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Blade: A Steel Paragons MC Novel (The Coast: Book 11)

Page 21

by Hart, Eve R.

  Sure, I expected her to fall at my feet and give me all of her.

  I’d said the truth. Told her all the things about her that got to me. It should have been enough but somehow it wasn’t.

  And I didn’t for one second believe that she didn’t feel something for me. I saw it. I felt it.

  Was she just scared?

  That I got given all the shit she’d been through.

  But she had to know by now that I’d never fucking hurt her.

  I’d never even imagine doing the kind of shit that her ex had done to her. Not a single one of those things. Even though I didn’t know what they all were, I knew I was nothing like him. I’d never be.

  So what the fuck was the problem?

  “Blade,” Charming said, his body ready to take me on though he’d never be able to hold me back. He knew it. I knew it. But for some reason, it meant enough to him that he was damn well going to try. “Calm down.”

  I huffed, turned my back on him and began to pace again.

  I didn’t want to hurt him.

  I was trying my damnedest not to.

  But if he kept standing between me and where I needed to get to, then there wasn’t much I could do.

  “Call her,” he suggested.

  “I don’t have her damn number. I gave her mine. Told her she better check in. Better come back. That I wanted to know what was going on in her head.”

  “Let’s sit down and talk. Figure this out.”

  I shot him a look that said I was going to kill him for even suggesting that.

  “Okay,” he said, hands held up like he was trying to calm the beast inside of me.

  “Abigail,” I growled.

  His look said I was playing dirty.

  “Yes?” she called out as she came running over from next door. I knew she’d been listening the whole time. Probably wringing her hands together trying to figure out how she could help.

  “Get your man. Now. Or I will move him and it won’t end well.” I reeled my shit in for her, letting my words speak enough.

  “Okay, but only if you promise me something,” she said, brow up as if telling me that I didn’t have a choice.

  I might have punched Charming, but there was no way in hell I’d ever lay a hand on Abigail. She knew it. I knew it. So here we were, me not laying down any promises but also knowing I didn’t have any other choice.

  Damn, that had really backfired on me.

  Well, shit.

  “Go to her without the beast. Talk to her and really listen to what she has to say,” she said almost sweetly. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m guessing it’s something bad. Let her get her fears out and you,” her finger shot out sharply in my direction as if drilling in the next point she had to make, “will take in those fears. You put her at ease but don’t make her feel stupid for having them.”

  “I would never—” I started only to be cut off by the look she shot me.

  “You’re about to explode, Blade,” she pointed out. “She doesn’t need this side of you right now.”

  My whole body, wound and ready to snap, suddenly sagged.

  The woman was right and I knew I’d better listen to her.

  “You good?” she asked me after a couple of cleansing moments had gone by.

  “Good,” I assured her with a nod.

  “Okay,” she said and then grabbed her man, pulling him out of my way.

  I stormed by them without another thought.

  I was still buzzing but I was much calmer.

  “Take it easy… and he is not hearing a word I’m saying,” I heard Charming say but I was already gone.

  Fuck my body and the pain I was in.

  Nothing was going to stop me right now.

  Hopping on my bike, I didn’t waste another damn second.

  I tore through the city, making it there in no time.

  I stomped up her stairs partly because I wanted her to know I was coming, and partly because of my damn leg. Fucking thing still hurt and I couldn’t get my knee to bend all the way.

  “Open up, Sweet Cheeks,” I said as I knocked heavily on her door.

  “Blade?” I heard her say with confusion in her tone. I really wanted to know who the fuck else she thought it would be banging on her door like this.

  The door opened and there she stood in a hot silky night-dress-thing, hair up in curlers.

  I smiled because she was incredibly sexy. Damn, I didn’t realize how much I’d missed her until now.

  Yeah, this woman was it for me.

  I was so done and I wasn’t even trying to hide it.

  “What do you want?” she asked me.

  Her face looked tired, her eyes sad.

  “You,” I said pointedly.

  She visibly swallowed and I knew what was coming next.

  “It’s not a good idea.”

  “Fuck that,” I said and as softly as I could, pushed my way inside, slamming the door behind me.

  Her living room looked a little bit of a mess. The couch held pillows and blankets as if she’d chosen to sleep there instead of her bed.

  “It’s late, I don’t want to do this now,” she told me, her hand on her hip but I saw through it. She wasn’t irritated, she was scared.

  “Fine,” I said. “We don’t have to talk, but I’m not leaving.”

  “Blade,” she said with a resigned sigh. Yeah, she didn’t really want me to go.

  “You’re dealing with shit. And I’m here to show you that you don’t have to do it alone.” I rolled my shoulders. This wasn’t the easiest thing for me to do, but it was what she needed. “I’m not easy to deal with. I get that. But I meant everything I said. And I’m here to show you that I’m here, no matter what.”

  “I just need some time,” she told me and I shook my head telling her that wasn’t going to happen.

  “No, Sweet Cheeks. Time will lead to you thinking about all the reasons why you need to push me away. Might not be great at talking, but I’m not dumb. I see shit. I know exactly how it’s going to go down and I’m tellin’ you, ain’t gonna happen.”

  “I don’t think you’re the kind of man I need in my life.”

  “You’re right,” I told her with a shrug. “Not the man you need because you don’t need one.”

  “What?” she asked, brows pinched together and nose scrunched up in confusion.

  I shifted trying to find a more comfortable stance.

  It wasn’t happening so I leaned my good shoulder against the wall hoping to take some of the pressure off my back and hips.

  She noticed, it was obvious by the way her eyes went soft and her mouth opened. She was probably about to ask me if I needed to sit, but I didn’t want to get off-topic, so I carried on.

  “I always thought that if I found a woman, she’d be needy. Don’t mean that as a bad thing. I’m a protector, so in a way, it seems fitting for me.” I paused and took in a deep breath. “But you don’t need me. I see it and I don’t want to change it. Don’t want to change you. Life has thrown you some shit balls and you’ve proved that you can get hit with them and keep playing. You didn’t give up. You’re a fighter. I think that’s fucking amazing. And I’d never want to dull that part of you.”

  Her eyes blinked, the tears so close to spilling over and I knew she was trying to hold them back.

  “I see you,” I went on. “The real you. I love every single thing about it. So, no, I don’t want you to need me. I only want you to want me.”

  “You mean it?” she asked all cute and sweet.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “I can’t sleep,” she admitted and damn if it wasn’t a start that I’d fucking take.

  “Well, that’s a small couch. And your ass needs more room than that to be comfortable.”

  Her mouth dropped open and I did my best not to roll my eyes.

  Why was it women always heard the worst in everything we said?

  “Love every single fucking thing about you,” I reminded her as I turne
d and stormed into her bedroom.

  I bet she’d done her best not to step foot in here. Probably went in her bedroom once or twice just to take it all in, then everything crashed down on her and she avoided it like the plague.

  She wasn’t ready.

  And that was okay. I wasn’t going to force her.

  “What are you doing?” she called out with hesitation.

  I grabbed up her mattress and marched it out into the living room.

  The thing flopped to the ground with a thud.

  “I’ve been worrying about you for two days. And it seems like that is justified seeing as it looks like you haven’t slept. So I’m going to fucking sleep— wrapped around you.”

  “Oh,” she said. There wasn’t a comeback she had right now and I was going to fucking take it.

  I went to the couch and started tossing the pillows and blankets onto the mattress. Then I scooped her up and carried her to where I wanted her.

  “Blade!” she squealed then let out the cutest fucking giggle. “You’re hurt. Stop.”

  “Nope,” I told her as I dropped her onto the plush bedding.

  She giggled some more and I had to admit that seeing that smile on her face was the best thing in the world.

  I kicked off my boots as I watched her fix the blankets just right. Then I rid my shirt before crawling in beside her.

  My head went to her chest and I fucking smiled. The shit-eating grin kind of smile.

  “Of course,” she said with humor in her tone as she patted my shoulder. “Love my boobs, too?”

  “Every fucking thing,” I reminded her yet again.

  Moments of silence slipped by but I could feel her restlessness buzzing in the air.

  “Talk,” I nearly barked.

  She inhaled, pushing my head up with the expansion of her chest. Then my head sank again as she slowly let it out.

  “You’re a bit much,” she told me.

  “Yep,” I agreed.

  “I guess… I just need time to get used to it.”

  She couldn’t see it but I smiled really fucking wide. She was letting me in, telling me that I had a damn chance. I couldn’t even begin to say how happy that made me.

  “Got all the time in the world,” I told her. “Not going anywhere.”

  “Okay,” she breathed out and it sounded like she was giving in.

  I waited for her to say more but nothing came.

  She had shit she needed to get off her chest but she wasn’t ready. That was alright, I’d wait and I’d be there when she was.

  But for now, I was going to let her cling to me and find enough security to get some sleep.

  I guess having her under me did something for me too.

  Because it wasn’t long before I was out like a light.



  What was I doing?

  I shouldn’t have let him in.

  I should have been stronger.

  I barely put up a fight and I woke a few hours later still trying to come up with a reason why I hadn’t.

  The only thing I could think was that I didn’t really want to push him away.

  It was a lot easier to do it when he wasn’t here. The thought of keeping him at arm’s length was nice in theory. But then he showed up and I folded like a piece of paper.

  I woke up hot.

  Hot from his body on mine.

  Hot from his hand wrapped around my waist.

  Hot from him being so close.

  The things I imagined he could do to me started to fill my head. I couldn’t think of anything else and perhaps, I didn’t want to.

  It had been a long time since I’d been with someone. And those last times weren’t something I was trying to think of now.

  Maybe I just needed to jump back on the horse and ride, as Wade would say.

  The only thing was, I knew it wouldn’t be a meaningless fuck with Blade. If I went there, it would be giving into something big.

  Was I ready?

  I wanted to be.

  But a huge part of me was still very scared.

  That said, I couldn’t deny the desire that was collecting between my thighs.

  I wanted him. Oh, yes, I did. I think I had since the moment I laid eyes on him. I’d just been trying my hardest to deny it and push those thoughts away.

  “Gonna fuck you if you keep rubbing me like that,” he said low and raspy, causing me to realize that my traitorous fingers had been running up and down his back. “My dick has been hard since I first saw you.”

  A sharp laugh slipped out of my mouth.

  He was honest. I guess I couldn’t really hate it.

  “Blade,” I said softly, then my teeth sank into my bottom lip because I was suddenly not sure if I should say the things that were going through my head.

  “Yeah, Sweet Cheeks?” he asked as he rolled onto his stomach and shifted so he was looking down at me.

  His eyes felt like they were trying to peek into my soul.

  And I so wanted to let him in but I wasn’t sure how to.

  “I want to know what it’s like,” I told him. Every inch of me was shaking because I was so nervous to open up.

  “Gotta be a little more on the nose than that, babe, because I’m ready to give you everything.”

  “I want to feel you.” I swallowed hard then licked my lips. “I want you to touch me.”

  “Not gonna be gentle, don’t have that in me,” he told me, his brow cocked up as if letting me know he wasn’t simply saying that for my sake. “But I’ll never hurt you.”

  “I know,” I told him and tried to smile though I was trembling inside.

  I wasn’t scared. That wasn’t it. I was excited and couldn’t wait a moment longer.

  I didn’t have a minute to second-guess anything because the next thing I knew, he was ripping my panties down my legs.

  His fingers went to the hem of my nightie and I stopped him with a firm hand on his. His gaze jerked to mine and he shook his head at me.

  I was so shocked at it that I didn’t know what to do. Still, my hand refused to move. I didn’t want him to see that part of me.

  His hands moved, going to the top of the nightie, and I didn’t even register what he was doing until the sound of shredding fabric hit my ears.

  I sucked in a sharp breath, tears in my eyes and I couldn’t stop them from falling.

  “Only gonna say this once.” He looked down at me with penetrating eyes. “Know what happened to you. Know what I’m getting when I pull this away. We all got scars, babe. And the fact that you’re here, able to carry them, makes you a fucking warrior to me. So don’t ever try to hide that shit again.”

  His words only confirmed my suspicions that he’d talked to my uncle. Somehow, the fact that he seemed to know what had happened to me didn’t feel like the worst thing in the world. If anything, he made me see just how beautiful and strong I was.

  Then he was pulling the ruined garment away from my body.

  “Fuck, yeah,” he breathed out as he took in every inch and curve of me with appreciation in his eyes.

  I let myself relax, finally seeing myself the way that he did.

  He didn’t need to tell me I was beautiful. He didn’t need to actually say those words. Because it was clear right there in his eyes that I was everything he’d ever wanted. Everything he’d ever dreamed of and possibly even more.

  “I’m yours, Blade,” I told him, the realization that I had been since the moment I saw him had finally set in.

  His lips curved up into a sexy smirk. Yes, he was happy I admitted it. That caused a smile to spread wide on my face.

  “Damn right, Sweet Cheeks,” he said and then he was shedding what little clothing he had left on with lightning speed.

  He stayed frozen for a long moment, on his knees there on the bed between my spread legs.

  Both of us couldn’t get enough of each other, our hungry eyes raking in every single inch of the other.

And, oh, my God! He was pierced. As in that huge, thick cock that was clearly hard and ready to go had a bar through it. Not just a little one either. I’d heard of Prince Albert piercings being done with larger gauges, but I never imagined someone would want to use one that big. The balls on the tip and bottom of his head had to be as big around as the tip of my pinky finger. I’d been so lost looking at it that I nearly missed the flash of silver on the underside at the base of his cock. I had so many questions, but the only one that mattered was, how would they feel?

  “Love that you keep this.” His fingers roamed between my legs, playing with the small strip of hair I left down there, and I temporarily forgot about the piercings. “I ever tell you that red is my favorite color?”

  No, he hadn’t. But as he stared down, watching his fingers move in and out of me like he was star-struck, it was easy to figure out.

  “So wet for me,” he said lowly. “Not waiting a second longer.”

  Then he grabbed my hips, flipped me over, and pulled my ass up in the air all in one motion. My head was dizzy by the time it was over.

  I looked over my shoulder to see a condom wrapper between his teeth. Like a beast ready to bust out of his skin, he tore it open and sheathed his waiting cock.

  I let my forehead fall to the mattress as he gripped himself and began to drag the head through my wetness. I’d expected him to take me right away. To thrust inside of me hard and release everything he’d been holding in. In truth, I was kind of excited about it. However, I wasn’t going to complain about this. The slow circling of my clit. The hard, metal ball adding a new kind of pressure. The way he knew just how to tease me with it. Yeah, it all was doing something for me.

  “Blade,” I said through gritted teeth. He promised me something and so far, he wasn’t delivering.

  He chuckled.

  Fucking chuckled at me!

  Then he slapped my ass. His big hand not coming down on my cheek lightly either. I sucked in a shocked breath as my back arched, causing my head to snap back.


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