I hate to admit it, but that headless corpse is still entrenched on my mind,” said Angelica.

  “Some warrior you are,” teased Michael. However, the thoughts of that grotesque sight weighed heavily on him as well. He paused while staring at the bowl of chili. Picking up his spoon, he stirred the contents of the bowl as if to cool the ingredients. But no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to bring the utensil to his mouth.

  “See. I told you pride goes before the fall. It’s not so easy to keep from losing your appetite, is it?” asked Angelica. The brave young man pushed those thoughts aside and was determined to show her he could stomach it. That was before she spoke again and shot down his ego. “Well, it could have been worse. Sure glad you didn’t fix spaghetti.”

  Turning white as a sheet and being unable to eat, the boy stared directly into the eyes of his companion who was already eating while fighting off the urge to laugh. “Very funny. You just wanted my portion too, didn’t you? Well you are not winning this battle because I’m hungry,” said Michael, filling his mouth. Surprisingly the taste of food caused him to forget about the ugly sight of the headless zombie. Quietness followed as they consumed the bowl of chili in record time. However, it didn’t end there. When his spoon echoed as it hit the empty bowl, Michael replied, “I’m still hungry.”

  “You are a guy. Guys are always hungry,” teased Angelica.

  “What is it with you cracking jokes today? Until now, you always seemed so serious,” said Michael.

  “I have changed, Michael. Have you not been listening to me?”

  “Yes, but does that affect everything about you? I would have thought your personality was pretty well set by now,” said Michael. After thinking for a moment, he asked, “By the way, how old are you?”

  “Michael, you should know by now it’s not polite to ask a woman her age.”

  “Yes, but you are definitely from another world. How does that equate in human years?”

  “If you are asking whether or not I am too old for you, it depends.”

  “Oh, I remember now. It depends upon whether or not we fall in love, right?” asked Michael.

  “That too, but it hinges on whether or not you can manage to grow up a bit. Until now, you were way too immature for me,” said Angelica.

  “Well I have already saved you from the demons. You said so yourself.”

  “Yes, but that was with a lot of help from me. I can’t grant you those powers anymore. So now, big guy, you have to prove yourself.”

  “I can do this. If I do, will that make me old enough for you?”

  “What difference does it make what I say right now? We just met and neither of us should be thinking of such personal matters. Let’s see if we can master the battle against the zombies,” said Angelica.

  “But, you don’t understand men at all. If I have a reason for fighting, it will be much easier to be courageous.”

  She wasn’t buying it. “You had better fight to save your own butt,” said Angelica.

  He considered all she had said and realized he wasn’t any closer than before to building the relationship he wanted with the beautiful girl. However, he wasn’t about to abandon the idea. She was very attractive and now that she wasn’t an angel, he just might have a chance with developing an intimate relationship with her. Those thoughts caused his eyes to wander, and his companion picked up on it.

  “There you go again,” complained Angelica.

  “What? I’m a guy. You said so yourself.” He thought for a moment and provided a prediction. “One day you will want me, and then it may be too late.”

  “Why? Are you expecting to be eaten by zombies?” asked Angelica, laughingly.

  “Very funny. No, actually I may find someone that will appreciate me,” said Michael. When she failed to reply, Michael turned his attention toward cleaning the table to prepare for more planning. There must be a cure for the parasite that was attacking the brain of humans. Then again, he wasn’t certain if there would even be an epidemic. At the moment he was reminded of the news on the internet, that thought was immediately shot down. “You were right. They have no idea what is going on; and by the time they figure it out, the epidemic will be out of control,” said Michael.

  “This is progressing much faster than I had expected. We may be forced to seek a more secluded location,” said Angelica.

  “We are already in the boonies. What could top this?”

  “Anywhere away from people,” replied Angelica.

  “We can’t abandon everyone like that. Others will need us,” said Michael.

  Being somewhat surprised and pleased at the same time, his companion decided to pay him a compliment. “I am impressed, Michael. There may be hope for you yet.”

  “So now you want me?” asked Michael.

  “No, I don’t want you in the way you think, but I find it commendable that you are now thinking of others,” said Angelica.

  That statement gave him a great idea, but he must not let on. Suddenly he decided to put the plan into action. Seeing it was already dark outside, he perceived it just might work. “Stay here,” said Michael, grabbing the sword.

  “What’s wrong? Do you hear something?”

  “Lock the door behind me,” said Michael, leaving in a rush.

  “Don’t you need this?” asked Angelica, holding up the 9mm sig. However, Michael was already gone, so she considered locking the door before realizing her friend would need to get back in. While she was pondering those thoughts, a loud noise could be heard off in the distance. It was Michael and he could be in trouble.

  Examining the gun and then eyeing the sword, the brave girl finally decided on a sword as the weapon of choice. With her back to the door, she had not noticed the intruder. Suddenly she got a glimpse of the reflection in the window. It was Michael or so she thought. However, when she wheeled around prepared to embrace the brave young man, she was startled by what stood before her. That must have been the ugliest creature she had even seen. The eyes were the most disturbing of all, yet the expression on its face was enough to cause panic among the bravest of warriors. Grasping the sword firmly, she prepared to aim for the head.

  Before she could deliver the fatal blow, the creature had company. Now facing half dozen zombies with blood dripping d
own their cheeks, Angelica prepared to fight. Yet, it was hopeless unless she could come up with a better plan. Since the intruders stood between her and the door, she considered escaping through the window. Knowing that was a bad idea and likely to end in disaster, she drew back the sword. Thinking she could possibly take out two of the creatures before being eaten alive, tears began gathering in the corner of her eyes.

  Suddenly, in their midst appeared a valiant warrior, one she had only seen in the spiritual realm and then at her own beckoning. Now he was in the flesh but even more gallant than before. With the speed of lightening, the sword took off the top of the head of one of the creatures. As the severed head rolled across the floor, a second beast fell under the intense thrust of his blade through the eye socket. The creature lay lifeless and that was her cue to engage in the battle. Being shocked, but with no time to consider the courageous acts of her friend, Angelica was determined to win the confrontation with the mindless flesh eating creatures. Just when she thought it was under control, she found herself in the clutches of one of the monsters. The strength of the undead was superhuman as she had so diligently drilled into everyone’s mind. Now she was to become a victim too. With its teeth only inches from her neck, its foul breath striking her chill covered skin, and the frightening growl accompanying it, she closed her eyes.

  It was like a dream come true when the grip loosened and the beast fell to the floor. Opening her eyes, she saw Michael. Instinctively she forced a smile and offered a nod as a gesture of thanks. The nod was returned by the determined young man. She noticed the look in his eyes and realized he had suddenly become a man, a valiant warrior. Still the battle was far from over. One slipup could end it for either of them. There was no time to consider that these beasts were once human, but now had been turned. Suddenly this was a matter of survival. With the swift swing of the sword another fell at her feet. With Michael being backed into a corner by two more, Angelica rushed to his aid. Before she could get into position, Michael sent a sword into the temple of one of the mindless zombies before withdrawing it and ramming the pointed blade through the chin and into its irrational brain. The last monster fell between them, leaving behind a deafening silence.


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