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Need (Vampire Beloved Book 2)

Page 17

by R. E. Butler

  “Definitely,” Cyrus said. “Midas is giving me an opportunity to meet with him tomorrow night as a test. Of course, I’m concerned about my family being safe around me.”

  Bitty arched a brow. “How do you feel right now?”

  Cyrus looked at Cella with a frown. “Fine. Why?”

  “Because wiccan blood is as potent as shifter blood to vampires,” Lorene said. “You haven’t made any attempt to feed from either of us, and as Corners, our blood is even more potent.”

  Brone made an angry sound. “Are you telling me that I’ve put my beloved in danger?”

  Arissa rolled her eyes so hard that Cella was surprised they stayed in her head. “I wasn’t worried.”

  Brone growled. “You knew?”

  She shrugged. “I called Lorene and talked to her about what happened to Cyrus because you’re always so concerned with my safety. She talked to Bitty, who said it was her understanding that tribrids had better-than-average control over their natures. After I met with him, I could tell he didn’t even think about taking a bite out of me.”

  “You smell mated to me,” Cyrus said with a shrug. “You don’t smell like food.”

  “I feel terrible.” Cella sat back with a groan. “Everyone was so worried about your shifter side, I honestly didn’t even think of it.”

  Arissa lifted Brone’s hand to her lips and kissed it. “You know I’d never purposely put myself in danger. That would endanger your life because we’re beloveds and our immortality is tied together.”

  He let out a growling sigh. “I know, beloved. Next time, let me know first.”

  “I will, I promise.”

  Cella leaned over and read the page again. Like the information they’d found in Mishka’s collection, it was very clear that the tribrids were able to handle their hunger and deal with it in ways that took newbie vampires years to master.

  “If I’m reading this correctly,” Cella said, “Cyrus does need shifter blood, the way that a vampire needs human blood. But we can supplement our hunger with SyBl so we only need to drink real blood once a week.”

  “SyBl didn’t exist when this information was penned,” Bitty pointed out. “That’s only come along in the last few decades. Turn the page.”

  Cyrus did as instructed and read out loud. “Tribrids must feed from shifters after their initial waking. Daily feeding of animal blood can sustain a tribrid, assuming that shifter blood can be provided on a biweekly basis. Because prey blood is an integral part of the diet, rare meats and drinking of natural animal blood can be used.”

  “And the next page,” Bitty said, lighting a clove cigarette and blowing a sweet-smelling stream of smoke into the air. “The second line I believe.”

  “Tribrids are no danger to shifters, wiccans, or humans, provided biweekly shifter blood feedings and daily prey-blood intake.”

  Cyrus blew out a breath and sat back, scrubbing his hand over his face. “It’s that simple?”

  Bitty shrugged. “Sometimes the fates are nice.”

  “The thing I don’t understand,” Cella said, giving Cyrus’s forearm a squeeze, “is if tribrids aren’t dangerous to shifters or anyone else, why have we read about them being killed as if they’re a threat?”

  “From what I’ve studied, the issue is that they’re different.” Bitty opened another book and pushed it across the table. “Beloved mating is rare for vampires. Although it appears to be making a comeback in Cleveland, past vampire history shows that it wasn’t something that occurred regularly. Add in how vampires and shifters kept apart from each other, it would be unbelievably unusual for a vampire and shifter to not only become mates but to be beloveds. It just didn’t happen.”

  Cyrus rubbed his chin. “Shifters in our history didn’t like anyone being different. There were some ambushes that exiled shifters if their tiger was a different color. I can’t imagine the issues a shifter would face from not only their own kind but also the vampires back in the days when minor differences could be a death sentence.”

  “At least our people have progressed enough to not kill over that kind of thing,” Cella said. “I’m taking this all as good news, that Cyrus shouldn’t have any problem with being around shifters as long as he’s eating rare prey-meat or drinking natural animal blood.”

  She didn’t voice the idea that drinking animal blood sounded super gross.

  “We can perhaps have the scientists who created the SyBl formula work on a synthetic that would mimic shifter blood,” Brone said. “We’ve tossed the idea around in the past but have never pursued it.”

  “You can keep the books as long as you like,” Bitty said. “I’ve got some tiger history books too, if you’d like to see them.”

  “Thank you so much,” Cyrus said. “You’ve been amazingly helpful.”

  Cella smiled at him. “Do you feel better about everything?”

  “I do. But even if I’m feeling fine, Midas isn’t going to take these books at face value, he’s going to want to test me in person. Which he’ll do tomorrow night.”

  “I think it’s pretty amazing that you’ve been eating rare steaks all along without realizing that you were essentially feeding your nature,” Cella said. “Pretty smart, beloved.”

  He grinned.

  They thanked the wiccans again and left. When they were on their way back to the club, Arissa turned around in the front seat. “What do you think? Did you get all your questions answered?”

  “Definitely,” Cyrus said. The books they borrowed were heavy on his lap and resting a hand on them made him feel connected to his tribrid ancestors in a unique way.

  “I’m glad,” Arissa said. “I’m sure I would have been unhappy to feel cut-off from the wiccans if that had happened when Brone and I became beloveds. Family is one thing, but a group of similar people who care and look out for you is unique.”

  Cyrus looked at Cella. “I’m glad that we know I’m not a danger to shifters, but if I had to avoid shifters for eternity, I still get you and that’s more than enough.”

  She chuckled. “You sweet talker.”

  “Just for you.” He put his arm around her and drew her close, giving her a kiss on the temple. “Have I told you how crazy I am about you?” he asked as Arissa turned back around and let them have some privacy.

  “Many times, but a girl never gets tired of hearing it.”

  “Good.” He cupped her face and let both his beasts out, the tiger who wanted to curl up around her and keep her safe and warm, and the vampire who wouldn’t hesitate to use fangs and strength to keep her safe forever. “I love you, Cella. You saved my life, you looked out for me when no one knew exactly what I’d be like, and you didn’t give up on me. Thank you for all of that. You’re so precious to me.”

  “I love you too. You’re worth everything. I’d fight for you no matter what. And I’m very grateful that we found each other. You were worth waiting three hundred years for.”

  He kissed her, careful not to let the kiss go too long because of the couple in the front seat. But later, when they were home, he’d show her just how much he loved her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  When the sun had set the next day, two SUVs of coven members escorted Cella and Cyrus to a neutral meeting place to check in with Midas. She was nervous, and most of it was related to whether Cyrus would be able to stay in the ambush as a tribrid, or if he was too different. It was dependent upon how Midas’s own tiger reacted to Cyrus as much as it mattered how Cyrus felt about his king.

  “What are you thinking about so seriously?” Cyrus asked.

  She turned her attention from the scenery to her beloved. “The meeting mostly, but I was also just wondering why some shifters call their leaders king and some alpha.”

  “I never really thought about it. I think a lot of it has to do with the hierarchy. Midas is the head of the ambush, period. He’s got a right-hand and an elder council, but he’s the be-all and end-all for what happens in the ambush. It’s also a hereditary position, so w
hen he mates and has cubs, one of them will take over.”

  “If he doesn’t have cubs?”

  “The position would go to the next eligible member of his family. If there happened to be none, then the ambush would elect a new king, and future kings would come from that new family line.”

  “I know the bears call their leader a king.”

  “So do the dragons and falcons. The falcons merged their nest with a white lion pride, who also call their leader a king. I believe the wolves are the only one who call the boss alpha.”

  “Why do you suppose that is?”

  “Because wolves are hung up on hierarchy. No one else in the tiger ambush is ranked, just Midas. But the wolves fight for position, from the alpha to his beta and down to the lowest ranked male. I guess that it’s ingrained in their beasts to need that ranking. With other shifters, it’s just not as much, I suppose.”

  “I’m glad the coven isn’t like that. I’d hate to have to fight someone to be part of it.”

  “Rankings like that have their pros and cons, but I’m glad I don’t have to fight either.”

  The SUV, driven by Temple, parked and he looked over his shoulder. “If you need us, holler.”

  “Thanks,” Cyrus said.

  He got out and Cella followed. The park was deserted save for three vehicles, which Cella assumed belonged to the ambush. Midas sat alone at a picnic table, freshly dusted free of the fallen snow. She glanced at the other vehicles and saw the shadows of people through the windows.

  “Why is he by himself?” she whispered to Cyrus.

  “He’s testing whether I can stand to be around him without attacking to feed. It would be foolish to bring a whole bunch of tigers with him before he knew if I could be trusted or not.”

  She nodded. It hadn’t occurred to her how deep the worry went with the tiger king, but she understood. Better to be cautious than take an unnecessary risk.

  “Midas,” Cyrus said. “Thanks for meeting with me.”

  Midas stood and came around the picnic table. He walked slowly, his gaze on Cyrus. Cella gave his hand a squeeze and stepped away. She didn’t want to influence Cyrus in any way. He needed to stand on his own and let the chips fall where they might when it came to how he handled himself. Silently, she prayed to whatever deity handled tribrids that he’d come out on the other side of this able to be part of the ambush like he’d wanted.

  Midas stood a few feet away, eyeing Cyrus critically.

  “I feel fine,” Cyrus said. He even took a deep inhale, sorting through the scents in the air that included the wild smell of Midas’s cat.

  “You don’t feel like taking a bite out of me?” Midas arched his brow.

  “Really, I don’t. Can I come closer? I promise to keep my fangs to myself.”

  Midas nodded. Cyrus moved close and Cella could hear him scenting the other male. She inhaled and caught the scent of Cyrus’s tribrid, the vampire and tiger mixture that was uniquely his.

  “I’m not saying you don’t smell tasty.” Cyrus groaned and took a step back. “That was gross, sorry. I mean that you smell good to my beasts, but my natures are satisfied right now. I fed from two shifters at the club – a wolf and a puma – the night I woke from being turned, and I’ve been eating a lot of rare, red meat as well. It seems to keep me sane.”

  “Bitty and Lorene came to visit this morning and shared what they’d learned in research about what happened to you. They didn’t believe you’d be a threat to me, but I needed to see for myself. If you’re up to the challenge, I want to bring some other males over so you can test your reaction. Know that I will stop you if you try to feed from them.”

  “I’m okay with that.”

  He glanced at Cella and gave her an encouraging smile.

  Eight males got out of the vehicles and joined them. She didn’t recognize any of them, but Cyrus greeted them all by name. He moved to each male and inhaled but showed no visible reaction to any of them. When he looked at her, she saw that his eyes were the pretty golden and blue mixture, and she knew that both his beasts were firmly in control. Pride filled her at how amazing her beloved was.

  “I think this is why vampires killed tribrids in the past,” she said.

  “Oh?” Midas asked.

  “He got control over his natures quickly. Newly turned vampires can be volatile and overly aggressive, which is why they aren’t left alone to feed. Once he fed for the first time, he’s had no problem keeping his beasts in check. Vampires, at least back in the old days, didn’t like anything that was different.”

  “Shifters have a similar history. From what Bitty and Lorene said, shifters killed tribrids because they were worried the tribrid might kill them during a feeding. I think it sucks that people were killed before they did anything to warrant such a harsh and final action.”

  “Me too.”

  “Can you shift?” one of the males asked.

  “I have access to my cat, but not to shift. I have enhanced senses – scent and hearing – and I have retractable fangs.”

  “I want to test you with my cat,” Midas said.

  “Of course.”

  “Since I can’t call you to shift, I need to know if your cat is still thinking of me as his leader. If your fealty has changed, you won’t be able to be a member of the ambush any longer.”

  “I understand.”

  Cella didn’t even blink as she watched Midas and Cyrus lock gazes. Her sexy beloved was the ultimate predator, an immortal tiger with the added power of the vampire. This was the scenario that had worried Cyrus.

  Midas’s eyes changed color to a brilliant gold. Fur sprouted on his cheeks and a growl rumbled in his chest. Cyrus rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. Tension filled the air, and Cella had the sudden urge to drop to her knees and offer Midas her neck. She’d never done that for anyone, even Mishka.

  But wasn’t that exactly who Midas was?

  A king. A tiger, but a king all the same.

  Cyrus dropped to one knee and Midas let out a roar that made the center of Cella’s being snap to attention. Without another thought, she joined Cyrus on the ground.

  “What are you doing, Cella?” Midas asked.

  She lifted her head and shrugged. “I have no idea.” She rubbed her chest over her heart, feeling an odd pang. “I can’t explain it.”

  “I think I can,” Cyrus said. He took Cella’s hand and brought it to his lips. “She’s got my memories banging around in her skull thanks to our beloved bond. I believe that when you called my tiger just now, her memories were strong enough, vivid enough, for her to feel the need to take a knee too.”

  Midas hummed. “That’s interesting.”

  Cyrus gave Cella a sweet smile. “We haven’t had a whole lot of time to explore what being beloveds means on top of me being a tribrid.”

  Midas didn’t say anything for a moment, and then he offered his hand to Cyrus. He took it and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet, bringing Cella with him. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re tiger enough to show fealty to me. I suspect you also feel the same about Mishka?”

  “I do,” Cyrus said.

  “There were two issues that needed to be addressed today. One, whether you could handle yourself around shifters without trying to feed, which you proved quite easily. And the second, how your tiger – no matter if you could shift or not – felt toward me as king. I believe you’ve proven that you still feel an allegiance to me, and clearly so does your mate. Which means that you’re still part of the ambush, and we can perform the mating ceremony to bring Cella in as a member as well.”

  “Thank you,” Cyrus said as he shook Midas’s hand. “I can’t tell you how much it means to me to stay in the ambush and for Cella to be able to join too. It’s been weighing on me.”

  “I’m sure,” Midas said. The other ambush members joined them, congratulating Cyrus and introducing themselves to Cella.

  “I had a thought,” Melo said, running a hand through his hair.

p; “About what?” Midas asked.

  “Blood. You said you need shifter blood twice a month, right?”

  Cyrus nodded.

  “Doc Harrison has the equipment to draw and store blood. He doesn’t keep a lot on hand because we heal pretty quickly, but I was thinking that we could put out a call to the ambush to ask for volunteers for you so you could feed from donated blood without having to bite your family. I mean, unless you want to sink your fangs into your mom’s wrist.” Melo shivered and made a face, and Cyrus chuckled.

  “That’s a good idea.”

  “I was wondering if shifters had a blood bank,” Cella said. “There are vampire-owned blood banks that pay a nice fee to humans willing to donate.”

  “I thought people worked at the club and fed vampires?” Melo asked.

  “They do,” Cella answered. “But some people want to donate without having fangs in them. A sterile room and a human with a needle is easier for some people, particularly when they can’t control who they feed at the club. It’s not for everyone.”

  “I’ll put out the word to the ambush and you can talk to your family directly about it.”

  “I will.”

  “We’ll join you as mates on the full moon,” Midas said. “Then Cella will be a full member of the ambush.”

  “The sooner she’s an ambush member, the happier I’ll be,” Cyrus said.

  “I understand.”

  They talked a little while longer and then parted ways, Cyrus opening the door of the SUV and helping her inside. “How’d it go?” Temple asked as he backed out of the parking spot.

  “Good,” Cyrus said. “I didn’t attempt to forcefully feed from anyone, and I’m still enough of a tiger to give authority to Midas.”

  “When Angie, Vex, and Rage became beloveds, she didn’t feel like Adam was her alpha any longer. Her fealty switched to Mishka.”

  “I think if I’d become Cella’s beloved in the usual way, that would have happened.”

  Cella leaned on Cyrus’s shoulder and squeezed his hand. “You’re happy?”

  “Very. But even if my cat didn’t want Midas to be our king anymore, I would still be the happiest male on the planet. I’ve got you in my arms for eternity. Life’s good, baby.”


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