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Page 12

by Grubbs, Roger

  “If you are. We need to get this over with so we can get some sleep,” said Michael.

  “Oh, we generally sleep in the daytime anyway. It is easier to slip around in the dark,” said Arnie.

  “Yes, but isn’t that when the zombies come out?” asked Angelica.

  “They come out all the time day or night. But, people around here don’t know how to avoid them like I do. That is why I haven’t lost a single man,” said Arnie, proudly.

  “That’s strange. I don’t see a single man among you,” teased Michael.

  “It is just a manner of speaking, smart ass,” said Arnie. It seemed Michael had managed to start the feud all over again.

  The staring match was interrupted by Angelica. “You brave men, please be careful out there. I don’t know how we would manage without you.” That had done the trick.

  “You don’t worry one little bit about Michael and me. We can handle ourselves, right, partner?” The change in his attitude toward Michael was a shocker to say the least, but Angelica liked it.

  “Then let’s do this, little man,” said Michael. Again, Angelica cringed at the thoughts of how that would be received. However, once again she was pleased by the response.

  “You got it and I will lead the way,” said Arnie. As they prepared to leave, Michael discretely winked at Angelica. She fought back the smile to keep Arnie from noticing it. Right now the men were bonding, and she hoped that would continue. Suddenly the thoughts of them risking their lives for the women caused her to feel the need to express her appreciation. She kissed Arnie on the cheek, bringing a huge grin to his rounded face. Much to her surprise, the little man made a suggestion. “Don’t forget about Michael.”

  “Then this is for you, Michael,” said Angelica, kissing him squarely on the lips.

  When neither of them wanted it to end, Arnie stepped in. “Hey, we have women present,” he said, pushing Michael toward the door. Angelica laughed and Michael was pleased to say the least. That was the first passionate kiss between them and he enjoyed it. Now he had a very good reason to survive and return to receive the rest of that gratitude. Moments later they were out of view, and the door was bolted behind them to keep out intruders. Only by using the special knock as a code would their friends be allowed entry. However, Angelica had concerns about that and decided to inquire of it.

  “What if the zombies knock like that? How will we tell the difference since we are unable to see beyond the metal door?”

  “Like Arnie said, they are dumber than a rock. You will know if it’s them. They just moan like a suffering wild animal while pounding against anything in their path,” said one of the young ladies.

  “What’s your name?” asked Angelica.

  “My name is Nicole but you can call me Niki, if you like.”

  “My name is Angelica and you can call me Angel I suppose.” There was a sense of concern on her face when she made the offer.

  “Is there something wrong?” asked Niki.

  “I am not sure. It’s a long story. Let’s make ourselves comfortable, and I will tell you all about it.”

  “I hate to mention it, but you will find out sooner or later anyway. There is nothing comfortable about this place. I shouldn’t complain though. Arnie has kept us alive,” said Niki. “It’s just that my butt hurts every time I sit on this hard concrete.” The others agreed with her. It was obvious they considered the hard surface to be more bothersome than the lack of food.

  “This will be fine and maybe my companion will find a way to do something about that too,” said Angelica.

  “That would be nice. Your friend is very brave. How long have you two been together?”

  “To be truthful, it seems like a lifetime; but time is irrelevant in certain realms,” said Angelica. The young lady was confused. “I will explain what I can. I am still trying to sort through the rest,” said Angelica.

  “Then is this okay? This is where I usually stay when there is nothing else to do,” said Niki. She sat on the blanket, and beneath it was the cool hard surface of the concrete floor.

  “This is perfect,” replied Angelica, taking a seat beside her new friend. Like the others, Angelica found it to be rather uncomfortable. After shifting back and forth, she finally settled for the most relaxed position she could find. The others managed to laugh as they dealt with this problem daily. Angelica frowned as a gesture to add fuel to the merriment. Then she laughed with them. Turning to Niki, she asked, “How long have you been here?”

  “I have been here the longest of anybody I suppose. The others have been turned or eaten by the zombies. Thankfully Arnie found us. He has been taking care of the survivors since coming across this hiding place. I think that happened a year or so ago. It is hard to tell because as you said earlier, time has no relevance in here.”

  “Where did the rest of the girls come from?” asked Angelica, noticing them lying quietly while scattered all about.

  “They came here mostly in groups. But, the menfolk soon disappeared as they tried to protect us. Arnie was right. The zombies are dumb but the men are dumber. None of them have survived except Arnie. I just hope your friend comes back. Nobody has ever returned after going out with Arnie,” said Niki.

  That shocking revelation sent a chill throughout Angelica’s body. However, she dare not question Arnie’s motives. In the event she was wrong, it would create havoc among the women that had somehow managed to survive thus far.

  Chapter 11

  “Come on, you stupid piece of rotten flesh,” yelled Arnie. He was being chased by a zombie while Michael attempted to climb the stairs to enter the all important warehouse. When Arnie leapt over the open manhole, the zombie fell inside with a thump. Laughter followed as the little man had managed to outsmart the zombies once again. However, as his companion’s jubilation rose to new heights, Michael only shook his head. After all, how much would it take to be smarter than a mindless zombie?

  While his cohort celebrated, Michael entered the second story through a partially opened window. He was astounded to find the warehouse filled with rows and rows of food. If that be the case, why were the women starving while only a few blocks away there was plenty of food? Then he realized how difficult it would have been for the little man to enter through the window that was positioned at such heights. After that to return with heavy cases of food, while dodging the zombies, could prove to be quite a challenge.

  He peeked out the window to check on his companion before picking from the supplies. “Hey, Arnie, look behind you!” yelled Michael, pointing.

  Looking up at the window, Arnie replied, “What was that?”

  “I said watch out behind you,” yelled Michael a second time. Still Arnie had not understood him and was about to be latched onto by one of the frightening creatures.

  The putrid scent coming from behind Arnie indicated something was amiss. Now he was about to be in big trouble. “Stop distracting me. I have to work,” yelled Arnie, running away from the zombie. By now a zombie was hot on his trail while a second one of those frightening creatures climbed out of the manhole. Michael could only hope the little man would be able to handle them. However, he had his own work cut out for him. Getting the heavy crate of canned goods out the window and down the stairs was not going to be easy. Soon he spotted his choice of food. It was a box with twenty-four huge cans of chili. Surely that would suffice for the next meal. Removing it from the pallet, he quickly placed it on his shoulder. Once at the window, he slid it through the opening and took a chance on dropping it several feet onto the landing below.

  By now his friend was up to his eyeballs in zombies. In fact, he was up to their knee caps, literally. “Don’t let them touch you, or you will become contaminated,” yelled Michael.

  “You just get the food back to the girls, and I will follow—that is after I shake these guys,” yelled Arnie.

  “I can’t let you do this alone,” yelled Michael, searching for a way to help his friend. Moments later he realized the li
ttle fellow was doing pretty well on his own.

  “That’s right, you stinking piece of garbage. Move just a little closer,” said Arnie. When the zombie ran into the back of the garbage truck, Arnie took the creature by the heels and gave him a forceful shove. Before the beast could recover, he pulled the chain and the gate fell. Now being trapped inside, the zombie was no longer a threat, at least not at the moment. However, Arnie was getting tired of dealing with the stubborn mindless monster and decided to end it once and for all. He climbed into the truck and surprisingly it cranked. Moments later the familiar sound of the hydraulic system engaged. Laughter sounded out above the crunching noise produced by the beast being compacted into garbage, literally.

  “Take that, you piece of . . .” His boasting was quickly interrupted by yet another obnoxious creature. He was now being dragged by the ankles from the cab of the truck.

  “Help me!” yelled the little man.

  Michael quickly went into action. There was no time to reach his friend, so he took a chance. A shot rang out and the zombie fell to the pavement, dropping Arnie on his head. He stood while rubbing the wound and quickly realized he was now in a most vulnerable condition. If the parasite from those decomposing bodies were to enter the cut, he was a goner. Maybe that had not happened yet, but he couldn’t be certain.

  With more work ahead, he did not have time to dwell on that scenario. In the blink of the eye, he was leading the zombies away from Michael. “Meet me back at the fortress.” That was the last words Michael heard as the amazing little guy was being chased by half a dozen zombies.

  With the coast clear, Michael hurriedly ran across the abandoned parking lot while carrying the box of food on his shoulder. Minutes later he reached the door to the fortified compound. Three rapid knocks followed by a brief pause and two more knocks signaled the visitor was friendly. The door opened and there stood his anxious companion. Inside were more than a dozen hungry women.

  “Where is Arnie?” asked Niki.

  “He said meet him here,” replied Michael.

  “You left him all alone? What if something happens to him?” asked Angelica.

  Finally succumbing to the stares of fifteen pairs of fearful eyes, Michael made a decision. “Here. Take this and begin dinner. I will go help our friend.” Without waiting for an answer, he left the safety of the make shift dwelling to search for his companion. Just where he would find him was yet to be determined. After backtracking and seeing nothing, Michael soon determined that his friend didn’t make it. Now with sadness he would have to break the terrible news to the others. However, just as he had given up, the speed demon shot right past him.

  “You might want to run for it,” yelled Arnie, leaving Michael in the dust so to speak. That was exactly the sound he wanted to hear.

  Soon, after much effort, he was able to catch up with his companion. “You are pretty quick for a little guy,” said Michael, out of breath.

  “I am a former wrestler. You will have to get up early to get the drop on the mighty Rambo,” said Arnie. Now what he had said earlier made perfect sense. That was his ring name. With a smile on his face, Michael followed the little guy to the familiar entrance and allowed his companion to do the honors. When the women opened the door there was jubilation among the gathering. Their friends had managed to survive the onslaught of zombies once again. This time they had gained food in the process. The scent of that delicious chili had already filled the humble dwelling.

  Being the first to notice Arnie’s problem, Niki asked, “What happened to your head?” Quietness overtook them as they all knew what this meant. With sadness they stared at their poor friend. Arnie could be infected. If so, it would only be a matter of days before he would exhibit the symptoms. Realizing what this entailed, Arnie made a suggestion.

  “After I eat with you guys, I will find a place to stay for a few days. If it proves to be nothing, I will come back to you.”

  “You can’t do that. Where will you go?” asked Angelica.

  “I will manage. But unless you hear the familiar code at the door, do not open it,” said Arnie.

  “How will we know you are not infected?” asked one of the fearful young ladies.

  “If I am turned, you won’t hear the code, only the moaning of a sick animal and uncontrollable pounding. If that happens, just ignore it. Now promise me that no matter what you feel, do not open the door unless the code is easily interpreted,” said Arnie.

  “We will do as you wish,” said Michael, realizing there was no sense in arguing once the mighty Rambo had made up his mind. “Besides, I perceive your chances are good. When did that happen anyway?”

  “My friend this happened when the zombie dropped me on my head. I wasn’t prepared for that,” said Arnie.

  The group of women stared at Michael for an explanation. “One of the zombies dragged him from the truck; and while he was being held by the ankles, I shot it through the brain. Arnie must have fallen on his head. But, look on the bright side. He is most likely not contaminated,” said Michael. They all wished it was true, but so many times in the past it had proved to be devastating. All he needed was for the open wound to become contaminated simply by the touching of a zombie. The parasite would quickly travel to the brain, and there was no stopping it after that. The only solution was to destroy the brain, something none of them wanted to consider in Arnie’s case.

  Up until now Arnie had been their caregiver. He had protected and kept all of them fed. Sadness overcame the gathering as they couldn’t shake the thoughts of losing him. Even though their concerns were obvious, Arnie encouraged them to eat as the aroma of the chili filled the air. They were starving and the presence of a decent meal helped matters considerably.

  About halfway through the meal, Angelica observed the demeanor of the crowd. They appeared to be downtrodden. With the possibility of Arnie being infected, they envisioned their hope slipping away. In an effort to lift their spirits, she decided to tease Michael. “I bet Michael picked out the food. He probably thought he would be the one to cook it.”

  “Very funny. Next time you can go and pick out anything you like,” said Michael, looking up from his container that was almost empty.

  “Actually it was pretty good coming from a can,” said Misty, a frail young girl that was woofing it down.

  “I suppose you are right, and I should be grateful. It’s just that we had chili for our last meal—whenever that was,” said Angelica, jokingly.

  “So how long have you two been on the run?” asked Misty.

  “We lost track of all time. In fact, we were off by a considerable amount and have no idea when we ate that chili,” said Michael.

  “It seems like only yesterday though,” said Angelica in deep thought. She decided to change the subject. “What do you guys use to pass the time?”

  “We mostly talk about those brain dead zombies and how stupid they are,” said Rebecca, the young lady sitting to the right of Angelica.

  “I would love to hear about it, and maybe Michael can share a few of our experiences with you, too,” said Angelica.

  “I figured you would want to embarrass me with those stories,” teased Michael.

  “It is kind of funny, isn’t it? If it were not for the dangers of becoming like one of them, it could be even funnier,” said Misty.

  “Then who wants to go first?” asked Angelica.

  “What about the time Arnie ran between that zombie’s legs? The dumb klutz walked straight ahead and fell off the top of the building. He was splattered all over the ground,” said one of the girls who giggled as she remembered the event. Arnie laughed while proudly holding out his chest.

  Seeing that it pleased him, Michael decided to get into the action. “He did the same thing with one of those dumb zombies a little while ago. The dude walked right into the back of the garbage truck. Arnie then unlatched the gate and locked him inside. If that wasn’t enough, he cranked the truck and turned on the hydraulics.”

  “You s
hould have heard the bones crunching. That was better than when I defeated Dynamo the Great in the ring,” said Arnie, proudly. As his thoughts turned to what happened next, he could no longer cope with what may occur to him as a result of that blunder. Rising from the floor, he walked toward the entrance to check the door. Everyone knew this maneuver was only being used as a distraction, for now he must leave. “I had a blast. You guys don’t have to stop on my account, but I must be going now,” said Arnie. Dropping his head, he continued. “Don’t forget to tell them about the wood chipper. That was one of my best works.” With a somewhat fake smile, he opened the door and prepared to leave.

  “Wait just a minute, little man,” said Misty, running to embrace him.

  “No, honey you don’t need to touch me, not until I make sure I am okay,” said Arnie. Tears began flowing among the gathering, and the lonely feeling of losing their best friend was hard to swallow. Even Michael had to fight back the urge to join them. When the door closed behind the little man, Misty approached to make it secure. However, locking him out was like the end of the world for her. Finally, she gathered up enough courage to do what she must. Then she took her place on the floor.

  “Okay who is next?” asked Angelica.

  “We’re not in the mood now. If you don’t mind, I am ready to turn in,” said Misty.

  “How about the rest of you guys?” asked Michael, hoping to change the mood.

  “I will play,” said Angelica.

  “That’s okay. We need to let the others rest.”

  Staring at the ceiling, Niki said, “It seems like we have been cooped up here forever, and we miss Arnie already.”

  “He will be back in a couple of days. Then you guys can catch up on what has happened in the meantime,” said Michael.

  “What if something happens to him? Zombies are everywhere and he has nobody to watch his back,” said Misty.

  After enduring the lengthy stares, Michael made a suggestion. “Do you girls think you can manage for a few days while I stand watch for our friend?”


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