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White Hot Holidays 17: A Very Faery Christmas

Page 3

by Mackenzie McKade

  “And you smell good enough to eat.” His words stirred a memory from the book about oral sex. She had never experienced a man going down on her, but damn, she was ready. Ready to experience what she had been missing all these years. And she wanted that experience to be with this man.

  He swept a hand into her hair.

  Hector grumbled.

  “Hungry?” Gordon asked as he released her and his gaze lit upon her belly.

  Oh thank you, she sent her gratitude to the Big Guy upstairs. Gordon had thought it was her stomach growling. If he only knew. “Famished.” She placed her palm on her stomach.

  Please, Hector, behave.

  “The restaurant is just across the street, so I thought we’d walk. Will you be warm enough?” Gordon asked. Again she felt the heat of his gaze across her skin.

  “I have a wrap.” Candice disappeared into her bedroom. Addressing Hector, she asked softly, “Are you going to behave?” She grabbed the thin, transparent wrap from the bed.

  He didn’t speak until she reached for him. “Yes. Yes. I’m just worried about you, Candice. Do you think he can make you happy?”

  Oh yeah. Gordon Nash could make her very happy. “It’s just dinner, Hector.” She tried to reassure him, even though she would give anything for it to be much more.

  As she drifted back into the living room, Gordon said, “Ready?” and opened the door.

  Candice picked up her purse from the kitchen table. “Yes.”

  Ready as I’ll ever be.

  It was amazing how good Candice felt against his body as Gordon slipped his arm around her shoulders. She didn’t pull away, instead she graced him with an innocent smile as they crossed the street.

  The clouds had disappeared. The night was lit with a thousand stars, and a crescent moon hung in the sky. Aromas from different restaurants across the street filled the air. The most dominant was a barbeque restaurant, the heavy aroma of mesquite overpowering.

  “Did you get a chance to look at the bondage book?” he asked and she stiffened beneath his arm.

  “Yes.” Her voice was timid and small.

  He drew her closer to the heat of his body. “Is it something that interests you?”

  She refused to meet his gaze as they crossed the parking lot. Still she answered, “Yes.”

  Excitement raced through him. “Have you ever thought of being dominated by a man?” He didn’t wait for her to respond. “It’s a deeply erotic experience, a thrill and intensity that can’t be reached with vanilla sex.” Her shoulders rose and fell rapidly beneath his arm. His cock jerked with her reaction. “Have you dreamed of being tied up or spanked, Candice?”

  He slowly turned her in his arms and held her close. “Let me introduce you to my world,” he whispered, then pressed his mouth to hers.

  Candice’s head was spinning. His kiss was gentle, yet firm and commanding, as his tongue slid along the crease of her lips, then pushed between them to taste her. She had never been kissed like this. There was control and strength and passion that stole her breath. She found her fingers gripping his shirt. Her body trembled with desire and need, making her breasts feel heavy. They swelled, burrowing into his chest. A rush of moisture dampened her panties. Her legs felt weak. She doubted her ability to stand, much less walk, at the moment.

  A tickle against her ear made her aware that they stood in the middle of a parking lot, a multitude of people strolling to and from the strip mall. Again the titillating itch against her ear appeared.

  “Psst.” Candice had forgotten about Hector. “Too fast. Slow it down,” he warned as the kiss ended.

  But she didn’t want to slow it down. She wanted to feel the thrill and intensity Gordon spoke of.

  The gentle way he stroked her hair. The lust in his blue eyes—for her—sent her body into meltdown. She wanted to please him like the book said. She wanted to feel his hands roam across her heated skin, to feel that moment when their bodies came together as one.

  She wanted it all.

  Tremor after tremor shook her and she didn’t know how to stop them. Her skin felt too tight. The silk of her bra was tormenting her taut nipples. The string of material wedged between the cheeks of her ass—the patch of cloth now damp with her arousal—needed to be replaced by his hand, his mouth, his cock.

  A moan slipped from her trembling lips. “Gordon,” she whimpered.

  “Do you want me to touch you?” Deep and sexy, his voice teased her with the wicked question. “Touch you in front of all these people?”

  Yes. She was a breath away from screaming the word. Yes.

  Instead she heard the word “No”. It didn’t come from her mouth, but Gordon certainly thought it did, as he released her and took a step backward.

  Damn Hector. That wood faery was interfering again. Making out in a parking lot probably wasn’t wise. But she was this close to holding a man who apparently wanted her as much as she wanted him. Couldn’t Hector understand what that felt like? Moisture touched her eyes and she fought to hide it from Gordon as she focused on her purse.

  He reached for her and she let him take her into his arms, burying her face into his chest. “I’m sorry, Candice. Did I push too fast?”

  “No!” she answered quickly, before Hector could throw his voice again. “I want to experience everything you described.”

  When he held her at arm’s length, he placed a kiss upon her nose. “Tonight? Now?”

  She nodded. This was what she wanted.

  “We’ll start slow. But you’ll have to promise to follow my orders without hesitation. Do you have a safe word?”

  She had read about this part. “Yes.”

  The gentleness disappeared from his voice as he guided her between two cars. “Yes, Master. You must call me Master when we’re at play.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  He placed a finger beneath her chin, raising her gaze to meet his. “Your word?”

  “I choose faery. Um, Master.”

  “Take your panties off.” He held out his hand. “Place them in my palm.”

  She froze. Her pulse leapt. Without hesitation, he’d said. As she reached beneath her dress her gaze darted around the parking lot. You want this, Candice. You want to experience something new—different.

  Hector grumbled, but she ignored him. Stepping out of her panties, she placed them in Gordon’s hand. A gust of cool air swept up her dress. She trembled.

  He rewarded her with a smile as he slipped her panties into his pocket.

  There was no mistaking Gordon’s intentions. Tonight he would dominate her and make all her dreams come true.

  Taking her hand, they closed the distance to the restaurant. It felt sexy and naughty to be walking into the restaurant with no underwear on.

  They were seated immediately. Gordon took charge, ordering for them both. As the soup was delivered, he quietly explained her role. All she had to do was obey and pleasure him. The waiter dumped sizzling hot fried rice into the broth, dished out the soup and then promptly left.

  With a spoon to his mouth, Gordon said, “Spread your legs.”

  Her face grew hot. She took a breath of courage and parted her thighs.

  He must have read her uneasy expression. “I won’t do anything to embarrass you. Your sweet pussy is hidden by the tablecloth.” He sipped his tea. “How does it feel to be bare and exposed?”

  “Wicked,” she breathed the single word. That’s exactly how she felt. And it was wonderful.


  She absently brushed back her hair and discovered Hector was gone. God, she hoped he wasn’t up to something.

  Dinner was served and they began to eat. There was small chitchat as Gordon asked her about her business, where she was born and other questions. The night went on as if nothing out of the ordinary existed.

  All too soon the check arrived. Two fortune cookies lay beside it.

  Gordon chose a cookie, then handed one to her. She broke off a piece, dropping it when a little hand waved
at her from inside. Damned if Hector hadn’t infiltrated her dessert. How he managed to fit in the small space, she had no idea. She snatched the cookie off the table, receiving a baffled look from Gordon. She chuckled, tossing the cookie into her purse. “I’ll save it for later. Uh, if that’s okay with you, Master.”

  While Gordon paid the bill, Candice requested permission to use the bathroom. The minute the door closed, Hector sprang from her purse. He was a blur as he flew from one end of the restroom to the other. He stopped in front of her, his wings throwing off a spray of faery dust.

  “Do not go home with that man.” His hands perched on his hips.

  “Oh, shut up. Why don’t you go look for a bug zapper?” He flinched and she softened her tone. “I’m sorry, Hector, but this is what I want. Gordon is what I want.”

  “Then you don’t need me.” In a puff, Hector vanished.

  Candice knew that wasn’t so. Her wood faery had done more for her than he would ever realize. He had given her confidence, even his nagging had given her the encouragement to step out of her shell and to reach for what she wanted. And tonight she wanted Gordon.

  Chapter Four

  Gordon reached inside his apartment and turned the light switch on, illuminating the room. Very little difference existed between his apartment and Candice’s, although his was furnished in darker, masculine colors, and his furniture was mostly leather. His kitchen table was glass, his briefcase open upon it.

  Her steps were hesitant as she moved further into his living room. But that wouldn’t last long. She was so responsive. He had never had a woman who trembled at his mere touch. It did something to him—made him feel that much more a man.

  With a brush of his hands he slipped her wrap from around her shoulders. As she turned, innocence brightened her eyes. He ran his knuckles across her cheek and she leaned into his hand, closing her eyes.

  “Do you want me to touch you?” he asked.

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered as if it were a plea.

  Featherlight, he drew a path along her scooped neckline, down a collarbone and across the swell of a breast, pausing at her cleavage before continuing on. “Keep your eyes closed. Strip for me.” At his words her breathing became more pronounced.

  With a swipe of her tongue, she wet her lips, making them glossy and drawing his attention. He wanted to kiss her, take her down on the floor, fuck her hard and fast. Yet he would wait—wait until she was writhing with need, screaming his name.

  Palms resting on the couch before her, she slipped from her shoes, her feet burrowing in the soft carpet. Her hands shook as she reached for the hem of her dress. In a sharp, quick motion, she pulled the dress over her head. The minute the swirl of air from the fan above stroked her body hundreds of tiny goose bumps rose across her skin. She trembled before tossing the dress aside.

  Gordon cupped himself, sucking in a breath. She was beautiful standing before him in a red strapless bra and no panties. Even before her transformation, he’d known she was special. On an exhale her breath rattled, and she nibbled on her bottom lip. Her long brown hair draped down her back. Her lashes were crescents upon her flushed cheeks. She radiated an undeniable naiveté. Yet he knew she craved knowledge, hungered to learn about pleasures of the flesh.

  And she had chosen him to instruct her.

  Eyes still closed, she reached for the clasp of her bra, releasing her full breasts. Gordon went weak in the knees. His grip on his cock tightened. A throb pulsated through his balls. He needed to be naked and to feel his skin against hers, part her thighs and thrust into her hot, wet heat. Instead, his gaze stroked her.

  The silence was an element of seduction. He wielded it like a weapon to keep her tense, on the edge of excitement. Still, he couldn’t resist the groan that surfaced. The curly patch of dark hair shadowing her sex drew him to her side.

  “Master,” her whisper was almost inaudible.

  “You are not to speak unless I give permission.” He inched closer so that she could feel his warm breath against her skin. Lightly, he blew a warm stream across her neck and chest until he reached a breast. Her nipple puckered, drawing tighter when his tongue stroked across the nub. He blew again. Tiny bumps formed around her rosy areola. He did the same to her other breast, savoring her responsiveness.

  “Spread your legs.” Her hand blindly reached out and clutched the arm of the couch as he spoke. She didn’t move. “Now, or you’ll be punished.” He hardened his voice. A soft whimper left her lips as she complied with his demand.

  Gordon wanted to grasp her thighs, splay her wide and taste the sweet nectar of her pussy. Instead he knelt and breathed warm air against her slit, watching her glisten with arousal. The soft scent of woman caressed him and he felt his nostrils flare.

  As he rose, he took her hands and placed them at his waist. “Undress me.” Her eyelashes flickered. “Keep your eyes closed or I will punish you—drape you over my lap and spank you like a naughty little girl.”

  She swallowed hard, her tongue again wetting her lips. Her unsteady hands tugged at his shirt. When her palms touched the skin above his waistband a tremor shook him. Her fingertips were chilly sliding across his body, pushing the material up his chest, over his head. She laid it upon the couch.

  A knowing grin pulled at his mouth. Before long the woman would be warm—real warm. He would stoke her body from a low simmering burn to a raging wildfire.

  Without sight she struggled unfastening his belt, then undoing the button of his pants. A hiss of the zipper and his cock burst from its restraints. His jaws clenched. Shit. This was pure agony. He threw back his head, suppressing the groan that lingered on his tongue.

  As his pants slipped down his thighs, he watched her gently sink to her knees. God, she was every man’s dream. She was so eager, so willing. First she pulled his shoes off, one at a time. When his pants pooled around his ankles, he stepped out of them and kicked them aside. Candice made to rise, but he placed a hand at her shoulder, staying her.

  “Touch me.” His voice was deep and scratchy. He was holding on by a thread. He needed to feel her soft hands on his cock.

  Her touch was tentative, smoothing across his thighs. His legs inched wider, he braced himself for the moment of contact. A gasp of surprise slipped from her lips as her fingers brushed his cock. He was rock-hard. His balls were drawn tight against his body. He ached to feel her hands grip and squeeze him.

  And then something happened that shook him. He wasn’t expecting it—wasn’t prepared as she slipped her hot, wet mouth over his erection. A breath caught in his throat. He couldn’t speak as her tongue slid up and down, taking him to the back of her throat, working her muscles, creating a tantalizing suction. Somehow she had ripped control from him. His hands gathered fistfuls of her hair, drawing her closer. His hips automatically moved with the sway of her head. He should stop her—regain control, but he was too close to orgasm. He wanted this—wanted her down on her knees in sweet surrender. The bob of her head, his cock slipping in and out of her mouth, it was too much.

  Gordon threw back his head and released a groan he felt from head to toe. The rush swept down his cock as his seed burst into her mouth. She choked, struggling to breathe as she continued to milk him. Her fingertips dug into his thighs. Unsure and awkward, her rhythm slowed. A sparkle of moisture dampened her eyelashes. Clearly she had never taken oral sex to this level. He was proud of her. She worked her mouth, her throat, swallowing until his cock lay quiet. Then he slipped from between her lips.

  Her shoulders rose and fell rapidly as he helped her to her feet, took her into his arms and kissed her.

  Candice felt the Earth move beneath her feet. She didn’t know what had possessed her. Maybe it was the book she had skimmed through. Whatever it was, Gordon’s reaction was more than positive, at least, until the kiss ended.

  “You sucked my cock without permission. You’ve earned a punishment.” His voice was formidable, sending a chill down her spine. Hadn’t he liked what she’d do
ne? As if he could sense her apprehension, his tone softened. “You must ask permission, learn to obey and earn the right of pleasure. Trust me and you’ll be rewarded. Open your eyes.”

  Her eyes were mere slits, the bright light stinging and bringing tears to them. Then they widened with appreciation. Gordon was a combination of rippling muscle and sex appeal. His thick cock was impressive, even semi-hard as it was at the moment.

  A squeal of surprise pushed from her mouth as he grasped her wrist and pulled her to him. His body was warm against her chilled one. “How shall I punish you?” His eyes were dark, but it was his lips that she watched. “Do you want me to spank you?”

  Her pulse sped. Did she? “Whatever will please you, Master.”

  A tic teased the corner of his mouth. His eyes shone with pride. “You did read the book.”

  She nodded, unblinking.

  His gaze searched her face. “You want to play?”

  She nodded again.

  “Excellent.” His palms brushed up and down her arms. “Then a spanking it will be.”

  Nervous yet excited, Candice swallowed hard. She couldn’t wait to see what Gordon did next.

  Grasping her hand, he led her into his bedroom. She took in the differences between her room and his. There wasn’t a feminine thing about it, including the large four-poster bed that he sat upon. With a yank, he brought her across his lap, his now hard erection pressed into her belly.

  He parted her thighs and a slice of fear shook her. She tensed, drawing her butt cheeks together. She thought she heard him chuckle, but her head was clouded, her pulse moving to thrum in her throat. Then his large palm smoothed across her skin and she swallowed the breath she held.

  The first swat was nothing, just a little sting. The surface of her ass warmed beneath his touch. The next swat made her flinch, not necessarily from the pain, but the sound of flesh slapping flesh. A couple more, a little harder each time, then he placed a strong hand at her back pinning her down. His strength was heady. A wave of desire released between her thighs—this was turning her on. Then his palm landed with a smack that echoed the power beneath his touch.


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